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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Test for following CurrentTimeLabel component:
// * element existence
// * label content at plural timing
add_task(async function () {
await addTab(URL_ROOT + "doc_multi_timings.html");
await removeAnimatedElementsExcept([".keyframes-easing-step"]);
const { animationInspector, panel } = await openAnimationInspector();
info("Checking current time label existence");
const labelEl = panel.querySelector(".current-time-label");
ok(labelEl, "current time label should exist");
info("Checking current time label content");
const duration = animationInspector.state.timeScale.getDuration();
clickOnCurrentTimeScrubberController(animationInspector, panel, 0.5);
await waitUntilAnimationsPlayState(animationInspector, "paused");
await waitUntilCurrentTimeChangedAt(animationInspector, duration * 0.5);
const targetAnimation = animationInspector.state.animations[0];
assertLabelContent(labelEl, targetAnimation.state.currentTime);
clickOnCurrentTimeScrubberController(animationInspector, panel, 0.2);
await waitUntilCurrentTimeChangedAt(animationInspector, duration * 0.2);
assertLabelContent(labelEl, targetAnimation.state.currentTime);
info("Checking current time label content during running");
// Resume
clickOnPauseResumeButton(animationInspector, panel);
const previousContent = labelEl.textContent;
info("Wait until the time label changes");
await waitFor(() => labelEl.textContent != previousContent);
"Current time label should change"
function assertLabelContent(labelEl, time) {
const expected = formatStopwatchTime(time);
is(labelEl.textContent, expected, `Content of label should be ${expected}`);
function formatStopwatchTime(time) {
// Format falsy values as 0
if (!time) {
return "00:00.000";
let milliseconds = parseInt(time % 1000, 10);
let seconds = parseInt((time / 1000) % 60, 10);
let minutes = parseInt(time / (1000 * 60), 10);
const pad = (nb, max) => {
if (nb < max) {
return new Array((max + "").length - (nb + "").length + 1).join("0") + nb;
return nb;
minutes = pad(minutes, 10);
seconds = pad(seconds, 10);
milliseconds = pad(milliseconds, 100);
return `${minutes}:${seconds}.${milliseconds}`;