Name Description Size
booleans.html 2185
document.tentative.html XPath parent of documentElement 1128
evaluator-constructor.html XPathEvaluator constructor 514
fn-concat.html 575
fn-contains.html 584
fn-lang.html 1959
fn-normalize-space.html 929
fn-starts-with.html 589
fn-substring-after.html 613
fn-substring-before.html 616
fn-substring.html 601
fn-translate.html 623
helpers.js 569
lexical-structure.html 1067
META.yml 79
node-sets.html 846
numbers.html 1666
predicates.html 864 # XPath 317
resolver-callback-interface-cross-realm.tentative.html Cross-realm XPathNSResolver throws TypeError of its associated Realm 3653
resolver-callback-interface.html XPathNSResolver implements callback interface 3575
resolver-non-string-result.html XPathNSResolver non-string return value 1453
text-html-attributes.html XPath in text/html: attributes 3545
text-html-elements.html XPath in text/html: elements 2660
xml_xpath_runner.html XPath tests 2125
xml_xpath_tests.xml 2297387
xpath-evaluate-crash.html Evaluating XPath expressions with orhpaned Attr as context node doesn't crash 623
xpathevaluatorbase-creatensresolver.html 1963