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**/ // MAINTENANCE_TODO: The generated Typedoc for this file is hard to navigate because it's
// alphabetized. Consider using namespaces or renames to fix this?
import {
numericKeysOf } from
import { assertTypeTrue } from '../common/util/types.js';
import { unreachable } from '../common/util/util.js';
import { GPUConst, kMaxUnsignedLongValue, kMaxUnsignedLongLongValue } from './constants.js';
// Base device limits can be found in constants.ts.
// Queries
/** Maximum number of queries in GPUQuerySet, by spec. */
export const kMaxQueryCount = 4096;
/** Per-GPUQueryType info. */
export const kQueryTypeInfo =
'occlusion': { feature: undefined },
'timestamp': { feature: 'timestamp-query' }
/** List of all GPUQueryType values. */
export const kQueryTypes = keysOf(kQueryTypeInfo);
// Buffers
/** Required alignment of a GPUBuffer size, by spec. */
export const kBufferSizeAlignment = 4;
/** Per-GPUBufferUsage copy info. */
export const kBufferUsageCopyInfo =
'COPY_SRC': GPUConst.BufferUsage.COPY_SRC,
'COPY_DST': GPUConst.BufferUsage.COPY_DST,
'COPY_SRC_DST': GPUConst.BufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUConst.BufferUsage.COPY_DST
/** List of all GPUBufferUsage copy values. */
export const kBufferUsageCopy = keysOf(kBufferUsageCopyInfo);
/** Per-GPUBufferUsage keys and info. */
export const kBufferUsageKeys = keysOf(GPUConst.BufferUsage);
export const kBufferUsageInfo =
/** List of all GPUBufferUsage values. */
export const kBufferUsages = Object.values(GPUConst.BufferUsage);
export const kAllBufferUsageBits = kBufferUsages.reduce(
(previousSet, currentUsage) => previousSet | currentUsage,
// Errors
/** Per-GPUErrorFilter info. */
export const kErrorScopeFilterInfo =
'internal': { generatable: false },
'out-of-memory': { generatable: true },
'validation': { generatable: true }
/** List of all GPUErrorFilter values. */
export const kErrorScopeFilters = keysOf(kErrorScopeFilterInfo);
export const kGeneratableErrorScopeFilters = kErrorScopeFilters.filter(
(e) => kErrorScopeFilterInfo[e].generatable
// Canvases
// The formats of GPUTextureFormat for canvas context.
export const kCanvasTextureFormats = ['bgra8unorm', 'rgba8unorm', 'rgba16float'];
// The alpha mode for canvas context.
export const kCanvasAlphaModesInfo =
'opaque': {},
'premultiplied': {}
export const kCanvasAlphaModes = keysOf(kCanvasAlphaModesInfo);
// The color spaces for canvas context
export const kCanvasColorSpacesInfo =
'srgb': {},
'display-p3': {}
export const kCanvasColorSpaces = keysOf(kCanvasColorSpacesInfo);
// Textures (except for texture format info)
/** Per-GPUTextureDimension info. */
export const kTextureDimensionInfo =
'1d': {},
'2d': {},
'3d': {}
/** List of all GPUTextureDimension values. */
export const kTextureDimensions = keysOf(kTextureDimensionInfo);
/** Per-GPUTextureAspect info. */
export const kTextureAspectInfo =
'all': {},
'depth-only': {},
'stencil-only': {}
/** List of all GPUTextureAspect values. */
export const kTextureAspects = keysOf(kTextureAspectInfo);
// Misc
/** Per-GPUCompareFunction info. */
export const kCompareFunctionInfo =
'never': {},
'less': {},
'equal': {},
'less-equal': {},
'greater': {},
'not-equal': {},
'greater-equal': {},
'always': {}
/** List of all GPUCompareFunction values. */
export const kCompareFunctions = keysOf(kCompareFunctionInfo);
/** Per-GPUStencilOperation info. */
export const kStencilOperationInfo =
'keep': {},
'zero': {},
'replace': {},
'invert': {},
'increment-clamp': {},
'decrement-clamp': {},
'increment-wrap': {},
'decrement-wrap': {}
/** List of all GPUStencilOperation values. */
export const kStencilOperations = keysOf(kStencilOperationInfo);
// More textures (except for texture format info)
/** Per-GPUTextureUsage type info. */
export const kTextureUsageTypeInfo =
'texture': Number(GPUConst.TextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING),
'storage': Number(GPUConst.TextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING),
'render': Number(GPUConst.TextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT)
/** List of all GPUTextureUsage type values. */
export const kTextureUsageType = keysOf(kTextureUsageTypeInfo);
/** Per-GPUTextureUsage copy info. */
export const kTextureUsageCopyInfo =
'none': 0,
'src': Number(GPUConst.TextureUsage.COPY_SRC),
'dst': Number(GPUConst.TextureUsage.COPY_DST),
'src-dest': Number(GPUConst.TextureUsage.COPY_SRC) | Number(GPUConst.TextureUsage.COPY_DST)
/** List of all GPUTextureUsage copy values. */
export const kTextureUsageCopy = keysOf(kTextureUsageCopyInfo);
/** Per-GPUTextureUsage info. */
export const kTextureUsageInfo =
[GPUConst.TextureUsage.COPY_SRC]: {},
[GPUConst.TextureUsage.COPY_DST]: {},
[GPUConst.TextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING]: {},
[GPUConst.TextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING]: {},
[GPUConst.TextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT]: {}
/** List of all GPUTextureUsage values. */
export const kTextureUsages = numericKeysOf(kTextureUsageInfo);
// Texture View
/** Per-GPUTextureViewDimension info. */
/** Per-GPUTextureViewDimension info. */
export const kTextureViewDimensionInfo =
'1d': { storage: true },
'2d': { storage: true },
'2d-array': { storage: true },
'cube': { storage: false },
'cube-array': { storage: false },
'3d': { storage: true }
/** List of all GPUTextureDimension values. */
export const kTextureViewDimensions = keysOf(kTextureViewDimensionInfo);
// Vertex formats
/** Per-GPUVertexFormat info. */
// Exists just for documentation. Otherwise could be inferred by `makeTable`.
/** Per-GPUVertexFormat info. */
export const kVertexFormatInfo =
['bytesPerComponent', 'type', 'componentCount', 'byteSize', 'wgslType'],
[,,,,], {
// 8 bit components
'uint8x2': [1, 'uint', 2, 2, 'vec2<u32>'],
'uint8x4': [1, 'uint', 4, 4, 'vec4<u32>'],
'sint8x2': [1, 'sint', 2, 2, 'vec2<i32>'],
'sint8x4': [1, 'sint', 4, 4, 'vec4<i32>'],
'unorm8x2': [1, 'unorm', 2, 2, 'vec2<f32>'],
'unorm8x4': [1, 'unorm', 4, 4, 'vec4<f32>'],
'snorm8x2': [1, 'snorm', 2, 2, 'vec2<f32>'],
'snorm8x4': [1, 'snorm', 4, 4, 'vec4<f32>'],
// 16 bit components
'uint16x2': [2, 'uint', 2, 4, 'vec2<u32>'],
'uint16x4': [2, 'uint', 4, 8, 'vec4<u32>'],
'sint16x2': [2, 'sint', 2, 4, 'vec2<i32>'],
'sint16x4': [2, 'sint', 4, 8, 'vec4<i32>'],
'unorm16x2': [2, 'unorm', 2, 4, 'vec2<f32>'],
'unorm16x4': [2, 'unorm', 4, 8, 'vec4<f32>'],
'snorm16x2': [2, 'snorm', 2, 4, 'vec2<f32>'],
'snorm16x4': [2, 'snorm', 4, 8, 'vec4<f32>'],
'float16x2': [2, 'float', 2, 4, 'vec2<f32>'],
'float16x4': [2, 'float', 4, 8, 'vec4<f32>'],
// 32 bit components
'float32': [4, 'float', 1, 4, 'f32'],
'float32x2': [4, 'float', 2, 8, 'vec2<f32>'],
'float32x3': [4, 'float', 3, 12, 'vec3<f32>'],
'float32x4': [4, 'float', 4, 16, 'vec4<f32>'],
'uint32': [4, 'uint', 1, 4, 'u32'],
'uint32x2': [4, 'uint', 2, 8, 'vec2<u32>'],
'uint32x3': [4, 'uint', 3, 12, 'vec3<u32>'],
'uint32x4': [4, 'uint', 4, 16, 'vec4<u32>'],
'sint32': [4, 'sint', 1, 4, 'i32'],
'sint32x2': [4, 'sint', 2, 8, 'vec2<i32>'],
'sint32x3': [4, 'sint', 3, 12, 'vec3<i32>'],
'sint32x4': [4, 'sint', 4, 16, 'vec4<i32>'],
// 32 bit packed
'unorm10-10-10-2': ['packed', 'unorm', 4, 4, 'vec4<f32>']
/** List of all GPUVertexFormat values. */
export const kVertexFormats = keysOf(kVertexFormatInfo);
// Typedefs for bindings
* Classes of `PerShaderStage` binding limits. Two bindings with the same class
* count toward the same `PerShaderStage` limit(s) in the spec (if any).
* Classes of `PerPipelineLayout` binding limits. Two bindings with the same class
* count toward the same `PerPipelineLayout` limit(s) in the spec (if any).
* Types of resource binding which have distinct binding rules, by spec
* (e.g. filtering vs non-filtering sampler, multisample vs non-multisample texture).
export const kBindableResources = [
// Bindings
/** Dynamic buffer offsets require offset to be divisible by 256, by spec. */
export const kMinDynamicBufferOffsetAlignment = 256;
/** Default `PerShaderStage` binding limits, by spec. */
export const kPerStageBindingLimits =
'uniformBuf': { class: 'uniformBuf', maxLimit: 'maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage' },
'storageBuf': { class: 'storageBuf', maxLimit: 'maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage' },
'sampler': { class: 'sampler', maxLimit: 'maxSamplersPerShaderStage' },
'sampledTex': { class: 'sampledTex', maxLimit: 'maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage' },
'readonlyStorageTex': { class: 'readonlyStorageTex', maxLimit: 'maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage' },
'writeonlyStorageTex': { class: 'writeonlyStorageTex', maxLimit: 'maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage' },
'readwriteStorageTex': { class: 'readwriteStorageTex', maxLimit: 'maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage' }
* Default `PerPipelineLayout` binding limits, by spec.
export const kPerPipelineBindingLimits =
'uniformBuf': { class: 'uniformBuf', maxDynamicLimit: 'maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout' },
'storageBuf': { class: 'storageBuf', maxDynamicLimit: 'maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout' },
'sampler': { class: 'sampler', maxDynamicLimit: '' },
'sampledTex': { class: 'sampledTex', maxDynamicLimit: '' },
'readonlyStorageTex': { class: 'readonlyStorageTex', maxDynamicLimit: '' },
'writeonlyStorageTex': { class: 'writeonlyStorageTex', maxDynamicLimit: '' },
'readwriteStorageTex': { class: 'readwriteStorageTex', maxDynamicLimit: '' }
const kBindingKind =
uniformBuf: { resource: 'uniformBuf', perStageLimitClass: kPerStageBindingLimits.uniformBuf, perPipelineLimitClass: kPerPipelineBindingLimits.uniformBuf },
storageBuf: { resource: 'storageBuf', perStageLimitClass: kPerStageBindingLimits.storageBuf, perPipelineLimitClass: kPerPipelineBindingLimits.storageBuf },
filtSamp: { resource: 'filtSamp', perStageLimitClass: kPerStageBindingLimits.sampler, perPipelineLimitClass: kPerPipelineBindingLimits.sampler },
nonFiltSamp: { resource: 'nonFiltSamp', perStageLimitClass: kPerStageBindingLimits.sampler, perPipelineLimitClass: kPerPipelineBindingLimits.sampler },
compareSamp: { resource: 'compareSamp', perStageLimitClass: kPerStageBindingLimits.sampler, perPipelineLimitClass: kPerPipelineBindingLimits.sampler },
sampledTex: { resource: 'sampledTex', perStageLimitClass: kPerStageBindingLimits.sampledTex, perPipelineLimitClass: kPerPipelineBindingLimits.sampledTex },
sampledTexMS: { resource: 'sampledTexMS', perStageLimitClass: kPerStageBindingLimits.sampledTex, perPipelineLimitClass: kPerPipelineBindingLimits.sampledTex },
readonlyStorageTex: { resource: 'readonlyStorageTex', perStageLimitClass: kPerStageBindingLimits.readonlyStorageTex, perPipelineLimitClass: kPerPipelineBindingLimits.readonlyStorageTex },
writeonlyStorageTex: { resource: 'writeonlyStorageTex', perStageLimitClass: kPerStageBindingLimits.writeonlyStorageTex, perPipelineLimitClass: kPerPipelineBindingLimits.writeonlyStorageTex },
readwriteStorageTex: { resource: 'readwriteStorageTex', perStageLimitClass: kPerStageBindingLimits.readwriteStorageTex, perPipelineLimitClass: kPerPipelineBindingLimits.readwriteStorageTex }
// Binding type info
const kValidStagesAll = {
GPUConst.ShaderStage.VERTEX | GPUConst.ShaderStage.FRAGMENT | GPUConst.ShaderStage.COMPUTE
const kValidStagesStorageWrite = {
validStages: GPUConst.ShaderStage.FRAGMENT | GPUConst.ShaderStage.COMPUTE
/** Binding type info (including class limits) for the specified GPUBufferBindingLayout. */
export function bufferBindingTypeInfo(d) {
switch (d.type ?? 'uniform') {
case 'uniform':return { usage: GPUConst.BufferUsage.UNIFORM, ...kBindingKind.uniformBuf, ...kValidStagesAll };
case 'storage':return { usage: GPUConst.BufferUsage.STORAGE, ...kBindingKind.storageBuf, ...kValidStagesStorageWrite };
case 'read-only-storage':return { usage: GPUConst.BufferUsage.STORAGE, ...kBindingKind.storageBuf, ...kValidStagesAll };
/** List of all GPUBufferBindingType values. */
export const kBufferBindingTypes = ['uniform', 'storage', 'read-only-storage'];
/** Binding type info (including class limits) for the specified GPUSamplerBindingLayout. */
export function samplerBindingTypeInfo(d) {
switch (d.type ?? 'filtering') {
case 'filtering':return { ...kBindingKind.filtSamp, ...kValidStagesAll };
case 'non-filtering':return { ...kBindingKind.nonFiltSamp, ...kValidStagesAll };
case 'comparison':return { ...kBindingKind.compareSamp, ...kValidStagesAll };
/** List of all GPUSamplerBindingType values. */
export const kSamplerBindingTypes = ['filtering', 'non-filtering', 'comparison'];
/** Binding type info (including class limits) for the specified GPUTextureBindingLayout. */
export function sampledTextureBindingTypeInfo(d) {
if (d.multisampled) {
return { usage: GPUConst.TextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING, ...kBindingKind.sampledTexMS, ...kValidStagesAll };
} else {
return { usage: GPUConst.TextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING, ...kBindingKind.sampledTex, ...kValidStagesAll };
/** List of all GPUTextureSampleType values. */
export const kTextureSampleTypes = [
/** Binding type info (including class limits) for the specified GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout. */
export function storageTextureBindingTypeInfo(d) {
switch (d.access) {
case undefined:
case 'write-only':
return {
usage: GPUConst.TextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING,
case 'read-only':
return {
usage: GPUConst.TextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING,
case 'read-write':
return {
usage: GPUConst.TextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING,
/** List of all GPUStorageTextureAccess values. */
export const kStorageTextureAccessValues = ['read-only', 'read-write', 'write-only'];
/** GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry, but only the "union" fields, not the common fields. */
/** Binding type info (including class limits) for the specified BGLEntry. */
export function texBindingTypeInfo(e) {
if (e.texture !== undefined) return sampledTextureBindingTypeInfo(e.texture);
if (e.storageTexture !== undefined) return storageTextureBindingTypeInfo(e.storageTexture);
/** BindingTypeInfo (including class limits) for the specified BGLEntry. */
export function bindingTypeInfo(e) {
if (e.buffer !== undefined) return bufferBindingTypeInfo(e.buffer);
if (e.texture !== undefined) return sampledTextureBindingTypeInfo(e.texture);
if (e.sampler !== undefined) return samplerBindingTypeInfo(e.sampler);
if (e.storageTexture !== undefined) return storageTextureBindingTypeInfo(e.storageTexture);
unreachable('GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry has no BindingLayout');
* Generate a list of possible buffer-typed BGLEntry values.
* Note: Generates different `type` options, but not `hasDynamicOffset` options.
export function bufferBindingEntries(includeUndefined) {
return [
...(includeUndefined ? [{ buffer: { type: undefined } }] : []),
{ buffer: { type: 'uniform' } },
{ buffer: { type: 'storage' } },
{ buffer: { type: 'read-only-storage' } }];
/** Generate a list of possible sampler-typed BGLEntry values. */
export function samplerBindingEntries(includeUndefined) {
return [
...(includeUndefined ? [{ sampler: { type: undefined } }] : []),
{ sampler: { type: 'comparison' } },
{ sampler: { type: 'filtering' } },
{ sampler: { type: 'non-filtering' } }];
* Generate a list of possible texture-typed BGLEntry values.
* Note: Generates different `multisampled` options, but not `sampleType` or `viewDimension` options.
export function textureBindingEntries(includeUndefined) {
return [
...(includeUndefined ?
[{ texture: { multisampled: undefined, sampleType: 'unfilterable-float' } }] :
{ texture: { multisampled: false, sampleType: 'unfilterable-float' } },
{ texture: { multisampled: true, sampleType: 'unfilterable-float' } }];
* Generate a list of possible storageTexture-typed BGLEntry values.
* Note: Generates different `access` options, but not `format` or `viewDimension` options.
export function storageTextureBindingEntries() {
return [
{ storageTexture: { access: 'write-only', format: 'r32float' } },
{ storageTexture: { access: 'read-only', format: 'r32float' } },
{ storageTexture: { access: 'read-write', format: 'r32float' } }];
/** Generate a list of possible texture-or-storageTexture-typed BGLEntry values. */
export function sampledAndStorageBindingEntries(includeUndefined) {
return [...textureBindingEntries(includeUndefined), ...storageTextureBindingEntries()];
* Generate a list of possible BGLEntry values of every type, but not variants with different:
* - buffer.hasDynamicOffset
* - texture.sampleType
* - texture.viewDimension
* - storageTexture.viewDimension
export function allBindingEntries(includeUndefined) {
return [
// Shader stages
/** List of all GPUShaderStage values. */
export const kShaderStageKeys = Object.keys(GPUConst.ShaderStage);
export const kShaderStages = [
/** List of all possible combinations of GPUShaderStage values. */
export const kShaderStageCombinations = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
export const kShaderStageCombinationsWithStage = [
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
* List of all possible texture sampleCount values.
* MAINTENANCE_TODO: Switch existing tests to use kTextureSampleCounts
export const kTextureSampleCounts = [1, 4];
// Sampler info
/** List of all mipmap filter modes. */
export const kMipmapFilterModes = ['nearest', 'linear'];
/** List of address modes. */
export const kAddressModes = [
// Blend factors and Blend components
/** List of all GPUBlendFactor values. */
export const kBlendFactors = [
/** List of all GPUBlendOperation values. */
export const kBlendOperations = [
'add', //
// Primitive topologies
export const kPrimitiveTopology = [
export const kIndexFormat = ['uint16', 'uint32'];
/** Info for each entry of GPUSupportedLimits */
const [kLimitInfoKeys, kLimitInfoDefaults, kLimitInfoData] =
['class', 'core', 'compatibility', 'maximumValue'],
['maximum',,, kMaxUnsignedLongValue], {
'maxTextureDimension1D': [, 8192, 4096],
'maxTextureDimension2D': [, 8192, 4096],
'maxTextureDimension3D': [, 2048, 1024],
'maxTextureArrayLayers': [, 256, 256],
'maxBindGroups': [, 4, 4],
'maxBindGroupsPlusVertexBuffers': [, 24, 24],
'maxBindingsPerBindGroup': [, 1000, 1000],
'maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout': [, 8, 8],
'maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout': [, 4, 4],
'maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage': [, 16, 16],
'maxSamplersPerShaderStage': [, 16, 16],
'maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage': [, 8, 4],
'maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage': [, 4, 4],
'maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage': [, 12, 12],
'maxUniformBufferBindingSize': [, 65536, 16384, kMaxUnsignedLongLongValue],
'maxStorageBufferBindingSize': [, 134217728, 134217728, kMaxUnsignedLongLongValue],
'minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment': ['alignment', 256, 256],
'minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment': ['alignment', 256, 256],
'maxVertexBuffers': [, 8, 8],
'maxBufferSize': [, 268435456, 268435456, kMaxUnsignedLongLongValue],
'maxVertexAttributes': [, 16, 16],
'maxVertexBufferArrayStride': [, 2048, 2048],
'maxInterStageShaderComponents': [, 60, 60],
'maxInterStageShaderVariables': [, 16, 15],
'maxColorAttachments': [, 8, 4],
'maxColorAttachmentBytesPerSample': [, 32, 32],
'maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize': [, 16384, 16384],
'maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup': [, 256, 128],
'maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX': [, 256, 128],
'maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY': [, 256, 128],
'maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ': [, 64, 64],
'maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension': [, 65535, 65535]
* Feature levels corresponding to core WebGPU and WebGPU
* in compatibility mode. They can be passed to
* getDefaultLimits though if you have access to an adapter
* it's preferred to use getDefaultLimitsForAdapter.
export const kFeatureLevels = ['core', 'compatibility'];
const kLimitKeys = ['class', 'default', 'maximumValue'];
const kLimitInfoCore = makeTableRenameAndFilter(
{ default: 'core' },
const kLimitInfoCompatibility = makeTableRenameAndFilter(
{ default: 'compatibility' },
const kLimitInfos = {
core: kLimitInfoCore,
compatibility: kLimitInfoCompatibility
export const kLimitClasses = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(kLimitInfoCore).map(([k, { class: c }]) => [k, c])
export function getDefaultLimits(featureLevel) {
return kLimitInfos[featureLevel];
export function getDefaultLimitsForAdapter(adapter) {
// MAINTENANCE_TODO: Remove casts when GPUAdapter IDL has isCompatibilityMode.
return getDefaultLimits(
adapter.isCompatibilityMode ?
'compatibility' :
/** List of all entries of GPUSupportedLimits. */
export const kLimits = keysOf(kLimitInfoCore);
* The number of color attachments to test.
* The CTS needs to generate a consistent list of tests.
* We can't use any default limits since they different from core to compat mode
* So, tests should use this value and filter out any values that are out of
* range for the current device.
* The test in maxColorAttachments.spec.ts tests that kMaxColorAttachmentsToTest
* is large enough to cover all devices tested.
export const kMaxColorAttachmentsToTest = 32;
/** The size of indirect draw parameters in the indirectBuffer of drawIndirect */
export const kDrawIndirectParametersSize = 4;
/** The size of indirect drawIndexed parameters in the indirectBuffer of drawIndexedIndirect */
export const kDrawIndexedIndirectParametersSize = 5;
/** Per-GPUFeatureName info. */
export const kFeatureNameInfo =
'bgra8unorm-storage': {},
'depth-clip-control': {},
'depth32float-stencil8': {},
'texture-compression-bc': {},
'texture-compression-etc2': {},
'texture-compression-astc': {},
'timestamp-query': {},
'indirect-first-instance': {},
'shader-f16': {},
'rg11b10ufloat-renderable': {},
'float32-filterable': {}
/** List of all GPUFeatureName values. */
export const kFeatureNames = keysOf(kFeatureNameInfo);
/** List of all known WGSL language features */
export const kKnownWGSLLanguageFeatures = [