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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "jit/TypePolicy.h"
#include "jit/JitAllocPolicy.h"
#include "jit/MIR.h"
#include "jit/MIRGraph.h"
#include "js/ScalarType.h" // js::Scalar::Type
using namespace js;
using namespace js::jit;
static void EnsureOperandNotFloat32(TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* def,
unsigned op) {
MDefinition* in = def->getOperand(op);
if (in->type() == MIRType::Float32) {
MToDouble* replace = MToDouble::New(alloc, in);
def->block()->insertBefore(def, replace);
if (def->isRecoveredOnBailout()) {
def->replaceOperand(op, replace);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] static bool ConvertOperand(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def, unsigned op,
MIRType expected) {
MDefinition* in = def->getOperand(op);
if (in->type() == expected) {
return true;
auto* replace = T::New(alloc, in);
def->block()->insertBefore(def, replace);
def->replaceOperand(op, replace);
return replace->typePolicy()->adjustInputs(alloc, replace);
static void SetTypePolicyBailoutKind(MInstruction* newIns,
MInstruction* forIns) {
// Infallible ToFloat32 or ToDouble doesn't bail out.
if ((newIns->isToFloat32() || newIns->isToDouble()) && !newIns->isGuard()) {
// Ensure we're not introducing TypePolicy bailouts for transpiled CacheIR
// instructions. Unbox operations and other guards should have been inserted
// by the transpiler.
// This avoids a performance cliff because frequent TypePolicy bailouts will
// disable Warp compilation instead of invalidating the script.
// See bug 1850305.
MOZ_ASSERT(forIns->bailoutKind() != BailoutKind::TranspiledCacheIR);
[[nodiscard]] static bool UnboxOperand(TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* def,
unsigned op, MIRType expected) {
MDefinition* in = def->getOperand(op);
if (in->type() == expected) {
return true;
auto* replace = MUnbox::New(alloc, in, expected, MUnbox::Fallible);
SetTypePolicyBailoutKind(replace, def);
def->block()->insertBefore(def, replace);
def->replaceOperand(op, replace);
return replace->typePolicy()->adjustInputs(alloc, replace);
MDefinition* js::jit::AlwaysBoxAt(TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* at,
MDefinition* operand) {
MDefinition* boxedOperand = operand;
// Replace Float32 by double
if (operand->type() == MIRType::Float32) {
MInstruction* replace = MToDouble::New(alloc, operand);
at->block()->insertBefore(at, replace);
boxedOperand = replace;
MBox* box = MBox::New(alloc, boxedOperand);
at->block()->insertBefore(at, box);
return box;
static MDefinition* BoxAt(TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* at,
MDefinition* operand) {
if (operand->isUnbox()) {
return operand->toUnbox()->input();
return AlwaysBoxAt(alloc, at, operand);
bool BoxInputsPolicy::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
for (size_t i = 0, e = ins->numOperands(); i < e; i++) {
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(i);
if (in->type() == MIRType::Value) {
ins->replaceOperand(i, BoxAt(alloc, ins, in));
return true;
bool ArithPolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* ins) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(ins->type() == MIRType::Double || ins->type() == MIRType::Int32 ||
ins->type() == MIRType::Float32);
for (size_t i = 0, e = ins->numOperands(); i < e; i++) {
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(i);
if (in->type() == ins->type()) {
MInstruction* replace;
if (ins->type() == MIRType::Double) {
replace = MToDouble::New(alloc, in);
} else if (ins->type() == MIRType::Float32) {
replace = MToFloat32::New(alloc, in);
} else {
replace = MToNumberInt32::New(alloc, in);
SetTypePolicyBailoutKind(replace, ins);
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, replace);
ins->replaceOperand(i, replace);
if (!replace->typePolicy()->adjustInputs(alloc, replace)) {
return false;
return true;
bool BigIntArithPolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(ins->type() == MIRType::BigInt);
for (size_t i = 0, e = ins->numOperands(); i < e; i++) {
if (!ConvertOperand<MToBigInt>(alloc, ins, i, MIRType::BigInt)) {
return false;
return true;
bool AllDoublePolicy::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
for (size_t i = 0, e = ins->numOperands(); i < e; i++) {
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(i);
if (in->type() == MIRType::Double) {
if (!alloc.ensureBallast()) {
return false;
MInstruction* replace = MToDouble::New(alloc, in);
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, replace);
ins->replaceOperand(i, replace);
if (!replace->typePolicy()->adjustInputs(alloc, replace)) {
return false;
return true;
bool ComparePolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def) const {
MCompare* compare = def->toCompare();
// Convert Float32 operands to doubles
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
MDefinition* in = def->getOperand(i);
if (in->type() == MIRType::Float32) {
MInstruction* replace = MToDouble::New(alloc, in);
def->block()->insertBefore(def, replace);
def->replaceOperand(i, replace);
auto replaceOperand = [&](size_t index, auto* replace) {
def->block()->insertBefore(def, replace);
def->replaceOperand(index, replace);
return replace->typePolicy()->adjustInputs(alloc, replace);
if (compare->compareType() == MCompare::Compare_Undefined ||
compare->compareType() == MCompare::Compare_Null) {
// Nothing to do for undefined and null, lowering handles all types.
return true;
if (compare->compareType() == MCompare::Compare_UIntPtr) {
MOZ_ASSERT(compare->lhs()->type() == MIRType::IntPtr);
MOZ_ASSERT(compare->rhs()->type() == MIRType::IntPtr);
return true;
// Compare_BigInt_Int32 specialization is done for "BigInt <cmp> Int32".
// Compare_BigInt_Double specialization is done for "BigInt <cmp> Double".
// Compare_BigInt_String specialization is done for "BigInt <cmp> String".
if (compare->compareType() == MCompare::Compare_BigInt_Int32 ||
compare->compareType() == MCompare::Compare_BigInt_Double ||
compare->compareType() == MCompare::Compare_BigInt_String) {
if (MDefinition* in = def->getOperand(0); in->type() != MIRType::BigInt) {
auto* replace =
MUnbox::New(alloc, in, MIRType::BigInt, MUnbox::Infallible);
if (!replaceOperand(0, replace)) {
return false;
MDefinition* in = def->getOperand(1);
MInstruction* replace = nullptr;
if (compare->compareType() == MCompare::Compare_BigInt_Int32) {
if (in->type() != MIRType::Int32) {
replace = MToNumberInt32::New(
alloc, in, IntConversionInputKind::NumbersOrBoolsOnly);
} else if (compare->compareType() == MCompare::Compare_BigInt_Double) {
if (in->type() != MIRType::Double) {
replace = MToDouble::New(alloc, in, MToFPInstruction::NumbersOnly);
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(compare->compareType() == MCompare::Compare_BigInt_String);
if (in->type() != MIRType::String) {
replace = MUnbox::New(alloc, in, MIRType::String, MUnbox::Infallible);
if (replace) {
if (!replaceOperand(1, replace)) {
return false;
return true;
// Convert all inputs to the right input type
MIRType type = compare->inputType();
MOZ_ASSERT(type == MIRType::Int32 || type == MIRType::Double ||
type == MIRType::Float32 || type == MIRType::Object ||
type == MIRType::String || type == MIRType::Symbol ||
type == MIRType::BigInt);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
MDefinition* in = def->getOperand(i);
if (in->type() == type) {
MInstruction* replace;
switch (type) {
case MIRType::Double:
replace = MToDouble::New(alloc, in, MToFPInstruction::NumbersOnly);
case MIRType::Float32:
replace = MToFloat32::New(alloc, in, MToFPInstruction::NumbersOnly);
case MIRType::Int32: {
IntConversionInputKind convert = IntConversionInputKind::NumbersOnly;
replace = MToNumberInt32::New(alloc, in, convert);
case MIRType::Object:
replace = MUnbox::New(alloc, in, MIRType::Object, MUnbox::Infallible);
case MIRType::String:
replace = MUnbox::New(alloc, in, MIRType::String, MUnbox::Infallible);
case MIRType::Symbol:
replace = MUnbox::New(alloc, in, MIRType::Symbol, MUnbox::Infallible);
case MIRType::BigInt:
replace = MUnbox::New(alloc, in, MIRType::BigInt, MUnbox::Infallible);
MOZ_CRASH("Unknown compare specialization");
if (!replaceOperand(i, replace)) {
return false;
return true;
bool TestPolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* ins) const {
MDefinition* op = ins->getOperand(0);
switch (op->type()) {
case MIRType::Value:
case MIRType::Null:
case MIRType::Undefined:
case MIRType::Boolean:
case MIRType::Int32:
case MIRType::Double:
case MIRType::Float32:
case MIRType::Symbol:
case MIRType::BigInt:
case MIRType::Object:
case MIRType::String: {
MStringLength* length = MStringLength::New(alloc, op);
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, length);
ins->replaceOperand(0, length);
ins->replaceOperand(0, BoxAt(alloc, ins, op));
return true;
bool BitwisePolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(ins->type() == MIRType::Int32 || ins->type() == MIRType::Double);
// This policy works for both unary and binary bitwise operations.
for (size_t i = 0, e = ins->numOperands(); i < e; i++) {
if (!ConvertOperand<MTruncateToInt32>(alloc, ins, i, MIRType::Int32)) {
return false;
return true;
bool PowPolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* ins) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(ins->type() == MIRType::Int32 || ins->type() == MIRType::Double);
if (ins->type() == MIRType::Int32) {
// Both operands must be int32.
return UnboxedInt32Policy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, ins) &&
UnboxedInt32Policy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, ins);
// Otherwise, input must be a double.
if (!DoublePolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, ins)) {
return false;
// Power may be an int32 or a double. Integers receive a faster path.
MDefinition* power = ins->toPow()->power();
if (power->isToDouble()) {
MDefinition* input = power->toToDouble()->input();
if (input->type() == MIRType::Int32) {
ins->replaceOperand(1, input);
return true;
return DoublePolicy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, ins);
bool SignPolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* ins) const {
MIRType specialization = ins->typePolicySpecialization();
// MSign is specialized for int32 input types.
if (specialization == MIRType::Int32) {
return UnboxedInt32Policy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, ins);
// Otherwise convert input to double.
return DoublePolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, ins);
template <unsigned Op>
bool SymbolPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
return UnboxOperand(alloc, ins, Op, MIRType::Symbol);
template bool SymbolPolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template <unsigned Op>
bool BooleanPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
return UnboxOperand(alloc, ins, Op, MIRType::Boolean);
template bool BooleanPolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template <unsigned Op>
bool StringPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
return UnboxOperand(alloc, ins, Op, MIRType::String);
template bool StringPolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool StringPolicy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool StringPolicy<2>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template <unsigned Op>
bool ConvertToStringPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(Op);
if (in->type() == MIRType::String) {
return true;
MToString* replace =
MToString::New(alloc, in, MToString::SideEffectHandling::Bailout);
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, replace);
ins->replaceOperand(Op, replace);
return ToStringPolicy::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, replace);
template bool ConvertToStringPolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool ConvertToStringPolicy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool ConvertToStringPolicy<2>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template <unsigned Op>
bool BigIntPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
return UnboxOperand(alloc, ins, Op, MIRType::BigInt);
template bool BigIntPolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool BigIntPolicy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template <unsigned Op>
bool UnboxedInt32Policy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def) {
return UnboxOperand(alloc, def, Op, MIRType::Int32);
template bool UnboxedInt32Policy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool UnboxedInt32Policy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool UnboxedInt32Policy<2>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool UnboxedInt32Policy<3>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template <unsigned Op>
bool Int32OrIntPtrPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def) {
MDefinition* in = def->getOperand(Op);
if (in->type() == MIRType::IntPtr) {
return true;
return UnboxedInt32Policy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, def);
template bool Int32OrIntPtrPolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool Int32OrIntPtrPolicy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template <unsigned Op>
bool ConvertToInt32Policy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def) {
return ConvertOperand<MToNumberInt32>(alloc, def, Op, MIRType::Int32);
template bool ConvertToInt32Policy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template <unsigned Op>
bool TruncateToInt32OrToBigIntPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(
TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* def) {
MOZ_ASSERT(def->isCompareExchangeTypedArrayElement() ||
def->isAtomicExchangeTypedArrayElement() ||
Scalar::Type type;
if (def->isCompareExchangeTypedArrayElement()) {
type = def->toCompareExchangeTypedArrayElement()->arrayType();
} else if (def->isAtomicExchangeTypedArrayElement()) {
type = def->toAtomicExchangeTypedArrayElement()->arrayType();
} else {
type = def->toAtomicTypedArrayElementBinop()->arrayType();
if (Scalar::isBigIntType(type)) {
return ConvertOperand<MToBigInt>(alloc, def, Op, MIRType::BigInt);
return ConvertOperand<MTruncateToInt32>(alloc, def, Op, MIRType::Int32);
template bool TruncateToInt32OrToBigIntPolicy<2>::staticAdjustInputs(
TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* def);
template bool TruncateToInt32OrToBigIntPolicy<3>::staticAdjustInputs(
TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* def);
template <unsigned Op>
bool DoublePolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def) {
return ConvertOperand<MToDouble>(alloc, def, Op, MIRType::Double);
template bool DoublePolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool DoublePolicy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template <unsigned Op>
bool Float32Policy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def) {
return ConvertOperand<MToFloat32>(alloc, def, Op, MIRType::Float32);
template bool Float32Policy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool Float32Policy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool Float32Policy<2>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template <unsigned Op>
bool FloatingPointPolicy<Op>::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def) const {
MIRType policyType = def->typePolicySpecialization();
if (policyType == MIRType::Double) {
return DoublePolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, def);
return Float32Policy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, def);
template bool FloatingPointPolicy<0>::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def) const;
template <unsigned Op>
bool NoFloatPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def) {
EnsureOperandNotFloat32(alloc, def, Op);
return true;
template bool NoFloatPolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool NoFloatPolicy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool NoFloatPolicy<2>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool NoFloatPolicy<3>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template <unsigned FirstOp>
bool NoFloatPolicyAfter<FirstOp>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def) {
for (size_t op = FirstOp, e = def->numOperands(); op < e; op++) {
EnsureOperandNotFloat32(alloc, def, op);
return true;
template bool NoFloatPolicyAfter<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool NoFloatPolicyAfter<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template bool NoFloatPolicyAfter<2>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* def);
template <unsigned Op>
bool BoxPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(Op);
if (in->type() == MIRType::Value) {
return true;
ins->replaceOperand(Op, BoxAt(alloc, ins, in));
return true;
template bool BoxPolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool BoxPolicy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool BoxPolicy<2>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template <unsigned Op, MIRType Type>
bool BoxExceptPolicy<Op, Type>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(Op);
if (in->type() == Type) {
return true;
return BoxPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, ins);
template bool BoxExceptPolicy<0, MIRType::Object>::staticAdjustInputs(
TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* ins);
template <unsigned Op>
bool CacheIdPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(Op);
switch (in->type()) {
case MIRType::Int32:
case MIRType::String:
case MIRType::Symbol:
return true;
return BoxPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, ins);
template bool CacheIdPolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool CacheIdPolicy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
bool ToDoublePolicy::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
MOZ_ASSERT(ins->isToDouble() || ins->isToFloat32());
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(0);
MToFPInstruction::ConversionKind conversion;
if (ins->isToDouble()) {
conversion = ins->toToDouble()->conversion();
} else {
conversion = ins->toToFloat32()->conversion();
switch (in->type()) {
case MIRType::Int32:
case MIRType::Float32:
case MIRType::Double:
case MIRType::Value:
// No need for boxing for these types.
return true;
case MIRType::Null:
// No need for boxing, when we will convert.
if (conversion == MToFPInstruction::NonStringPrimitives) {
return true;
case MIRType::Undefined:
case MIRType::Boolean:
// No need for boxing, when we will convert.
if (conversion == MToFPInstruction::NonStringPrimitives) {
return true;
case MIRType::Object:
case MIRType::String:
case MIRType::Symbol:
case MIRType::BigInt:
// Objects might be effectful. Symbols and BigInts give TypeError.
in = BoxAt(alloc, ins, in);
ins->replaceOperand(0, in);
return true;
bool ToInt32Policy::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
MOZ_ASSERT(ins->isToNumberInt32() || ins->isTruncateToInt32());
IntConversionInputKind conversion = IntConversionInputKind::Any;
if (ins->isToNumberInt32()) {
conversion = ins->toToNumberInt32()->conversion();
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(0);
switch (in->type()) {
case MIRType::Int32:
case MIRType::Float32:
case MIRType::Double:
case MIRType::Value:
// No need for boxing for these types.
return true;
case MIRType::Undefined:
// No need for boxing when truncating.
if (ins->isTruncateToInt32()) {
return true;
case MIRType::Null:
// No need for boxing, when we will convert.
if (conversion == IntConversionInputKind::Any) {
return true;
case MIRType::Boolean:
// No need for boxing, when we will convert.
if (conversion == IntConversionInputKind::Any) {
return true;
if (conversion == IntConversionInputKind::NumbersOrBoolsOnly) {
return true;
case MIRType::Object:
case MIRType::String:
case MIRType::Symbol:
case MIRType::BigInt:
// Objects might be effectful. Symbols and BigInts give TypeError.
in = BoxAt(alloc, ins, in);
ins->replaceOperand(0, in);
return true;
bool ToBigIntPolicy::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(0);
switch (in->type()) {
case MIRType::BigInt:
case MIRType::Value:
// No need for boxing for these types.
return true;
// Any other types need to be boxed.
in = BoxAt(alloc, ins, in);
ins->replaceOperand(0, in);
return true;
bool ToStringPolicy::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
MIRType type = ins->getOperand(0)->type();
if (type == MIRType::Object || type == MIRType::Symbol ||
type == MIRType::BigInt) {
ins->replaceOperand(0, BoxAt(alloc, ins, ins->getOperand(0)));
return true;
// TODO remove the following line once 966957 has landed
EnsureOperandNotFloat32(alloc, ins, 0);
return true;
bool ToInt64Policy::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
MDefinition* input = ins->getOperand(0);
MIRType type = input->type();
switch (type) {
case MIRType::BigInt: {
auto* replace = MTruncateBigIntToInt64::New(alloc, input);
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, replace);
ins->replaceOperand(0, replace);
// No need for boxing for these types, because they are handled specially
// when this instruction is lowered to LIR.
case MIRType::Boolean:
case MIRType::String:
case MIRType::Int64:
case MIRType::Value:
ins->replaceOperand(0, BoxAt(alloc, ins, ins->getOperand(0)));
return true;
template <unsigned Op>
bool ObjectPolicy<Op>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) {
MOZ_ASSERT(ins->getOperand(Op)->type() != MIRType::Slots);
MOZ_ASSERT(ins->getOperand(Op)->type() != MIRType::Elements);
return UnboxOperand(alloc, ins, Op, MIRType::Object);
template bool ObjectPolicy<0>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool ObjectPolicy<1>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool ObjectPolicy<2>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
template bool ObjectPolicy<3>::staticAdjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins);
bool CallPolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* ins) const {
MCallBase* call;
if (ins->isCall()) {
call = ins->toCall();
} else {
call = ins->toCallClassHook();
MDefinition* func = call->getCallee();
if (func->type() != MIRType::Object) {
MInstruction* unbox =
MUnbox::New(alloc, func, MIRType::Object, MUnbox::Fallible);
SetTypePolicyBailoutKind(unbox, call);
call->block()->insertBefore(call, unbox);
if (!unbox->typePolicy()->adjustInputs(alloc, unbox)) {
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < call->numStackArgs(); i++) {
if (!alloc.ensureBallast()) {
return false;
EnsureOperandNotFloat32(alloc, call, MCallBase::IndexOfStackArg(i));
return true;
bool MegamorphicSetElementPolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) const {
// The first operand should be an object.
if (!SingleObjectPolicy::staticAdjustInputs(alloc, ins)) {
return false;
// Box the index and value operands.
for (size_t i = 1, e = ins->numOperands(); i < e; i++) {
MDefinition* in = ins->getOperand(i);
if (in->type() == MIRType::Value) {
ins->replaceOperand(i, BoxAt(alloc, ins, in));
return true;
bool StoreUnboxedScalarPolicy::adjustValueInput(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins,
Scalar::Type writeType,
MDefinition* value,
int valueOperand) {
if (Scalar::isBigIntType(writeType)) {
if (value->type() == MIRType::BigInt) {
return true;
auto* replace = MToBigInt::New(alloc, value);
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, replace);
ins->replaceOperand(valueOperand, replace);
return replace->typePolicy()->adjustInputs(alloc, replace);
MDefinition* curValue = value;
// First, ensure the value is int32, boolean, double or Value.
// The conversion is based on TypedArrayObjectTemplate::setElementTail.
switch (value->type()) {
case MIRType::Int32:
case MIRType::Double:
case MIRType::Float32:
case MIRType::Boolean:
case MIRType::Value:
case MIRType::Null:
value = MConstant::New(alloc, Int32Value(0));
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, value->toInstruction());
case MIRType::Undefined:
value = MConstant::New(alloc, JS::NaNValue());
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, value->toInstruction());
case MIRType::Object:
case MIRType::String:
case MIRType::Symbol:
case MIRType::BigInt:
value = BoxAt(alloc, ins, value);
MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected type");
if (value != curValue) {
ins->replaceOperand(valueOperand, value);
curValue = value;
value->type() == MIRType::Int32 || value->type() == MIRType::Boolean ||
value->type() == MIRType::Double || value->type() == MIRType::Float32 ||
value->type() == MIRType::Value);
switch (writeType) {
case Scalar::Int8:
case Scalar::Uint8:
case Scalar::Int16:
case Scalar::Uint16:
case Scalar::Int32:
case Scalar::Uint32:
if (value->type() != MIRType::Int32) {
value = MTruncateToInt32::New(alloc, value);
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, value->toInstruction());
case Scalar::Uint8Clamped:
// The transpiler should have inserted MClampToUint8.
MOZ_ASSERT(value->type() == MIRType::Int32);
case Scalar::Float32:
if (value->type() != MIRType::Float32) {
value = MToFloat32::New(alloc, value);
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, value->toInstruction());
case Scalar::Float64:
if (value->type() != MIRType::Double) {
value = MToDouble::New(alloc, value);
ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, value->toInstruction());
MOZ_CRASH("Invalid array type");
if (value != curValue) {
ins->replaceOperand(valueOperand, value);
return true;
bool StoreUnboxedScalarPolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) const {
MStoreUnboxedScalar* store = ins->toStoreUnboxedScalar();
MOZ_ASSERT(store->elements()->type() == MIRType::Elements);
MOZ_ASSERT(store->index()->type() == MIRType::IntPtr);
return adjustValueInput(alloc, store, store->writeType(), store->value(), 2);
bool StoreDataViewElementPolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) const {
auto* store = ins->toStoreDataViewElement();
MOZ_ASSERT(store->elements()->type() == MIRType::Elements);
MOZ_ASSERT(store->index()->type() == MIRType::IntPtr);
MOZ_ASSERT(store->littleEndian()->type() == MIRType::Boolean);
return StoreUnboxedScalarPolicy::adjustValueInput(
alloc, ins, store->writeType(), store->value(), 2);
bool StoreTypedArrayHolePolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc,
MInstruction* ins) const {
MStoreTypedArrayElementHole* store = ins->toStoreTypedArrayElementHole();
MOZ_ASSERT(store->elements()->type() == MIRType::Elements);
MOZ_ASSERT(store->index()->type() == MIRType::IntPtr);
MOZ_ASSERT(store->length()->type() == MIRType::IntPtr);
return StoreUnboxedScalarPolicy::adjustValueInput(
alloc, ins, store->arrayType(), store->value(), 3);
bool ClampPolicy::adjustInputs(TempAllocator& alloc, MInstruction* ins) const {
MDefinition* in = ins->toClampToUint8()->input();
switch (in->type()) {
case MIRType::Int32:
case MIRType::Double:
case MIRType::Value:
ins->replaceOperand(0, BoxAt(alloc, ins, in));
return true;
// Lists of all TypePolicy specializations which are used by MIR Instructions.
#define TYPE_POLICY_LIST(_) \
_(AllDoublePolicy) \
_(ArithPolicy) \
_(BigIntArithPolicy) \
_(BitwisePolicy) \
_(BoxInputsPolicy) \
_(CallPolicy) \
_(MegamorphicSetElementPolicy) \
_(ClampPolicy) \
_(ComparePolicy) \
_(PowPolicy) \
_(SignPolicy) \
_(StoreDataViewElementPolicy) \
_(StoreTypedArrayHolePolicy) \
_(StoreUnboxedScalarPolicy) \
_(TestPolicy) \
_(ToDoublePolicy) \
_(ToInt32Policy) \
_(ToBigIntPolicy) \
_(ToStringPolicy) \
_(BigIntPolicy<0>) \
_(BooleanPolicy<0>) \
_(BoxExceptPolicy<0, MIRType::Object>) \
_(BoxPolicy<0>) \
_(ConvertToInt32Policy<0>) \
_(ConvertToStringPolicy<0>) \
_(ConvertToStringPolicy<2>) \
_(DoublePolicy<0>) \
_(FloatingPointPolicy<0>) \
_(UnboxedInt32Policy<0>) \
_(UnboxedInt32Policy<1>) \
_(TruncateToInt32OrToBigIntPolicy<2>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, StringPolicy<1>, BoxPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, BoxPolicy<1>, BoxPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, BoxPolicy<1>, ObjectPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, BoxPolicy<1>, UnboxedInt32Policy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, UnboxedInt32Policy<1>, BoxPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, UnboxedInt32Policy<1>, UnboxedInt32Policy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, BoxPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, ObjectPolicy<1>, UnboxedInt32Policy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, ObjectPolicy<1>, ObjectPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, ObjectPolicy<1>, BoxPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<StringPolicy<0>, UnboxedInt32Policy<1>, UnboxedInt32Policy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<StringPolicy<0>, ObjectPolicy<1>, StringPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<StringPolicy<0>, StringPolicy<1>, StringPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, StringPolicy<1>, UnboxedInt32Policy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, UnboxedInt32Policy<1>, BoxPolicy<2>, \
ObjectPolicy<3>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, UnboxedInt32Policy<1>, UnboxedInt32Policy<2>, \
UnboxedInt32Policy<3>>) \
_(MixPolicy<TruncateToInt32OrToBigIntPolicy<2>, \
TruncateToInt32OrToBigIntPolicy<3>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, CacheIdPolicy<1>, NoFloatPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, BoxExceptPolicy<1, MIRType::Object>, \
CacheIdPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<BoxPolicy<0>, ObjectPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ConvertToStringPolicy<0>, ConvertToStringPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ConvertToStringPolicy<0>, ObjectPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<DoublePolicy<0>, DoublePolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<UnboxedInt32Policy<0>, UnboxedInt32Policy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<Int32OrIntPtrPolicy<0>, Int32OrIntPtrPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, BoxPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<BoxExceptPolicy<0, MIRType::Object>, CacheIdPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<CacheIdPolicy<0>, ObjectPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, ConvertToStringPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, UnboxedInt32Policy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, UnboxedInt32Policy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, NoFloatPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, NoFloatPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, NoFloatPolicy<3>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, NoFloatPolicyAfter<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, ObjectPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, StringPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, ConvertToStringPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<1>, ConvertToStringPolicy<0>>) \
_(MixPolicy<StringPolicy<0>, UnboxedInt32Policy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<StringPolicy<0>, StringPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<BoxPolicy<0>, BoxPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<BoxPolicy<0>, BoxPolicy<1>, BoxPolicy<2>>) \
_(MixPolicy<ObjectPolicy<0>, BoxPolicy<2>, ObjectPolicy<3>>) \
_(MixPolicy<BoxExceptPolicy<0, MIRType::Object>, ObjectPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<UnboxedInt32Policy<0>, BigIntPolicy<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<UnboxedInt32Policy<0>, NoFloatPolicyAfter<1>>) \
_(MixPolicy<UnboxedInt32Policy<0>, UnboxedInt32Policy<1>, \
NoFloatPolicyAfter<2>>) \
_(NoFloatPolicy<0>) \
_(NoFloatPolicy<1>) \
_(NoFloatPolicy<2>) \
_(NoFloatPolicyAfter<0>) \
_(NoFloatPolicyAfter<1>) \
_(NoFloatPolicyAfter<2>) \
_(ObjectPolicy<0>) \
_(ObjectPolicy<1>) \
_(ObjectPolicy<3>) \
_(StringPolicy<0>) \
namespace js {
namespace jit {
// Define for all used TypePolicy specialization, the definition for
// |TypePolicy::Data::thisTypePolicy|. This function returns one constant
// instance of the TypePolicy which is shared among all MIR Instructions of the
// same type.
// This Macro use __VA_ARGS__ to account for commas of template parameters.
const TypePolicy* __VA_ARGS__::Data::thisTypePolicy() { \
static constexpr __VA_ARGS__ singletonType; \
return &singletonType; \
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
namespace {
// For extra-good measure in case an unqualified use is ever introduced. (The
// main use in the macro below is explicitly qualified so as not to consult
// this scope and find this function.)
inline TypePolicy* thisTypePolicy() = delete;
static MIRType thisTypeSpecialization() {
MOZ_CRASH("TypeSpecialization lacks definition of thisTypeSpecialization.");
} // namespace
// For each MIR Instruction, this macro define the |typePolicy| method which is
// using the |thisTypePolicy| method. The |thisTypePolicy| method is either a
// member of the MIR Instruction, such as with MGetElementCache, a member
// inherited from the TypePolicy::Data structure, or a member inherited from
// NoTypePolicy if the MIR instruction has no type policy.
const TypePolicy* js::jit::M##op::typePolicy() { \
return M##op::thisTypePolicy(); \
} \
MIRType js::jit::M##op::typePolicySpecialization() { \
return thisTypeSpecialization(); \