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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
function count_IsPartitioned(bool) {
var cookieCountIsPartitioned = 0;
Services.cookies.cookies.forEach(cookie => {
if (cookie.isPartitioned === bool) {
cookieCountIsPartitioned += 1;
return cookieCountIsPartitioned;
add_task(async function test_IsPartitioned() {
let profile = do_get_profile();
let dbFile = do_get_cookie_file(profile);
let schema13db = new CookieDatabaseConnection(dbFile, 13);
let now = * 1000; // date in microseconds
// add some non-partitioned cookies for key
let nUnpartitioned = 5;
let hostNonPartitioned = "";
for (let i = 0; i < nUnpartitioned; i++) {
let cookie = new Cookie(
"cookie-name" + i,
"cookie-value" + i,
"/", // path
now, // expiry
now, // last accessed
now, // creation time
false, // session
false, // secure
false, // http-only
false, // inBrowserElement
{} // OA
// add some partitioned cookies
let nPartitioned = 5;
let hostPartitioned = "";
for (let i = 0; i < nPartitioned; i++) {
let cookie = new Cookie(
"cookie-name" + i,
"cookie-value" + i,
"/", // path
now, // expiry
now, // last accessed
now, // creation time
false, // session
false, // secure
false, // http-only
false, // inBrowserElement
{ partitionKey: "(https," }
Assert.equal(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema13db.db), 10);
// Startup the cookie service and check the cookie counts by OA
let cookieCountNonPart =
Services.cookies.countCookiesFromHost(hostNonPartitioned); // includes expired cookies
Assert.equal(cookieCountNonPart, nUnpartitioned);
let cookieCountPart = Services.cookies.getCookiesFromHost(hostPartitioned, {
partitionKey: "(https,",
}).length; // includes expired cookies
Assert.equal(cookieCountPart, nPartitioned);
// Startup the cookie service and check the cookie counts by isPartitioned (IsPartitioned())
Assert.equal(count_IsPartitioned(false), nUnpartitioned);
Assert.equal(count_IsPartitioned(true), nPartitioned);