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Test Info: Warnings

"use strict";
const server = createHttpServer({
hosts: ["dummy", "restricted", "yes", "no", "maybe", "cookietest"],
server.registerPathHandler("/echoheaders", (req, res) => {
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
const headers = Object.create(null);
for (const nameSupports of req.headers) {
const name = nameSupports.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString).data;
// httpd.js automatically concats headers with ",", but in some cases it
// stores them separately, joined with "\n".
const values = req.getHeader(name).split("\n");
headers[name] = values.length === 1 ? values[0] : values;
// Only keep custom headers, so that the test expectations does not have to
// enumerate all headers of interest.
function dropDefaultHeader(name) {
if (!(name in headers)) {
Assert.ok(false, `Header unexpectedly not found: ${name}`);
delete headers[name];
server.registerPathHandler("/host", (req, res) => {
server.registerPathHandler("/csptest", (req, res) => {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.write("EXPECTED_RESPONSE_FOR /csp test");
server.registerPathHandler("/csp", (req, res) => {
// Inserting the ";" just in case something somehow merges the headers by ","
// (e.g. to "bla,; default-src http://yes http://maybe ;,bla").
// This ensures that the server-set "default-src" CSP is not somehow mangled.
"; default-src http://yes http://maybe ;"
server.registerPathHandler("/responseheadersFixture", (req, res) => {
res.setHeader("a", "server_a");
res.setHeader("b", "server_b");
res.setHeader("c", "server_c");
res.setHeader("d", "server_d");
res.setHeader("e", "server_e");
// www-authenticate and proxy-authenticate are among the few headers where
// the test server (httpd.js) allows multiple header lines instead of
// automatically concatenating them with ",":
res.setHeader("www-authenticate", "first_line");
res.setHeader("www-authenticate", "second_line", /* merge */ true);
res.setHeader("proxy-authenticate", "first_line");
res.setHeader("proxy-authenticate", "second_line", /* merge */ true);
server.registerPathHandler("/setcookie", (req, res) => {
// set-cookie is also allowed to span multiple lines.
res.setHeader("Set-Cookie", "food=yummy; max-age=999");
res.setHeader("Set-Cookie", "second=serving; max-age=999", /* merge */ true);
res.write(req.hasHeader("Cookie") ? req.getHeader("Cookie") : "");
server.registerPathHandler("/empty", () => {});
add_setup(() => {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.manifestV3.enabled", true);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.dnr.enabled", true);
// The restrictedDomains pref should be set early, because the pref is read
// only once (on first use) by WebExtensionPolicy::IsRestrictedURI.
// This function is serialized and called in the context of the test extension's
// background page. dnrTestUtils is passed to the background function.
function makeDnrTestUtils() {
const dnrTestUtils = {};
async function fetchAsJson(url, options) {
let res = await fetch(url, options);
let txt = await res.text();
try {
return JSON.parse(txt);
} catch (e) {
return txt;
Object.assign(dnrTestUtils, {
return dnrTestUtils;
async function runAsDNRExtension({
unloadTestAtEnd = true,
}) {
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
background: `(${background})((${makeDnrTestUtils})())`,
allowInsecureRequests: true,
manifest: {
manifest_version: 3,
permissions: ["declarativeNetRequest"],
host_permissions: ["<all_urls>"],
granted_host_permissions: true,
temporarilyInstalled: true, // <-- for granted_host_permissions
await extension.startup();
await extension.awaitFinish();
if (unloadTestAtEnd) {
await extension.unload();
return extension;
add_task(async function modifyHeaders_requestHeaders() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
const { fetchAsJson } = dnrTestUtils;
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({
addRules: [
id: 1,
condition: { urlFilter: "set_twice" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
requestHeaders: [
{ operation: "set", header: "a", value: "a-first" },
// second set should be ignored after set.
{ operation: "set", header: "a", value: "a-second" },
id: 2,
condition: { urlFilter: "set_and_remove" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
requestHeaders: [
{ operation: "set", header: "b", value: "b-value" },
// remove should be ignored after set.
{ operation: "remove", header: "b" },
id: 3,
condition: { urlFilter: "remove_and_set" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
requestHeaders: [
{ operation: "remove", header: "c" },
// set should be ignored after remove.
{ operation: "set", header: "c", value: "c-value" },
// append should be ignored after remove.
{ operation: "append", header: "c", value: "c-appended" },
id: 4,
condition: { urlFilter: "remove_only" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
requestHeaders: [{ operation: "remove", header: "d" }],
id: 5,
condition: { urlFilter: "append_twice" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
requestHeaders: [
{ operation: "append", header: "e", value: "e-first" },
{ operation: "append", header: "e", value: "e-second" },
id: 6,
condition: { urlFilter: "set_and_append" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
requestHeaders: [
{ operation: "set", header: "f", value: "f-first" },
{ operation: "append", header: "f", value: "f-second" },
{ existing: "header" },
await fetchAsJson(
{ headers: { existing: "header" } }
"Sanity check: should echo original headers without matching DNR rules"
// Tests set_twice rule:
{ a: "a-first" },
await fetchAsJson("http://dummy/echoheaders?set_twice"),
"only the first header should be used when set twice"
{ a: "a-first" },
await fetchAsJson("http://dummy/echoheaders?set_twice", {
headers: { a: "original" },
"original header should be overwritten by DNR"
// Tests set_and_remove rule:
{ b: "b-value" },
"after setting a header, remove should be ignored"
{ b: "b-value" },
headers: { b: "original" },
"after overwriting a header, remove should be ignored"
// Tests remove_and_set rule:
{ start: "START", end: "end" },
headers: { start: "START", c: "remove me", end: "end" },
"after removing a header, remove should be ignored"
"after a remove op (despite no existing header), set should be ignored"
// Tests remove_only rule:
await fetchAsJson("http://dummy/echoheaders?remove_only", {
headers: { d: "remove me please" },
"should remove header"
// Tests append_twice rule:
{ e: "original, e-first, e-second" },
await fetchAsJson("http://dummy/echoheaders?append_twice", {
headers: { e: "original" },
"should append headers"
{ e: "e-first, e-second" },
"should append headers if there are no existing ones yet"
// Tests set_and_append rule:
{ f: "f-first, f-second" },
headers: { f: "original" },
"should overwrite and append headers"
// All rules together:
a: "a-first",
b: "b-value",
e: "olde, e-first, e-second",
f: "f-first, f-second",
extra: "",
await fetchAsJson(
headers: {
a: "olda",
b: "oldb",
c: "oldc",
d: "oldd",
e: "olde",
f: "oldf",
extra: "",
"modifyHeaders actions from multiple rules should all apply"
// Host header is restricted, for details see bug 1467523.
add_task(async function requestHeaders_set_host_header() {
async function background() {
const makeModifyHostRule = (id, urlFilter, value) => ({
condition: { urlFilter },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
requestHeaders: [{ operation: "set", header: "Host", value }],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({
addRules: [
makeModifyHostRule(1, "yes_host_permissions", "yes"),
makeModifyHostRule(2, "no_host_permissions", "no"),
makeModifyHostRule(3, "restricted_domain", "restricted"),
await (await fetch("http://dummy/host?yes_host_permissions")).text(),
"Host header value allowed if extension has permission for new value"
await (await fetch("http://dummy/host?no_host_permissions")).text(),
"Host header value ignored if extension misses permission for new value"
await (await fetch("http://dummy/host?restricted_domain")).text(),
"Host header value ignored if new host is in restrictedDomains"
const { messages } = await promiseConsoleOutput(async () => {
await runAsDNRExtension({
manifest: {
// Note: host_permissions without "*://no/*".
host_permissions: ["*://dummy/*", "*://yes/*", "*://restricted/*"],
AddonTestUtils.checkMessages(messages, {
expected: [
/Failed to apply modifyHeaders action to header "Host" \(DNR rule id 2 from ruleset "_session"\): Error: Unable to set host header, url missing from permissions\./,
/Failed to apply modifyHeaders action to header "Host" \(DNR rule id 3 from ruleset "_session"\): Error: Unable to set host header to restricted url\./,
add_task(async function requestHeaders_set_host_header_multiple_extensions() {
async function background() {
const hostHeaderValue = browser.runtime.getManifest().name;
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({
addRules: [
id: 1,
condition: { resourceTypes: ["xmlhttprequest"] },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
requestHeaders: [
{ operation: "set", header: "Host", value: hostHeaderValue },
// Add a unique header for each request to verify that the
// extension can still modify other headers despite failure to
// modify the host header.
{ operation: "set", header: hostHeaderValue, value: "setbydnr" },
// Precedence is in install order, most recent first.
// While this extension is permitted to change Host to "maybe", it has a lower
// precedence than extensionWithPermissionAndHigherPrecedence.
let extensionWithPermissionButLowerPrecedence = await runAsDNRExtension({
unloadTestAtEnd: false,
manifest: {
name: "maybe",
host_permissions: ["*://dummy/*", "*://maybe/*"],
// This extension is permitted to change Host to "yes".
let extensionWithPermissionAndHigherPrecedence = await runAsDNRExtension({
unloadTestAtEnd: false,
manifest: { name: "yes", host_permissions: ["*://dummy/*", "*://yes/*"] },
// While this extension has the highest precedence by install order, it does
// not have permission to change "Host" to "no".
let extensionWithoutPermissionForHostHeader = await runAsDNRExtension({
unloadTestAtEnd: false,
manifest: { name: "no", host_permissions: ["*://dummy/*"] },
await ExtensionTestUtils.fetch("http://dummy/", "http://dummy/host"),
"Host header changedby the most recently installed extension with the right permission"
const { messages, result } = await promiseConsoleOutput(() =>
ExtensionTestUtils.fetch("http://dummy/", "http://dummy/echoheaders")
"Host header changedby the most recently installed extension with the right permission"
AddonTestUtils.checkMessages(messages, {
expected: [
/Failed to apply modifyHeaders action to header "Host" \(DNR rule id 1 from ruleset "_session"\): Error: Unable to set host header, url missing from permissions\./,
await extensionWithPermissionButLowerPrecedence.unload();
await extensionWithPermissionAndHigherPrecedence.unload();
await extensionWithoutPermissionForHostHeader.unload();
add_task(async function modifyHeaders_responseHeaders() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async () => {
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({
addRules: [
id: 1,
condition: { urlFilter: "/responseheadersFixture" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
responseHeaders: [
{ operation: "set", header: "a", value: "a-first" },
// remove after set should be ignored:
{ operation: "remove", header: "a" },
// Second set should be ignored:
{ operation: "set", header: "a", value: "a-second" },
// But append is permitted:
{ operation: "append", header: "a", value: "a-third" },
// Another append is allowed too:
{ operation: "append", header: "a", value: "a-fourth" },
// An unrelated set is accepted:
{ operation: "set", header: "b", value: "b-dnr" },
// An unrelated remove is also accepted:
{ operation: "remove", header: "c" },
// An unrelated append is also accepted:
{ operation: "append", header: "d", value: "d-dnr" },
// The server also sends the "e" header, we don't touch that.
// The server sends the www-authenticate header on two lines,
// which should be removed.
{ operation: "remove", header: "www-authenticate" },
// The server also sends the proxy-authenticate header on two
// lines, but we don't touch that.
let { headers } = await fetch("http://dummy/responseheadersFixture");
"a-first, a-third, a-fourth",
"a set, ignored set + remove, 2x append"
browser.test.assertEq("b-dnr", headers.get("b"), "b set");
browser.test.assertEq(null, headers.get("c"), "c removed");
browser.test.assertEq("server_d, d-dnr", headers.get("d"), "d appended");
browser.test.assertEq("server_e", headers.get("e"), "e not touched");
"multi-line www-authenticate header removed"
// Multi-line http headers cannot be tested through fetch/Headers. This is
// a known limitation of that API, see e.g. note about Set-Cookie in the
null, // Note: null because Headers does not see multi-line headers.
"multi-line proxy-authenticate header kept (but fetch cannot see it)"
// XMLHttpRequest can return multi-line values, so we use that instead.
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
await new Promise(r => {
xhr.onloadend = r;
"multi-line www-authenticate header removed"
"multi-line proxy-authenticate header kept (seen through XHR)"
add_task(async function responseHeaders_set_content_security_policy_header() {
let extension = await runAsDNRExtension({
unloadTestAtEnd: false,
background: async () => {
// By default, a DNR condition excludes the main frame. But to verify that
// the CSP works, we have to modify the CSP header of a document request.
const resourceTypes = ["main_frame"];
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({
addRules: [
id: 1,
condition: { resourceTypes, urlFilter: "/csp?remove" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
responseHeaders: [
{ operation: "remove", header: "Content-Security-Policy" },
id: 2,
condition: { resourceTypes, urlFilter: "/csp?append_to_server" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
responseHeaders: [
operation: "append",
header: "Content-Security-Policy",
// Server has "default-src http://yes http://maybe". When
// multiple CSP header lines are present, all policies should
// be enforced, thus "http://no" below should be ignored, and
// the "http://maybe" from the server be ignored.
value: "connect-src http://YES http://not-maybe http://no",
id: 3,
condition: { resourceTypes, urlFilter: "/csp?set_and_append" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
responseHeaders: [
operation: "set",
header: "Content-Security-Policy",
value: "connect-src 1-of-2 http://yes http://maybe",
operation: "append",
header: "Content-Security-Policy",
value: "connect-src 2-of-2 http://yes",
async function testFetchAndCSP(url) {
info(`testFetchAndCSP: ${url}`);
let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url);
let cspTestResults = await contentPage.spawn([], async () => {
const { document } = content;
async function doFetchAndCheckCSP(url) {
const cspTestResult = { url, violatedCSP: [] };
let cspListener;
let cspEventPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
cspListener = e => {
// A CSP violation results in an event for each violated policy,
// dispatched after each other. Post a macrotask to ensure that all
// violations are caught.
content.setTimeout(resolve, 0);
document.addEventListener("securitypolicyviolation", cspListener);
try {
let res = await content.fetch(url);
let responseText = await res.text();
if (responseText !== "EXPECTED_RESPONSE_FOR /csp test") {
cspTestResult.unexpectedResponseText = responseText;
// No await cspEventPromise, because we are not expecting any errors.
// If there was any CSP violation, we would have ended in catch.
} catch (e) {
dump(`\nFailed to fetch ${url}, waiting for CSP report/event.\n`);
await cspEventPromise;
document.removeEventListener("securitypolicyviolation", cspListener);
return cspTestResult;
return {
yes: await doFetchAndCheckCSP("http://yes/csptest"),
maybe: await doFetchAndCheckCSP("http://maybe/csptest"),
no: await doFetchAndCheckCSP("http://no/csptest"),
await contentPage.close();
return cspTestResults;
// Note: this is derived from the server's policy. The server sends a bit more
// in the Content-Security-Policy header (i.e. ";"), but the normalized form
// is as follows.
const SERVER_DEFAULT_CSP = "default-src http://yes http://maybe";
// First, sanity check:
await testFetchAndCSP("http://dummy/csp"),
yes: { url: "http://yes/csptest", violatedCSP: [] },
maybe: { url: "http://maybe/csptest", violatedCSP: [] },
no: { url: "http://no/csptest", violatedCSP: [SERVER_DEFAULT_CSP] },
"Sanity check: Server sends CSP that only allows requests to http://yes."
await testFetchAndCSP("http://dummy/csp?remove"),
yes: { url: "http://yes/csptest", violatedCSP: [] },
maybe: { url: "http://maybe/csptest", violatedCSP: [] },
no: { url: "http://no/csptest", violatedCSP: [] },
"DNR remove CSP: results in no requests blocked by CSP"
yes: { url: "http://yes/csptest", violatedCSP: [] },
maybe: {
violatedCSP: [
// This value was appended by DNR (with upper-case "http://YES", but
// the normalized form should be lowercase "http://yes"), and notably
// the "yes" request above should still pass.
no: { url: "http://no/csptest", violatedCSP: [SERVER_DEFAULT_CSP] },
await testFetchAndCSP("http://dummy/csp?append_to_server"),
"DNR append CSP: should enforce CSP of server and DNR"
await testFetchAndCSP("http://dummy/csp?set_and_append"),
yes: { url: "http://yes/csptest", violatedCSP: [] },
maybe: {
violatedCSP: [
// Note: "http://" is before 2-of-2 due to bug 1804145.
"connect-src http://2-of-2 http://yes",
no: {
violatedCSP: [
// Note: "http://" is before 1-of-2 and 2-of-2 due to bug 1804145.
"connect-src http://2-of-2 http://yes",
"DNR set + append CSP: should enforce both CSPs from DNR"
await extension.unload();
// Set-Cookie is special because it may span multiple lines. This test tests a
// combination of requestHeaders/responseHeaders and that the DNR-set cookies
// are really working, i.e. visible to server and/or modifying the client's
// cookie jar.
add_task(async function requestHeaders_and_responseHeaders_cookies() {
let extension = await runAsDNRExtension({
unloadTestAtEnd: false,
background: async () => {
// By default, a DNR condition excludes the main frame. But this test uses
// a document load to verify that cookie header modifications (if any) are
// reflected in document.cookie.
const resourceTypes = ["main_frame"];
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({
addRules: [
id: 1,
condition: { resourceTypes, urlFilter: "dnr_resp_drop_cookie" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
responseHeaders: [{ operation: "remove", header: "set-cookie" }],
id: 2,
condition: { resourceTypes, urlFilter: "dnr_resp_set_cookie" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
responseHeaders: [
operation: "set",
header: "set-cookie",
value: "dnr_res=set; max-age=999",
id: 3,
condition: { resourceTypes, urlFilter: "dnr_set_cookie_to_req" },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
requestHeaders: [
{ operation: "set", header: "cookie", value: "dnr_req=1" },
id: 4,
condition: {
urlFilter: "dnr_append_cookie_to_req_and_res",
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
requestHeaders: [
// Just for extra coverage, mix upper/lower case.
{ operation: "append", header: "Cookie", value: "DNR_APP=1" },
{ operation: "append", header: "cookie", value: "DNR_app=2" },
responseHeaders: [
operation: "append",
header: "set-cookie",
value: "dnr_res=appended; max-age=999",
id: 5,
condition: {
urlFilter: "dnr_set_server_cookies_expired",
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
responseHeaders: [
operation: "set",
header: "set-cookie",
value: "food=deletedbydnr; second=deletedbydnr; max-age=-1",
operation: "append",
header: "set-cookie",
value: "second=deletedbydnr; max-age=-1",
id: 6,
condition: {
urlFilter: "dnr_resp_append_expired_cookie",
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
responseHeaders: [
operation: "append",
header: "set-cookie",
value: "dnr_res=deleteme; max-age=-1",
async function loadPageAndGetCookies(pathAndQuery) {
const url = `http://cookietest${pathAndQuery}`;
info(`loadPageAndGetCookies: ${url}`);
let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url);
let res = await contentPage.spawn([], () => {
const { document } = content;
const sortCookies = s => s.split("; ").sort().join("; ");
return {
// Server at /setcookie echos value of Cookie request header.
serverSeenCookies: sortCookies(document.body.textContent),
clientSeenCookies: sortCookies(document.cookie),
await contentPage.close();
return res;
{ serverSeenCookies: "", clientSeenCookies: "" },
await loadPageAndGetCookies("/setcookie?dnr_resp_drop_cookie"),
"Set-Cookie from server ignored due to DNR (remove Set-Cookie)"
serverSeenCookies: "",
clientSeenCookies: "dnr_res=set",
await loadPageAndGetCookies("/setcookie?dnr_resp_set_cookie"),
"Set-Cookie from server overwritten by DNR (set Set-Cookie)"
// No cookies from previous request + request-specific cookie from DNR.
serverSeenCookies: "dnr_req=1",
// Notably, "dnr_req=1" should be missing from clientSeenCookies, because
// it is added in the request, so only seen by the server. Only cookies
// set by Set-Cookie are persisted/seen by the client.
clientSeenCookies: "dnr_res=set; food=yummy; second=serving",
await loadPageAndGetCookies("/setcookie?dnr_set_cookie_to_req"),
"Cookie req header from DNR, shadows existing client-generated Cookie header"
// Cookies from previous request + request-specific cookies from DNR.
"DNR_APP=1; DNR_app=2; dnr_res=set; food=yummy; second=serving",
// NDR_APP and DNR_app are notably missing. dnr_res was modified by DNR,
// because an appended cookie with the same name overwrites existing one.
clientSeenCookies: "dnr_res=appended; food=yummy; second=serving",
await loadPageAndGetCookies("/setcookie?dnr_append_cookie_to_req_and_res"),
"Cookie req header from DNR, merged with existing client cookies; Set-Cookie from server merged with DNR (append Set-Cookie)"
// Cookies from previous request (not changed by DNR):
serverSeenCookies: "dnr_res=appended; food=yummy; second=serving",
// Server cookies removed, only previously added DNR cookie sticks:
clientSeenCookies: "dnr_res=appended",
await loadPageAndGetCookies("/setcookie?dnr_set_server_cookies_expired"),
"Set-Cookie from server expired by DNR (set Set-Cookie + expire server cookies)"
// Cookies from previous request (not changed by DNR):
serverSeenCookies: "dnr_res=appended",
// Cookies from server; because we used "append", they should merge, and
// expire the previous DNR cookie, and create the server-set cookies.
clientSeenCookies: "food=yummy; second=serving",
await loadPageAndGetCookies("/setcookie?dnr_resp_append_expired_cookie"),
"Set-Cookie from server merged with DNR (append Set-Cookie + expire dnr_res)"
// We've already tested dnr_set_server_cookies_expired before, now we're just
// cleaning up.
serverSeenCookies: "food=yummy; second=serving",
clientSeenCookies: "",
await loadPageAndGetCookies("/setcookie?dnr_set_server_cookies_expired"),
"DNR cleared remaining cookies (set Set-Cookie + expire server cookies)"
await extension.unload();
// This test confirms the effective modifyHeaders actions if multiple extensions
// have matching modifyHeaders rules. Only one extension is allowed to modify
// headers.
add_task(async function modifyHeaders_multiple_extensions() {
async function background() {
const extName = browser.runtime.getManifest().name;
function makeModifyHeadersRule(id, operation, headerName) {
const urlFilter = `${extName}_${operation}_${headerName}`;
let value;
if (operation !== "remove") {
// Use the urlFilter as value so that it's obvious which rule added it.
value = urlFilter;
return {
condition: { urlFilter },
action: {
type: "modifyHeaders",
// As the logic of responseHeaders and requestHeaders is shared, it
// suffices to only check responseHeaders here.
responseHeaders: [{ operation, header: headerName, value }],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({
addRules: [
makeModifyHeadersRule(1, "set", "a"),
makeModifyHeadersRule(2, "remove", "a"),
makeModifyHeadersRule(3, "append", "a"),
makeModifyHeadersRule(4, "set", "b"),
makeModifyHeadersRule(5, "remove", "b"),
makeModifyHeadersRule(6, "append", "b"),
// Cross-extension rule precedence is in the order of extension installation.
const prioTwoExtension = await runAsDNRExtension({
manifest: { name: "prioTwo" },
unloadTestAtEnd: false,
const prioOneExtension = await runAsDNRExtension({
manifest: { name: "prioOne" },
unloadTestAtEnd: false,
let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(
async function checkHeaderActionResult(query, expectedHeaders, description) {
const url = `/responseheadersFixture?${query}`;
const result = await contentPage.spawn([url], async url => {
const res = await content.fetch(url);
return {
a: res.headers.get("a"),
b: res.headers.get("b"),
`${description} - Expected headers for ${url}`
await checkHeaderActionResult(
a: "server_a",
b: "server_b",
"Sanity check: headers should be unmodified without matching DNR rules"
// First: verify that "set" is only permitted if there are no other extensions
// that have already modified the header. Note that this requirement already
// holds for actions within one extension, so they should still be enforced
// for modifyHeaders actions from multiple extensions.
await checkHeaderActionResult(
a: "prioOne_set_a",
b: "prioTwo_set_b",
"set should only be allowed if no other extension has set a header"
await checkHeaderActionResult(
a: null,
b: "prioTwo_set_b",
"set should only be allowed if no other extension has removed the header"
await checkHeaderActionResult(
a: "server_a, prioOne_append_a",
b: "prioTwo_set_b",
"set should only be allowed if no other extension has appended the header"
// The "remove" operation is not logically conflicting, let's confirm that it
// works as usual.
await checkHeaderActionResult(
a: null,
b: null,
"remove should work, regardless of the number of extensions that use it"
// While an extension can specify multiple "append" operations, only one
// extension should be able to use it. Another extension is still allowed to
// modify an unrelated, not-yet-modified header.
await checkHeaderActionResult(
a: "server_a, prioOne_append_a",
b: "server_b, prioTwo_append_b",
"Only one extension may modify a specific header"
await contentPage.close();
await prioOneExtension.unload();
await prioTwoExtension.unload();