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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
* Test that if the "privileged about content process" crashes, that it
* drops its internal reference to the "privileged about content process"
* process manager, and that a subsequent restart of that process type
* results in a dynamic document load. Also tests that crashing of
* any other content process type doesn't clear the process manager
* reference.
add_task(async function test_process_crash() {
await withFullyLoadedAboutHome(async browser => {
await simulateRestart(browser);
let origProcManager = AboutHomeStartupCache._procManager;
await BrowserTestUtils.crashFrame(browser);
"Should have dropped the reference to the crashed process"
await withFullyLoadedAboutHome(async browser => {
// The cache should still be considered "valid and used", since it was
// used successfully before the crash.
await ensureDynamicAboutHome(
// Now simulate a restart to attach the AboutHomeStartupCache to
// the new privileged about content process.
await simulateRestart(browser);
let latestProcManager = AboutHomeStartupCache._procManager;
// eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url
await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("", async browser => {
await BrowserTestUtils.crashFrame(browser);
"Should still have the reference to the privileged about process"
* Tests that if the "privileged about content process" crashes while
* a cache request is still underway, that the cache request resolves with
* null input streams.
add_task(async function test_process_crash_while_requesting_streams() {
await withFullyLoadedAboutHome(async browser => {
await simulateRestart(browser);
let cacheStreamsPromise = AboutHomeStartupCache.requestCache();
await BrowserTestUtils.crashFrame(browser);
let cacheStreams = await cacheStreamsPromise;
if (!cacheStreams.pageInputStream && !cacheStreams.scriptInputStream) {
Assert.ok(true, "Page and script input streams are null.");
} else {
// It's possible (but probably rare) the parent was able to receive the
// streams before the crash occurred. In that case, we'll make sure that
// we can still read the streams.
info("Received the streams. Checking that they're readable.");
"Bytes available for page stream"
"Bytes available for script stream"