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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
const {
const EventEmitter = require("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js");
const hasMethod = (target, method) =>
method in target && typeof target[method] === "function";
* Each method of this object is a test; tests can be synchronous or asynchronous:
* 1. Plain functions are synchronous tests.
* 2. methods with `async` keyword are asynchronous tests.
* 3. methods with `done` as argument are asynchronous tests (`done` needs to be called to
* finish the test).
const TESTS = {
testEventEmitterCreation() {
const emitter = getEventEmitter();
const isAnEmitter = emitter instanceof EventEmitter;
ok(emitter, "We have an event emitter");
hasMethod(emitter, "on") &&
hasMethod(emitter, "off") &&
hasMethod(emitter, "once") &&
hasMethod(emitter, "count") &&
!hasMethod(emitter, "decorate"),
`Event Emitter ${
isAnEmitter ? "instance" : "mixin"
} has the expected methods.`
testEmittingEvents(done) {
const emitter = getEventEmitter();
let beenHere1 = false;
let beenHere2 = false;
function next(str1, str2) {
equal(str1, "abc", "Argument 1 is correct");
equal(str2, "def", "Argument 2 is correct");
ok(!beenHere1, "first time in next callback");
beenHere1 = true;"next", next);
emitter.once("onlyonce", onlyOnce);
function onlyOnce() {
ok(!beenHere2, '"once" listener has been called once');
beenHere2 = true;
emitter.on("next", next);
emitter.emit("next", "abc", "def");
testThrowingExceptionInListener(done) {
const emitter = getEventEmitter();
const listener = new ConsoleAPIListener(null, message => {
equal(message.level, "error");
const [arg] = message.arguments;
equal(arg.message, "foo");
equal(arg.stack, "bar");
function throwListener() {"throw-exception");
const err = new Error("foo");
err.stack = "bar";
throw err;
emitter.on("throw-exception", throwListener);
testKillItWhileEmitting(done) {
const emitter = getEventEmitter();
const c1 = () => ok(true, "c1 called");
const c2 = () => {
ok(true, "c2 called");"tick", c3);
const c3 = () => ok(false, "c3 should not be called");
const c4 = () => {
ok(true, "c4 called");
emitter.on("tick", c1);
emitter.on("tick", c2);
emitter.on("tick", c3);
emitter.on("tick", c4);
testOffAfterOnce() {
const emitter = getEventEmitter();
let enteredC1 = false;
const c1 = () => (enteredC1 = true);
emitter.once("oao", c1);"oao", c1);
ok(!enteredC1, "c1 should not be called");
testPromise() {
const emitter = getEventEmitter();
const p = emitter.once("thing");
// Check that the promise is only resolved once event though we
// emit("thing") more than once
let firstCallbackCalled = false;
const check1 = p.then(arg => {
equal(firstCallbackCalled, false, "first callback called only once");
firstCallbackCalled = true;
equal(arg, "happened", "correct arg in promise");
return "rval from c1";
emitter.emit("thing", "happened", "ignored");
// Check that the promise is resolved asynchronously
let secondCallbackCalled = false;
const check2 = p.then(arg => {
ok(true, "second callback called");
equal(arg, "happened", "correct arg in promise");
secondCallbackCalled = true;
equal(arg, "happened", "correct arg in promise (a second time)");
return "rval from c2";
// Shouldn't call any of the above listeners
emitter.emit("thing", "trashinate");
// Check that we can still separate events with different names
// and that it works with no parameters
const pfoo = emitter.once("foo");
const pbar = emitter.once("bar");
const check3 = pfoo.then(arg => {
Assert.strictEqual(arg, undefined, "no arg for foo event");
return "rval from c3";
pbar.then(() => {
ok(false, "pbar should not be called");
equal(secondCallbackCalled, false, "second callback not called yet");
return Promise.all([check1, check2, check3]).then(args => {
equal(args[0], "rval from c1", "callback 1 done good");
equal(args[1], "rval from c2", "callback 2 done good");
equal(args[2], "rval from c3", "callback 3 done good");
testClearEvents() {
const emitter = getEventEmitter();
const received = [];
const listener = (...args) => received.push(args);
emitter.on("a", listener);
emitter.on("b", listener);
emitter.on("c", listener);
emitter.emit("a", 1);
emitter.emit("b", 1);
emitter.emit("c", 1);
equal(received.length, 3, "the listener was triggered three times");
emitter.emit("a", 1);
emitter.emit("b", 1);
emitter.emit("c", 1);
equal(received.length, 3, "the listener was not called after clearEvents");
testOnReturn() {
const emitter = getEventEmitter();
let called = false;
const removeOnTest = emitter.on("test", () => {
called = true;
equal(typeof removeOnTest, "function", "`on` returns a function");
equal(called, false, "event listener wasn't called");
async testEmitAsync() {
const emitter = getEventEmitter();
let resolve1, resolve2;
emitter.once("test", async () => {
return new Promise(r => {
resolve1 = r;
// Adding a listener which doesn't return a promise should trigger a console warning.
emitter.once("test", () => {});
emitter.once("test", async () => {
return new Promise(r => {
resolve2 = r;
info("Emit an event and wait for all listener resolutions");
const onConsoleWarning = onConsoleWarningLogged(
"Listener for event 'test' did not return a promise."
const onEmitted = emitter.emitAsync("test");
let resolved = false;
onEmitted.then(() => {
info("emitAsync just resolved");
resolved = true;
info("Waiting for warning message about the second listener");
await onConsoleWarning;
// Spin the event loop, to ensure that emitAsync did not resolved too early
await new Promise(r =>;
ok(resolve1, "event listener has been called");
ok(!resolved, "but emitAsync hasn't resolved yet");
info("Resolve the first listener function");
ok(!resolved, "emitAsync isn't resolved until all listener resolve");
info("Resolve the second listener function");
// emitAsync is only resolved in the next event loop
await new Promise(r =>;
ok(resolved, "once we resolve all the listeners, emitAsync is resolved");
testCount() {
const emitter = getEventEmitter();
equal(emitter.count("foo"), 0, "no listeners for 'foo' events");
emitter.on("foo", () => {});
equal(emitter.count("foo"), 1, "listener registered");
emitter.on("foo", () => {});
equal(emitter.count("foo"), 2, "another listener registered");"foo");
equal(emitter.count("foo"), 0, "listeners unregistered");
// Wait for the next call to console.warn which includes
// the text passed as argument
function onConsoleWarningLogged(warningMessage) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const ConsoleAPIStorage = Cc[
const observer = subject => {
// This is the first argument passed to console.warn()
const message = subject.wrappedJSObject.arguments[0];
if (message.includes(warningMessage)) {
* Create a runnable tests based on the tests descriptor given.
* @param {Object} tests
* The tests descriptor object, contains the tests to run.
const runnable = tests =>
async function () {
for (const name of Object.keys(tests)) {
if (tests[name].length === 1) {
await new Promise(resolve => tests[name](resolve));
} else {
await tests[name]();
// We want to run the same tests for both an instance of `EventEmitter` and an object
// decorate with EventEmitter; therefore we create two strategies (`createNewEmitter` and
// `decorateObject`) and a factory (`getEventEmitter`), where the factory is the actual
// function used in the tests.
const createNewEmitter = () => new EventEmitter();
const decorateObject = () => EventEmitter.decorate({});
// First iteration of the tests with a new instance of `EventEmitter`.
let getEventEmitter = createNewEmitter;
// Second iteration of the tests with an object decorate using `EventEmitter`
add_task(() => (getEventEmitter = decorateObject));