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<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
.container {
display: flex;
background-color: grey;
font: 14px sans-serif;
height: 50px;
#flex-sanity {
/* This just needs to be large enough so that no shrinking is required. */
width: 1600px;
.clamped-huge-item {
flex: 1 1 1650px; /* This needs to be bigger than #flex-sanity, to test
the scenario it's aiming to test (early clamping of a
flex item which, if left unclamped, would've reversed
the direction of flexing & made everything shrink). */
max-width: 10px;
.base { align-self: baseline; }
.lastbase { align-self: last baseline; }
.offset { margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 3px; }
.lime { background: lime; }
.yellow { background: yellow; }
.orange { background: orange; }
.pink { background: pink; }
.tan { background: tan; }
.white { background: white; }
.crossMinMax { min-height: 40px;
max-height: 120px; }
.mainMinMax { min-width: 120px;
max-width: 500px; }
.flexGrow { flex-grow: 1; }
.spacer150 { width: 150px;
box-sizing: border-box;
height: 10px;
border: 1px solid teal; }
"use strict";
function testItemMatchesExpectedValues(item, values, index) {
if (typeof(values.node) != "undefined") {
is(item.node, values.node, "Item index " + index + " has expected node.");
if (typeof(values.mainBaseSize) != "undefined") {
is(item.mainBaseSize, values.mainBaseSize, "Item index " + index + " has expected mainBaseSize.");
if (typeof(values.mainDeltaSize) != "undefined") {
is(item.mainDeltaSize, values.mainDeltaSize, "Item index " + index + " has expected mainDeltaSize.");
if (typeof(values.mainMinSize) != "undefined") {
is(item.mainMinSize, values.mainMinSize, "Item index " + index + " has expected mainMinSize.");
if (typeof(values.mainMaxSize) != "undefined") {
is(item.mainMaxSize, values.mainMaxSize, "Item index " + index + " has expected mainMaxSize.");
} else {
// If we didn't specify an expected mainMaxSize, then it's implied
// that the max main-size property (max-width/max-height) is at its
// default "none" value, which our FlexItem API represents as +infinity.
is(item.mainMaxSize, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
"Item index " + index + " has expected (default) mainMaxSize.");
if (typeof(values.crossMinSize) != "undefined") {
is(item.crossMinSize, values.crossMinSize, "Item index " + index + " has expected crossMinSize.");
if (typeof(values.crossMaxSize) != "undefined") {
is(item.crossMaxSize, values.crossMaxSize, "Item index " + index + " has expected crossMaxSize.");
} else {
// As above for mainMaxSize, no-expected-value implies we expect +infinity.
is(item.crossMaxSize, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
"Item index " + index + " has expected (default) crossMaxSize.");
// Test for items in "flex-sanity" flex container:
function testFlexSanity() {
let container = document.getElementById("flex-sanity");
let flex = container.getAsFlexContainer();
let lines = flex.getLines();
is(lines.length, 1, "Container should have expected number of lines.");
let line = lines[0];
let containerHeight = container.getBoundingClientRect().height;
is(line.crossSize, containerHeight,
"Line crossSize should equal the height of the container.");
// We can't compare baselines precisely, so we'll just confirm that they
// appear somewhere within the elements that determine them.
// (This assumes the first rect is baseline-aligned.)
let firstRect = container.firstElementChild.getBoundingClientRect();
ok(line.firstBaselineOffset > &&
line.firstBaselineOffset < firstRect.bottom,
"Line firstBaselineOffset should land somewhere within the element " +
"that determines it.");
// For last baseline, it's measured from the bottom, so we have to compare
// against the element bounds subtracted from the container height.
// We use the first node which uses last-baseline ("lb") alignment to
// provide the rect:
let lbElem = document.querySelector(".lastbase");
let lbElemBoundingRect = lbElem.getBoundingClientRect();
ok(line.lastBaselineOffset > containerHeight - lbElemBoundingRect.bottom &&
line.lastBaselineOffset < containerHeight -,
"Line lastBaselineOffset should land somewhere within the element" +
"that determines it.");
let expectedValues = [
{ crossMinSize: 0 },
{ mainBaseSize: 100,
mainDeltaSize: 0 },
{ crossMinSize: 40,
crossMaxSize: 120,
mainDeltaSize: 0 },
{ mainMinSize: 120,
mainMaxSize: 500,
mainDeltaSize: 0 },
{ mainMinSize: 120,
mainMaxSize: 500,
mainBaseSize: 150,
mainDeltaSize: 0 },
{ mainBaseSize: 10,
mainMaxSize: 5,
mainDeltaSize: 0 },
{ mainBaseSize: 10,
mainMinSize: 15,
mainDeltaSize: 0 },
{ mainBaseSize: 50,
mainMaxSize: 10 },
{ mainBaseSize: 1650,
mainMaxSize: 10,
mainDeltaSize: 0 },
{ mainDeltaSize: 0 },
{ /* final item is anonymous flex item */ },
let items = line.getItems();
is(items.length, expectedValues.length,
"Line should have expected number of items.");
is(items.length, container.children.length + 1,
"Line should have as many items as the flex container has child elems, " +
"plus 1 for anonymous flex item");
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
let item = items[i];
let values = expectedValues[i];
// set the expected node to the node we're currently iterating over,
// except for:
// - the display:contents element (whose item is its first child)
// - the final item (which is an anonymous flex item around text)
if (i < container.children.length) {
let curElem = container.children[i];
values.node = ( == "contents"
? curElem.firstElementChild
: curElem);
} else {
is(container.lastChild.nodeType, TEXT_NODE,
"container's last child should be a text node");
values.node = container.lastChild;
testItemMatchesExpectedValues(item, values, i);
// Check that the delta size of the first item is (roughly) equal to the
// actual size minus the base size.
isfuzzy(items[0].mainDeltaSize, firstRect.width - items[0].mainBaseSize, 1e-4,
"flex-grow item should have expected mainDeltaSize.");
// Test for items in "flex-growing" flex container:
function testFlexGrowing() {
let expectedValues = [
{ mainBaseSize: 10,
mainDeltaSize: 10,
mainMinSize: 35 },
{ mainBaseSize: 20,
mainDeltaSize: 5,
mainMinSize: 28 },
{ mainBaseSize: 30,
mainDeltaSize: 7 },
{ mainBaseSize: 0,
mainDeltaSize: 48,
mainMaxSize: 20 },
let container = document.getElementById("flex-growing");
let items = container.getAsFlexContainer().getLines()[0].getItems();
is(items.length, container.children.length,
"Line should have as many items as the flex container has child elems");
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
let item = items[i];
let values = expectedValues[i];
testItemMatchesExpectedValues(item, values, i);
function runTests() {
<body onLoad="runTests();">
<!-- First flex container to be tested: "flex-sanity".
We test a few general things, e.g.:
- accuracy of reported baselines.
- accuracy of reported flex base size, min/max sizes, & trivial deltas.
- flex items formation for display:contents subtrees & text nodes.
<div id="flex-sanity" class="container">
<div class="lime base flexGrow">one line (first)</div>
<div class="yellow lastbase" style="width: 100px">one line (last)</div>
<div class="orange offset lastbase crossMinMax">two<br/>lines and offset (last)</div>
<div class="pink offset base mainMinMax">offset (first)</div>
<!-- Inflexible item w/ content-derived flex base size, which has min/max
but doesn't violate them: -->
<div class="tan mainMinMax">
<div class="spacer150"></div>
<!-- Inflexible item that is trivially clamped to smaller max-width: -->
<div style="flex: 0 0 10px; max-width: 5px"></div>
<!-- Inflexible item that is trivially clamped to larger min-width: -->
<div style="flex: 0 0 10px; min-width: 15px"></div>
<!-- Item that wants to grow but is trivially clamped to max-width
below base size: -->
<div style="flex: 1 1 50px; max-width: 10px"></div>
<div class="clamped-huge-item"></div>
<div style="display:contents">
<div class="white">replaced</div>
anon item for text
<!-- Second flex container to be tested, with items that grow by specific
predictable amounts. This ends up triggering 4 passes of the main
flexbox layout algorithm loop - and note that for each item, we only
report (via 'mainDeltaSize') the delta that it wanted in the *last pass
of the loop before that item was frozen*.
Here's what goes on in each pass (and the tentative deltas)
* PASS 1
- Available space = 120 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 0 = 60px.
- Sum of flex values = 1+1+2+16 = 20. So 1 "share" is 60px/20 = 3px.
- Deltas (space distributed): +3px, +3px, +6px, +48px
item0 is now 10+3 = 13px, which under its min
item1 is now 20+3 = 23px, which under its min
item3 is now 0+48 = 48px, which over its max
- the magnitude of max-violations (how far we're out of bounds) exceeds
magnitude of min-violations, so we prioritize the max-violations.
- So we freeze item3 at its max-width, 20px, leaving its final "desired"
mainDeltaSize at +48px from this pass.
* PASS 2
- Available space = 120 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 20 = 40px.
- Sum of flex values = 1+1+2 = 4. So 1 "share" is 40px/4 = 10px.
- Deltas (space distributed): +10px, +10px, +20px, +0px.
item0 is now 10+10 = 20px, which is under its min
- So we freeze item0 at its min-width, 35px, leaving its final "desired"
mainDeltaSize at +10px from this pass.
* PASS 3
- Available space = 120 - 35 - 20 - 30 - 20 = 15px.
- Sum of flex values = 1+2 = 3. So 1 "share" is 15px/3 = 5px.
- Deltas (space distributed): +0px, +5px, +10px, +0px.
item1 is now 20+5 = 25px, which is under its min
- So we freeze item1 at its min-width, 28px, leaving its final "desired"
mainDeltaSize at +5px from this pass.
* PASS 4
- Available space = 120 - 35 - 28 - 30 - 20 = 7px.
- Sum of flex values = 2. So 1 "share" is 7px/2 = 3.5px
- Deltas (space distributed): +0px, +0px, +7px, +0px.
None! (So, we'll be done after this pass!)
- So we freeze item2 (the only unfrozen item) at its flexed size, 37px,
and set its final "desired" mainDeltaSize to +7px from this pass.
- And we're done!
<div id="flex-growing" class="container" style="width: 120px">
<div style="flex: 1 10px; min-width: 35px"></div>
<div style="flex: 1 20px; min-width: 28px"></div>
<div style="flex: 2 30px; min-width: 0"></div>
<div style="flex: 16 0px; max-width: 20px"></div>