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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Tests the following bugs:
* Bug 443745 - View>Sort>of "alpha" sort items is default to Z>A instead of A>Z
* Bug 444179 - Library>Views>Sort>Sort by Tags does nothing
* Basically, fully tests sorting the placeContent tree in the Places Library
* window. Sorting is verified by comparing the nsINavHistoryResult returned by
* placeContent.result to the expected sort values.
// Two properties of nsINavHistoryResult control the sort of the tree:
// sortingMode. sortingMode's value is one of the
// nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_* constants.
// This lookup table maps the possible values of anonid's of the treecols to
// objects that represent the treecols' correct state after the user sorts the
// previously unsorted tree by selecting a column from the Views > Sort menu.
// sortingMode is constructed from the key and dir properties (i.e.,
// SORT_BY_<key>_<dir>).
title: { key: "TITLE", dir: "ASCENDING" },
tags: { key: "TAGS", dir: "ASCENDING" },
url: { key: "URI", dir: "ASCENDING" },
date: { key: "DATE", dir: "DESCENDING" },
visitCount: { key: "VISITCOUNT", dir: "DESCENDING" },
dateAdded: { key: "DATEADDED", dir: "DESCENDING" },
lastModified: { key: "LASTMODIFIED", dir: "DESCENDING" },
// This is the column that's sorted if one is not specified and the tree is
// currently unsorted. Set it to a key substring in the name of one of the
// nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_* constants, e.g., "TITLE", "URI".
// Method ViewMenu.setSortColumn in browser/components/places/content/places.js
// determines this value.
// Part of the test is checking that sorts stick, so each time we sort we need
// to remember it.
var prevSortDir = null;
var prevSortKey = null;
* Ensures that the sort of aTree is aSortingMode
* @param {object} aTree
* the tree to check
* @param {Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions} aSortingMode
* one of the Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_* constants
function checkSort(aTree, aSortingMode) {
// The placeContent tree's sort is determined by the nsINavHistoryResult it
// stores. Get it and check that the sort is what the caller expects.
let res = aTree.result;
isnot(res, null, "sanity check: placeContent.result should not return null");
// Check sortingMode.
"column should now have sortingMode " + aSortingMode
* Sets the sort of aTree.
* @param {object} aOrganizerWin
* the Places window
* @param {object} aTree
* the tree to sort
* @param {boolean} aUnsortFirst
* true if the sort should be set to SORT_BY_NONE before sorting by aCol
* and aDir
* @param {boolean} aShouldFail
* true if setSortColumn should fail on aCol or aDir
* @param {object} aCol
* the column of aTree by which to sort
* @param {string} aDir
* either "ascending" or "descending"
function setSort(aOrganizerWin, aTree, aUnsortFirst, aShouldFail, aCol, aDir) {
if (aUnsortFirst) {
checkSort(aTree, Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_NONE, "");
// Remember the sort key and direction.
prevSortKey = null;
prevSortDir = null;
let failed = false;
try {
aOrganizerWin.ViewMenu.setSortColumn(aCol, aDir);
// Remember the sort key and direction.
if (!aCol && !aDir) {
prevSortKey = null;
prevSortDir = null;
} else {
if (aCol) {
prevSortKey = SORT_LOOKUP_TABLE[aCol.getAttribute("anonid")].key;
} else if (prevSortKey === null) {
if (aDir) {
prevSortDir = aDir.toUpperCase();
} else if (prevSortDir === null) {
prevSortDir = SORT_LOOKUP_TABLE[aCol.getAttribute("anonid")].dir;
} catch (exc) {
failed = true;
"setSortColumn on column " +
(aCol ? aCol.getAttribute("anonid") : "(no column)") +
" with direction " +
(aDir || "(no direction)") +
" and table previously " +
(aUnsortFirst ? "unsorted" : "sorted") +
" should " +
(aShouldFail ? "" : "not ") +
* Tries sorting by an invalid column and sort direction.
* @param {object} aOrganizerWin
* the Places window
* @param {object} aPlaceContentTree
* the placeContent tree in aOrganizerWin
function testInvalid(aOrganizerWin, aPlaceContentTree) {
// Invalid column should fail by throwing an exception.
let bogusCol = document.createXULElement("treecol");
bogusCol.setAttribute("anonid", "bogusColumn");
setSort(aOrganizerWin, aPlaceContentTree, true, true, bogusCol, "ascending");
// Invalid direction reverts to SORT_BY_NONE.
setSort(aOrganizerWin, aPlaceContentTree, false, false, null, "bogus dir");
checkSort(aPlaceContentTree, Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_NONE, "");
* Tests sorting aPlaceContentTree by column only and then by both column
* and direction.
* @param {object} aOrganizerWin
* the Places window
* @param {object} aPlaceContentTree
* the placeContent tree in aOrganizerWin
* @param {boolean} aUnsortFirst
* true if, before each sort we try, we should sort to SORT_BY_NONE
function testSortByColAndDir(aOrganizerWin, aPlaceContentTree, aUnsortFirst) {
let cols = aPlaceContentTree.getElementsByTagName("treecol");
ok(!!cols.length, "sanity check: placeContent should contain columns");
for (let i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
let col = cols.item(i);
"sanity check: column " + + " should have anonid"
let colId = col.getAttribute("anonid");
"sanity check: unexpected placeContent column anonid"
let sortStr =
"SORT_BY_" +
"_" +
(aUnsortFirst ? SORT_LOOKUP_TABLE[colId].dir : prevSortDir);
let expectedSortMode = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions[sortStr];
// Test sorting by only a column.
setSort(aOrganizerWin, aPlaceContentTree, aUnsortFirst, false, col);
checkSort(aPlaceContentTree, expectedSortMode);
// Test sorting by both a column and a direction.
["ascending", "descending"].forEach(function (dir) {
sortStr =
"SORT_BY_" + SORT_LOOKUP_TABLE[colId].key + "_" + dir.toUpperCase();
expectedSortMode = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions[sortStr];
setSort(aOrganizerWin, aPlaceContentTree, aUnsortFirst, false, col, dir);
checkSort(aPlaceContentTree, expectedSortMode);
* Tests sorting aPlaceContentTree by direction only.
* @param {object} aOrganizerWin
* the Places window
* @param {object} aPlaceContentTree
* the placeContent tree in aOrganizerWin
* @param {boolean} aUnsortFirst
* true if, before each sort we try, we should sort to SORT_BY_NONE
function testSortByDir(aOrganizerWin, aPlaceContentTree, aUnsortFirst) {
["ascending", "descending"].forEach(function (dir) {
let key = aUnsortFirst ? DEFAULT_SORT_KEY : prevSortKey;
let sortStr = "SORT_BY_" + key + "_" + dir.toUpperCase();
let expectedSortMode = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions[sortStr];
setSort(aOrganizerWin, aPlaceContentTree, aUnsortFirst, false, null, dir);
checkSort(aPlaceContentTree, expectedSortMode, "");
function test() {
openLibrary(function (win) {
let tree = win.document.getElementById("placeContent");
isnot(tree, null, "sanity check: placeContent tree should exist");
// Run the tests.
testSortByColAndDir(win, tree, true);
testSortByColAndDir(win, tree, false);
testSortByDir(win, tree, true);
testSortByDir(win, tree, false);
testInvalid(win, tree);
// Reset the sort to SORT_BY_NONE.
setSort(win, tree, false, false);
// Close the window and finish.