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// |reftest| shell-option(--enable-shadow-realms) skip-if(!
let sr = new ShadowRealm();
try {
sr.evaluate("throw new Error('hi')");
assertEq(true, false, "Should have thrown");
} catch (e) {
assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, "Correct type of error")
assertEq(/Error: hi/.test(e.message), true, "Should have included information from thrown error");
try {
sr.evaluate("throw new Error('∂å∂')");
assertEq(true, false, "Should have thrown");
} catch (e) {
assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, "Correct type of error")
assertEq(/Error: ∂å∂/.test(e.message), true, "Should have included information from thrown error, UTF-8 Pass through.");
try {
sr.evaluate("throw {name: 'Hello', message: 'goodbye'}");
assertEq(true, false, "Should have thrown");
} catch (e) {
assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, "Correct type of error")
assertEq(/uncaught exception: Object/.test(e.message), true, "Should get generic fillin message, non-string");
try {
sr.evaluate("throw {name: 10, message: 11}");
assertEq(true, false, "Should have thrown");
} catch (e) {
assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, "Correct type of error")
assertEq(/uncaught exception: Object/.test(e.message), true, "Should get generic fillin message, non-string");
try {
sr.evaluate("throw { get name() { return 'holy'; }, get message() { return 'smokes' } }");
assertEq(true, false, "Should have thrown");
} catch (e) {
assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, "Correct type of error")
assertEq(/uncaught exception: Object/.test(e.message), true, "Should get generic error message, getters");
// Wrapped Functions
try {
var wrapped = sr.evaluate("() => { throw new Error('hi') }");
assertEq(!!wrapped, true, "Wrapped created");
assertEq(true, false, "Should have thrown");
} catch (e) {
assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, "Correct type of error")
assertEq(/Error: hi/.test(e.message), true, "Should have included information from thrown error");
try {
var wrapped = sr.evaluate("() => { throw new Error('∂å∂') } ");
assertEq(!!wrapped, true, "Wrapped created");
assertEq(true, false, "Should have thrown");
} catch (e) {
assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, "Correct type of error")
assertEq(/Error: ∂å∂/.test(e.message), true, "Should have included information from thrown error, UTF-8 Pass through.");
try {
var wrapped = sr.evaluate("() => { throw {name: 'Hello', message: 'goodbye'} } ");
assertEq(!!wrapped, true, "Wrapped created");
assertEq(true, false, "Should have thrown");
} catch (e) {
assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, "Correct type of error")
assertEq(/uncaught exception: Object/.test(e.message), true, "Should get generic error message");
try {
var wrapped = sr.evaluate("() => { throw {name: 10, message: 11} } ");
assertEq(!!wrapped, true, "Wrapped created");
assertEq(true, false, "Should have thrown");
} catch (e) {
assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, "Correct type of error")
assertEq(/uncaught exception: Object/.test(e.message), true, "Should get generic error message");
try {
var wrapped = sr.evaluate("() => { throw { get name() { return 'holy'; }, get message() { return 'smokes' } } } ");
assertEq(!!wrapped, true, "Wrapped created");
assertEq(true, false, "Should have thrown");
} catch (e) {
assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, "Correct type of error")
assertEq(/uncaught exception: Object/.test(e.message), true, "Should get generic error message");
if (typeof reportCompare === 'function')
reportCompare(true, true);