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Test Info:

"use strict";
// Initialization. Must run first.
add_setup(async function () {
// The page action urlbar button, and therefore the panel, is only shown when
// the current tab is actionable -- i.e., a normal web page. about:blank is
// not, so open a new tab first thing, and close it when this test is done.
let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab({
// eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url
// The prompt service is mocked later, so set it up to be restored.
let { prompt } = Services;
registerCleanupFunction(async () => {
Services.prompt = prompt;
add_task(async function contextMenu_removeExtension_panel() {
// We use an extension that shows a page action so that we can test the
// "remove extension" item in the context menu.
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
manifest: {
name: "Test contextMenu",
page_action: { show_matches: ["<all_urls>"] },
useAddonManager: "temporary",
await extension.startup();
let actionId = ExtensionCommon.makeWidgetId(;
const url = "data:text/html,<h1>A Page</h1>";
let win = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win);
BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(win.gBrowser, url);
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
info("Shrink the window if necessary, check the meatball menu is visible");
let originalOuterWidth = win.outerWidth;
await promiseStableResize(500, win);
// The pageAction implementation enables the button at the next animation
// frame, so before we look for the button we should wait one animation frame
// as well.
await promiseAnimationFrame(win);
let meatballButton = win.document.getElementById("pageActionButton");
// Open the panel.
await promisePageActionPanelOpen(win);
info("Open the context menu");
let panelButton = win.BrowserPageActions.panelButtonNodeForActionID(actionId);
let contextMenuPromise = promisePanelShown("pageActionContextMenu", win);
type: "contextmenu",
button: 2,
let contextMenu = await contextMenuPromise;
let removeExtensionItem = getRemoveExtensionItem(win);
Assert.ok(removeExtensionItem, "'Remove' item exists");
Assert.ok(!removeExtensionItem.hidden, "'Remove' item is visible");
Assert.ok(!removeExtensionItem.disabled, "'Remove' item is not disabled");
// Click the "remove extension" item, a prompt should be displayed and then
// the add-on should be uninstalled. We mock the prompt service to confirm
// the removal of the add-on.
contextMenuPromise = promisePanelHidden("pageActionContextMenu", win);
let addonUninstalledPromise = promiseAddonUninstalled(;
await Promise.all([contextMenuPromise, addonUninstalledPromise]);
// Done, clean up.
await extension.unload();
await promiseStableResize(originalOuterWidth, win);
await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
add_task(async function contextMenu_removeExtension_urlbar() {
// We use an extension that shows a page action so that we can test the
// "remove extension" item in the context menu.
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
manifest: {
name: "Test contextMenu",
page_action: { show_matches: ["<all_urls>"] },
useAddonManager: "temporary",
await extension.startup();
// The pageAction implementation enables the button at the next animation
// frame, so before we look for the button we should wait one animation frame
// as well.
await promiseAnimationFrame();
let actionId = ExtensionCommon.makeWidgetId(;
// Open the context menu on the action's urlbar button.
let urlbarButton = BrowserPageActions.urlbarButtonNodeForActionID(actionId);
let contextMenuPromise = promisePanelShown("pageActionContextMenu");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(urlbarButton, {
type: "contextmenu",
button: 2,
let contextMenu = await contextMenuPromise;
let menuItems = collectContextMenuItems();
Assert.equal(menuItems.length, 2, "Context menu has two children");
let removeExtensionItem = getRemoveExtensionItem();
Assert.ok(removeExtensionItem, "'Remove' item exists");
Assert.ok(!removeExtensionItem.hidden, "'Remove' item is visible");
Assert.ok(!removeExtensionItem.disabled, "'Remove' item is not disabled");
let manageExtensionItem = getManageExtensionItem();
Assert.ok(manageExtensionItem, "'Manage' item exists");
Assert.ok(!manageExtensionItem.hidden, "'Manage' item is visible");
Assert.ok(!manageExtensionItem.disabled, "'Manage' item is not disabled");
// Click the "remove extension" item, a prompt should be displayed and then
// the add-on should be uninstalled. We mock the prompt service to cancel the
// removal of the add-on.
contextMenuPromise = promisePanelHidden("pageActionContextMenu");
let promptService = mockPromptService();
let promptCancelledPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
promptService.confirmEx = () => resolve();
await Promise.all([contextMenuPromise, promptCancelledPromise]);
// Done, clean up.
await extension.unload();
// urlbar tests that run after this one can break if the mouse is left over
// the area where the urlbar popup appears, which seems to happen due to the
// above synthesized mouse events. Move it over the urlbar.
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(gURLBar.inputField, { type: "mousemove" });
add_task(async function contextMenu_removeExtension_disabled_in_urlbar() {
// We use an extension that shows a page action so that we can test the
// "remove extension" item in the context menu.
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
manifest: {
name: "Test contextMenu",
page_action: { show_matches: ["<all_urls>"] },
useAddonManager: "temporary",
await extension.startup();
// The pageAction implementation enables the button at the next animation
// frame, so before we look for the button we should wait one animation frame
// as well.
await promiseAnimationFrame();
// Add a policy to prevent the add-on from being uninstalled.
await EnterprisePolicyTesting.setupPolicyEngineWithJson({
policies: {
Extensions: {
Locked: [],
let actionId = ExtensionCommon.makeWidgetId(;
// Open the context menu on the action's urlbar button.
let urlbarButton = BrowserPageActions.urlbarButtonNodeForActionID(actionId);
let contextMenuPromise = promisePanelShown("pageActionContextMenu");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(urlbarButton, {
type: "contextmenu",
button: 2,
let contextMenu = await contextMenuPromise;
let menuItems = collectContextMenuItems();
Assert.equal(menuItems.length, 2, "Context menu has two children");
let removeExtensionItem = getRemoveExtensionItem();
Assert.ok(removeExtensionItem, "'Remove' item exists");
Assert.ok(!removeExtensionItem.hidden, "'Remove' item is visible");
Assert.ok(removeExtensionItem.disabled, "'Remove' item is disabled");
let manageExtensionItem = getManageExtensionItem();
Assert.ok(manageExtensionItem, "'Manage' item exists");
Assert.ok(!manageExtensionItem.hidden, "'Manage' item is visible");
Assert.ok(!manageExtensionItem.disabled, "'Manage' item is not disabled");
// Hide the context menu.
contextMenuPromise = promisePanelHidden("pageActionContextMenu");
await contextMenuPromise;
// Done, clean up.
await extension.unload();
await EnterprisePolicyTesting.setupPolicyEngineWithJson("");
// urlbar tests that run after this one can break if the mouse is left over
// the area where the urlbar popup appears, which seems to happen due to the
// above synthesized mouse events. Move it over the urlbar.
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(gURLBar.inputField, { type: "mousemove" });
add_task(async function contextMenu_removeExtension_disabled_in_panel() {
// We use an extension that shows a page action so that we can test the
// "remove extension" item in the context menu.
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
manifest: {
name: "Test contextMenu",
page_action: { show_matches: ["<all_urls>"] },
useAddonManager: "temporary",
await extension.startup();
// Add a policy to prevent the add-on from being uninstalled.
await EnterprisePolicyTesting.setupPolicyEngineWithJson({
policies: {
Extensions: {
Locked: [],
let actionId = ExtensionCommon.makeWidgetId(;
const url = "data:text/html,<h1>A Page</h1>";
let win = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win);
BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(win.gBrowser, url);
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
info("Shrink the window if necessary, check the meatball menu is visible");
let originalOuterWidth = win.outerWidth;
await promiseStableResize(500, win);
// The pageAction implementation enables the button at the next animation
// frame, so before we look for the button we should wait one animation frame
// as well.
await promiseAnimationFrame(win);
let meatballButton = win.document.getElementById("pageActionButton");
// Open the panel.
await promisePageActionPanelOpen(win);
info("Open the context menu");
let panelButton = win.BrowserPageActions.panelButtonNodeForActionID(actionId);
let contextMenuPromise = promisePanelShown("pageActionContextMenu", win);
type: "contextmenu",
button: 2,
let contextMenu = await contextMenuPromise;
let removeExtensionItem = getRemoveExtensionItem(win);
Assert.ok(removeExtensionItem, "'Remove' item exists");
Assert.ok(!removeExtensionItem.hidden, "'Remove' item is visible");
Assert.ok(removeExtensionItem.disabled, "'Remove' item is disabled");
// Hide the context menu.
contextMenuPromise = promisePanelHidden("pageActionContextMenu", win);
await contextMenuPromise;
// Done, clean up.
await extension.unload();
await EnterprisePolicyTesting.setupPolicyEngineWithJson("");
await promiseStableResize(originalOuterWidth, win);
await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
function promiseAddonUninstalled(addonId) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let listener = {};
listener.onUninstalled = addon => {
if ( == addonId) {
function mockPromptService() {
let promptService = {
// The prompt returns 1 for cancelled and 0 for accepted.
_response: 0,
QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIPromptService"]),
confirmEx: () => promptService._response,
Services.prompt = promptService;
return promptService;
function getRemoveExtensionItem(win = window) {
return win.document.querySelector(
"#pageActionContextMenu > menuitem[label='Remove Extension']"
function getManageExtensionItem(win = window) {
return win.document.querySelector(
"#pageActionContextMenu > menuitem[label='Manage Extension…']"
function collectContextMenuItems(win = window) {
let contextMenu = win.document.getElementById("pageActionContextMenu");
return, node => {
return win.getComputedStyle(node).visibility == "visible";