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// Functions for checking results returned by Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus.
const Census = {};
(function () {
// Census.walkCensus(subject, name, walker[, ignore])
// Use |walker| to check |subject|, a census object of the sort returned by
// Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus: a tree of objects with integers at the
// leaves. Use |name| as the name for |subject| in diagnostic messages. Return
// the number of leaves of |subject| we visited.
// A walker is an object with three methods:
// - enter(prop): Return the walker we should use to check the property of the
// subject census named |prop|. This is for recursing into the subobjects of
// the subject.
// - done(ignore): Called after we have called 'enter' on every property of
// the subject. Passed the |ignore| set of properties.
// - check(value): Check |value|, a leaf in the subject.
// Walker methods are expected to simply throw if a node we visit doesn't look
// right.
// The optional |ignore| parameter allows you to specify a |Set| of property
// names which should be ignored. The walker will not traverse such
// properties.
Census.walkCensus = (subject, name, walker, ignore = new Set()) =>
walk(subject, name, walker, ignore, 0);
function walk(subject, name, walker, ignore, count) {
if (typeof subject === 'object') {
for (let prop in subject) {
if (ignore.has(prop)) {
count = walk(subject[prop],
name + "[" + JSON.stringify(prop) + "]",
} else {
print(name + " = " + JSON.stringify(subject));
return count;
// A walker that doesn't check anything.
Census.walkAnything = {
enter: () => Census.walkAnything,
done: () => undefined,
check: () => undefined
// A walker that requires all leaves to be zeros.
Census.assertAllZeros = {
enter: () => Census.assertAllZeros,
done: () => undefined,
check: elt => assertEq(elt, 0)
function expectedObject() {
throw "Census mismatch: subject has leaf where basis has nested object";
function expectedLeaf() {
throw "Census mismatch: subject has nested object where basis has leaf";
// Return a function that, given a 'basis' census, returns a census walker that
// compares the subject census against the basis. The returned walker calls the
// given |compare|, |missing|, and |extra| functions as follows:
// - compare(subjectLeaf, basisLeaf): Check a leaf of the subject against the
// corresponding leaf of the basis.
// - missing(prop, value): Called when the subject is missing a property named
// |prop| which is present in the basis with value |value|.
// - extra(prop): Called when the subject has a property named |prop|, but the
// basis has no such property. This should return a walker that can check
// the subject's value.
function makeBasisChecker({compare, missing, extra}) {
return function makeWalker(basis) {
if (typeof basis === 'object') {
var unvisited = new Set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(basis));
return {
enter: prop => {
if (prop in basis) {
return makeWalker(basis[prop]);
} else {
return extra(prop);
done: ignore => [...unvisited].filter(p => !ignore.has(p)).forEach(p => missing(p, basis[p])),
check: expectedObject
} else {
return {
enter: expectedLeaf,
done: expectedLeaf,
check: elt => compare(elt, basis)
function missingProp(prop) {
throw "Census mismatch: subject lacks property present in basis: " + JSON.stringify(prop);
function extraProp(prop) {
throw "Census mismatch: subject has property not present in basis: " + JSON.stringify(prop);
// Return a walker that checks that the subject census has counts all equal to
// |basis|.
Census.assertAllEqual = makeBasisChecker({
compare: assertEq,
missing: missingProp,
extra: extraProp
// Return a walker that checks that the subject census has at least as many
// items of each category as |basis|.
Census.assertAllNotLessThan = makeBasisChecker({
compare: (subject, basis) => assertEq(subject >= basis, true),
missing: missingProp,
extra: () => Census.walkAnything
// Return a walker that checks that the subject census has at most as many
// items of each category as |basis|.
Census.assertAllNotMoreThan = makeBasisChecker({
compare: (subject, basis) => assertEq(subject <= basis, true),
missing: missingProp,
extra: () => Census.walkAnything
// Return a walker that checks that the subject census has within |fudge|
// items of each category of the count in |basis|.
Census.assertAllWithin = function (fudge, basis) {
return makeBasisChecker({
compare: (subject, basis) => assertEq(Math.abs(subject - basis) <= fudge, true),
missing: missingProp,
extra: () => Census.walkAnything