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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// NOTE: If you're adding new test harness functionality to this file -- first,
// should you at all? Most stuff is better in specific tests, or in
// nested shell.js/browser.js. Second, can you instead add it to
// shell.js? Our goal is to unify these two files for readability, and
// the plan is to empty out this file into that one over time. Third,
// supposing you must add to this file, please add it to this IIFE for
// better modularity/resilience against tests that must do particularly
// bizarre things that might break the harness.
(function initializeUtilityExports(global, parent) {
"use strict";
* CACHED PRIMORDIAL FUNCTIONALITY (before a test might overwrite it) *
var Error = global.Error;
var String = global.String;
var GlobalEval = global.eval;
var ReflectApply = global.Reflect.apply;
var FunctionToString = global.Function.prototype.toString;
var ObjectDefineProperty = global.Object.defineProperty;
// BEWARE: ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor is only safe to use if its result
// is inspected using own-property-examining functionality. Directly
// accessing properties on a returned descriptor without first
// verifying the property's existence can invoke user-modifiable
// behavior.
var ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = global.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var {get: ArrayBufferByteLength} =
ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(global.ArrayBuffer.prototype, "byteLength");
var Worker = global.Worker;
var Blob = global.Blob;
var URL = global.URL;
var document = global.document;
var documentDocumentElement = global.document.documentElement;
var DocumentCreateElement = global.document.createElement;
var DocumentPrototypeAllGetter = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(global.Document.prototype, "all").get;
var EventTargetPrototypeAddEventListener = global.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
var HTMLElementPrototypeStyleSetter =
ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(global.HTMLElement.prototype, "style").set;
var HTMLIFramePrototypeContentWindowGetter =
ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(global.HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, "contentWindow").get;
var HTMLScriptElementTextSetter =
ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(global.HTMLScriptElement.prototype, "text").set;
var NodePrototypeAppendChild = global.Node.prototype.appendChild;
var NodePrototypeRemoveChild = global.Node.prototype.removeChild;
var {get: WindowOnErrorGetter, set: WindowOnErrorSetter} =
ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(global, "onerror");
var WorkerPrototypePostMessage = Worker.prototype.postMessage;
var URLCreateObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL;
// List of saved window.onerror handlers.
var savedGlobalOnError = [];
// Set |newOnError| as the current window.onerror handler.
function setGlobalOnError(newOnError) {
var currentOnError = ReflectApply(WindowOnErrorGetter, global, []);
ArrayPush(savedGlobalOnError, currentOnError);
ReflectApply(WindowOnErrorSetter, global, [newOnError]);
// Restore the previous window.onerror handler.
function restoreGlobalOnError() {
var previousOnError = ArrayPop(savedGlobalOnError);
ReflectApply(WindowOnErrorSetter, global, [previousOnError]);
function ArrayPush(array, value) {
ReflectApply(ObjectDefineProperty, null, [
array, array.length,
{__proto__: null, value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}
function ArrayPop(array) {
if (array.length) {
var item = array[array.length - 1];
array.length -= 1;
return item;
function AppendChild(elt, kid) {
ReflectApply(NodePrototypeAppendChild, elt, [kid]);
function CreateElement(name) {
return ReflectApply(DocumentCreateElement, document, [name]);
function RemoveChild(elt, kid) {
ReflectApply(NodePrototypeRemoveChild, elt, [kid]);
function CreateWorker(script) {
var blob = new Blob([script], {__proto__: null, type: "text/javascript"});
return new Worker(URLCreateObjectURL(blob));
var evaluate = global.evaluate;
if (typeof evaluate !== "function") {
// Shim in "evaluate".
evaluate = function evaluate(code) {
if (typeof code !== "string")
throw Error("Expected string argument for evaluate()");
return GlobalEval(code);
global.evaluate = evaluate;
var evaluateScript = global.evaluateScript;
if (typeof evaluateScript !== "function") {
evaluateScript = function evaluateScript(code) {
code = String(code);
var script = CreateElement("script");
// Temporarily install a new onerror handler to catch script errors.
var hasUncaughtError = false;
var uncaughtError;
var eventOptions = {__proto__: null, once: true};
ReflectApply(EventTargetPrototypeAddEventListener, script, [
"beforescriptexecute", function() {
setGlobalOnError(function(messageOrEvent, source, lineno, colno, error) {
hasUncaughtError = true;
uncaughtError = error;
return true;
}, eventOptions
ReflectApply(EventTargetPrototypeAddEventListener, script, [
"afterscriptexecute", function() {
}, eventOptions
ReflectApply(HTMLScriptElementTextSetter, script, [code]);
AppendChild(documentDocumentElement, script);
RemoveChild(documentDocumentElement, script);
if (hasUncaughtError)
throw uncaughtError;
global.evaluateScript = evaluateScript;
var newGlobal = global.newGlobal;
if (typeof newGlobal !== "function") {
// Reuse the parent's newGlobal to ensure iframes can be added to the DOM.
newGlobal = parent ? parent.newGlobal : function newGlobal() {
var iframe = CreateElement("iframe");
AppendChild(documentDocumentElement, iframe);
var win =
ReflectApply(HTMLIFramePrototypeContentWindowGetter, iframe, []);
// Removing the iframe breaks evaluateScript() and detachArrayBuffer().
ReflectApply(HTMLElementPrototypeStyleSetter, iframe, ["display:none"]);
// Create utility functions in the new global object.
var initFunction = ReflectApply(FunctionToString, initializeUtilityExports, []);
win.Function("parent", initFunction + "; initializeUtilityExports(this, parent);")(global);
return win;
global.newGlobal = newGlobal;
var detachArrayBuffer = global.detachArrayBuffer;
if (typeof detachArrayBuffer !== "function") {
var worker = null;
detachArrayBuffer = function detachArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) {
if (worker === null) {
worker = CreateWorker("/* black hole */");
try {
ReflectApply(WorkerPrototypePostMessage, worker, ["detach", [arrayBuffer]]);
} catch (e) {
// postMessage throws an error if the array buffer was already detached.
// Test for this condition by checking if the byte length is zero.
if (ReflectApply(ArrayBufferByteLength, arrayBuffer, []) !== 0) {
throw e;
global.detachArrayBuffer = detachArrayBuffer;
var createIsHTMLDDA = global.createIsHTMLDDA;
if (typeof createIsHTMLDDA !== "function") {
createIsHTMLDDA = function() {
return ReflectApply(DocumentPrototypeAllGetter, document, []);
global.createIsHTMLDDA = createIsHTMLDDA;
(function(global) {
"use strict";
* CACHED PRIMORDIAL FUNCTIONALITY (before a test might overwrite it) *
var undefined; // sigh
var Error = global.Error;
var Number = global.Number;
var Object = global.Object;
var String = global.String;
var decodeURIComponent = global.decodeURIComponent;
var ReflectApply = global.Reflect.apply;
var ObjectDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
var ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf = Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf;
// BEWARE: ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor is only safe to use if its result
// is inspected using own-property-examining functionality. Directly
// accessing properties on a returned descriptor without first
// verifying the property's existence can invoke user-modifiable
// behavior.
var ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var window = global.window;
var document = global.document;
var documentDocumentElement = document.documentElement;
var DocumentCreateElement = document.createElement;
var ElementSetClassName =
ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(global.Element.prototype, "className").set;
var NodePrototypeAppendChild = global.Node.prototype.appendChild;
var NodePrototypeTextContentSetter =
ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(global.Node.prototype, "textContent").set;
var setTimeout = global.setTimeout;
// Saved harness functions.
var dump = global.dump;
var gczeal = global.gczeal;
var print = global.print;
var reportFailure = global.reportFailure;
var TestCase = global.TestCase;
var SpecialPowers = global.SpecialPowers;
var SpecialPowersCu = SpecialPowers.Cu;
var SpecialPowersForceGC = SpecialPowers.forceGC;
var TestingFunctions = SpecialPowers.Cu.getJSTestingFunctions();
var ClearKeptObjects = TestingFunctions.clearKeptObjects;
// Cached DOM nodes used by the test harness itself. (We assume the test
// doesn't misbehave in a way that actively interferes with what the test
// harness runner observes, e.g. navigating the page to a different location.
// Short of running every test in a worker -- which has its own problems --
// there's no way to isolate a test from the page to that extent.)
var printOutputContainer =
function ArrayPush(array, value) {
ReflectApply(ObjectDefineProperty, null, [
array, array.length,
{__proto__: null, value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}
function ArrayPop(array) {
if (array.length) {
var item = array[array.length - 1];
array.length -= 1;
return item;
function HasOwnProperty(object, property) {
return ReflectApply(ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty, object, [property]);
function AppendChild(elt, kid) {
ReflectApply(NodePrototypeAppendChild, elt, [kid]);
function CreateElement(name) {
return ReflectApply(DocumentCreateElement, document, [name]);
function SetTextContent(element, text) {
ReflectApply(NodePrototypeTextContentSetter, element, [text]);
// Object containing the set options.
var currentOptions;
// browser.js version of shell.js' |shellOptionsClear| function.
function browserOptionsClear() {
for (var optionName in currentOptions) {
delete currentOptions[optionName];
SpecialPowersCu[optionName] = false;
// This function is *only* used by shell.js's for-browsers |print()| function!
// It's only defined/exported here because it needs CreateElement and friends,
// only defined here, and we're not yet ready to move them to shell.js.
function AddPrintOutput(s) {
var msgDiv = CreateElement("div");
SetTextContent(msgDiv, s);
AppendChild(printOutputContainer, msgDiv);
global.AddPrintOutput = AddPrintOutput;
* HARNESS-CENTRIC EXPORTS (we should generally work to eliminate these) *
// This overwrites shell.js's version that merely prints the given string.
function writeHeaderToLog(string) {
string = String(string);
// First dump to the console.
dump(string + "\n");
// Then output to the page.
var h2 = CreateElement("h2");
SetTextContent(h2, string);
AppendChild(printOutputContainer, h2);
global.writeHeaderToLog = writeHeaderToLog;
// Possible values:
// - "Unknown" if no error is expected,
// - "error" if no specific error type is expected,
// - otherwise the error name, e.g. "TypeError" or "RangeError".
var expectedError;
window.onerror = function (msg, page, line, column, error) {
// Unset all options even when the test finished with an error.
if (DESCRIPTION === undefined) {
DESCRIPTION = "Unknown";
var actual = "error";
var expected = expectedError;
if (expected !== "error" && expected !== "Unknown") {
// Check the error type when an actual Error object is available.
// NB: The |error| parameter of the onerror handler is not required to
// be an Error instance.
if (ReflectApply(ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, Error.prototype, [error])) {
actual =;
} else {
expected = "error";
var reason = `${page}:${line}: ${msg}`;
new TestCase(DESCRIPTION, expected, actual, reason);
function gc() {
try {
} catch (ex) {
print("gc: " + ex);
global.gc = gc;
global.clearKeptObjects = ClearKeptObjects;
function options(aOptionName) {
// return value of options() is a comma delimited list
// of the previously set values
var value = "";
for (var optionName in currentOptions) {
if (value)
value += ",";
value += optionName;
if (aOptionName) {
if (!HasOwnProperty(SpecialPowersCu, aOptionName)) {
// This test is trying to flip an unsupported option, so it's
// likely no longer testing what it was supposed to. Fail it
// hard.
throw "Unsupported JSContext option '" + aOptionName + "'";
if (aOptionName in currentOptions) {
// option is set, toggle it to unset
delete currentOptions[aOptionName];
SpecialPowersCu[aOptionName] = false;
} else {
// option is not set, toggle it to set
currentOptions[aOptionName] = true;
SpecialPowersCu[aOptionName] = true;
return value;
global.options = options;
function jsTestDriverBrowserInit() {
// Initialize with an empty set, because we just turned off all options.
currentOptions = Object.create(null);
if ("?") !== 0) {
// not called with a query string
var properties = Object.create(null);
var fields =";");
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var propertycaptures = /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/.exec(fields[i]);
if (propertycaptures === null) {
properties[fields[i]] = true;
} else {
properties[propertycaptures[1]] = decodeURIComponent(propertycaptures[2]);
// The test path may contain \ separators for the path.
// Bug 1877606: use / consistently
properties.test = properties.test.replace(/\\/g, "/");
global.gTestPath = properties.test;
var testpathparts = properties.test.split("/");
if (testpathparts.length < 2) {
// must have at least suitepath/testcase.js
var testFileName = testpathparts[testpathparts.length - 1];
if (testFileName.endsWith("-n.js")) {
// Negative test without a specific error type.
expectedError = "error";
} else if (properties.error) {
// Negative test which expects a specific error type.
expectedError = properties.error;
} else {
// No error is expected.
expectedError = "Unknown";
if (properties.gczeal) {
// Display the test path in the title.
document.title = properties.test;
// Output script tags for shell.js, then browser.js, at each level of the
// test path hierarchy.
var prepath = "";
var scripts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < testpathparts.length - 1; i++) {
prepath += testpathparts[i] + "/";
if (properties["test262-raw"]) {
// Skip running test harness files (shell.js and browser.js) if the
// test has the raw flag.
scripts.push({src: prepath + "shell.js", module: false});
scripts.push({src: prepath + "browser.js", module: false});
// Output the test script itself.
var moduleTest = !!properties.module;
scripts.push({src: prepath + testFileName, module: moduleTest});
// Finally output the driver-end script to advance to the next test.
scripts.push({src: "js-test-driver-end.js", module: false});
if (properties.async) {
gDelayTestDriverEnd = true;
if (!moduleTest) {
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
var src = scripts[i].src;
document.write(`<script src="${src}" charset="utf-8"><\/script>`);
} else {
// Modules are loaded asynchronously by default, but for the test harness
// we need to execute all scripts and modules one after the other.
// Appends the next script element to the DOM.
function appendScript(index) {
var script = scriptElements[index];
scriptElements[index] = null;
if (script !== null) {
ReflectApply(NodePrototypeAppendChild, documentDocumentElement, [script]);
// Create all script elements upfront, so we don't need to worry about
// modified built-ins.
var scriptElements = [];
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
var spec = scripts[i];
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.charset = "utf-8";
if (spec.module) {
script.type = "module";
script.src = spec.src;
let nextScriptIndex = i + 1;
if (nextScriptIndex < scripts.length) {
var callNextAppend = () => appendScript(nextScriptIndex);
script.addEventListener("afterscriptexecute", callNextAppend, {once: true});
// Module scripts don't fire the "afterscriptexecute" event when there
// was an error, instead the "error" event is emitted. So listen for
// both events when creating module scripts.
if (spec.module) {
script.addEventListener("error", callNextAppend, {once: true});
scriptElements[i] = script;
// Append the first script.
global.gDelayTestDriverEnd = false;
function jsTestDriverEnd() {
// gDelayTestDriverEnd is used to delay collection of the test result and
// signal to Spider so that tests can continue to run after page load has
// fired. They are responsible for setting gDelayTestDriverEnd = true then
// when completed, setting gDelayTestDriverEnd = false then calling
// jsTestDriverEnd()
if (gDelayTestDriverEnd) {
window.onerror = null;
// Unset all options when the test has finished.
if (window.opener && window.opener.runNextTest) {
if (window.opener.reportCallBack) {
setTimeout("window.opener.runNextTest()", 250);
} else {
// tell reftest the test is complete.
ReflectApply(ElementSetClassName, documentDocumentElement, [""]);
// tell Spider page is complete
gPageCompleted = true;
global.jsTestDriverEnd = jsTestDriverEnd;
// Use an array to handle the case where multiple dialogs appear at one time.
var dialogCloserSubjects = [];
var dialogCloser = SpecialPowers
var dialogCloserObserver = {
observe(subject, topic, data) {
if (topic === "domwindowopened" && subject.isChromeWindow) {
ArrayPush(dialogCloserSubjects, subject);
// Timeout of 0 needed when running under reftest framework.
subject.setTimeout(closeDialog, 0);
function closeDialog() {
while (dialogCloserSubjects.length > 0) {
var subject = ArrayPop(dialogCloserSubjects);
function unregisterDialogCloser() {
if (!dialogCloserObserver || !dialogCloser) {
dialogCloserObserver = null;
dialogCloser = null;
window.addEventListener("unload", unregisterDialogCloser, true);
var gPageCompleted;