Name Description Size
canShare-files.https.html WebShare Test: canShare with files 1309
canShare-insecure.http.html WebShare Test: canShare from non-secure context 489
canShare.https.html WebShare Test: canShare method tests 4491
disabled-by-permissions-policy-cross-origin.https.sub.html WebShare Test: is disabled by permissions policy cross-origin 4742
disabled-by-permissions-policy.https.sub.html WebShare Test: Can be disabled by permissions policy 918
disabled-by-permissions-policy.https.sub.html.headers 33
feature-policy-listed.tentative.html WebShare Test: policy is listed 1400
idlharness.https.window.js 289
META.yml 104
share-cancel-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share cancelled by user 750
share-consume-activation.https.html WebShare Test: consume user activation 1149
share-empty.https.html WebShare Test: Share no known fields 1934
share-extra-argument-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Surplus arguments ignored 684
share-extra-field-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Surplus fields ignored 688
share-files-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share multiple files 1056
share-image-manual.tentative.https.html WebShare Test: Share single image file 885
share-non-string-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share non-string types (test implicit conversion) 808
share-null-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share null and undefined values 762
share-securecontext.http.html WebShare Test: Share from non-secure context 577
share-sharePromise-internal-slot.https.html WebShare Test: only one share at a time 1377
share-simple-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Simple share 1030
share-unicode-strings-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share with non-ASCII Unicode strings 1001
share-unicode-strings-nonutf8-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share with non-ASCII Unicode strings in a Latin-1-encoded page 1164
share-url-empty-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share with empty URL 530
share-url-encoding-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share URL with illegal characters (test percent encoding) 868
share-url-invalid.https.html WebShare Test: Share with an invalid URL 2887
share-url-noscheme-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share with URL without a scheme 616
share-url-pathonly-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share with absolute path-only URL 601
share-url-relative-manual.https.html WebShare Test: Share with relative URL 616
share-without-user-gesture.https.html WebShare Test: Share without user gesture error 584
test-fully-active.https.html WebShare Test: consume user activation 2646