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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeySession.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <utility>
#include "GMPUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/AsyncEventDispatcher.h"
#include "mozilla/CDMProxy.h"
#include "mozilla/EMEUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Encoding.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLMediaElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/KeyIdsInitDataBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaEncryptedEvent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeyError.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeyMessageEvent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeyStatusMap.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeySystemAccess.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
#include "nsPrintfCString.h"
#include "psshparser/PsshParser.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
mMediaKeyError, mKeys, mKeyStatusMap,
NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(MediaKeySession, DOMEventTargetHelper)
NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(MediaKeySession, DOMEventTargetHelper)
// Count of number of instances. Used to give each instance a
// unique token.
static uint32_t sMediaKeySessionNum = 0;
// Max length of keyId in EME "keyIds" or WebM init data format, as enforced
// by web platform tests.
static const uint32_t MAX_KEY_ID_LENGTH = 512;
// Max length of CENC PSSH init data tolerated, as enforced by web
// platform tests.
static const uint32_t MAX_CENC_INIT_DATA_LENGTH = 64 * 1024;
MediaKeySession::MediaKeySession(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aParent, MediaKeys* aKeys,
const nsAString& aKeySystem,
MediaKeySessionType aSessionType,
bool aHardwareDecryption, ErrorResult& aRv)
: DOMEventTargetHelper(aParent),
mKeyStatusMap(new MediaKeyStatusMap(aParent)),
mHardwareDecryption(aHardwareDecryption) {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,''] ctor", this);
if (aRv.Failed()) {
mClosed = MakePromise(aRv, "MediaKeys.createSession"_ns);
void MediaKeySession::SetSessionId(const nsAString& aSessionId) {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] session Id set", this,
if (NS_WARN_IF(!mSessionId.IsEmpty())) {
mSessionId = aSessionId;
MediaKeySession::~MediaKeySession() {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] dtor", this,
MediaKeyError* MediaKeySession::GetError() const { return mMediaKeyError; }
void MediaKeySession::GetSessionId(nsString& aSessionId) const {
aSessionId = GetSessionId();
const nsString& MediaKeySession::GetSessionId() const { return mSessionId; }
JSObject* MediaKeySession::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) {
return MediaKeySession_Binding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto);
double MediaKeySession::Expiration() const { return mExpiration; }
Promise* MediaKeySession::Closed() const { return mClosed; }
void MediaKeySession::UpdateKeyStatusMap() {
if (!mKeys->GetCDMProxy()) {
nsTArray<CDMCaps::KeyStatus> keyStatuses;
auto caps = mKeys->GetCDMProxy()->Capabilites().Lock();
caps->GetKeyStatusesForSession(mSessionId, keyStatuses);
nsAutoCString message(
nsPrintfCString("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] key statuses change {", this,
for (const CDMCaps::KeyStatus& status : keyStatuses) {
message.AppendPrintf(" (%s,%s)", ToHexString(status.mId).get(),
message.AppendLiteral(" }");
// Use %s so we aren't exposing random strings to printf interpolation.
EME_LOG("%s", message.get());
MediaKeyStatusMap* MediaKeySession::KeyStatuses() const {
return mKeyStatusMap;
// The user agent MUST thoroughly validate the Initialization Data before
// passing it to the CDM. This includes verifying that the length and
// values of fields are reasonable, verifying that values are within
// reasonable limits, and stripping irrelevant, unsupported, or unknown
// data or fields. It is RECOMMENDED that user agents pre-parse, sanitize,
// and/or generate a fully sanitized version of the Initialization Data.
// If the Initialization Data format specified by initDataType supports
// multiple entries, the user agent SHOULD remove entries that are not
// needed by the CDM. The user agent MUST NOT re-order entries within
// the Initialization Data.
static bool ValidateInitData(const nsTArray<uint8_t>& aInitData,
const nsAString& aInitDataType) {
if (aInitDataType.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("webm")) {
// WebM initData consists of a single keyId. Ensure it's of reasonable
// length.
return aInitData.Length() <= MAX_KEY_ID_LENGTH;
} else if (aInitDataType.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("cenc")) {
// Limit initData to less than 64KB.
if (aInitData.Length() > MAX_CENC_INIT_DATA_LENGTH) {
return false;
std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> keyIds;
return ParseCENCInitData(aInitData.Elements(), aInitData.Length(), keyIds);
} else if (aInitDataType.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("keyids")) {
if (aInitData.Length() > MAX_KEY_ID_LENGTH) {
return false;
// Ensure that init data matches the expected JSON format.
mozilla::dom::KeyIdsInitData keyIds;
nsString json;
nsDependentCSubstring raw(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(aInitData.Elements()),
if (NS_FAILED(UTF_8_ENCODING->DecodeWithBOMRemoval(raw, json))) {
return false;
if (!keyIds.Init(json)) {
return false;
if (keyIds.mKids.Length() == 0) {
return false;
for (const auto& kid : keyIds.mKids) {
if (kid.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
// Generates a license request based on the initData. A message of type
// "license-request" or "individualization-request" will always be queued
// if the algorithm succeeds and the promise is resolved.
already_AddRefed<Promise> MediaKeySession::GenerateRequest(
const nsAString& aInitDataType,
const ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer& aInitData, ErrorResult& aRv) {
RefPtr<DetailedPromise> promise(
MakePromise(aRv, "MediaKeySession.generateRequest"_ns));
if (aRv.Failed()) {
return nullptr;
// If this object is closed, return a promise rejected with an
// InvalidStateError.
if (IsClosed()) {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] GenerateRequest() failed, closed", this,
"Session is closed in MediaKeySession.generateRequest()");
return promise.forget();
// If this object's uninitialized value is false, return a promise rejected
// with an InvalidStateError.
if (!mUninitialized) {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] GenerateRequest() failed, uninitialized",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get());
"Session is already initialized in MediaKeySession.generateRequest()");
return promise.forget();
// Let this object's uninitialized value be false.
mUninitialized = false;
// If initDataType is the empty string, return a promise rejected
// with a newly created TypeError.
if (aInitDataType.IsEmpty()) {
"Empty initDataType passed to MediaKeySession.generateRequest()");
"MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] GenerateRequest() failed, empty initDataType",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get());
return promise.forget();
// If initData is an empty array, return a promise rejected with
// a newly created TypeError.
nsTArray<uint8_t> data;
CopyArrayBufferViewOrArrayBufferData(aInitData, data);
if (data.IsEmpty()) {
"Empty initData passed to MediaKeySession.generateRequest()");
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] GenerateRequest() failed, empty initData",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get());
return promise.forget();
// If the Key System implementation represented by this object's
// cdm implementation value does not support initDataType as an
// Initialization Data Type, return a promise rejected with a
// NotSupportedError. String comparison is case-sensitive.
MediaKeySystemAccess::KeySystemSupportsInitDataType(mKeySystem, aInitDataType,
->Then(GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget(), __func__,
[self = RefPtr<MediaKeySession>{this}, this,
initDataType = nsString{aInitDataType},
initData = std::move(data), promise](
const GenericPromise::ResolveOrRejectValue& aResult) mutable {
if (aResult.IsReject()) {
"Unsupported initDataType passed to "
"MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] GenerateRequest() failed, "
"unsupported "
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get());
// Run rest of steps in the spec, starting from
CompleteGenerateRequest(initDataType, initData, promise);
return promise.forget();
void MediaKeySession::CompleteGenerateRequest(const nsString& aInitDataType,
nsTArray<uint8_t>& aData,
DetailedPromise* aPromise) {
// Let init data be a copy of the contents of the initData parameter.
// Note: Handled by the CopyArrayBufferViewOrArrayBufferData call above.
// Let session type be this object's session type.
// Let promise be a new promise.
// Run the following steps in parallel:
// If the init data is not valid for initDataType, reject promise with a newly
// created TypeError.
if (!ValidateInitData(aData, aInitDataType)) {
// If the preceding step failed, reject promise with a newly created
// TypeError.
"initData sanitization failed in "
"MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] GenerateRequest() initData "
"sanitization "
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get());
// Let sanitized init data be a validated and sanitized version of init data.
// If sanitized init data is empty, reject promise with a NotSupportedError.
// Note: Remaining steps of generateRequest method continue in CDM.
// Convert initData to hex for easier logging.
// Note: CreateSession() std::move()s the data out of the array, so we have to
// copy it here.
nsAutoCString hexInitData(ToHexString(aData));
PromiseId pid = mKeys->StorePromise(aPromise);
mKeys->ConnectPendingPromiseIdWithToken(pid, Token());
mKeys->GetCDMProxy()->CreateSession(Token(), mSessionType, pid, aInitDataType,
"MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] GenerateRequest() sent, "
"promiseId=%d initData='%s' initDataType='%s'",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get(), pid, hexInitData.get(),
already_AddRefed<Promise> MediaKeySession::Load(const nsAString& aSessionId,
ErrorResult& aRv) {
RefPtr<DetailedPromise> promise(MakePromise(aRv, "MediaKeySession.load"_ns));
if (aRv.Failed()) {
return nullptr;
// 1. If this object is closed, return a promise rejected with an
// InvalidStateError.
if (IsClosed()) {
"Session is closed in MediaKeySession.load()");
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Load() failed, closed", this,
return promise.forget();
// 2.If this object's uninitialized value is false, return a promise rejected
// with an InvalidStateError.
if (!mUninitialized) {
"Session is already initialized in MediaKeySession.load()");
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Load() failed, uninitialized", this,
return promise.forget();
// 3.Let this object's uninitialized value be false.
mUninitialized = false;
// 4. If sessionId is the empty string, return a promise rejected with a newly
// created TypeError.
if (aSessionId.IsEmpty()) {
"Trying to load a session with empty session ID");
// "The sessionId parameter is empty."
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,''] Load() failed, no sessionId", this);
return promise.forget();
// 5. If the result of running the Is persistent session type? algorithm
// on this object's session type is false, return a promise rejected with
// a newly created TypeError.
if (mSessionType == MediaKeySessionType::Temporary) {
"Trying to load() into a non-persistent session");
"MediaKeySession[%p,''] Load() failed, can't load in a non-persistent "
return promise.forget();
// Note: We don't support persistent sessions in any keysystem, so all calls
// to Load() should reject with a TypeError in the preceding check. Omitting
// implementing the rest of the specified MediaKeySession::Load() algorithm.
// We now know the sessionId being loaded into this session. Remove the
// session from its owning MediaKey's set of sessions awaiting a sessionId.
RefPtr<MediaKeySession> session(mKeys->GetPendingSession(Token()));
MOZ_ASSERT(session == this, "Session should be awaiting id on its own token");
// Associate with the known sessionId.
PromiseId pid = mKeys->StorePromise(promise);
mKeys->GetCDMProxy()->LoadSession(pid, mSessionType, aSessionId);
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Load() sent to CDM, promiseId=%d", this,
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get(), pid);
return promise.forget();
already_AddRefed<Promise> MediaKeySession::Update(
const ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer& aResponse, ErrorResult& aRv) {
RefPtr<DetailedPromise> promise(
MakePromise(aRv, "MediaKeySession.update"_ns));
if (aRv.Failed()) {
return nullptr;
if (!IsCallable()) {
// If this object's callable value is false, return a promise rejected
// with a new DOMException whose name is InvalidStateError.
"MediaKeySession[%p,''] Update() called before sessionId set by CDM",
"MediaKeySession.Update() called before sessionId set by CDM");
return promise.forget();
nsTArray<uint8_t> data;
if (IsClosed() || !mKeys->GetCDMProxy()) {
"Session is closed or was not properly initialized");
"MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Update() failed, session is closed or was "
"not properly initialised.",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get());
return promise.forget();
CopyArrayBufferViewOrArrayBufferData(aResponse, data);
if (data.IsEmpty()) {
"Empty response buffer passed to MediaKeySession.update()");
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Update() failed, empty response buffer",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get());
return promise.forget();
// Convert response to hex for easier logging.
// Note: UpdateSession() std::move()s the data out of the array, so we have
// to copy it here.
nsAutoCString hexResponse(ToHexString(data));
PromiseId pid = mKeys->StorePromise(promise);
mKeys->GetCDMProxy()->UpdateSession(mSessionId, pid, data);
"MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Update() sent to CDM, "
"promiseId=%d Response='%s'",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get(), pid, hexResponse.get());
return promise.forget();
already_AddRefed<Promise> MediaKeySession::Close(ErrorResult& aRv) {
RefPtr<DetailedPromise> promise(MakePromise(aRv, "MediaKeySession.close"_ns));
if (aRv.Failed()) {
return nullptr;
// 1. Let session be the associated MediaKeySession object.
// 2. If session is closed, return a resolved promise.
if (IsClosed()) {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Close() already closed", this,
return promise.forget();
// 3. If session's callable value is false, return a promise rejected
// with an InvalidStateError.
if (!IsCallable()) {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,''] Close() called before sessionId set by CDM",
"MediaKeySession.Close() called before sessionId set by CDM");
return promise.forget();
if (!mKeys->GetCDMProxy()) {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Close() null CDMProxy", this,
"MediaKeySession.Close() lost reference to CDM");
return promise.forget();
// 4. Let promise be a new promise.
PromiseId pid = mKeys->StorePromise(promise);
// 5. Run the following steps in parallel:
// 5.1 Let cdm be the CDM instance represented by session's cdm instance
// value. 5.2 Use cdm to close the session associated with session.
mKeys->GetCDMProxy()->CloseSession(mSessionId, pid);
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Close() sent to CDM, promiseId=%d", this,
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get(), pid);
// Session Closed algorithm is run when CDM causes us to run
// OnSessionClosed().
// 6. Return promise.
return promise.forget();
void MediaKeySession::OnClosed() {
if (IsClosed()) {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] session close operation complete.", this,
mIsClosed = true;
mKeys = nullptr;
bool MediaKeySession::IsClosed() const { return mIsClosed; }
already_AddRefed<Promise> MediaKeySession::Remove(ErrorResult& aRv) {
RefPtr<DetailedPromise> promise(
MakePromise(aRv, "MediaKeySession.remove"_ns));
if (aRv.Failed()) {
return nullptr;
if (!IsCallable()) {
// If this object's callable value is false, return a promise rejected
// with a new DOMException whose name is InvalidStateError.
"MediaKeySession[%p,''] Remove() called before sessionId set by CDM",
"MediaKeySession.Remove() called before sessionId set by CDM");
return promise.forget();
if (mSessionType != MediaKeySessionType::Persistent_license) {
"Calling MediaKeySession.remove() on non-persistent session");
// "The operation is not supported on session type sessions."
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Remove() failed, sesion not persisrtent.",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get());
return promise.forget();
if (IsClosed() || !mKeys->GetCDMProxy()) {
"MediaKeySession.remove() called but session is not active");
// "The session is closed."
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Remove() failed, already session closed.",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get());
return promise.forget();
PromiseId pid = mKeys->StorePromise(promise);
mKeys->GetCDMProxy()->RemoveSession(mSessionId, pid);
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] Remove() sent to CDM, promiseId=%d.", this,
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get(), pid);
return promise.forget();
void MediaKeySession::DispatchKeyMessage(MediaKeyMessageType aMessageType,
const nsTArray<uint8_t>& aMessage) {
"MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] DispatchKeyMessage() type=%s message='%s'",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get(),
GetEnumString(aMessageType).get(), ToHexString(aMessage).get());
RefPtr<MediaKeyMessageEvent> event(
MediaKeyMessageEvent::Constructor(this, aMessageType, aMessage));
RefPtr<AsyncEventDispatcher> asyncDispatcher =
new AsyncEventDispatcher(this, event.forget());
void MediaKeySession::DispatchKeyError(uint32_t aSystemCode) {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] DispatchKeyError() systemCode=%u.", this,
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get(), aSystemCode);
auto event = MakeRefPtr<MediaKeyError>(this, aSystemCode);
RefPtr<AsyncEventDispatcher> asyncDispatcher =
new AsyncEventDispatcher(this, event.forget());
void MediaKeySession::DispatchKeyStatusesChange() {
if (IsClosed()) {
RefPtr<AsyncEventDispatcher> asyncDispatcher =
new AsyncEventDispatcher(this, u"keystatuseschange"_ns, CanBubble::eNo);
uint32_t MediaKeySession::Token() const { return mToken; }
already_AddRefed<DetailedPromise> MediaKeySession::MakePromise(
ErrorResult& aRv, const nsACString& aName) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> global = GetParentObject();
if (!global) {
NS_WARNING("Passed non-global to MediaKeys ctor!");
return nullptr;
return DetailedPromise::Create(global, aRv, aName);
void MediaKeySession::SetExpiration(double aExpiration) {
EME_LOG("MediaKeySession[%p,'%s'] SetExpiry(%.12lf) (%.2lf hours from now)",
this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mSessionId).get(), aExpiration,
(aExpiration - 1000.0 * double(time(0))) / (1000.0 * 60 * 60));
mExpiration = aExpiration;
EventHandlerNonNull* MediaKeySession::GetOnkeystatuseschange() {
return GetEventHandler(nsGkAtoms::onkeystatuseschange);
void MediaKeySession::SetOnkeystatuseschange(EventHandlerNonNull* aCallback) {
SetEventHandler(nsGkAtoms::onkeystatuseschange, aCallback);
EventHandlerNonNull* MediaKeySession::GetOnmessage() {
return GetEventHandler(nsGkAtoms::onmessage);
void MediaKeySession::SetOnmessage(EventHandlerNonNull* aCallback) {
SetEventHandler(nsGkAtoms::onmessage, aCallback);
nsString ToString(MediaKeySessionType aType) {
return NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(GetEnumString(aType));
} // namespace mozilla::dom