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function test_counter_style_descriptor(descriptor, value, expected) {
let descriptors = [];
descriptors.push(`${descriptor}: ${value}`);
// Fill out the remaining necessary descriptors
if (descriptor === 'system') {
if (value === 'additive')
descriptors.push('additive-symbols: 1 "I"');
else if (!value.startsWith('extends'))
descriptors.push('symbols: "X" "Y"');
} else if (descriptor === 'symbols') {
descriptors.push('system: symbolic');
} else if (descriptor === 'additive-symbols') {
descriptors.push('system: additive');
} else {
descriptors.push('system: symbolic');
descriptors.push('symbols: "X" "Y"');
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = `@counter-style foo { ${descriptors.join(';')} }`;
test(() => {
let rule = style.sheet.cssRules[0];
// TODO: The spec is inconsistent on when the entire rule is invalid
// (and hence absent from OM), and when only the descriptor is invalid.
// Revise when spec issue is resolved.
if (!rule) {
assert_equals(expected, undefined);
assert_equals(, 'CSSCounterStyleRule');
let text = rule.cssText;
if (expected)
assert_not_equals(text.indexOf(`${descriptor}: ${expected}`), -1);
assert_equals(text.indexOf(`${descriptor}:`), -1);
}, `@counter-style '${descriptor}: ${value}' is ${expected ? 'valid' : 'invalid'}`);
function test_valid_counter_style_descriptor(descriptor, value, expected) {
expected = expected || value;
test_counter_style_descriptor(descriptor, value, expected);
function test_invalid_counter_style_descriptor(descriptor, value) {
test_counter_style_descriptor(descriptor, value, undefined);
function test_counter_style_name(name, isValid) {
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = `@counter-style ${name} { system: symbolic; symbols: 'X' 'Y'; }`;
test(() => {
let rule = style.sheet.cssRules[0];
if (!isValid) {
assert_equals(rule, undefined);
assert_not_equals(rule, undefined);
assert_equals(, 'CSSCounterStyleRule');
assert_equals(, name);
}, `@counter-style name ${name} is ${isValid ? 'valid' : 'invalid'}`);
function test_valid_name(name) {
test_counter_style_name(name, true);
function test_invalid_name(name) {
test_counter_style_name(name, false);