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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "Compatibility.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/Platform.h"
#include "mozilla/Telemetry.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtrExtensions.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/WindowsVersion.h"
#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsTHashSet.h"
#include "nsWindowsHelpers.h"
#include "NtUndoc.h"
using namespace mozilla;
struct ByteArrayDeleter {
void operator()(void* aBuf) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(aBuf); }
typedef UniquePtr<OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION, ByteArrayDeleter> ObjDirInfoPtr;
// ComparatorFnT returns true to continue searching, or else false to indicate
// search completion.
template <typename ComparatorFnT>
static bool FindNamedObject(const ComparatorFnT& aComparator) {
// We want to enumerate every named kernel object in our session. We do this
// by opening a directory object using a path constructed using the session
// id under which our process resides.
DWORD sessionId;
if (!::ProcessIdToSessionId(::GetCurrentProcessId(), &sessionId)) {
return false;
nsAutoString path;
path.AppendPrintf("\\Sessions\\%lu\\BaseNamedObjects", sessionId);
UNICODE_STRING baseNamedObjectsName;
::RtlInitUnicodeString(&baseNamedObjectsName, path.get());
InitializeObjectAttributes(&attributes, &baseNamedObjectsName, 0, nullptr,
HANDLE rawBaseNamedObjects;
NTSTATUS ntStatus = ::NtOpenDirectoryObject(
&rawBaseNamedObjects, DIRECTORY_QUERY | DIRECTORY_TRAVERSE, &attributes);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return false;
nsAutoHandle baseNamedObjects(rawBaseNamedObjects);
ULONG context = 0, returnedLen;
ObjDirInfoPtr objDirInfo(reinterpret_cast<OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION*>(
new std::byte[objDirInfoBufLen]));
// Now query that directory object for every named object that it contains.
BOOL firstCall = TRUE;
do {
ntStatus = ::NtQueryDirectoryObject(baseNamedObjects, objDirInfo.get(),
objDirInfoBufLen, FALSE, firstCall,
&context, &returnedLen);
#if defined(HAVE_64BIT_BUILD)
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return false;
if (ntStatus == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
// This case only occurs on 32-bit builds running atop WOW64.
new std::byte[returnedLen]));
objDirInfoBufLen = returnedLen;
} else if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return false;
// NtQueryDirectoryObject gave us an array of OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION
// structures whose final entry is zeroed out.
while (curDir->mName.Length && curDir->mTypeName.Length) {
// We use nsDependentSubstring here because UNICODE_STRINGs are not
// guaranteed to be null-terminated.
nsDependentSubstring objName(curDir->mName.Buffer,
curDir->mName.Length / sizeof(wchar_t));
nsDependentSubstring typeName(curDir->mTypeName.Buffer,
curDir->mTypeName.Length / sizeof(wchar_t));
if (!aComparator(objName, typeName)) {
return true;
firstCall = FALSE;
} while (ntStatus == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES);
return false;
// ComparatorFnT returns true to continue searching, or else false to indicate
// search completion.
template <typename ComparatorFnT>
static bool FindHandle(const ComparatorFnT& aComparator) {
NTSTATUS ntStatus;
// First we must query for a list of all the open handles in the system.
UniquePtr<std::byte[]> handleInfoBuf;
// We must query for handle information in a loop, since we are effectively
// asking the kernel to take a snapshot of all the handles on the system;
// the size of the required buffer may fluctuate between successive calls.
while (true) {
// These allocations can be hundreds of megabytes on some computers, so
// we should use fallible new here.
handleInfoBuf = MakeUniqueFallible<std::byte[]>(handleInfoBufLen);
if (!handleInfoBuf) {
return false;
ntStatus = ::NtQuerySystemInformation(
handleInfoBuf.get(), handleInfoBufLen, &handleInfoBufLen);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return false;
auto handleInfo =
for (ULONG index = 0; index < handleInfo->mHandleCount; ++index) {
SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX& info = handleInfo->mHandles[index];
HANDLE handle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(info.mHandle);
if (!aComparator(info, handle)) {
return true;
return false;
static void GetUiaClientPidsWin11(nsTArray<DWORD>& aPids) {
const DWORD ourPid = ::GetCurrentProcessId();
FindHandle([&](auto aInfo, auto aHandle) {
if (aInfo.mPid != ourPid) {
// We're only interested in handles in our own process.
return true;
// UIA creates a named pipe between the client and server processes. We want
// to find our handle to that pipe (if any). If this is a named pipe, get
// the process id of the remote end. We do this first because querying the
// name of the handle might hang in some cases. Counter-intuitively, for UIA
// pipes, we're the client and the remote process is the server.
ULONG pid = 0;
::GetNamedPipeServerProcessId(aHandle, &pid);
if (!pid) {
return true;
// We know this is a named pipe and we have the pid. Now, get the name of
// the handle and check whether it's a UIA pipe.
ULONG objNameBufLen;
NTSTATUS ntStatus = ::NtQueryObject(
aHandle, (OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS)ObjectNameInformation, nullptr, 0,
return true;
auto objNameBuf = MakeUnique<std::byte[]>(objNameBufLen);
ntStatus = ::NtQueryObject(aHandle,
objNameBuf.get(), objNameBufLen, &objNameBufLen);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return true;
auto objNameInfo =
if (!objNameInfo->Name.Length) {
return true;
nsDependentString objName(objNameInfo->Name.Buffer,
objNameInfo->Name.Length / sizeof(wchar_t));
if (StringBeginsWith(objName, u"\\Device\\NamedPipe\\UIA_PIPE_"_ns)) {
return true;
static DWORD GetUiaClientPidWin10() {
// UIA creates a section of the form "HOOK_SHMEM_%08lx_%08lx_%08lx_%08lx"
constexpr auto kStrHookShmem = u"HOOK_SHMEM_"_ns;
// The second %08lx is the thread id.
nsAutoString sectionThread;
sectionThread.AppendPrintf("_%08lx_", ::GetCurrentThreadId());
// This is the number of characters from the end of the section name where
// the sectionThread substring begins.
constexpr size_t sectionThreadRPos = 27;
// This is the length of sectionThread.
constexpr size_t sectionThreadLen = 10;
// Find any named Section that matches the naming convention of the UIA shared
// memory. There can only be one of these at a time, since this only exists
// while UIA is processing a request and it can only process a single request
// on a single thread.
nsAutoHandle section;
auto objectComparator = [&](const nsDependentSubstring& aName,
const nsDependentSubstring& aType) -> bool {
if (aType.Equals(u"Section"_ns) && FindInReadable(kStrHookShmem, aName) &&
Substring(aName, aName.Length() - sectionThreadRPos,
sectionThreadLen) == sectionThread) {
// Get a handle to this section so we can get its kernel object and
// use that to find the handle for this section in the remote process.
section.own(::OpenFileMapping(GENERIC_READ, FALSE,
return false;
return true;
if (!FindNamedObject(objectComparator) || !section) {
return 0;
// Now, find the kernel object associated with our section, the handle in the
// remote process associated with that kernel object and thus the remote
// process id.
NTSTATUS ntStatus;
const DWORD ourPid = ::GetCurrentProcessId();
Maybe<PVOID> kernelObject;
static Maybe<USHORT> sectionObjTypeIndex;
nsTHashSet<uint32_t> nonSectionObjTypes;
nsTHashMap<nsVoidPtrHashKey, DWORD> objMap;
DWORD remotePid = 0;
FindHandle([&](auto aInfo, auto aHandle) {
// The mapping of the aInfo.mObjectTypeIndex field depends on the
// underlying OS kernel. As we scan through the handle list, we record the
// type indices such that we may use those values to skip over handles that
// refer to non-section objects.
if (sectionObjTypeIndex) {
// If we know the type index for Sections, that's the fastest check...
if (sectionObjTypeIndex.value() != aInfo.mObjectTypeIndex) {
// Not a section
return true;
} else if (nonSectionObjTypes.Contains(
static_cast<uint32_t>(aInfo.mObjectTypeIndex))) {
// Otherwise we check whether or not the object type is definitely _not_
// a Section...
return true;
} else if (ourPid == aInfo.mPid) {
// Otherwise we need to issue some system calls to find out the object
// type corresponding to the current handle's type index.
ULONG objTypeBufLen;
ntStatus = ::NtQueryObject(aHandle, ObjectTypeInformation, nullptr, 0,
return true;
auto objTypeBuf = MakeUnique<std::byte[]>(objTypeBufLen);
ntStatus =
::NtQueryObject(aHandle, ObjectTypeInformation, objTypeBuf.get(),
objTypeBufLen, &objTypeBufLen);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return true;
auto objType =
// Now we check whether the object's type name matches "Section"
nsDependentSubstring objTypeName(
objType->TypeName.Buffer, objType->TypeName.Length / sizeof(wchar_t));
if (!objTypeName.Equals(u"Section"_ns)) {
return true;
sectionObjTypeIndex = Some(aInfo.mObjectTypeIndex);
// At this point we know that aInfo references a Section object.
// Now we can do some actual tests on it.
if (ourPid != aInfo.mPid) {
if (kernelObject && kernelObject.value() == aInfo.mObject) {
// The kernel objects match -- we have found the remote pid!
remotePid = aInfo.mPid;
return false;
// An object that is not ours. Since we do not yet know which kernel
// object we're interested in, we'll save the current object for later.
objMap.InsertOrUpdate(aInfo.mObject, aInfo.mPid);
} else if (aHandle == section.get()) {
// This is the file mapping that we opened above. We save this mObject
// in order to compare to Section objects opened by other processes.
kernelObject = Some(aInfo.mObject);
return true;
if (remotePid) {
return remotePid;
if (!kernelObject) {
return 0;
// If we reach here, we found kernelObject *after* we saw the remote process's
// copy. Now we must look it up in objMap.
if (objMap.Get(kernelObject.value(), &remotePid)) {
return remotePid;
return 0;
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
void Compatibility::GetUiaClientPids(nsTArray<DWORD>& aPids) {
if (!::GetModuleHandleW(L"uiautomationcore.dll")) {
// UIAutomationCore isn't loaded, so there is no UIA client.
Telemetry::AutoTimer<Telemetry::A11Y_UIA_DETECTION_TIMING_MS> timer;
if (IsWin11OrLater()) {
} else {
if (DWORD pid = GetUiaClientPidWin10()) {
} // namespace a11y
} // namespace mozilla