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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import os
import plistlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import time
import zipfile
from optparse import OptionParser
import mozfile
import mozinfo
import requests
from six import PY3, reraise
import pefile
has_pefile = True
except ImportError:
has_pefile = False
class InstallError(Exception):
"""Thrown when installation fails. Includes traceback if available."""
class InvalidBinary(Exception):
"""Thrown when the binary cannot be found after the installation."""
class InvalidSource(Exception):
"""Thrown when the specified source is not a recognized file type.
Supported types:
Linux: tar.gz, tar.bz2
Mac: dmg
Windows: zip, exe
class UninstallError(Exception):
"""Thrown when uninstallation fails. Includes traceback if available."""
def _readPlist(path):
if PY3:
with open(path, "rb") as fp:
return plistlib.load(fp)
return plistlib.readPlist(path)
def get_binary(path, app_name):
"""Find the binary in the specified path, and return its path. If binary is
not found throw an InvalidBinary exception.
:param path: Path within to search for the binary
:param app_name: Application binary without file extension to look for
binary = None
# On OS X we can get the real binary from the app bundle
if mozinfo.isMac:
plist = "%s/Contents/Info.plist" % path
if not os.path.isfile(plist):
raise InvalidBinary("%s/Contents/Info.plist not found" % path)
binary = os.path.join(
path, "Contents/MacOS/", _readPlist(plist)["CFBundleExecutable"]
app_name = app_name.lower()
if mozinfo.isWin:
app_name = app_name + ".exe"
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for filename in files:
# os.access evaluates to False for some reason, so not using it
if filename.lower() == app_name:
binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, filename))
if not binary:
# The expected binary has not been found.
raise InvalidBinary('"%s" does not contain a valid binary.' % path)
return binary
def install(src, dest):
"""Install a zip, exe, tar.gz, tar.bz2 or dmg file, and return the path of
the installation folder.
:param src: Path to the install file
:param dest: Path to install to (to ensure we do not overwrite any existent
files the folder should not exist yet)
if not is_installer(src):
msg = "{} is not a valid installer file".format(src)
if "://" in src:
return _install_url(src, dest)
except Exception:
exc, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
error = InvalidSource("{} ({})".format(msg, val))
reraise(InvalidSource, error, tb)
raise InvalidSource(msg)
src = os.path.realpath(src)
dest = os.path.realpath(dest)
did_we_create = False
if not os.path.exists(dest):
did_we_create = True
trbk = None
install_dir = None
if src.lower().endswith(".dmg"):
install_dir = _install_dmg(src, dest)
elif src.lower().endswith(".exe"):
install_dir = _install_exe(src, dest)
elif src.lower().endswith(".msix"):
install_dir = _install_msix(src)
elif zipfile.is_zipfile(src) or tarfile.is_tarfile(src):
install_dir = mozfile.extract(src, dest)[0]
return install_dir
except BaseException:
cls, exc, trbk = sys.exc_info()
if did_we_create:
# try to uninstall this properly
except Exception:
# uninstall may fail, let's just try to clean the folder
# in this case
except Exception:
if issubclass(cls, Exception):
error = InstallError('Failed to install "%s (%s)"' % (src, str(exc)))
reraise(InstallError, error, trbk)
# any other kind of exception like KeyboardInterrupt is just re-raised.
reraise(cls, exc, trbk)
# trbk won't get GC'ed due to circular reference
del trbk
def is_installer(src):
"""Tests if the given file is a valid installer package.
Supported types:
Linux: tar.gz, tar.bz2
Mac: dmg
Windows: zip, exe
On Windows pefile will be used to determine if the executable is the
right type, if it is installed on the system.
:param src: Path to the install file.
src = os.path.realpath(src)
if not os.path.isfile(src):
return False
if mozinfo.isLinux:
return tarfile.is_tarfile(src)
elif mozinfo.isMac:
return src.lower().endswith(".dmg")
elif mozinfo.isWin:
if zipfile.is_zipfile(src):
return True
if os.access(src, os.X_OK) and src.lower().endswith(".exe"):
if has_pefile:
# try to determine if binary is actually a gecko installer
pe_data = pefile.PE(src)
data = {}
for info in getattr(pe_data, "FileInfo", []):
if info.Key == "StringFileInfo":
for string in info.StringTable:
return "BuildID" not in data
# pefile not available, just assume a proper binary was passed in
return True
return False
def uninstall(install_folder):
"""Uninstalls the application in the specified path. If it has been
installed via an installer on Windows, use the uninstaller first.
:param install_folder: Path of the installation folder
# Uninstallation for MSIX applications is totally different than
# any other installs...
if "WindowsApps" in install_folder:
# At the time of writing, the package installation directory is always
# the package full name, so this assumption is valid (for now....).
packageFullName = install_folder.split("WindowsApps\\")[1].split("\\")[0]
cmd = f"powershell.exe Remove-AppxPackage -Package {packageFullName}"
install_folder = os.path.realpath(install_folder)
assert os.path.isdir(install_folder), (
'installation folder "%s" exists.' % install_folder
# On Windows we have to use the uninstaller. If it's not available fallback
# to the directory removal code
if mozinfo.isWin:
uninstall_folder = "%s\\uninstall" % install_folder
log_file = "%s\\uninstall.log" % uninstall_folder
if os.path.isfile(log_file):
trbk = None
cmdArgs = ["%s\\uninstall\\helper.exe" % install_folder, "/S"]
result =
if result != 0:
raise Exception("Execution of uninstaller failed.")
# The uninstaller spawns another process so the subprocess call
# returns immediately. We have to wait until the uninstall
# folder has been removed or until we run into a timeout.
end_time = time.time() + TIMEOUT_UNINSTALL
while os.path.exists(uninstall_folder):
if time.time() > end_time:
raise Exception("Failure removing uninstall folder.")
except Exception as ex:
cls, exc, trbk = sys.exc_info()
error = UninstallError(
"Failed to uninstall %s (%s)" % (install_folder, str(ex))
reraise(UninstallError, error, trbk)
# trbk won't get GC'ed due to circular reference
del trbk
# Ensure that we remove any trace of the installation. Even the uninstaller
# on Windows leaves files behind we have to explicitely remove.
def _install_url(url, dest):
"""Saves a url to a temporary file, and passes that through to the
install function.
:param url: Url to the install file
:param dest: Path to install to (to ensure we do not overwrite any existent
files the folder should not exist yet)
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
name = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
with open(name, "w+b") as fh:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=16 * 1024):
result = install(name, dest)
return result
def _install_dmg(src, dest):
"""Extract a dmg file into the destination folder and return the
application folder.
src -- DMG image which has to be extracted
dest -- the path to extract to
appDir = None
# According to the Apple doc, the hdiutil output is stable and is based on the tab
# separators
# Therefor, $3 should give us the mounted path
appDir = (
'hdiutil attach -nobrowse -noautoopen "%s"'
"|grep /Volumes/"
"|awk 'BEGIN{FS=\"\t\"} {print $3}'" % str(src),
for appFile in os.listdir(appDir):
if appFile.endswith(".app"):
appName = appFile
mounted_path = os.path.join(appDir, appName)
dest = os.path.join(dest, appName)
# copytree() would fail if dest already exists.
if os.path.exists(dest):
raise InstallError('App bundle "%s" already exists.' % dest)
shutil.copytree(mounted_path, dest, False)
if appDir:
subprocess.check_call('hdiutil detach "%s" -quiet' % appDir, shell=True)
return dest
def _install_exe(src, dest):
"""Run the MSI installer to silently install the application into the
destination folder. Return the folder path.
src -- MSI installer to be executed
dest -- the path to install to
# The installer doesn't automatically create a sub folder. Lets guess the
# best name from the src file name
filename = os.path.basename(src)
dest = os.path.join(dest, filename.split(".")[0])
# possibly gets around UAC in vista (still need to run as administrator)
os.environ["__compat_layer"] = "RunAsInvoker"
cmd = '"%s" /extractdir=%s' % (src, os.path.realpath(dest))
return dest
def _get_msix_install_location(pkg):
with zipfile.ZipFile(pkg) as zf:
# First, we pull the app identity out of the AppxManifest...
with"AppxManifest.xml") as am:
for line in am.readlines():
line = line.decode("utf-8")
if "<Identity" in line:
for part in line.split(" "):
if part.startswith("Name"):
pkgname = part.split("=")[-1].strip('"\r\n')
# ...then we can use it to find the install location
# with this cmdlet
cmd = (
f'powershell.exe "Get-AppxPackage" "-Name" "{pkgname}"'
for line in (
if line.startswith("InstallLocation"):
return "C:{}".format(line.split(":")[-1].strip())
raise Exception(f"Couldn't find install location of {pkg}")
def _install_msix(src):
"""Install the MSIX package and return the installation path.
src -- MSIX package to install
# possibly gets around UAC in vista (still need to run as administrator)
cmd = f'powershell.exe "Add-AppxPackage" "-Path" "{src}"'
return _get_msix_install_location(src)
def install_cli(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] installer")
help="Directory to install application into. " '[default: "%default"]',
help="Application being installed. [default: %default]",
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
if not len(args) == 1:
parser.error("An installer file has to be specified.")
src = args[0]
# Run it
if os.path.isdir(src):
binary = get_binary(src,
install_path = install(src, options.dest)
binary = get_binary(install_path,
def uninstall_cli(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog install_path")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
if not len(args) == 1:
parser.error("An installation path has to be specified.")
# Run it