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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import atexit
import copy
import logging
import os
import signal
import sys
import time
import traceback
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from concurrent.futures.process import _python_exit as futures_atexit
from itertools import chain
from math import ceil
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, get_context
from multiprocessing.queues import Queue
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from typing import Dict, Set
import mozpack.path as mozpath
from mozversioncontrol import (
from .errors import LintersNotConfigured, NoValidLinter
from .parser import Parser
from .pathutils import findobject
from .result import ResultSummary
from .types import supported_types
orig_sigint = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
logger = logging.getLogger("mozlint")
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter(
"%(asctime)s.%(msecs)d %(lintname)s (%(pid)s) | %(message)s", "%H:%M:%S"
def _run_worker(config, paths, **lintargs):
log = logging.LoggerAdapter(
logger, {"lintname": config.get("name"), "pid": os.getpid()}
lintargs["log"] = log
result = ResultSummary(lintargs["root"])
return result
# Override warnings setup for code review
# Only disactivating when code_review_warnings is set to False on a linter.yml in use
if os.environ.get("CODE_REVIEW") == "1" and config.get(
"code_review_warnings", True
lintargs["show_warnings"] = True
# Override ignore thirdparty
# Only deactivating include_thirdparty is set on a linter.yml in use
if config.get("include_thirdparty", False):
lintargs["include_thirdparty"] = True
func = supported_types[config["type"]]
start_time = time.monotonic()
res = func(paths, config, **lintargs)
# Some linters support fixed operations
# dict returned - {"results":results,"fixed":fixed}
if isinstance(res, dict):
result.fixed += res["fixed"]
res = res["results"] or []
elif isinstance(res, list):
res = res or []
print("Unexpected type received")
assert False
except Exception:
res = 1
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
return result
end_time = time.monotonic()
log.debug("Finished in {:.2f} seconds".format(end_time - start_time))
if not isinstance(res, (list, tuple)):
if res:
for r in res:
if not lintargs.get("show_warnings") and r.level == "warning":
result.suppressed_warnings[r.path] += 1
return result
class InterruptableQueue(Queue):
"""A multiprocessing.Queue that catches KeyboardInterrupt when a worker is
blocking on it and returns None.
This is needed to gracefully handle KeyboardInterrupts when a worker is
blocking on ProcessPoolExecutor's call queue.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs["ctx"] = get_context()
super(InterruptableQueue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
return Queue.get(self, *args, **kwargs)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return None
def _worker_sigint_handler(signum, frame):
"""Sigint handler for the worker subprocesses.
Tells workers not to process the extra jobs on the call queue that couldn't
be canceled by the parent process.
orig_sigint(signum, frame)
def wrap_futures_atexit():
"""Sometimes futures' atexit handler can spew tracebacks. This wrapper
suppresses them."""
except Exception:
# Generally `atexit` handlers aren't supposed to raise exceptions, but the
# futures' handler can sometimes raise when the user presses `CTRL-C`. We
# suppress all possible exceptions here so users have a nice experience
# when canceling their lint run. Any exceptions raised by this function
# won't be useful anyway.
class LintRoller(object):
"""Registers and runs linters.
:param root: Path to which relative paths will be joined. If
unspecified, root will either be determined from
version control or cwd.
:param lintargs: Arguments to pass to the underlying linter(s).
50 # set a max size to prevent command lines that are too long on Windows
def __init__(self, root, exclude=None, setupargs=None, **lintargs):
self.parse = Parser(root)
self.vcs = get_repository_object(root)
except InvalidRepoPath:
self.vcs = None
self.linters = []
self.lintargs = lintargs
self.lintargs["root"] = root
self._setupargs = setupargs or {}
# result state
self.result = ResultSummary(
# Prevent failing on warnings when the --warnings parameter is set to "soft"
fail_on_warnings=lintargs.get("show_warnings") != "soft",
self.root = root
self.exclude = exclude or []
if lintargs.get("show_verbose"):
self.log = logging.LoggerAdapter(
logger, {"lintname": "mozlint", "pid": os.getpid()}
def read(self, paths):
"""Parse one or more linters and add them to the registry.
:param paths: A path or iterable of paths to linter definitions.
if isinstance(paths, str):
paths = (paths,)
for linter in chain(*[self.parse(p) for p in paths]):
# Add only the excludes present in paths
linter["local_exclude"] = linter.get("exclude", [])[:]
# Add in our global excludes
linter.setdefault("exclude", []).extend(self.exclude)
def setup(self, virtualenv_manager=None):
"""Run setup for applicable linters"""
if not self.linters:
raise NoValidLinter
for linter in self.linters:
if "setup" not in linter:
setupargs = copy.deepcopy(self.lintargs)
setupargs["name"] = linter["name"]
setupargs["log"] = logging.LoggerAdapter(
self.log, {"lintname": linter["name"]}
if virtualenv_manager is not None:
setupargs["virtualenv_manager"] = virtualenv_manager
start_time = time.monotonic()
res = findobject(linter["setup"])(
f"setup for {linter['name']} finished in "
f"{round(time.monotonic() - start_time, 2)} seconds"
except Exception:
res = 1
if res:
if self.result.failed_setup:
"error: problem with lint setup, skipping {}".format(
", ".join(sorted(self.result.failed_setup))
self.linters = [
l for l in self.linters if l["name"] not in self.result.failed_setup
return 1
return 0
def should_lint_entire_tree(self, vcs_paths: Set[str], linter: Dict) -> bool:
"""Return `True` if the linter should be run on the entire tree."""
# Don't lint the entire tree when `--fix` is passed to linters.
if "fix" in self.lintargs and self.lintargs["fix"]:
return False
# Lint the whole tree when a `support-file` is modified.
return any(
os.path.isfile(p) and mozpath.match(p, pattern)
for pattern in linter.get("support-files", [])
for p in vcs_paths
def _generate_jobs(self, paths, vcs_paths, num_procs):
def __get_current_paths(path=self.root):
return [os.path.join(path, p) for p in os.listdir(path)]
"""A job is of the form (<linter:dict>, <paths:list>)."""
for linter in self.linters:
if self.should_lint_entire_tree(vcs_paths, linter):
lpaths = __get_current_paths()
"warning: {} support-file modified, linting entire tree "
"(press ctrl-c to cancel)".format(linter["name"])
elif paths == {self.root}:
# If the command line is ".", the path will match with the root
# directory. In this case, get all the paths, so that we can
# benefit from chunking below.
lpaths = __get_current_paths()
lpaths = paths.union(vcs_paths)
lpaths = list(lpaths) or __get_current_paths(os.getcwd())
chunk_size = (
min(self.MAX_PATHS_PER_JOB, int(ceil(len(lpaths) / num_procs))) or 1
if linter["type"] == "global":
# Global linters lint the entire tree in one job.
chunk_size = len(lpaths) or 1
assert chunk_size > 0
while lpaths:
yield linter, lpaths[:chunk_size]
lpaths = lpaths[chunk_size:]
def _collect_results(self, future):
if future.cancelled():
# Merge this job's results with our global ones.
def roll(self, paths=None, outgoing=None, workdir=None, rev=None, num_procs=None):
"""Run all of the registered linters against the specified file paths.
:param paths: An iterable of files and/or directories to lint.
:param outgoing: Lint files touched by commits that are not on the remote repository.
:param workdir: Lint all files touched in the working directory.
:param num_procs: The number of processes to use. Default: cpu count
:return: A :class:`~result.ResultSummary` instance.
if not self.linters:
raise LintersNotConfigured
# Need to use a set in case vcs operations specify the same file
# more than once.
paths = paths or set()
if isinstance(paths, str):
paths = set([paths])
elif isinstance(paths, (list, tuple)):
paths = set(paths)
if not self.vcs and (workdir or outgoing):
"error: '{}' is not a known repository, can't use "
"--workdir or --outgoing".format(self.lintargs["root"])
# Calculate files from VCS
vcs_paths = set()
if workdir:
vcs_paths.update(self.vcs.get_changed_files("AM", mode=workdir))
if rev:
vcs_paths.update(self.vcs.get_changed_files("AM", rev=rev))
if outgoing:
upstream = outgoing if isinstance(outgoing, str) else None
self.vcs.get_outgoing_files("AM", upstream=upstream)
except MissingUpstreamRepo:
"warning: could not find default push, specify a remote for --outgoing"
except CalledProcessError as e:
print("error running: {}".format(" ".join(e.cmd)))
if e.output:
if not (paths or vcs_paths) and (workdir or outgoing):
if os.environ.get("MOZ_AUTOMATION") and not os.environ.get(
raise Exception(
"Despite being a CI lint job, no files were linted. Is the task "
"missing explicit paths?"
print("warning: no files linted")
return self.result
# Make sure all paths are absolute. Join `paths` to cwd and `vcs_paths` to root.
paths = set(map(os.path.abspath, paths))
vcs_paths = set(
os.path.join(self.root, p) if not os.path.isabs(p) else p
for p in vcs_paths
num_procs = num_procs or cpu_count()
jobs = list(self._generate_jobs(paths, vcs_paths, num_procs))
# Make sure we never spawn more processes than we have jobs.
num_procs = min(len(jobs), num_procs) or 1
if sys.platform == "win32":
num_procs = min(num_procs, 61)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _worker_sigint_handler)
executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(num_procs)
executor._call_queue = InterruptableQueue(executor._call_queue._maxsize)
# Submit jobs to the worker pool. The _collect_results method will be
# called when a job is finished. We store the futures so that they can
# be canceled in the event of a KeyboardInterrupt.
futures = []
for job in jobs:
future = executor.submit(_run_worker, *job, **self.lintargs)
def _parent_sigint_handler(signum, frame):
"""Sigint handler for the parent process.
Cancels all jobs that have not yet been placed on the call queue.
The parent process won't exit until all workers have terminated.
Assuming the linters are implemented properly, this shouldn't take
more than a couple seconds.
[f.cancel() for f in futures]
print("\nwarning: not all files were linted")
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _parent_sigint_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, orig_sigint)
return self.result