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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {
style: { ELEMENT_STYLE },
["parseDeclarations", "parseNamedDeclarations", "parseSingleValue"],
const PREF_INACTIVE_CSS_ENABLED = "devtools.inspector.inactive.css.enabled";
* ElementStyle is responsible for the following:
* Keeps track of which properties are overridden.
* Maintains a list of Rule objects for a given element.
class ElementStyle {
* @param {Element} element
* The element whose style we are viewing.
* @param {CssRuleView} ruleView
* The instance of the rule-view panel.
* @param {Object} store
* The ElementStyle can use this object to store metadata
* that might outlast the rule view, particularly the current
* set of disabled properties.
* @param {PageStyleFront} pageStyle
* Front for the page style actor that will be providing
* the style information.
* @param {Boolean} showUserAgentStyles
* Should user agent styles be inspected?
constructor(element, ruleView, store, pageStyle, showUserAgentStyles) {
this.element = element;
this.ruleView = ruleView; = store || {};
this.pageStyle = pageStyle;
this.pseudoElementTypes = new Set();
this.showUserAgentStyles = showUserAgentStyles;
this.rules = [];
this.cssProperties = this.ruleView.cssProperties;
this.variablesMap = new Map();
// We don't want to overwrite so we only create it
// if it doesn't already exist.
if (!("userProperties" in { = new UserProperties();
if (!("disabled" in { = new WeakMap();
get unusedCssEnabled() {
if (!this._unusedCssEnabled) {
this._unusedCssEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
return this._unusedCssEnabled;
destroy() {
if (this.destroyed) {
this.destroyed = true;
for (const rule of this.rules) {
if (rule.editor) {
* Called by the Rule object when it has been changed through the
* setProperty* methods.
_changed() {
if (this.onChanged) {
* Refresh the list of rules to be displayed for the active element.
* Upon completion, this.rules[] will hold a list of Rule objects.
* Returns a promise that will be resolved when the elementStyle is
* ready.
populate() {
const populated = this.pageStyle
.getApplied(this.element, {
inherited: true,
matchedSelectors: true,
filter: this.showUserAgentStyles ? "ua" : undefined,
.then(entries => {
if (this.destroyed || this.populated !== populated) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
// Store the current list of rules (if any) during the population
// process. They will be reused if possible.
const existingRules = this.rules;
this.rules = [];
for (const entry of entries) {
this._maybeAddRule(entry, existingRules);
// Store a list of all pseudo-element types found in the matching rules.
this.pseudoElementTypes = new Set();
for (const rule of this.rules) {
if (rule.pseudoElement) {
// Mark overridden computed styles.
// We're done with the previous list of rules.
for (const r of existingRules) {
if (r?.editor) {
return undefined;
.catch(e => {
// populate is often called after a setTimeout,
// the connection may already be closed.
if (this.destroyed) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
return promiseWarn(e);
this.populated = populated;
return this.populated;
* Returns the Rule object of the given rule id.
* @param {String|null} id
* The id of the Rule object.
* @return {Rule|undefined} of the given rule id or undefined if it cannot be found.
getRule(id) {
return id
? this.rules.find(rule => rule.domRule.actorID === id)
: undefined;
* Get the font families in use by the element.
* Returns a promise that will be resolved to a list of CSS family
* names. The list might have duplicates.
getUsedFontFamilies() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.ruleView.styleWindow.requestIdleCallback(async () => {
if (this.element.isDestroyed()) {
try {
const fonts = await this.pageStyle.getUsedFontFaces(this.element, {
includePreviews: false,
resolve( => font.CSSFamilyName));
} catch (e) {
* Put pseudo elements in front of others.
_sortRulesForPseudoElement() {
this.rules = this.rules.sort((a, b) => {
return (a.pseudoElement || "z") > (b.pseudoElement || "z");
* Add a rule if it's one we care about. Filters out duplicates and
* inherited styles with no inherited properties.
* @param {Object} options
* Options for creating the Rule, see the Rule constructor.
* @param {Array} existingRules
* Rules to reuse if possible. If a rule is reused, then it
* it will be deleted from this array.
* @return {Boolean} true if we added the rule.
_maybeAddRule(options, existingRules) {
// If we've already included this domRule (for example, when a
// common selector is inherited), ignore it.
if (
options.system ||
(options.rule && this.rules.some(rule => rule.domRule === options.rule))
) {
return false;
let rule = null;
// If we're refreshing and the rule previously existed, reuse the
// Rule object.
if (existingRules) {
const ruleIndex = existingRules.findIndex(r => r.matches(options));
if (ruleIndex >= 0) {
rule = existingRules[ruleIndex];
existingRules.splice(ruleIndex, 1);
// If this is a new rule, create its Rule object.
if (!rule) {
rule = new Rule(this, options);
// Ignore inherited rules with no visible properties.
if (options.inherited && !rule.hasAnyVisibleProperties()) {
return false;
return true;
* Calls updateDeclarations with all supported pseudo elements
onRuleUpdated() {
// Update declarations for matching rules for pseudo-elements.
for (const pseudo of this.pseudoElementTypes) {
* Go over all CSS rules matching the selected element and mark the CSS declarations
* (aka TextProperty instances) with an `overridden` Boolean flag if an earlier or
* higher priority declaration overrides it. Rules are already ordered by specificity.
* If a pseudo-element type is passed (ex: ::before, ::first-line, etc),
* restrict the operation only to declarations in rules matching that pseudo-element.
* At the end, update the declaration's view (TextPropertyEditor instance) so it relects
* the latest state. Use this opportunity to also trigger checks for the "inactive"
* state of the declaration (whether it has effect or not).
* @param {String} pseudo
* Optional pseudo-element for which to restrict marking CSS declarations as
* overridden.
updateDeclarations(pseudo = "") {
// Gather all text properties applicable to the selected element or pseudo-element.
const textProps = this._getDeclarations(pseudo);
// CSS Variables inherits from the normal element in case of pseudo element.
const variables = new Map(pseudo ? this.variablesMap.get("") : null);
// Walk over the computed properties. As we see a property name
// for the first time, mark that property's name as taken by this
// property.
// If we come across a property whose name is already taken, check
// its priority against the property that was found first:
// If the new property is a higher priority, mark the old
// property overridden and mark the property name as taken by
// the new property.
// If the new property is a lower or equal priority, mark it as
// overridden.
// Note that this is different if layers are involved: if both
// old and new properties have a high priority, and if the new
// property is in a rule belonging to a layer that is different
// from the the one the old property rule might be in,
// mark the old property overridden and mark the property name as
// taken by the new property.
// _overriddenDirty will be set on each prop, indicating whether its
// dirty status changed during this pass.
const taken = new Map();
for (const textProp of textProps) {
for (const computedProp of textProp.computed) {
const earlier = taken.get(;
// Prevent -webkit-gradient from being selected after unchecking
// linear-gradient in this case:
// -moz-linear-gradient: ...;
// -webkit-linear-gradient: ...;
// linear-gradient: ...;
if (!computedProp.textProp.isValid()) {
computedProp.overridden = true;
let overridden;
if (
earlier &&
computedProp.priority === "important" &&
(earlier.priority !== "important" ||
// Even if the earlier property was important, if the current rule is in a layer
// it will take precedence, unless the earlier property rule was in the same layer.
(computedProp.textProp.rule?.isInLayer() &&
))) &&
// For !important only consider rules applying to the same parent node.
computedProp.textProp.rule.inherited ==
) {
// New property is higher priority. Mark the earlier property
// overridden (which will reverse its dirty state).
earlier._overriddenDirty = !earlier._overriddenDirty;
earlier.overridden = true;
overridden = false;
} else {
overridden = !!earlier;
computedProp._overriddenDirty =
!!computedProp.overridden !== overridden;
computedProp.overridden = overridden;
if (!computedProp.overridden && computedProp.textProp.enabled) {
taken.set(, computedProp);
// At this point, we can get CSS variable from "inherited" rules.
// When this is a registered custom property with `inherits` set to false,
// the text prop is "invisible" (i.e. not shown in the rule view).
// In such case, we don't want to get the value in the Map, and we'll rather
// get the initial value from the registered property definition.
if (
isCssVariable( &&
) {
variables.set(, computedProp.value);
// Find the CSS variables that have been updated.
const previousVariablesMap = new Map(this.variablesMap.get(pseudo));
const changedVariableNamesSet = new Set(
[...variables.keys(), ...previousVariablesMap.keys()].filter(
k => variables.get(k) !== previousVariablesMap.get(k)
this.variablesMap.set(pseudo, variables);
// For each TextProperty, mark it overridden if all of its computed
// properties are marked overridden. Update the text property's associated
// editor, if any. This will clear the _overriddenDirty state on all
// computed properties. For each editor we also show or hide the inactive
// CSS icon as needed.
for (const textProp of textProps) {
// _updatePropertyOverridden will return true if the
// overridden state has changed for the text property.
// _hasUpdatedCSSVariable will return true if the declaration contains any
// of the updated CSS variable names.
if (
this._updatePropertyOverridden(textProp) ||
this._hasUpdatedCSSVariable(textProp, changedVariableNamesSet)
) {
// For each editor show or hide the inactive CSS icon as needed.
if (textProp.editor && this.unusedCssEnabled) {
* Update CSS variable tooltip information on textProp editor when registered property
* are added/modified/removed.
* @param {Set<String>} registeredPropertyNamesSet: A Set containing the name of the
* registered properties which were added/modified/removed.
onRegisteredPropertiesChange(registeredPropertyNamesSet) {
for (const rule of this.rules) {
for (const textProp of rule.textProps) {
if (this._hasUpdatedCSSVariable(textProp, registeredPropertyNamesSet)) {
* Returns true if the given declaration's property value contains a CSS variable
* matching any of the updated CSS variable names.
* @param {TextProperty} declaration
* A TextProperty of a rule.
* @param {Set<>String} variableNamesSet
* A Set of CSS variable names that have been updated.
_hasUpdatedCSSVariable(declaration, variableNamesSet) {
for (const variableName of variableNamesSet) {
if (declaration.hasCSSVariable(variableName)) {
return true;
return false;
* Helper for |this.updateDeclarations()| to mark CSS declarations as overridden.
* Returns an array of CSS declarations (aka TextProperty instances) from all rules
* applicable to the selected element ordered from more- to less-specific.
* If a pseudo-element type is given, restrict the result only to declarations
* applicable to that pseudo-element.
* NOTE: this method skips CSS declarations in @keyframes rules because a number of
* criteria such as time and animation delay need to be checked in order to determine
* if the property is overridden at runtime.
* @param {String} pseudo
* Optional pseudo-element for which to restrict marking CSS declarations as
* overridden. If omitted, only declarations for regular style rules are
* returned (no pseudo-element style rules).
* @return {Array}
* Array of TextProperty instances.
_getDeclarations(pseudo = "") {
const textProps = [];
for (const rule of this.rules) {
// Skip @keyframes rules
if (rule.keyframes) {
// Style rules must be considered only when they have selectors that match the node.
// When renaming a selector, the unmatched rule lingers in the Rule view, but it no
// longer matches the node. This strict check avoids accidentally causing
// declarations to be overridden in the remaining matching rules.
const isStyleRule =
rule.pseudoElement === "" && !!rule.matchedDesugaredSelectors.length;
// Style rules for pseudo-elements must always be considered, regardless if their
// selector matches the node. As a convenience, declarations in rules for
// pseudo-elements show up in a separate Pseudo-elements accordion when selecting
// the host node (instead of the pseudo-element node directly, which is sometimes
// impossible, for example with ::selection or ::first-line).
// Loosening the strict check on matched selectors ensures these declarations
// participate in the algorithm below to mark them as overridden.
const isPseudoElementRule =
rule.pseudoElement !== "" && rule.pseudoElement === pseudo;
const isElementStyle = rule.domRule.type === ELEMENT_STYLE;
const filterCondition =
pseudo === "" ? isStyleRule || isElementStyle : isPseudoElementRule;
// Collect all relevant CSS declarations (aka TextProperty instances).
if (filterCondition) {
for (const textProp of rule.textProps.slice(0).reverse()) {
if (textProp.enabled) {
return textProps;
* Adds a new declaration to the rule.
* @param {String} ruleId
* The id of the Rule to be modified.
* @param {String} value
* The new declaration value.
addNewDeclaration(ruleId, value) {
const rule = this.getRule(ruleId);
if (!rule) {
const declarationsToAdd = parseNamedDeclarations(
if (!declarationsToAdd.length) {
this._addMultipleDeclarations(rule, declarationsToAdd);
* Adds a new rule. The rules view is updated from a "stylesheet-updated" event
* emitted the PageStyleActor as a result of the rule being inserted into the
* the stylesheet.
async addNewRule() {
await this.pageStyle.addNewRule(
* Given the id of the rule and the new declaration name, modifies the existing
* declaration name to the new given value.
* @param {String} ruleId
* The Rule id of the given CSS declaration.
* @param {String} declarationId
* The TextProperty id for the CSS declaration.
* @param {String} name
* The new declaration name.
async modifyDeclarationName(ruleId, declarationId, name) {
const rule = this.getRule(ruleId);
if (!rule) {
const declaration = rule.getDeclaration(declarationId);
if (!declaration || === name) {
// Adding multiple rules inside of name field overwrites the current
// property with the first, then adds any more onto the property list.
const declarations = parseDeclarations(this.cssProperties.isKnown, name);
if (!declarations.length) {
await declaration.setName(declarations[0].name);
if (!declaration.enabled) {
await declaration.setEnabled(true);
* Helper function to addNewDeclaration() and modifyDeclarationValue() for
* adding multiple declarations to a rule.
* @param {Rule} rule
* The Rule object to write new declarations to.
* @param {Array<Object>} declarationsToAdd
* An array of object containg the parsed declaration data to be added.
* @param {TextProperty|null} siblingDeclaration
* Optional declaration next to which the new declaration will be added.
_addMultipleDeclarations(rule, declarationsToAdd, siblingDeclaration = null) {
for (const { commentOffsets, name, value, priority } of declarationsToAdd) {
const isCommented = Boolean(commentOffsets);
const enabled = !isCommented;
siblingDeclaration = rule.createProperty(
* Parse a value string and break it into pieces, starting with the
* first value, and into an array of additional declarations (if any).
* Example: Calling with "red; width: 100px" would return
* { firstValue: "red", propertiesToAdd: [{ name: "width", value: "100px" }] }
* @param {String} value
* The string to parse.
* @return {Object} An object with the following properties:
* firstValue: A string containing a simple value, like
* "red" or "100px!important"
* declarationsToAdd: An array with additional declarations, following the
* parseDeclarations format of { name, value, priority }
_getValueAndExtraProperties(value) {
// The inplace editor will prevent manual typing of multiple declarations,
// but we need to deal with the case during a paste event.
// Adding multiple declarations inside of value editor sets value with the
// first, then adds any more onto the declaration list (below this declarations).
let firstValue = value;
let declarationsToAdd = [];
const declarations = parseDeclarations(this.cssProperties.isKnown, value);
// Check to see if the input string can be parsed as multiple declarations
if (declarations.length) {
// Get the first property value (if any), and any remaining
// declarations (if any)
if (!declarations[0].name && declarations[0].value) {
firstValue = declarations[0].value;
declarationsToAdd = declarations.slice(1);
} else if (declarations[0].name && declarations[0].value) {
// In some cases, the value could be a property:value pair
// itself. Join them as one value string and append
// potentially following declarations
firstValue = declarations[0].name + ": " + declarations[0].value;
declarationsToAdd = declarations.slice(1);
return {
* Given the id of the rule and the new declaration value, modifies the existing
* declaration value to the new given value.
* @param {String} ruleId
* The Rule id of the given CSS declaration.
* @param {String} declarationId
* The TextProperty id for the CSS declaration.
* @param {String} value
* The new declaration value.
async modifyDeclarationValue(ruleId, declarationId, value) {
const rule = this.getRule(ruleId);
if (!rule) {
const declaration = rule.getDeclaration(declarationId);
if (!declaration) {
const { declarationsToAdd, firstValue } =
const parsedValue = parseSingleValue(
if (
!declarationsToAdd.length &&
declaration.value === parsedValue.value &&
declaration.priority === parsedValue.priority
) {
// First, set this declaration value (common case, only modified a property)
await declaration.setValue(parsedValue.value, parsedValue.priority);
if (!declaration.enabled) {
await declaration.setEnabled(true);
this._addMultipleDeclarations(rule, declarationsToAdd, declaration);
* Modifies the existing rule's selector to the new given value.
* @param {String} ruleId
* The id of the Rule to be modified.
* @param {String} selector
* The new selector value.
async modifySelector(ruleId, selector) {
try {
const rule = this.getRule(ruleId);
if (!rule) {
const response = await rule.domRule.modifySelector(
const { ruleProps, isMatching } = response;
if (!ruleProps) {
// Notify for changes, even when nothing changes, just to allow tests
// being able to track end of this request.
const newRule = new Rule(this, {
isUnmatched: !isMatching,
// Recompute the list of applied styles because editing a
// selector might cause this rule's position to change.
const appliedStyles = await this.pageStyle.getApplied(this.element, {
inherited: true,
matchedSelectors: true,
filter: this.showUserAgentStyles ? "ua" : undefined,
const newIndex = appliedStyles.findIndex(r => r.rule == ruleProps.rule);
const oldIndex = this.rules.indexOf(rule);
// Remove the old rule and insert the new rule according to where it appears
// in the list of applied styles.
this.rules.splice(oldIndex, 1);
// If the selector no longer matches, then we leave the rule in
// the same relative position.
this.rules.splice(newIndex === -1 ? oldIndex : newIndex, 0, newRule);
// Recompute, mark and update the UI for any properties that are
// overridden or contain inactive CSS according to the new list of rules.
// In order to keep the new rule in place of the old in the rules view, we need
// to remove the rule again if the rule was inserted to its new index according
// to the list of applied styles.
// Note: you might think we would replicate the list-modification logic above,
// but that is complicated due to the way the UI installs pseudo-element rules
// and the like.
if (newIndex !== -1) {
this.rules.splice(newIndex, 1);
this.rules.splice(oldIndex, 0, newRule);
} catch (e) {
* Toggles the enabled state of the given CSS declaration.
* @param {String} ruleId
* The Rule id of the given CSS declaration.
* @param {String} declarationId
* The TextProperty id for the CSS declaration.
toggleDeclaration(ruleId, declarationId) {
const rule = this.getRule(ruleId);
if (!rule) {
const declaration = rule.getDeclaration(declarationId);
if (!declaration) {
* Mark a given TextProperty as overridden or not depending on the
* state of its computed properties. Clears the _overriddenDirty state
* on all computed properties.
* @param {TextProperty} prop
* The text property to update.
* @return {Boolean} true if the TextProperty's overridden state (or any of
* its computed properties overridden state) changed.
_updatePropertyOverridden(prop) {
let overridden = true;
let dirty = false;
for (const computedProp of prop.computed) {
if (!computedProp.overridden) {
overridden = false;
dirty = computedProp._overriddenDirty || dirty;
delete computedProp._overriddenDirty;
dirty = !!prop.overridden !== overridden || dirty;
prop.overridden = overridden;
return dirty;
* Returns the current value of a CSS variable; or its initial value if the
* variable is registered but not defined; or null if it's not registered and not defined.
* @param {String} name
* The name of the variable.
* @param {String} pseudo
* The pseudo-element name of the rule.
* @return {String|null} the variable's value (or initial value) or null if the variable
* is not defined and not registered.
getVariable(name, pseudo = "") {
const variables = this.variablesMap.get(pseudo);
if (variables && variables.has(name)) {
return variables.get(name);
// If the variable wasn't defined, we want to check if it is a registered custom
// properties so we can get its initial value
const registeredPropertiesMap =
return registeredPropertiesMap && registeredPropertiesMap.has(name)
? registeredPropertiesMap.get(name).initialValue
: null;
* Get all custom properties.
* @param {String} pseudo
* The pseudo-element name of the rule.
* @returns Map<String, String> A map whose key is the custom property name and value is
* the custom property value (or registered property initial
* value if the property is not defined)
getAllCustomProperties(pseudo = "") {
let customProperties = this.variablesMap.get(pseudo);
const registeredPropertiesMap =
// If there's no registered properties, we can return the Map as is
if (!registeredPropertiesMap || registeredPropertiesMap.size === 0) {
return customProperties;
let newMapCreated = false;
for (const [name, propertyDefinition] of registeredPropertiesMap) {
// Only set the registered property if it's not defined (i.e. not in this.variablesMap)
if (!customProperties.has(name)) {
// Since we want to return registered property, we need to create a new Map
// to not modify the one in this.variablesMap.
if (!newMapCreated) {
customProperties = new Map(customProperties);
newMapCreated = true;
customProperties.set(name, propertyDefinition.initialValue);
return customProperties;
module.exports = ElementStyle;