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Test Info:

<title>Accessible name change event testing</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript">
let PromEvents = {};
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Invokers
function setAttr(aID, aAttr, aValue, aChecker) {
this.eventSeq = [ aChecker ];
this.invoke = function setAttr_invoke() {
getNode(aID).setAttribute(aAttr, aValue);
this.getID = function setAttr_getID() {
return "set attr '" + aAttr + "', value '" + aValue + "'";
* No name change on an accessible, because the accessible is recreated.
function setAttr_recreate(aID, aAttr, aValue) {
this.eventSeq = [
new invokerChecker(EVENT_HIDE, getAccessible(aID)),
new invokerChecker(EVENT_SHOW, aID),
this.invoke = function setAttr_recreate_invoke() {
todo(false, "No accessible recreation should happen, just name change event");
getNode(aID).setAttribute(aAttr, aValue);
this.getID = function setAttr_recreate_getID() {
return "set attr '" + aAttr + "', value '" + aValue + "'";
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Do tests
// gA11yEventDumpToConsole = true; // debuggin
var gQueue = null;
async function doTests() {
gQueue = new eventQueue();
// Later tests use await.
let queueFinished = new Promise(resolve => {
gQueue.onFinish = function() {
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst1", "aria-label", "hi",
new invokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst1")));
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst1", "alt", "alt",
new unexpectedInvokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst1")));
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst1", "title", "title",
new unexpectedInvokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst1")));
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst1", "aria-labelledby", "display",
new invokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst1")));
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst2", "aria-labelledby", "display",
new invokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst2")));
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst2", "alt", "alt",
new unexpectedInvokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst2")));
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst2", "title", "title",
new unexpectedInvokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst2")));
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst2", "aria-label", "hi",
new unexpectedInvokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst2")));
// When `alt` attribute is added or removed from a broken img,
// the accessible is recreated.
gQueue.push(new setAttr_recreate("tst3", "alt", "one"));
// When an `alt` attribute is changed, there is a name change event.
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst3", "alt", "two",
new invokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst3")));
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst3", "title", "title",
new unexpectedInvokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst3")));
gQueue.push(new setAttr("tst4", "title", "title",
new invokerChecker(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "tst4")));
await queueFinished;
// Tests beyond this point use await rather than eventQueue.
const labelledBy = getNode("labelledBy");
const label = getNode("label");
let nameChanged = PromEvents.waitForEvent(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, labelledBy);
info("Changing text of aria-labelledby target");
label.textContent = "l2";
await nameChanged;
nameChanged = PromEvents.waitForEvent(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, labelledBy);
info("Adding node to aria-labelledby target");
label.innerHTML = '<p id="labelChild">l3</p>';
await nameChanged;
nameChanged = PromEvents.waitForEvent(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, labelledBy);
info("Changing text of aria-labelledby target's child");
getNode("labelChild").textContent = "l4";
await nameChanged;
const lateLabelledBy = getNode("lateLabelledBy");
nameChanged = PromEvents.waitForEvent(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, lateLabelledBy);
info("Setting aria-labelledby");
lateLabelledBy.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "lateLabel");
await nameChanged;
nameChanged = PromEvents.waitForEvent(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, lateLabelledBy);
info("Changing text of late aria-labelledby target's child");
getNode("lateLabelChild").textContent = "l2";
await nameChanged;
nameChanged = PromEvents.waitForEvent(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "listitem");
info("Changing textContent of listitem child");
// Changing textContent replaces the text leaf with a new one.
getNode("listitem").textContent = "world";
await nameChanged;
nameChanged = PromEvents.waitForEvent(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "button");
info("Changing text of button's text leaf");
// Changing the text node's data changes the text without replacing the
// leaf.
getNode("button") = "after";
await nameChanged;
<a target="_blank"
title="Event not fired when description changes">
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
<pre id="test">
<img id="tst1" alt="initial" src="../moz.png">
<img id="tst2" src="../moz.png">
<img id="tst3">
<img id="tst4" src="../moz.png">
<div id="labelledBy" aria-labelledby="label"></div>
<div id="label">l1</div>
<div id="lateLabelledBy"></div>
<div id="lateLabel"><p id="lateLabelChild">l1</p></div>
<ul><li id="listitem">hello</li></ul>
<button id="button">before</button>
<div id="eventdump"></div>