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Test Info:

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Test that a flex item's sizing section shows the highest value of specificity for its
// CSS property.
const TEST_URI = URL_ROOT + "doc_flexbox_CSS_property_with_!important.html";
add_task(async function () {
await addTab(TEST_URI);
const { inspector, flexboxInspector } = await openLayoutView();
const { document: doc } = flexboxInspector;
info("Select the container's flex item sizing info.");
const onFlexItemSizingRendered = waitForDOM(doc, "ul.flex-item-sizing");
await selectNode(".item", inspector);
const [flexItemSizingContainer] = await onFlexItemSizingRendered;
"Check that the max and flexibility sections show correct CSS property value."
const flexSection = flexItemSizingContainer.querySelector(
const maxSection = flexItemSizingContainer.querySelector(".section.max");
const flexGrow = flexSection.querySelector(".css-property-link");
const maxSize = maxSection.querySelector(".css-property-link");
"(max-width: 400px !important)",
"Maximum size section shows CSS property value with highest specificity."
"(flex-grow: 5 !important)",
"Flexibility size section shows CSS property value with highest specificity."