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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// See the comment in ServoBindings.h about the same.
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#ifdef __clang__
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-type-c-linkage"
// Work-around silly windows.h define.
#pragma push_macro("STRICT")
#undef STRICT
#pragma push_macro("TRANSPARENT")
#ifndef mozilla_ServoStyleConsts_h
#define mozilla_ServoStyleConsts_h
/* Generated with cbindgen:0.26.0 */
/* DO NOT MODIFY THIS MANUALLY! This file was generated using cbindgen.
* To generate this file:
* 1. Get the latest cbindgen using `cargo install --force cbindgen`
* a. Alternatively, you can clone `` and use a tagged release
* 2. Run `rustup run nightly cbindgen toolkit/library/rust/ --lockfile Cargo.lock --crate style -o layout/style/ServoStyleConsts.h`
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ostream>
#include <new>
#include "mozilla/ServoStyleConstsForwards.h"
#include "mozilla/ServoStyleSet.h"
namespace mozilla {
/// The minimum stack size for a thread in the styling pool, in kilobytes.
constexpr static const uintptr_t StyleSTYLE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_KB = 256;
/// The stack margin. If we get this deep in the stack, we will skip recursive
/// optimizations to ensure that there is sufficient room for non-recursive work.
/// We allocate large safety margins because certain OS calls can use very large
/// amounts of stack space [1]. Reserving a larger-than-necessary stack costs us
/// address space, but if we keep our safety margin big, we will generally avoid
/// committing those extra pages, and only use them in edge cases that would
/// otherwise cause crashes.
/// When measured with 128KB stacks and 40KB margin, we could support 53
/// levels of recursion before the limiter kicks in, on x86_64-Linux [2]. When
/// we doubled the stack size, we added it all to the safety margin, so we should
/// be able to get the same amount of recursion.
/// [2] See Gecko bug 1376883 for more discussion on the measurements.
constexpr static const uintptr_t StyleSTACK_SAFETY_MARGIN_KB = 168;
/// The amount of nodes that the style sharing candidate cache should hold at
/// most.
/// The cache size was chosen by measuring style sharing and resulting
/// performance on a few pages; sizes up to about 32 were giving good sharing
/// improvements (e.g. 3x fewer styles having to be resolved than at size 8) and
/// slight performance improvements. Sizes larger than 32 haven't really been
/// tested.
constexpr static const uintptr_t StyleSHARING_CACHE_SIZE = 32;
/// We use an unsigned 10.6 fixed-point value (range 0.0 - 1023.984375).
constexpr static const uint16_t StyleZOOM_FRACTION_BITS = 6;
/// font-weight: range 1..1000, fractional values permitted; keywords
/// 'normal', 'bold' aliased to 400, 700 respectively.
/// We use an unsigned 10.6 fixed-point value (range 0.0 - 1023.984375)
constexpr static const uint16_t StyleFONT_WEIGHT_FRACTION_BITS = 6;
/// - Use a signed 8.8 fixed-point value (representable range -128.0..128)
/// Values of <angle> below -90 or above 90 not permitted, so we use out of
/// range values to represent normal | oblique
constexpr static const uint16_t StyleFONT_STYLE_FRACTION_BITS = 8;
/// font-stretch is a percentage relative to normal.
/// We use an unsigned 10.6 fixed-point value (range 0.0 - 1023.984375)
/// We arbitrarily limit here to 1000%. (If that becomes a problem, we could
/// reduce the number of fractional bits and increase the limit.)
constexpr static const uint16_t StyleFONT_STRETCH_FRACTION_BITS = 6;
constexpr static const uint8_t StyleLengthPercentageUnion_TAG_CALC = 0;
constexpr static const uint8_t StyleLengthPercentageUnion_TAG_LENGTH = 1;
constexpr static const uint8_t StyleLengthPercentageUnion_TAG_PERCENTAGE = 2;
constexpr static const uint8_t StyleLengthPercentageUnion_TAG_MASK = 3;
/// These are the limits that we choose to clamp grid line numbers to.
/// line_num is clamped to this range at parse time.
constexpr static const int32_t StyleMIN_GRID_LINE = -10000;
/// See above.
constexpr static const int32_t StyleMAX_GRID_LINE = 10000;
/// The minimum font-weight value per:
constexpr static const float StyleMIN_FONT_WEIGHT = 1.;
/// The maximum font-weight value per:
constexpr static const float StyleMAX_FONT_WEIGHT = 1000.;
/// Values less than -90deg or values greater than 90deg are
/// invalid and are treated as parse errors.
/// The maximum angle value that `font-style: oblique` should compute to.
constexpr static const float StyleFONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE_MAX_ANGLE_DEGREES = 90.;
/// The minimum angle value that `font-style: oblique` should compute to.
constexpr static const float StyleFONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE_MIN_ANGLE_DEGREES = -90.;
/// The default font size.
constexpr static const float StyleFONT_MEDIUM_PX = 16.0;
/// The default line height.
constexpr static const float StyleFONT_MEDIUM_LINE_HEIGHT_PX = (StyleFONT_MEDIUM_PX * 1.2);
/// Number of non-normal components
constexpr static const uint8_t StylePAINT_ORDER_COUNT = 3;
/// Number of bits for each component
constexpr static const uint8_t StylePAINT_ORDER_SHIFT = 2;
/// Mask with above bits set
constexpr static const uint8_t StylePAINT_ORDER_MASK = 3;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
/// The number of eager pseudo-elements. Keep this in sync with cascade_type.
constexpr static const uintptr_t StyleEAGER_PSEUDO_COUNT = 3;
/// Whether @import rules are allowed.
enum class StyleAllowImportRules : uint8_t {
/// @import rules will be parsed.
/// @import rules will not be parsed.
/// Whether to allow negative lengths or not.
enum class StyleAllowedNumericType : uint8_t {
/// Allow all kind of numeric values.
/// Allow only non-negative numeric values.
/// Allow only numeric values greater or equal to 1.0.
/// Allow only numeric values from 0 to 1.0.
enum class StyleAnimationComposition : uint8_t {
enum class StyleAnimationDirection : uint8_t {
enum class StyleAnimationFillMode : uint8_t {
enum class StyleAnimationPlayState : uint8_t {
/// The value for the `appearance` property.
enum class StyleAppearance : uint8_t {
/// No appearance at all.
/// Default appearance for the element.
/// This value doesn't make sense for -moz-default-appearance, but we don't bother to guard
/// against parsing it.
/// A searchfield.
/// A multi-line text field, e.g. HTML <textarea>.
/// A checkbox element.
/// A radio element within a radio group.
/// A dropdown list.
/// List boxes.
/// A horizontal meter bar.
/// A horizontal progress bar.
/// A typical dialog button.
/// A single-line text field, e.g. HTML <input type=text>.
/// The dropdown button(s) that open up a dropdown list.
/// Various arrows that go in buttons
/// A dual toolbar button (e.g., a Back button with a dropdown)
/// Menu Popup background.
/// The meter bar's meter indicator.
/// The "arrowed" part of the dropdown button that open up a dropdown list.
/// For HTML's <input type=number>
/// The progress bar's progress indicator
/// nsRangeFrame and its subparts
/// The scrollbar slider
/// A scrollbar button (up/down/left/right).
/// Keep these in order (some code casts these values to `int` in order to
/// compare them against each other).
/// The scrollbar thumb.
/// The scrollbar track.
/// The scroll corner
/// A separator. Can be horizontal or vertical.
/// A spin control (up/down control for time/date pickers).
/// The up button of a spin control.
/// The down button of a spin control.
/// The textfield of a spin control
/// A splitter. Can be horizontal or vertical.
/// A status bar in a main application window.
/// A single tab in a tab widget.
/// A single pane (inside the tabpanels container).
/// The tab panels container.
/// The tabs scroll arrows (left/right).
/// A single toolbar button (with no associated dropdown).
/// The dropdown portion of a toolbar button
/// A tooltip.
/// A listbox or tree widget header
/// An individual header cell
/// A tree item.
/// A tree widget branch line
/// A tree widget twisty.
/// Open tree widget twisty.
/// A tree widget.
/// Mac help button.
/// An appearance value for the root, so that we can get unified toolbar looks (which require a
/// transparent gecko background) without really using the whole transparency set-up which
/// otherwise loses window borders, see bug 1870481.
/// Windows themed window frame elements.
/// A themed focus outline (for outline:auto).
/// This isn't exposed to CSS at all, just here for convenience.
/// A dummy variant that should be last to let the GTK widget do hackery.
/// This indicates that the larger or smaller, respectively, of the two possible arcs must be
/// chosen.
enum class StyleArcSize : uint8_t {
/// Choose the small one. The default value. (This also represents 0 in the svg path.)
Small = 0,
/// Choose the large one. (This also represents 1 in the svg path.)
Large = 1,
/// This indicates that the arc that is traced around the ellipse clockwise or counter-clockwise
/// from the center.
enum class StyleArcSweep : uint8_t {
/// Counter-clockwise. The default value. (This also represents 0 in the svg path.)
Ccw = 0,
/// Clockwise. (This also represents 1 in the svg path.)
Cw = 1,
/// A specified value for the `baseline-source` property.
enum class StyleBaselineSource : uint8_t {
/// `Last` for `inline-block`, `First` otherwise.
/// Use first baseline for alignment.
/// Use last baseline for alignment.
/// Before flag, defined as per
/// This flag is never user-specified.
enum class StyleEasingBeforeFlag : uint8_t {
/// A specified value for a single side of a `border-style` property.
/// The order here corresponds to the integer values from the border conflict
/// resolution rules in CSS 2.1 § Higher values override lower values.
enum class StyleBorderStyle : uint8_t {
/// A kind of break between two boxes.
enum class StyleBreakBetween : uint8_t {
/// A kind of break within a box.
enum class StyleBreakWithin : uint8_t {
/// This indicates the command is absolute or relative.
enum class StyleByTo : uint8_t {
/// This indicates that the <coordinate-pair>s are relative to the command’s starting point.
/// This relative to the top-left corner of the reference box.
/// Specified values for the `caption-side` property.
/// Note that despite having "physical" names, these are actually interpreted
/// according to the table's writing-mode: Top and Bottom are treated as
/// block-start and -end respectively.
enum class StyleCaptionSide : uint8_t {
/// A computed value for the `clear` property.
enum class StyleClear : uint8_t {
/// A color space representation in the CSS specification.
enum class StyleColorSpace : uint8_t {
/// A color specified in the sRGB color space with either the rgb/rgba(..)
/// functions or the newer color(srgb ..) function. If the color(..)
/// function is used, the AS_COLOR_FUNCTION flag will be set. Examples:
/// "color(srgb 0.691 0.139 0.259)", "rgb(176, 35, 66)"
Srgb = 0,
/// A color specified in the Hsl notation in the sRGB color space, e.g.
/// "hsl(289.18 93.136% 65.531%)"
/// A color specified in the Hwb notation in the sRGB color space, e.g.
/// "hwb(740deg 20% 30%)"
/// A color specified in the Lab color format, e.g.
/// "lab(29.2345% 39.3825 20.0664)".
/// A color specified in the Lch color format, e.g.
/// "lch(29.2345% 44.2 27)".
/// A color specified in the Oklab color format, e.g.
/// "oklab(40.101% 0.1147 0.0453)".
/// A color specified in the Oklch color format, e.g.
/// "oklch(40.101% 0.12332 21.555)".
/// A color specified with the color(..) function and the "srgb-linear"
/// color space, e.g. "color(srgb-linear 0.435 0.017 0.055)".
/// A color specified with the color(..) function and the "display-p3"
/// color space, e.g. "color(display-p3 0.84 0.19 0.72)".
/// A color specified with the color(..) function and the "a98-rgb" color
/// space, e.g. "color(a98-rgb 0.44091 0.49971 0.37408)".
/// A color specified with the color(..) function and the "prophoto-rgb"
/// color space, e.g. "color(prophoto-rgb 0.36589 0.41717 0.31333)".
/// A color specified with the color(..) function and the "rec2020" color
/// space, e.g. "color(rec2020 0.42210 0.47580 0.35605)".
/// A color specified with the color(..) function and the "xyz-d50" color
/// space, e.g. "color(xyz-d50 0.2005 0.14089 0.4472)".
/// A color specified with the color(..) function and the "xyz-d65" or "xyz"
/// color space, e.g. "color(xyz-d65 0.21661 0.14602 0.59452)".
/// specifies that `xyz` is an alias for the `xyz-d65` color space.
enum class StyleContainerType : uint8_t {
/// The `normal` variant.
/// The `inline-size` variant.
/// The `size` variant.
enum class StyleContentVisibility : uint8_t {
/// `auto` variant, the element turns on layout containment, style containment, and paint
/// containment. In addition, if the element is not relevant to the user (such as by being
/// offscreen) it also skips its content
/// `hidden` variant, the element skips its content
/// 'visible' variant, no effect
/// The <coord-box> value, which defines the box that the <offset-path> sizes into.
/// <coord-box> = content-box | padding-box | border-box | fill-box | stroke-box | view-box
enum class StyleCoordBox : uint8_t {
/// The CORS mode used for a CSS load.
enum class StyleCorsMode : uint8_t {
/// No CORS mode, so cross-origin loads can be done.
/// Anonymous CORS request.
enum class StyleCounterSystem : uint8_t {
Cyclic = 0,
enum class StyleCssRuleType : uint8_t {
Style = 1,
Import = 3,
Media = 4,
FontFace = 5,
Page = 6,
Keyframes = 7,
Keyframe = 8,
Margin = 9,
Namespace = 10,
CounterStyle = 11,
Supports = 12,
Document = 13,
FontFeatureValues = 14,
LayerBlock = 16,
LayerStatement = 17,
Container = 18,
FontPaletteValues = 19,
Property = 20,
Scope = 21,
StartingStyle = 22,
/// The keywords allowed in the Cursor property.
enum class StyleCursorKind : uint8_t {
enum class StyleDisplayInside : uint8_t {
None = 0,
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Values for the display-mode media feature.
enum class StyleDisplayMode : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
Browser = 0,
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Defines an element’s display type, which consists of
/// the two basic qualities of how an element generates boxes
enum class StyleDisplayOutside : uint8_t {
None = 0,
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Values for the dynamic-range and video-dynamic-range media features.
/// This implements PartialOrd so that lower values will correctly match
/// higher capabilities.
enum class StyleDynamicRange : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
enum class StyleFillRule : uint8_t {
/// A computed value for the `float` property.
enum class StyleFloat : uint8_t {
/// A font-display value for a @font-face rule.
/// The font-display descriptor determines how a font face is displayed based
/// on whether and when it is downloaded and ready to use.
enum class StyleFontDisplay : uint8_t {
/// Keywords for the font-face src descriptor's format() function.
/// ('None' and 'Unknown' are for internal use in gfx, not exposed to CSS.)
enum class StyleFontFaceSourceFormatKeyword : uint8_t {
/// Font family names must either be given quoted as strings,
/// or unquoted as a sequence of one or more identifiers.
enum class StyleFontFamilyNameSyntax : uint8_t {
/// The family name was specified in a quoted form, e.g. "Font Name"
/// or 'Font Name'.
/// The family name was specified in an unquoted form as a sequence of
/// identifiers.
/// CSS font keywords
enum class StyleFontSizeKeyword : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Indicate whether to apply font-size: math is specified so that extra
/// scaling due to math-depth changes is applied during the cascade.
/// A value for any of the font-synthesis-{weight,style,small-caps} properties.
enum class StyleFontSynthesis : uint8_t {
/// This attribute may be synthesized if not supported by a face.
/// Do not attempt to synthesis this style attribute.
enum class StyleForcedColorAdjust : uint8_t {
/// Adjust colors if needed.
/// Respect specified colors.
/// A generic font-family name.
/// The order here is important, if you change it make sure that
/// `gfxPlatformFontList.h`s ranged array and `gfxFontFamilyList`'s
/// sSingleGenerics are updated as well.
/// NOTE(emilio): Should be u8, but it's a u32 because of ABI issues between GCC
enum class StyleGenericFontFamily : uint32_t {
/// No generic family specified, only for internal usage.
/// NOTE(emilio): Gecko code relies on this variant being zero.
None = 0,
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// An internal value for emoji font selection.
/// Whether we used the modern notation or the compatibility `-webkit`, `-moz` prefixes.
enum class StyleGradientCompatMode : uint8_t {
/// Modern syntax.
/// `-webkit` prefix.
/// `-moz` prefix
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Allows front-end CSS to discern gtk theme via media queries.
enum class StyleGtkThemeFamily : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Unknown theme family.
Unknown = 0,
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Adwaita, the default GTK theme.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Breeze, the default KDE theme.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Yaru, the default Ubuntu theme.
/// A keyword for the X direction.
enum class StyleHorizontalPositionKeyword : uint8_t {
/// A hue-interpolation-method as defined in [1].
enum class StyleImageRendering : uint8_t {
enum class StyleIsOrdinalInRange : uint8_t {
/// Values for the `line-break` property.
enum class StyleLineBreak : uint8_t {
/// Masonry auto-placement algorithm item sorting option.
enum class StyleMasonryItemOrder : uint8_t {
/// Place all items with a definite placement before auto-placed items.
/// Place items in `order-modified document order`.
/// Masonry auto-placement algorithm packing.
enum class StyleMasonryPlacement : uint8_t {
/// Place the item in the track(s) with the smallest extent so far.
/// Place the item after the last item, from start to end.
/// Whether we're a `min` or `max` function.
enum class StyleMinMaxOp : uint8_t {
/// `min()`
/// `max()`
/// Whether we're a `mod` or `rem` function.
enum class StyleModRemOp : uint8_t {
/// `mod()`
/// `rem()`
/// Values for the `-moz-control-character-visibility` CSS property.
enum class StyleMozControlCharacterVisibility : uint8_t {
/// The keywords allowed in the -moz-theme property.
enum class StyleMozTheme : uint8_t {
/// Choose the default (maybe native) rendering.
/// Choose the non-native rendering.
/// Each style rule has an origin, which determines where it enters the cascade.
/// The value for the `overflow-x` / `overflow-y` properties.
enum class StyleOverflow : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
enum class StyleOverflowAnchor : uint8_t {
enum class StyleOverflowClipBox : uint8_t {
/// Values for the `overflow-wrap` property.
enum class StyleOverflowWrap : uint8_t {
enum class StyleOverscrollBehavior : uint8_t {
/// Page orientation names.
enum class StylePageOrientation : uint8_t {
/// upright
/// rotate-left (counter-clockwise)
/// rotate-right (clockwise)
/// Paper orientation
enum class StylePageSizeOrientation : uint8_t {
/// Portrait orientation
/// Landscape orientation
/// The specified value for a single CSS paint-order property.
enum class StylePaintOrder : uint8_t {
/// `normal` variant
Normal = 0,
/// `fill` variant
Fill = 1,
/// `stroke` variant
Stroke = 2,
/// `markers` variant
Markers = 3,
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Allows front-end CSS to discern platform via media queries.
enum class StylePlatform : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Matches any Android version.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// For our purposes here, "linux" is just "gtk" (so unix-but-not-mac).
/// There's no need for our front-end code to differentiate between those
/// platforms and they already use the "linux" string elsewhere (e.g.,
/// toolkit/themes/linux).
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Matches any iOS version.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Matches any macOS version.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Matches any Windows version.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Values for the prefers-color-scheme media feature.
enum class StylePrefersColorScheme : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Possible values for prefers-contrast media query.
enum class StylePrefersContrast : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// More contrast is preferred.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Low contrast is preferred.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Custom (not more, not less).
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The default value if neither high or low contrast is enabled.
enum class StylePrintColorAdjust : uint8_t {
/// Ignore backgrounds and darken text.
/// Respect specified colors.
/// The <size> in ray() function.
enum class StyleRaySize : uint8_t {
enum class StyleRegisterCustomPropertyResult : uint8_t {
/// A computed value for the `resize` property.
enum class StyleResize : uint8_t {
/// The strategy used in `round()`
enum class StyleRoundingStrategy : uint8_t {
/// `round(nearest, a, b)`
/// round a to the nearest multiple of b
/// `round(up, a, b)`
/// round a up to the nearest multiple of b
/// `round(down, a, b)`
/// round a down to the nearest multiple of b
/// `round(to-zero, a, b)`
/// round a to the nearest multiple of b that is towards zero
/// Values for `ruby-position` property
enum class StyleRubyPosition : uint8_t {
/// The kind of change that happened for a given rule.
enum class StyleRuleChangeKind : uint32_t {
/// The rule was inserted.
/// The rule was removed.
/// Some change in the rule which we don't know about, and could have made
/// the rule change in any way.
/// A change in the declarations of a style rule.
/// The kind of sanitization to use when parsing a stylesheet.
enum class StyleSanitizationKind : uint8_t {
/// Perform no sanitization.
/// Allow only @font-face, style rules, and @namespace.
/// Allow everything but conditional rules.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Values for the scripting media feature.
enum class StyleScripting : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Scripting is not supported or not enabled
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Scripting is supported and enabled, but only for initial page load
/// We will never match this value as it is intended for non-browser user agents,
/// but it is part of the spec so we should still parse it.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Scripting is supported and enabled
/// A value for the <Axis> used in scroll(), or a value for {scroll|view}-timeline-axis.
enum class StyleScrollAxis : uint8_t {
/// The block axis of the scroll container. (Default.)
Block = 0,
/// The inline axis of the scroll container.
Inline = 1,
/// The vertical block axis of the scroll container.
Vertical = 2,
/// The horizontal axis of the scroll container.
Horizontal = 3,
/// Specified value of scroll-snap-align keyword value.
enum class StyleScrollSnapAlignKeyword : uint8_t {
enum class StyleScrollSnapAxis : uint8_t {
enum class StyleScrollSnapStop : uint8_t {
enum class StyleScrollSnapStrictness : uint8_t {
/// A value for the <Scroller> used in scroll().
enum class StyleScroller : uint8_t {
/// The nearest ancestor scroll container. (Default.)
/// The document viewport as the scroll container.
/// Specifies to use the element’s own principal box as the scroll container.
/// Any warning a selector may generate.
/// TODO(dshin): Bug 1860634 - Merge with never matching host selector warning, which is part of the rule parser.
enum class StyleSelectorWarningKind : uint8_t {
/// Relative Selector with not enough constraint, either outside or inside the selector. e.g. `*:has(.a)`, `.a:has(*)`.
/// May cause expensive invalidations for every element inserted and/or removed.
enum class StyleShapeBox : uint8_t {
enum class StyleShapeExtent : uint8_t {
enum class StyleStepPosition : uint8_t {
enum class StyleSymbolsType : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// System colors. A bunch of these are ad-hoc, others come from Windows:
/// Others are HTML/CSS specific. Spec is:
enum class StyleSystemColor : uint8_t {
/// Background in the (active) titlebar.
/// Text color in the (active) titlebar.
/// Used for disabled field backgrounds.
/// Combobox widgets
/// Background in the (inactive) titlebar.
/// Text color in the (inactive) titlebar.
/// Used for selected but not focused cell backgrounds.
/// Used for selected but not focused cell text.
/// Used for selected and focused html cell backgrounds.
/// Used for selected and focused html cell text.
/// Used to button text background when hovered.
/// Used to button text color when hovered.
/// Used for menu item backgrounds when hovered.
/// Used for menu item backgrounds when hovered and disabled.
/// Used for menu item text when hovered.
/// Used for menubar item text when hovered.
/// On platforms where these colors are the same as -moz-field, use
/// -moz-fieldtext as foreground color
/// Used for button text when pressed.
/// Used for button background when pressed.
/// Used for button background when disabled.
/// Colors used for the header bar (sorta like the tab bar / menubar).
/// Foreground color of default buttons.
/// Ring color around text fields and lists.
/// Text color of disabled text on toolbars.
/// The background of a sidebar.
/// The foreground color of a sidebar.
/// The border color of a sidebar.
/// Theme accent color.
/// Foreground for the accent color.
/// The background-color for :autofill-ed inputs.
/// Hyperlink color extracted from the system, not affected by the browser.anchor_color user
/// pref.
/// There is no OS-specified safe background color for this text, but it is used regularly
/// within Windows and the Gnome DE on Dialog and Window colors.
/// As above, but visited link color.
/// Color of tree column headers
/// System fonts.
enum class StyleSystemFont : uint8_t {
/// Internal system font, used by the `<menupopup>`s on macOS.
/// Internal system font, used for `<button>` elements.
/// Internal font, used by `<select>` elements.
/// Internal font, used by `<input>` elements.
/// Specified value of text-align keyword value.
enum class StyleTextAlignKeyword : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
/// Specified and computed value of text-align-last.
enum class StyleTextAlignLast : uint8_t {
/// Implements text-decoration-skip-ink which takes the keywords auto | none | all
enum class StyleTextDecorationSkipInk : uint8_t {
/// Fill mode for the text-emphasis-style property
enum class StyleTextEmphasisFillMode : uint8_t {
/// `filled`
/// `open`
/// Shape keyword for the text-emphasis-style property
enum class StyleTextEmphasisShapeKeyword : uint8_t {
/// `dot`
/// `circle`
/// `double-circle`
/// `triangle`
/// `sesame`
/// Values for the `text-justify` CSS property.
enum class StyleTextJustify : uint8_t {
/// Specified keyword values for case transforms in the text-transform property. (These are exclusive.)
enum class StyleTextTransformCase {
/// No case transform.
/// All uppercase.
/// All lowercase.
/// Capitalize each word.
/// Automatic italicization of math variables.
enum class StyleTimingKeyword : uint8_t {
/// The specified value of `transform-box`.
enum class StyleTransformBox : uint8_t {
enum class StyleTransformStyle : uint8_t {
/// A specified value for <transition-behavior-value>.
enum class StyleTransitionBehavior : uint8_t {
/// Transitions will not be started for discrete properties, only for interpolable properties.
/// Transitions will be started for discrete properties as well as interpolable properties.
/// The specified value for the `user-select` property.
enum class StyleUserSelect : uint8_t {
/// Force selection of all children.
enum class StyleVerticalAlignKeyword : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// A keyword for the Y direction.
enum class StyleVerticalPositionKeyword : uint8_t {
/// Values for the `word-break` property.
enum class StyleWordBreak : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The break-word value, needed for compat.
/// Specifying `word-break: break-word` makes `overflow-wrap` behave as
/// `anywhere`, and `word-break` behave like `normal`.
/// How to do font-size scaling.
enum class StyleXTextScale : uint8_t {
/// Both min-font-size and text zoom are enabled.
/// Text-only zoom is enabled, but min-font-size is not honored.
/// Neither of them is enabled.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Gecko-FFI-safe Arc (T is an ArcInner).
/// This can be null.
/// Leaks on drop. Please don't drop this.
template<typename GeckoType>
struct StyleStrong {
const GeckoType *ptr;
bool operator==(const StyleStrong& other) const {
return ptr == other.ptr;
bool operator!=(const StyleStrong& other) const {
return ptr != other.ptr;
already_AddRefed<GeckoType> Consume() {
already_AddRefed<GeckoType> ret(const_cast<GeckoType*>(ptr));
ptr = nullptr;
return ret;
/// A CSS float value.
using StyleCSSFloat = float;
/// A `<number>` value.
using StyleNumber = StyleCSSFloat;
/// A value of the `Scale` property
template<typename Number>
struct StyleGenericScale {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// 'none'
/// '<number>{1,3}'
struct StyleScale_Body {
Number _0;
Number _1;
Number _2;
bool operator==(const StyleScale_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1 &&
_2 == other._2;
bool operator!=(const StyleScale_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1 ||
_2 != other._2;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleScale_Body scale;
static StyleGenericScale None() {
StyleGenericScale result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericScale Scale(const Number &_0,
const Number &_1,
const Number &_2) {
StyleGenericScale result;
::new (&result.scale._0) (Number)(_0);
::new (&result.scale._1) (Number)(_1);
::new (&result.scale._2) (Number)(_2);
result.tag = Tag::Scale;
return result;
bool IsScale() const {
return tag == Tag::Scale;
const StyleScale_Body& AsScale() const {
return scale;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericScale& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Scale: return scale == other.scale;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericScale& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericScale() {
~StyleGenericScale() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Scale: scale.~StyleScale_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericScale(const StyleGenericScale& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Scale: ::new (&scale) (StyleScale_Body)(other.scale); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericScale& operator=(const StyleGenericScale& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericScale(other);
return *this;
/// A computed CSS `scale`
using StyleScale = StyleGenericScale<StyleNumber>;
/// The computed `<length>` value.
struct StyleCSSPixelLength {
StyleCSSFloat _0;
bool operator==(const StyleCSSPixelLength& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleCSSPixelLength& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static StyleCSSPixelLength FromPixels(CSSCoord aCoord) { return {aCoord}; }
static StyleCSSPixelLength Zero() { return FromPixels(0.0f); }
inline nscoord ToAppUnits() const;
inline bool IsZero() const;
CSSCoord ToCSSPixels() const { return _0; }
inline void ScaleBy(float);
inline StyleCSSPixelLength ScaledBy(float) const;
/// An alias of computed `<length>` value.
using StyleLength = StyleCSSPixelLength;
struct StyleLengthVariant {
uint8_t tag;
StyleLength length;
bool operator==(const StyleLengthVariant& other) const {
return tag == other.tag &&
length == other.length;
bool operator!=(const StyleLengthVariant& other) const {
return tag != other.tag ||
length != other.length;
/// A computed percentage.
struct StylePercentage {
StyleCSSFloat _0;
bool operator==(const StylePercentage& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePercentage& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StylePercentageVariant {
uint8_t tag;
StylePercentage percentage;
bool operator==(const StylePercentageVariant& other) const {
return tag == other.tag &&
percentage == other.percentage;
bool operator!=(const StylePercentageVariant& other) const {
return tag != other.tag ||
percentage != other.percentage;
/// The leaves of a `<length-percentage>` calc expression.
union StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct Length_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleLength _0;
bool operator==(const Length_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Length_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Percentage_Body {
Tag tag;
StylePercentage _0;
bool operator==(const Percentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Percentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Number_Body {
Tag tag;
float _0;
bool operator==(const Number_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Number_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
Length_Body length;
Percentage_Body percentage;
Number_Body number;
static StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf Length(const StyleLength &_0) {
StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf result;
::new (&result.length._0) (StyleLength)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Length;
return result;
bool IsLength() const {
return tag == Tag::Length;
const StyleLength& AsLength() const {
return length._0;
static StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf Percentage(const StylePercentage &_0) {
StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf result;
::new (&result.percentage._0) (StylePercentage)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Percentage;
return result;
bool IsPercentage() const {
return tag == Tag::Percentage;
const StylePercentage& AsPercentage() const {
return percentage._0;
static StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf Number(const float &_0) {
StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf result;
::new (&result.number._0) (float)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Number;
return result;
bool IsNumber() const {
return tag == Tag::Number;
const float& AsNumber() const {
return number._0;
bool operator==(const StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: return length == other.length;
case Tag::Percentage: return percentage == other.percentage;
case Tag::Number: return number == other.number;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf() {
~StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: length.~Length_Body(); break;
case Tag::Percentage: percentage.~Percentage_Body(); break;
case Tag::Number: number.~Number_Body(); break;
StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf(const StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: ::new (&length) (Length_Body)(other.length); break;
case Tag::Percentage: ::new (&percentage) (Percentage_Body)(other.percentage); break;
case Tag::Number: ::new (&number) (Number_Body)(other.number); break;
StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf& operator=(const StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf(other);
return *this;
/// A struct that basically replaces a `Box<[T]>`, but which cbindgen can
/// understand.
/// We could rely on the struct layout of `Box<[T]>` per:
/// But handling fat pointers with cbindgen both in structs and argument
/// positions more generally is a bit tricky.
template<typename T>
struct StyleOwnedSlice {
T *ptr;
uintptr_t len;
constexpr StyleOwnedSlice() :
len(0) {}
inline void Clear();
inline void CopyFrom(const StyleOwnedSlice&);
inline void SwapElements(StyleOwnedSlice&);
StyleOwnedSlice& operator=(const StyleOwnedSlice&);
StyleOwnedSlice& operator=(StyleOwnedSlice&&);
inline StyleOwnedSlice(const StyleOwnedSlice&);
inline StyleOwnedSlice(StyleOwnedSlice&&);
inline explicit StyleOwnedSlice(Vector<T>&&);
inline ~StyleOwnedSlice();
Span<const T> AsSpan() const {
return {ptr, len};
size_t Length() const {
return len;
bool IsEmpty() const { return Length() == 0; }
bool operator==(const StyleOwnedSlice& other) const {
return AsSpan() == other.AsSpan();
bool operator!=(const StyleOwnedSlice& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
/// A generic node in a calc expression.
/// FIXME: This would be much more elegant if we used `Self` in the types below,
/// but we can't because of
/// FIXME: The following annotations are to workaround an LLVM inlining bug, see
template<typename L>
union StyleGenericCalcNode {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A leaf node.
/// A node that negates its child, e.g. Negate(1) == -1.
/// A node that inverts its child, e.g. Invert(10) == 1 / 10 == 0.1. The child must always
/// resolve to a number unit.
/// A sum node, representing `a + b + c` where a, b, and c are the
/// arguments.
/// A product node, representing `a * b * c` where a, b, and c are the
/// arguments.
/// A `min` or `max` function.
/// A `clamp()` function.
/// A `round()` function.
/// A `mod()` or `rem()` function.
/// A `hypot()` function
/// An `abs()` function.
/// A `sign()` function.
struct Leaf_Body {
Tag tag;
L _0;
bool operator==(const Leaf_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Leaf_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Negate_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> _0;
bool operator==(const Negate_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Negate_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Invert_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> _0;
bool operator==(const Invert_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Invert_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Sum_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> _0;
bool operator==(const Sum_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Sum_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Product_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> _0;
bool operator==(const Product_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Product_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct MinMax_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> _0;
StyleMinMaxOp _1;
bool operator==(const MinMax_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const MinMax_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct Clamp_Body {
Tag tag;
/// The minimum value.
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> min;
/// The central value.
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> center;
/// The maximum value.
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> max;
bool operator==(const Clamp_Body& other) const {
return min == other.min &&
center == &&
max == other.max;
bool operator!=(const Clamp_Body& other) const {
return min != other.min ||
center != ||
max != other.max;
struct Round_Body {
Tag tag;
/// The rounding strategy.
StyleRoundingStrategy strategy;
/// The value to round.
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> value;
/// The step value.
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> step;
bool operator==(const Round_Body& other) const {
return strategy == other.strategy &&
value == other.value &&
step == other.step;
bool operator!=(const Round_Body& other) const {
return strategy != other.strategy ||
value != other.value ||
step != other.step;
struct ModRem_Body {
Tag tag;
/// The dividend calculation.
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> dividend;
/// The divisor calculation.
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> divisor;
/// Is the function mod or rem?
StyleModRemOp op;
bool operator==(const ModRem_Body& other) const {
return dividend == other.dividend &&
divisor == other.divisor &&
op == other.op;
bool operator!=(const ModRem_Body& other) const {
return dividend != other.dividend ||
divisor != other.divisor ||
op != other.op;
struct Hypot_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> _0;
bool operator==(const Hypot_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Hypot_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Abs_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> _0;
bool operator==(const Abs_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Abs_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Sign_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> _0;
bool operator==(const Sign_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Sign_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
Leaf_Body leaf;
Negate_Body negate;
Invert_Body invert;
Sum_Body sum;
Product_Body product;
MinMax_Body min_max;
Clamp_Body clamp;
Round_Body round;
ModRem_Body mod_rem;
Hypot_Body hypot;
Abs_Body abs;
Sign_Body sign;
static StyleGenericCalcNode Leaf(const L &_0) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.leaf._0) (L)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Leaf;
return result;
bool IsLeaf() const {
return tag == Tag::Leaf;
const L& AsLeaf() const {
return leaf._0;
static StyleGenericCalcNode Negate(const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &_0) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.negate._0) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Negate;
return result;
bool IsNegate() const {
return tag == Tag::Negate;
const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>& AsNegate() const {
return negate._0;
static StyleGenericCalcNode Invert(const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &_0) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.invert._0) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Invert;
return result;
bool IsInvert() const {
return tag == Tag::Invert;
const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>& AsInvert() const {
return invert._0;
static StyleGenericCalcNode Sum(const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &_0) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.sum._0) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Sum;
return result;
bool IsSum() const {
return tag == Tag::Sum;
const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>& AsSum() const {
return sum._0;
static StyleGenericCalcNode Product(const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &_0) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.product._0) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Product;
return result;
bool IsProduct() const {
return tag == Tag::Product;
const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>& AsProduct() const {
return product._0;
static StyleGenericCalcNode MinMax(const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &_0,
const StyleMinMaxOp &_1) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.min_max._0) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(_0);
::new (&result.min_max._1) (StyleMinMaxOp)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::MinMax;
return result;
bool IsMinMax() const {
return tag == Tag::MinMax;
const MinMax_Body& AsMinMax() const {
return min_max;
static StyleGenericCalcNode Clamp(const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &min,
const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &center,
const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &max) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.clamp.min) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(min);
::new (& (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(center);
::new (&result.clamp.max) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(max);
result.tag = Tag::Clamp;
return result;
bool IsClamp() const {
return tag == Tag::Clamp;
const Clamp_Body& AsClamp() const {
return clamp;
static StyleGenericCalcNode Round(const StyleRoundingStrategy &strategy,
const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &value,
const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &step) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.round.strategy) (StyleRoundingStrategy)(strategy);
::new (&result.round.value) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(value);
::new (&result.round.step) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(step);
result.tag = Tag::Round;
return result;
bool IsRound() const {
return tag == Tag::Round;
const Round_Body& AsRound() const {
return round;
static StyleGenericCalcNode ModRem(const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &dividend,
const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &divisor,
const StyleModRemOp &op) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.mod_rem.dividend) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(dividend);
::new (&result.mod_rem.divisor) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(divisor);
::new (&result.mod_rem.op) (StyleModRemOp)(op);
result.tag = Tag::ModRem;
return result;
bool IsModRem() const {
return tag == Tag::ModRem;
const ModRem_Body& AsModRem() const {
return mod_rem;
static StyleGenericCalcNode Hypot(const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &_0) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.hypot._0) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Hypot;
return result;
bool IsHypot() const {
return tag == Tag::Hypot;
const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>& AsHypot() const {
return hypot._0;
static StyleGenericCalcNode Abs(const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &_0) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.abs._0) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Abs;
return result;
bool IsAbs() const {
return tag == Tag::Abs;
const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>& AsAbs() const {
return abs._0;
static StyleGenericCalcNode Sign(const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>> &_0) {
StyleGenericCalcNode result;
::new (&result.sign._0) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Sign;
return result;
bool IsSign() const {
return tag == Tag::Sign;
const StyleBox<StyleGenericCalcNode<L>>& AsSign() const {
return sign._0;
MOZ_NEVER_INLINE bool operator==(const StyleGenericCalcNode& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Leaf: return leaf == other.leaf;
case Tag::Negate: return negate == other.negate;
case Tag::Invert: return invert == other.invert;
case Tag::Sum: return sum == other.sum;
case Tag::Product: return product == other.product;
case Tag::MinMax: return min_max == other.min_max;
case Tag::Clamp: return clamp == other.clamp;
case Tag::Round: return round == other.round;
case Tag::ModRem: return mod_rem == other.mod_rem;
case Tag::Hypot: return hypot == other.hypot;
case Tag::Abs: return abs == other.abs;
case Tag::Sign: return sign == other.sign;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericCalcNode& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericCalcNode() {
MOZ_NEVER_INLINE ~StyleGenericCalcNode() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Leaf: leaf.~Leaf_Body(); break;
case Tag::Negate: negate.~Negate_Body(); break;
case Tag::Invert: invert.~Invert_Body(); break;
case Tag::Sum: sum.~Sum_Body(); break;
case Tag::Product: product.~Product_Body(); break;
case Tag::MinMax: min_max.~MinMax_Body(); break;
case Tag::Clamp: clamp.~Clamp_Body(); break;
case Tag::Round: round.~Round_Body(); break;
case Tag::ModRem: mod_rem.~ModRem_Body(); break;
case Tag::Hypot: hypot.~Hypot_Body(); break;
case Tag::Abs: abs.~Abs_Body(); break;
case Tag::Sign: sign.~Sign_Body(); break;
MOZ_NEVER_INLINE StyleGenericCalcNode(const StyleGenericCalcNode& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Leaf: ::new (&leaf) (Leaf_Body)(other.leaf); break;
case Tag::Negate: ::new (&negate) (Negate_Body)(other.negate); break;
case Tag::Invert: ::new (&invert) (Invert_Body)(other.invert); break;
case Tag::Sum: ::new (&sum) (Sum_Body)(other.sum); break;
case Tag::Product: ::new (&product) (Product_Body)(other.product); break;
case Tag::MinMax: ::new (&min_max) (MinMax_Body)(other.min_max); break;
case Tag::Clamp: ::new (&clamp) (Clamp_Body)(other.clamp); break;
case Tag::Round: ::new (&round) (Round_Body)(other.round); break;
case Tag::ModRem: ::new (&mod_rem) (ModRem_Body)(other.mod_rem); break;
case Tag::Hypot: ::new (&hypot) (Hypot_Body)(other.hypot); break;
case Tag::Abs: ::new (&abs) (Abs_Body)(other.abs); break;
case Tag::Sign: ::new (&sign) (Sign_Body)(other.sign); break;
StyleGenericCalcNode& operator=(const StyleGenericCalcNode& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericCalcNode(other);
return *this;
void ScaleLengthsBy(float);
/// The computed version of a calc() node for `<length-percentage>` values.
using StyleCalcNode = StyleGenericCalcNode<StyleCalcLengthPercentageLeaf>;
/// The representation of a calc() function with mixed lengths and percentages.
struct StyleCalcLengthPercentage {
StyleAllowedNumericType clamping_mode;
StyleCalcNode node;
bool operator==(const StyleCalcLengthPercentage& other) const {
return clamping_mode == other.clamping_mode &&
node == other.node;
bool operator!=(const StyleCalcLengthPercentage& other) const {
return clamping_mode != other.clamping_mode ||
node != other.node;
inline CSSCoord ResolveToCSSPixels(CSSCoord aBasis) const;
inline nscoord Resolve(nscoord aBasis) const;
#if defined(SERVO_32_BITS)
struct StyleCalcVariant {
uint8_t tag;
StyleCalcLengthPercentage *ptr;
bool operator==(const StyleCalcVariant& other) const {
return tag == other.tag &&
ptr == other.ptr;
bool operator!=(const StyleCalcVariant& other) const {
return tag != other.tag ||
ptr != other.ptr;
#if defined(HAVE_64BIT_BUILD)
struct StyleCalcVariant {
uintptr_t ptr;
bool operator==(const StyleCalcVariant& other) const {
return ptr == other.ptr;
bool operator!=(const StyleCalcVariant& other) const {
return ptr != other.ptr;
struct StyleTagVariant {
uint8_t tag;
bool operator==(const StyleTagVariant& other) const {
return tag == other.tag;
bool operator!=(const StyleTagVariant& other) const {
return tag != other.tag;
union StyleLengthPercentageUnion {
StyleLengthVariant length;
StylePercentageVariant percentage;
StyleCalcVariant calc;
StyleTagVariant tag;
using Self = StyleLengthPercentageUnion;
// TODO(emilio): cbindgen should be able to generate these in the body of the
// union, but it seems it's only implemented for structs, not unions.
static const uint8_t TAG_CALC = StyleLengthPercentageUnion_TAG_CALC;
static const uint8_t TAG_LENGTH = StyleLengthPercentageUnion_TAG_LENGTH;
static const uint8_t TAG_PERCENTAGE = StyleLengthPercentageUnion_TAG_PERCENTAGE;
static const uint8_t TAG_MASK = StyleLengthPercentageUnion_TAG_MASK;
uint8_t Tag() const {
return tag.tag & TAG_MASK;
// We need to do all this manually because cbingen can't reason about unions.
inline StyleLengthPercentageUnion();
inline StyleLengthPercentageUnion(const Self&);
inline ~StyleLengthPercentageUnion();
inline Self& operator=(const Self&);
inline bool operator==(const Self& aOther) const;
inline bool operator!=(const Self& aOther) const;
inline bool IsLength() const;
inline bool IsPercentage() const;
inline bool IsCalc() const;
inline const StyleLength& AsLength() const;
inline StyleLength& AsLength();
inline const StylePercentage& AsPercentage() const;
inline StylePercentage& AsPercentage();
inline const StyleCalcLengthPercentage& AsCalc() const;
inline StyleCalcLengthPercentage& AsCalc();
static inline Self Zero();
static inline Self FromAppUnits(nscoord);
static inline Self FromPixels(CSSCoord);
static inline Self FromPercentage(float);
inline void ScaleLengthsBy(float);
inline bool HasPercent() const;
inline bool ConvertsToLength() const;
inline nscoord ToLength() const;
inline CSSCoord ToLengthInCSSPixels() const;
inline bool ConvertsToPercentage() const;
inline bool HasLengthAndPercentage() const;
inline float ToPercentage() const;
inline bool IsDefinitelyZero() const;
inline CSSCoord ResolveToCSSPixels(CSSCoord aPercentageBasisInCSSPixels) const;
template<typename T> inline CSSCoord ResolveToCSSPixelsWith(T aPercentageGetter) const;
template<typename T, typename PercentRounder>
inline nscoord Resolve(T aPercentageGetter, PercentRounder) const;
template<typename PercentRounder>
inline nscoord Resolve(nscoord aPercentageBasis, PercentRounder) const;
template<typename T> inline nscoord Resolve(T aPercentageGetter) const;
inline nscoord Resolve(nscoord aPercentageBasis) const;
/// A `<length-percentage>` value. This can be either a `<length>`, a
/// `<percentage>`, or a combination of both via `calc()`.
/// The tag is stored in the lower two bits.
/// We need to use a struct instead of the union directly because unions with
/// Drop implementations are unstable, looks like.
/// Also we need the union and the variants to be `pub` (even though the member
/// is private) so that cbindgen generates it. They're not part of the public
/// API otherwise.
using StyleLengthPercentage = StyleLengthPercentageUnion;
/// A value of the `translate` property
/// If a 2d translation is specified, the property must serialize with only one
/// or two values (per usual, if the second value is 0px, the default, it must
/// be omitted when serializing; however if 0% is the second value, it is included).
/// If a 3d translation is specified and the value can be expressed as 2d, we treat as 2d and
/// serialize accoringly. Otherwise, we serialize all three values.
template<typename LengthPercentage, typename Length>
struct StyleGenericTranslate {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// 'none'
/// <length-percentage> [ <length-percentage> <length>? ]?
struct StyleTranslate_Body {
LengthPercentage _0;
LengthPercentage _1;
Length _2;
bool operator==(const StyleTranslate_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1 &&
_2 == other._2;
bool operator!=(const StyleTranslate_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1 ||
_2 != other._2;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleTranslate_Body translate;
static StyleGenericTranslate None() {
StyleGenericTranslate result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericTranslate Translate(const LengthPercentage &_0,
const LengthPercentage &_1,
const Length &_2) {
StyleGenericTranslate result;
::new (&result.translate._0) (LengthPercentage)(_0);
::new (&result.translate._1) (LengthPercentage)(_1);
::new (&result.translate._2) (Length)(_2);
result.tag = Tag::Translate;
return result;
bool IsTranslate() const {
return tag == Tag::Translate;
const StyleTranslate_Body& AsTranslate() const {
return translate;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTranslate& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Translate: return translate == other.translate;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTranslate& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericTranslate() {
~StyleGenericTranslate() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Translate: translate.~StyleTranslate_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericTranslate(const StyleGenericTranslate& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Translate: ::new (&translate) (StyleTranslate_Body)(other.translate); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericTranslate& operator=(const StyleGenericTranslate& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericTranslate(other);
return *this;
/// A computed CSS `translate`
using StyleTranslate = StyleGenericTranslate<StyleLengthPercentage, StyleLength>;
/// A computed angle in degrees.
struct StyleAngle {
StyleCSSFloat _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAngle& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAngle& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline static StyleAngle Zero();
inline float ToDegrees() const;
inline double ToRadians() const;
StyleAngle operator+(const StyleAngle& aAngle) const {
return StyleAngle{_0 + aAngle._0};
StyleAngle operator-(const StyleAngle& aAngle) const {
return StyleAngle{_0 - aAngle._0};
/// A value of the `Rotate` property
template<typename Number, typename Angle>
struct StyleGenericRotate {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// 'none'
/// '<angle>'
/// '<number>{3} <angle>'
struct StyleRotate_Body {
Angle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRotate_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRotate_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleRotate3D_Body {
Number _0;
Number _1;
Number _2;
Angle _3;
bool operator==(const StyleRotate3D_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1 &&
_2 == other._2 &&
_3 == other._3;
bool operator!=(const StyleRotate3D_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1 ||
_2 != other._2 ||
_3 != other._3;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleRotate_Body rotate;
StyleRotate3D_Body rotate3_d;
static StyleGenericRotate None() {
StyleGenericRotate result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericRotate Rotate(const Angle &_0) {
StyleGenericRotate result;
::new (&result.rotate._0) (Angle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Rotate;
return result;
bool IsRotate() const {
return tag == Tag::Rotate;
const Angle& AsRotate() const {
return rotate._0;
static StyleGenericRotate Rotate3D(const Number &_0,
const Number &_1,
const Number &_2,
const Angle &_3) {
StyleGenericRotate result;
::new (&result.rotate3_d._0) (Number)(_0);
::new (&result.rotate3_d._1) (Number)(_1);
::new (&result.rotate3_d._2) (Number)(_2);
::new (&result.rotate3_d._3) (Angle)(_3);
result.tag = Tag::Rotate3D;
return result;
bool IsRotate3D() const {
return tag == Tag::Rotate3D;
const StyleRotate3D_Body& AsRotate3D() const {
return rotate3_d;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericRotate& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Rotate: return rotate == other.rotate;
case Tag::Rotate3D: return rotate3_d == other.rotate3_d;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericRotate& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericRotate() {
~StyleGenericRotate() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Rotate: rotate.~StyleRotate_Body(); break;
case Tag::Rotate3D: rotate3_d.~StyleRotate3D_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericRotate(const StyleGenericRotate& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Rotate: ::new (&rotate) (StyleRotate_Body)(other.rotate); break;
case Tag::Rotate3D: ::new (&rotate3_d) (StyleRotate3D_Body)(other.rotate3_d); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericRotate& operator=(const StyleGenericRotate& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericRotate(other);
return *this;
/// A computed CSS `rotate`
using StyleRotate = StyleGenericRotate<StyleNumber, StyleAngle>;
/// A CSS integer value.
using StyleCSSInteger = int32_t;
/// A `<integer>` value.
using StyleInteger = StyleCSSInteger;
/// A generic 2D transformation matrix.
template<typename T>
struct StyleGenericMatrix {
T a;
T b;
T c;
T d;
T e;
T f;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericMatrix& other) const {
return a == other.a &&
b == other.b &&
c == other.c &&
d == other.d &&
e == other.e &&
f == other.f;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericMatrix& other) const {
return a != other.a ||
b != other.b ||
c != other.c ||
d != other.d ||
e != other.e ||
f != other.f;
template<typename T>
struct StyleGenericMatrix3D {
T m11;
T m12;
T m13;
T m14;
T m21;
T m22;
T m23;
T m24;
T m31;
T m32;
T m33;
T m34;
T m41;
T m42;
T m43;
T m44;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericMatrix3D& other) const {
return m11 == other.m11 &&
m12 == other.m12 &&
m13 == other.m13 &&
m14 == other.m14 &&
m21 == other.m21 &&
m22 == other.m22 &&
m23 == other.m23 &&
m24 == other.m24 &&
m31 == other.m31 &&
m32 == other.m32 &&
m33 == other.m33 &&
m34 == other.m34 &&
m41 == other.m41 &&
m42 == other.m42 &&
m43 == other.m43 &&
m44 == other.m44;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericMatrix3D& other) const {
return m11 != other.m11 ||
m12 != other.m12 ||
m13 != other.m13 ||
m14 != other.m14 ||
m21 != other.m21 ||
m22 != other.m22 ||
m23 != other.m23 ||
m24 != other.m24 ||
m31 != other.m31 ||
m32 != other.m32 ||
m33 != other.m33 ||
m34 != other.m34 ||
m41 != other.m41 ||
m42 != other.m42 ||
m43 != other.m43 ||
m44 != other.m44;
/// A value for the `perspective()` transform function, which is either a
/// non-negative `<length>` or `none`.
template<typename L>
struct StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `none`
/// A `<length>`.
struct StyleLength_Body {
L _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLength_Body length;
static StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction None() {
StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction Length(const L &_0) {
StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction result;
::new (&result.length._0) (L)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Length;
return result;
bool IsLength() const {
return tag == Tag::Length;
const L& AsLength() const {
return length._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: return length == other.length;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction() {
~StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: length.~StyleLength_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction(const StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: ::new (&length) (StyleLength_Body)(other.length); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction& operator=(const StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction(other);
return *this;
/// A value of the `transform` property
template<typename T>
struct StyleGenericTransform {
StyleOwnedSlice<T> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTransform& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTransform& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline Span<const T> Operations() const;
inline bool IsNone() const;
bool HasPercent() const;
/// A single operation in the list of a `transform` value
template<typename Angle, typename Number, typename Length, typename Integer, typename LengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericTransformOperation {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Represents a 2D 2x3 matrix.
/// Represents a 3D 4x4 matrix.
/// A 2D skew.
/// If the second angle is not provided it is assumed zero.
/// Syntax can be skew(angle) or skew(angle, angle)
/// skewX(angle)
/// skewY(angle)
/// translate(x, y) or translate(x)
/// translateX(x)
/// translateY(y)
/// translateZ(z)
/// translate3d(x, y, z)
/// A 2D scaling factor.
/// Syntax can be scale(factor) or scale(factor, factor)
/// scaleX(factor)
/// scaleY(factor)
/// scaleZ(factor)
/// scale3D(factorX, factorY, factorZ)
/// Describes a 2D Rotation.
/// In a 3D scene `rotate(angle)` is equivalent to `rotateZ(angle)`.
/// Rotation in 3D space around the x-axis.
/// Rotation in 3D space around the y-axis.
/// Rotation in 3D space around the z-axis.
/// Rotation in 3D space.
/// Generalization of rotateX, rotateY and rotateZ.
/// Specifies a perspective projection matrix.
/// Part of CSS Transform Module Level 2 and defined at
/// [§ 13.1. 3D Transform Function](
/// The value must be greater than or equal to zero.
/// A intermediate type for interpolation of mismatched transform lists.
/// A intermediate type for accumulation of mismatched transform lists.
struct StyleMatrix_Body {
StyleGenericMatrix<Number> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleMatrix_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleMatrix_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleMatrix3D_Body {
StyleGenericMatrix3D<Number> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleMatrix3D_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleMatrix3D_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleSkew_Body {
Angle _0;
Angle _1;
bool operator==(const StyleSkew_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StyleSkew_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct StyleSkewX_Body {
Angle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSkewX_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSkewX_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleSkewY_Body {
Angle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSkewY_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSkewY_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleTranslate_Body {
LengthPercentage _0;
LengthPercentage _1;
bool operator==(const StyleTranslate_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StyleTranslate_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct StyleTranslateX_Body {
LengthPercentage _0;
bool operator==(const StyleTranslateX_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTranslateX_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleTranslateY_Body {
LengthPercentage _0;
bool operator==(const StyleTranslateY_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTranslateY_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleTranslateZ_Body {
Length _0;
bool operator==(const StyleTranslateZ_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTranslateZ_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleTranslate3D_Body {
LengthPercentage _0;
LengthPercentage _1;
Length _2;
bool operator==(const StyleTranslate3D_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1 &&
_2 == other._2;
bool operator!=(const StyleTranslate3D_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1 ||
_2 != other._2;
struct StyleScale_Body {
Number _0;
Number _1;
bool operator==(const StyleScale_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StyleScale_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct StyleScaleX_Body {
Number _0;
bool operator==(const StyleScaleX_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleScaleX_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleScaleY_Body {
Number _0;
bool operator==(const StyleScaleY_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleScaleY_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleScaleZ_Body {
Number _0;
bool operator==(const StyleScaleZ_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleScaleZ_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleScale3D_Body {
Number _0;
Number _1;
Number _2;
bool operator==(const StyleScale3D_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1 &&
_2 == other._2;
bool operator!=(const StyleScale3D_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1 ||
_2 != other._2;
struct StyleRotate_Body {
Angle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRotate_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRotate_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleRotateX_Body {
Angle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRotateX_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRotateX_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleRotateY_Body {
Angle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRotateY_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRotateY_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleRotateZ_Body {
Angle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRotateZ_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRotateZ_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleRotate3D_Body {
Number _0;
Number _1;
Number _2;
Angle _3;
bool operator==(const StyleRotate3D_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1 &&
_2 == other._2 &&
_3 == other._3;
bool operator!=(const StyleRotate3D_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1 ||
_2 != other._2 ||
_3 != other._3;
struct StylePerspective_Body {
StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction<Length> _0;
bool operator==(const StylePerspective_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePerspective_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleInterpolateMatrix_Body {
StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>> from_list;
StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>> to_list;
StylePercentage progress;
bool operator==(const StyleInterpolateMatrix_Body& other) const {
return from_list == other.from_list &&
to_list == other.to_list &&
progress == other.progress;
bool operator!=(const StyleInterpolateMatrix_Body& other) const {
return from_list != other.from_list ||
to_list != other.to_list ||
progress != other.progress;
struct StyleAccumulateMatrix_Body {
StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>> from_list;
StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>> to_list;
Integer count;
bool operator==(const StyleAccumulateMatrix_Body& other) const {
return from_list == other.from_list &&
to_list == other.to_list &&
count == other.count;
bool operator!=(const StyleAccumulateMatrix_Body& other) const {
return from_list != other.from_list ||
to_list != other.to_list ||
count != other.count;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleMatrix_Body matrix;
StyleMatrix3D_Body matrix3_d;
StyleSkew_Body skew;
StyleSkewX_Body skew_x;
StyleSkewY_Body skew_y;
StyleTranslate_Body translate;
StyleTranslateX_Body translate_x;
StyleTranslateY_Body translate_y;
StyleTranslateZ_Body translate_z;
StyleTranslate3D_Body translate3_d;
StyleScale_Body scale;
StyleScaleX_Body scale_x;
StyleScaleY_Body scale_y;
StyleScaleZ_Body scale_z;
StyleScale3D_Body scale3_d;
StyleRotate_Body rotate;
StyleRotateX_Body rotate_x;
StyleRotateY_Body rotate_y;
StyleRotateZ_Body rotate_z;
StyleRotate3D_Body rotate3_d;
StylePerspective_Body perspective;
StyleInterpolateMatrix_Body interpolate_matrix;
StyleAccumulateMatrix_Body accumulate_matrix;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation Matrix(const StyleGenericMatrix<Number> &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.matrix._0) (StyleGenericMatrix<Number>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Matrix;
return result;
bool IsMatrix() const {
return tag == Tag::Matrix;
const StyleGenericMatrix<Number>& AsMatrix() const {
return matrix._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation Matrix3D(const StyleGenericMatrix3D<Number> &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.matrix3_d._0) (StyleGenericMatrix3D<Number>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Matrix3D;
return result;
bool IsMatrix3D() const {
return tag == Tag::Matrix3D;
const StyleGenericMatrix3D<Number>& AsMatrix3D() const {
return matrix3_d._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation Skew(const Angle &_0,
const Angle &_1) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.skew._0) (Angle)(_0);
::new (&result.skew._1) (Angle)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Skew;
return result;
bool IsSkew() const {
return tag == Tag::Skew;
const StyleSkew_Body& AsSkew() const {
return skew;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation SkewX(const Angle &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.skew_x._0) (Angle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::SkewX;
return result;
bool IsSkewX() const {
return tag == Tag::SkewX;
const Angle& AsSkewX() const {
return skew_x._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation SkewY(const Angle &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.skew_y._0) (Angle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::SkewY;
return result;
bool IsSkewY() const {
return tag == Tag::SkewY;
const Angle& AsSkewY() const {
return skew_y._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation Translate(const LengthPercentage &_0,
const LengthPercentage &_1) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.translate._0) (LengthPercentage)(_0);
::new (&result.translate._1) (LengthPercentage)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Translate;
return result;
bool IsTranslate() const {
return tag == Tag::Translate;
const StyleTranslate_Body& AsTranslate() const {
return translate;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation TranslateX(const LengthPercentage &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.translate_x._0) (LengthPercentage)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::TranslateX;
return result;
bool IsTranslateX() const {
return tag == Tag::TranslateX;
const LengthPercentage& AsTranslateX() const {
return translate_x._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation TranslateY(const LengthPercentage &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.translate_y._0) (LengthPercentage)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::TranslateY;
return result;
bool IsTranslateY() const {
return tag == Tag::TranslateY;
const LengthPercentage& AsTranslateY() const {
return translate_y._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation TranslateZ(const Length &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.translate_z._0) (Length)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::TranslateZ;
return result;
bool IsTranslateZ() const {
return tag == Tag::TranslateZ;
const Length& AsTranslateZ() const {
return translate_z._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation Translate3D(const LengthPercentage &_0,
const LengthPercentage &_1,
const Length &_2) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.translate3_d._0) (LengthPercentage)(_0);
::new (&result.translate3_d._1) (LengthPercentage)(_1);
::new (&result.translate3_d._2) (Length)(_2);
result.tag = Tag::Translate3D;
return result;
bool IsTranslate3D() const {
return tag == Tag::Translate3D;
const StyleTranslate3D_Body& AsTranslate3D() const {
return translate3_d;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation Scale(const Number &_0,
const Number &_1) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.scale._0) (Number)(_0);
::new (&result.scale._1) (Number)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Scale;
return result;
bool IsScale() const {
return tag == Tag::Scale;
const StyleScale_Body& AsScale() const {
return scale;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation ScaleX(const Number &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.scale_x._0) (Number)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::ScaleX;
return result;
bool IsScaleX() const {
return tag == Tag::ScaleX;
const Number& AsScaleX() const {
return scale_x._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation ScaleY(const Number &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.scale_y._0) (Number)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::ScaleY;
return result;
bool IsScaleY() const {
return tag == Tag::ScaleY;
const Number& AsScaleY() const {
return scale_y._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation ScaleZ(const Number &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.scale_z._0) (Number)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::ScaleZ;
return result;
bool IsScaleZ() const {
return tag == Tag::ScaleZ;
const Number& AsScaleZ() const {
return scale_z._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation Scale3D(const Number &_0,
const Number &_1,
const Number &_2) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.scale3_d._0) (Number)(_0);
::new (&result.scale3_d._1) (Number)(_1);
::new (&result.scale3_d._2) (Number)(_2);
result.tag = Tag::Scale3D;
return result;
bool IsScale3D() const {
return tag == Tag::Scale3D;
const StyleScale3D_Body& AsScale3D() const {
return scale3_d;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation Rotate(const Angle &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.rotate._0) (Angle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Rotate;
return result;
bool IsRotate() const {
return tag == Tag::Rotate;
const Angle& AsRotate() const {
return rotate._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation RotateX(const Angle &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.rotate_x._0) (Angle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::RotateX;
return result;
bool IsRotateX() const {
return tag == Tag::RotateX;
const Angle& AsRotateX() const {
return rotate_x._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation RotateY(const Angle &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.rotate_y._0) (Angle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::RotateY;
return result;
bool IsRotateY() const {
return tag == Tag::RotateY;
const Angle& AsRotateY() const {
return rotate_y._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation RotateZ(const Angle &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.rotate_z._0) (Angle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::RotateZ;
return result;
bool IsRotateZ() const {
return tag == Tag::RotateZ;
const Angle& AsRotateZ() const {
return rotate_z._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation Rotate3D(const Number &_0,
const Number &_1,
const Number &_2,
const Angle &_3) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.rotate3_d._0) (Number)(_0);
::new (&result.rotate3_d._1) (Number)(_1);
::new (&result.rotate3_d._2) (Number)(_2);
::new (&result.rotate3_d._3) (Angle)(_3);
result.tag = Tag::Rotate3D;
return result;
bool IsRotate3D() const {
return tag == Tag::Rotate3D;
const StyleRotate3D_Body& AsRotate3D() const {
return rotate3_d;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation Perspective(const StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction<Length> &_0) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.perspective._0) (StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction<Length>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Perspective;
return result;
bool IsPerspective() const {
return tag == Tag::Perspective;
const StyleGenericPerspectiveFunction<Length>& AsPerspective() const {
return perspective._0;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation InterpolateMatrix(const StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>> &from_list,
const StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>> &to_list,
const StylePercentage &progress) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.interpolate_matrix.from_list) (StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>>)(from_list);
::new (&result.interpolate_matrix.to_list) (StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>>)(to_list);
::new (&result.interpolate_matrix.progress) (StylePercentage)(progress);
result.tag = Tag::InterpolateMatrix;
return result;
bool IsInterpolateMatrix() const {
return tag == Tag::InterpolateMatrix;
const StyleInterpolateMatrix_Body& AsInterpolateMatrix() const {
return interpolate_matrix;
static StyleGenericTransformOperation AccumulateMatrix(const StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>> &from_list,
const StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>> &to_list,
const Integer &count) {
StyleGenericTransformOperation result;
::new (&result.accumulate_matrix.from_list) (StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>>)(from_list);
::new (&result.accumulate_matrix.to_list) (StyleGenericTransform<StyleGenericTransformOperation<Angle, Number, Length, Integer, LengthPercentage>>)(to_list);
::new (&result.accumulate_matrix.count) (Integer)(count);
result.tag = Tag::AccumulateMatrix;
return result;
bool IsAccumulateMatrix() const {
return tag == Tag::AccumulateMatrix;
const StyleAccumulateMatrix_Body& AsAccumulateMatrix() const {
return accumulate_matrix;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTransformOperation& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Matrix: return matrix == other.matrix;
case Tag::Matrix3D: return matrix3_d == other.matrix3_d;
case Tag::Skew: return skew == other.skew;
case Tag::SkewX: return skew_x == other.skew_x;
case Tag::SkewY: return skew_y == other.skew_y;
case Tag::Translate: return translate == other.translate;
case Tag::TranslateX: return translate_x == other.translate_x;
case Tag::TranslateY: return translate_y == other.translate_y;
case Tag::TranslateZ: return translate_z == other.translate_z;
case Tag::Translate3D: return translate3_d == other.translate3_d;
case Tag::Scale: return scale == other.scale;
case Tag::ScaleX: return scale_x == other.scale_x;
case Tag::ScaleY: return scale_y == other.scale_y;
case Tag::ScaleZ: return scale_z == other.scale_z;
case Tag::Scale3D: return scale3_d == other.scale3_d;
case Tag::Rotate: return rotate == other.rotate;
case Tag::RotateX: return rotate_x == other.rotate_x;
case Tag::RotateY: return rotate_y == other.rotate_y;
case Tag::RotateZ: return rotate_z == other.rotate_z;
case Tag::Rotate3D: return rotate3_d == other.rotate3_d;
case Tag::Perspective: return perspective == other.perspective;
case Tag::InterpolateMatrix: return interpolate_matrix == other.interpolate_matrix;
case Tag::AccumulateMatrix: return accumulate_matrix == other.accumulate_matrix;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTransformOperation& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericTransformOperation() {
~StyleGenericTransformOperation() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Matrix: matrix.~StyleMatrix_Body(); break;
case Tag::Matrix3D: matrix3_d.~StyleMatrix3D_Body(); break;
case Tag::Skew: skew.~StyleSkew_Body(); break;
case Tag::SkewX: skew_x.~StyleSkewX_Body(); break;
case Tag::SkewY: skew_y.~StyleSkewY_Body(); break;
case Tag::Translate: translate.~StyleTranslate_Body(); break;
case Tag::TranslateX: translate_x.~StyleTranslateX_Body(); break;
case Tag::TranslateY: translate_y.~StyleTranslateY_Body(); break;
case Tag::TranslateZ: translate_z.~StyleTranslateZ_Body(); break;
case Tag::Translate3D: translate3_d.~StyleTranslate3D_Body(); break;
case Tag::Scale: scale.~StyleScale_Body(); break;
case Tag::ScaleX: scale_x.~StyleScaleX_Body(); break;
case Tag::ScaleY: scale_y.~StyleScaleY_Body(); break;
case Tag::ScaleZ: scale_z.~StyleScaleZ_Body(); break;
case Tag::Scale3D: scale3_d.~StyleScale3D_Body(); break;
case Tag::Rotate: rotate.~StyleRotate_Body(); break;
case Tag::RotateX: rotate_x.~StyleRotateX_Body(); break;
case Tag::RotateY: rotate_y.~StyleRotateY_Body(); break;
case Tag::RotateZ: rotate_z.~StyleRotateZ_Body(); break;
case Tag::Rotate3D: rotate3_d.~StyleRotate3D_Body(); break;
case Tag::Perspective: perspective.~StylePerspective_Body(); break;
case Tag::InterpolateMatrix: interpolate_matrix.~StyleInterpolateMatrix_Body(); break;
case Tag::AccumulateMatrix: accumulate_matrix.~StyleAccumulateMatrix_Body(); break;
StyleGenericTransformOperation(const StyleGenericTransformOperation& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Matrix: ::new (&matrix) (StyleMatrix_Body)(other.matrix); break;
case Tag::Matrix3D: ::new (&matrix3_d) (StyleMatrix3D_Body)(other.matrix3_d); break;
case Tag::Skew: ::new (&skew) (StyleSkew_Body)(other.skew); break;
case Tag::SkewX: ::new (&skew_x) (StyleSkewX_Body)(other.skew_x); break;
case Tag::SkewY: ::new (&skew_y) (StyleSkewY_Body)(other.skew_y); break;
case Tag::Translate: ::new (&translate) (StyleTranslate_Body)(other.translate); break;
case Tag::TranslateX: ::new (&translate_x) (StyleTranslateX_Body)(other.translate_x); break;
case Tag::TranslateY: ::new (&translate_y) (StyleTranslateY_Body)(other.translate_y); break;
case Tag::TranslateZ: ::new (&translate_z) (StyleTranslateZ_Body)(other.translate_z); break;
case Tag::Translate3D: ::new (&translate3_d) (StyleTranslate3D_Body)(other.translate3_d); break;
case Tag::Scale: ::new (&scale) (StyleScale_Body)(other.scale); break;
case Tag::ScaleX: ::new (&scale_x) (StyleScaleX_Body)(other.scale_x); break;
case Tag::ScaleY: ::new (&scale_y) (StyleScaleY_Body)(other.scale_y); break;
case Tag::ScaleZ: ::new (&scale_z) (StyleScaleZ_Body)(other.scale_z); break;
case Tag::Scale3D: ::new (&scale3_d) (StyleScale3D_Body)(other.scale3_d); break;
case Tag::Rotate: ::new (&rotate) (StyleRotate_Body)(other.rotate); break;
case Tag::RotateX: ::new (&rotate_x) (StyleRotateX_Body)(other.rotate_x); break;
case Tag::RotateY: ::new (&rotate_y) (StyleRotateY_Body)(other.rotate_y); break;
case Tag::RotateZ: ::new (&rotate_z) (StyleRotateZ_Body)(other.rotate_z); break;
case Tag::Rotate3D: ::new (&rotate3_d) (StyleRotate3D_Body)(other.rotate3_d); break;
case Tag::Perspective: ::new (&perspective) (StylePerspective_Body)(other.perspective); break;
case Tag::InterpolateMatrix: ::new (&interpolate_matrix) (StyleInterpolateMatrix_Body)(other.interpolate_matrix); break;
case Tag::AccumulateMatrix: ::new (&accumulate_matrix) (StyleAccumulateMatrix_Body)(other.accumulate_matrix); break;
StyleGenericTransformOperation& operator=(const StyleGenericTransformOperation& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericTransformOperation(other);
return *this;
/// A single operation in a computed CSS `transform`
using StyleTransformOperation = StyleGenericTransformOperation<StyleAngle, StyleNumber, StyleLength, StyleInteger, StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// A computed CSS `transform`
using StyleTransform = StyleGenericTransform<StyleTransformOperation>;
/// The computed value of a CSS horizontal position.
using StyleHorizontalPosition = StyleLengthPercentage;
/// The computed value of a CSS vertical position.
using StyleVerticalPosition = StyleLengthPercentage;
/// A generic type for representing a CSS [position](
template<typename H, typename V>
struct StyleGenericPosition {
/// The horizontal component of position.
H horizontal;
/// The vertical component of position.
V vertical;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericPosition& other) const {
return horizontal == other.horizontal &&
vertical == other.vertical;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericPosition& other) const {
return horizontal != other.horizontal ||
vertical != other.vertical;
inline bool HasPercent() const;
inline bool DependsOnPositioningAreaSize() const;
static inline StyleGenericPosition FromPercentage(float);
/// The computed value of a CSS `<position>`
using StylePosition = StyleGenericPosition<StyleHorizontalPosition, StyleVerticalPosition>;
/// A wrapper of Non-negative values.
template<typename T>
using StyleNonNegative = T;
/// A wrapper of LengthPercentage, whose value must be >= 0.
using StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage = StyleNonNegative<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// A CSS value made of four components, where its `ToCss` impl will try to
/// serialize as few components as possible, like for example in `border-width`.
template<typename T>
struct StyleRect {
T _0;
T _1;
T _2;
T _3;
bool operator==(const StyleRect& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1 &&
_2 == other._2 &&
_3 == other._3;
bool operator!=(const StyleRect& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1 ||
_2 != other._2 ||
_3 != other._3;
template<typename Predicate> inline bool All(Predicate) const;
template<typename Predicate> inline bool Any(Predicate) const;
// Defined in WritingModes.h
inline const T& Get(mozilla::Side) const;
inline const T& Get(WritingMode, LogicalSide) const;
inline const T& GetIStart(WritingMode) const;
inline const T& GetBStart(WritingMode) const;
inline const T& Start(LogicalAxis, WritingMode) const;
inline const T& GetIEnd(WritingMode) const;
inline const T& GetBEnd(WritingMode) const;
inline const T& End(LogicalAxis, WritingMode) const;
inline T& Get(mozilla::Side);
inline T& Get(WritingMode, LogicalSide);
inline T& GetIStart(WritingMode);
inline T& GetBStart(WritingMode);
inline T& GetIEnd(WritingMode);
inline T& GetBEnd(WritingMode);
static StyleRect WithAllSides(const T& aSide) {
return {aSide, aSide, aSide, aSide};
/// A generic size, for `border-*-radius` longhand properties, or
/// `border-spacing`.
template<typename L>
struct StyleSize2D {
L width;
L height;
bool operator==(const StyleSize2D& other) const {
return width == other.width &&
height == other.height;
bool operator!=(const StyleSize2D& other) const {
return width != other.width ||
height != other.height;
/// A generic value for the `border-*-radius` longhand properties.
template<typename L>
struct StyleGenericBorderCornerRadius {
StyleSize2D<L> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericBorderCornerRadius& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericBorderCornerRadius& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
/// A generic value for `border-radius` and `inset()`.
template<typename LengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericBorderRadius {
/// The top left radius.
StyleGenericBorderCornerRadius<LengthPercentage> top_left;
/// The top right radius.
StyleGenericBorderCornerRadius<LengthPercentage> top_right;
/// The bottom right radius.
StyleGenericBorderCornerRadius<LengthPercentage> bottom_right;
/// The bottom left radius.
StyleGenericBorderCornerRadius<LengthPercentage> bottom_left;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericBorderRadius& other) const {
return top_left == other.top_left &&
top_right == other.top_right &&
bottom_right == other.bottom_right &&
bottom_left == other.bottom_left;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericBorderRadius& other) const {
return top_left != other.top_left ||
top_right != other.top_right ||
bottom_right != other.bottom_right ||
bottom_left != other.bottom_left;
inline const StyleLengthPercentage& Get(HalfCorner) const;
template<typename LengthPercentage, typename NonNegativeLengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericInsetRect {
StyleRect<LengthPercentage> rect;
StyleGenericBorderRadius<NonNegativeLengthPercentage> round;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericInsetRect& other) const {
return rect == other.rect &&
round == other.round;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericInsetRect& other) const {
return rect != other.rect ||
round != other.round;
/// The computed value of `inset()`.
using StyleInsetRect = StyleGenericInsetRect<StyleLengthPercentage, StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage>;
/// A generic type for representing an `Auto | <position>`.
/// This is used by <offset-anchor> for now.
template<typename Pos>
struct StyleGenericPositionOrAuto {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// The <position> value.
/// The keyword `auto`.
struct StylePosition_Body {
Pos _0;
bool operator==(const StylePosition_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePosition_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StylePosition_Body position;
static StyleGenericPositionOrAuto Position(const Pos &_0) {
StyleGenericPositionOrAuto result;
::new (&result.position._0) (Pos)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Position;
return result;
bool IsPosition() const {
return tag == Tag::Position;
const Pos& AsPosition() const {
return position._0;
static StyleGenericPositionOrAuto Auto() {
StyleGenericPositionOrAuto result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericPositionOrAuto& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Position: return position == other.position;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericPositionOrAuto& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericPositionOrAuto() {
~StyleGenericPositionOrAuto() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Position: position.~StylePosition_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericPositionOrAuto(const StyleGenericPositionOrAuto& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Position: ::new (&position) (StylePosition_Body)(other.position); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericPositionOrAuto& operator=(const StyleGenericPositionOrAuto& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericPositionOrAuto(other);
return *this;
template<typename NonNegativeLengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericShapeRadius {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StyleLength_Body {
NonNegativeLengthPercentage _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLength_Body length;
static StyleGenericShapeRadius Length(const NonNegativeLengthPercentage &_0) {
StyleGenericShapeRadius result;
::new (&result.length._0) (NonNegativeLengthPercentage)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Length;
return result;
bool IsLength() const {
return tag == Tag::Length;
const NonNegativeLengthPercentage& AsLength() const {
return length._0;
static StyleGenericShapeRadius ClosestSide() {
StyleGenericShapeRadius result;
result.tag = Tag::ClosestSide;
return result;
bool IsClosestSide() const {
return tag == Tag::ClosestSide;
static StyleGenericShapeRadius FarthestSide() {
StyleGenericShapeRadius result;
result.tag = Tag::FarthestSide;
return result;
bool IsFarthestSide() const {
return tag == Tag::FarthestSide;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericShapeRadius& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: return length == other.length;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericShapeRadius& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericShapeRadius() {
~StyleGenericShapeRadius() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: length.~StyleLength_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericShapeRadius(const StyleGenericShapeRadius& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: ::new (&length) (StyleLength_Body)(other.length); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericShapeRadius& operator=(const StyleGenericShapeRadius& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericShapeRadius(other);
return *this;
template<typename Position, typename NonNegativeLengthPercentage>
struct StyleCircle {
StyleGenericPositionOrAuto<Position> position;
StyleGenericShapeRadius<NonNegativeLengthPercentage> radius;
bool operator==(const StyleCircle& other) const {
return position == other.position &&
radius == other.radius;
bool operator!=(const StyleCircle& other) const {
return position != other.position ||
radius != other.radius;
template<typename Position, typename NonNegativeLengthPercentage>
struct StyleEllipse {
StyleGenericPositionOrAuto<Position> position;
StyleGenericShapeRadius<NonNegativeLengthPercentage> semiaxis_x;
StyleGenericShapeRadius<NonNegativeLengthPercentage> semiaxis_y;
bool operator==(const StyleEllipse& other) const {
return position == other.position &&
semiaxis_x == other.semiaxis_x &&
semiaxis_y == other.semiaxis_y;
bool operator!=(const StyleEllipse& other) const {
return position != other.position ||
semiaxis_x != other.semiaxis_x ||
semiaxis_y != other.semiaxis_y;
/// Coordinates for Polygon.
template<typename LengthPercentage>
struct StylePolygonCoord {
LengthPercentage _0;
LengthPercentage _1;
bool operator==(const StylePolygonCoord& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StylePolygonCoord& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
/// A generic type for representing the `polygon()` function
template<typename LengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericPolygon {
/// The filling rule for a polygon.
StyleFillRule fill;
/// A collection of (x, y) coordinates to draw the polygon.
StyleOwnedSlice<StylePolygonCoord<LengthPercentage>> coordinates;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericPolygon& other) const {
return fill == other.fill &&
coordinates == other.coordinates;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericPolygon& other) const {
return fill != other.fill ||
coordinates != other.coordinates;
/// Defines a pair of coordinates, representing a rightward and downward offset, respectively, from
/// a specified reference point. Percentages are resolved against the width or height,
/// respectively, of the reference box.
template<typename LengthPercentage>
struct StyleCoordinatePair {
LengthPercentage x;
LengthPercentage y;
bool operator==(const StyleCoordinatePair& other) const {
return x == other.x &&
y == other.y;
bool operator!=(const StyleCoordinatePair& other) const {
return x != other.x ||
y != other.y;
inline gfx::Point ToGfxPoint(const CSSSize* aBasis = nullptr) const;
gfx::Point ToGfxPoint(const CSSSize& aBasis) const {
return ToGfxPoint(&aBasis);
/// This is a more general shape(path) command type, for both shape() and path().
template<typename Angle, typename LengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericShapeCommand {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// The move command.
/// The line command.
/// The hline command.
/// The vline command.
/// The cubic Bézier curve command.
/// The quadratic Bézier curve command.
/// The smooth command.
/// The smooth quadratic Bézier curve command.
/// The arc command.
/// The closepath command.
struct StyleMove_Body {
StyleByTo by_to;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> point;
bool operator==(const StyleMove_Body& other) const {
return by_to == other.by_to &&
point == other.point;
bool operator!=(const StyleMove_Body& other) const {
return by_to != other.by_to ||
point != other.point;
struct StyleLine_Body {
StyleByTo by_to;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> point;
bool operator==(const StyleLine_Body& other) const {
return by_to == other.by_to &&
point == other.point;
bool operator!=(const StyleLine_Body& other) const {
return by_to != other.by_to ||
point != other.point;
struct StyleHLine_Body {
StyleByTo by_to;
LengthPercentage x;
bool operator==(const StyleHLine_Body& other) const {
return by_to == other.by_to &&
x == other.x;
bool operator!=(const StyleHLine_Body& other) const {
return by_to != other.by_to ||
x != other.x;
struct StyleVLine_Body {
StyleByTo by_to;
LengthPercentage y;
bool operator==(const StyleVLine_Body& other) const {
return by_to == other.by_to &&
y == other.y;
bool operator!=(const StyleVLine_Body& other) const {
return by_to != other.by_to ||
y != other.y;
struct StyleCubicCurve_Body {
StyleByTo by_to;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> point;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> control1;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> control2;
bool operator==(const StyleCubicCurve_Body& other) const {
return by_to == other.by_to &&
point == other.point &&
control1 == other.control1 &&
control2 == other.control2;
bool operator!=(const StyleCubicCurve_Body& other) const {
return by_to != other.by_to ||
point != other.point ||
control1 != other.control1 ||
control2 != other.control2;
struct StyleQuadCurve_Body {
StyleByTo by_to;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> point;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> control1;
bool operator==(const StyleQuadCurve_Body& other) const {
return by_to == other.by_to &&
point == other.point &&
control1 == other.control1;
bool operator!=(const StyleQuadCurve_Body& other) const {
return by_to != other.by_to ||
point != other.point ||
control1 != other.control1;
struct StyleSmoothCubic_Body {
StyleByTo by_to;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> point;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> control2;
bool operator==(const StyleSmoothCubic_Body& other) const {
return by_to == other.by_to &&
point == other.point &&
control2 == other.control2;
bool operator!=(const StyleSmoothCubic_Body& other) const {
return by_to != other.by_to ||
point != other.point ||
control2 != other.control2;
struct StyleSmoothQuad_Body {
StyleByTo by_to;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> point;
bool operator==(const StyleSmoothQuad_Body& other) const {
return by_to == other.by_to &&
point == other.point;
bool operator!=(const StyleSmoothQuad_Body& other) const {
return by_to != other.by_to ||
point != other.point;
struct StyleArc_Body {
StyleByTo by_to;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> point;
StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> radii;
StyleArcSweep arc_sweep;
StyleArcSize arc_size;
Angle rotate;
bool operator==(const StyleArc_Body& other) const {
return by_to == other.by_to &&
point == other.point &&
radii == other.radii &&
arc_sweep == other.arc_sweep &&
arc_size == other.arc_size &&
rotate == other.rotate;
bool operator!=(const StyleArc_Body& other) const {
return by_to != other.by_to ||
point != other.point ||
radii != other.radii ||
arc_sweep != other.arc_sweep ||
arc_size != other.arc_size ||
rotate != other.rotate;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleMove_Body move;
StyleLine_Body line;
StyleHLine_Body h_line;
StyleVLine_Body v_line;
StyleCubicCurve_Body cubic_curve;
StyleQuadCurve_Body quad_curve;
StyleSmoothCubic_Body smooth_cubic;
StyleSmoothQuad_Body smooth_quad;
StyleArc_Body arc;
static StyleGenericShapeCommand Move(const StyleByTo &by_to,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &point) {
StyleGenericShapeCommand result;
::new (&result.move.by_to) (StyleByTo)(by_to);
::new (&result.move.point) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(point);
result.tag = Tag::Move;
return result;
bool IsMove() const {
return tag == Tag::Move;
const StyleMove_Body& AsMove() const {
return move;
static StyleGenericShapeCommand Line(const StyleByTo &by_to,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &point) {
StyleGenericShapeCommand result;
::new (&result.line.by_to) (StyleByTo)(by_to);
::new (&result.line.point) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(point);
result.tag = Tag::Line;
return result;
bool IsLine() const {
return tag == Tag::Line;
const StyleLine_Body& AsLine() const {
return line;
static StyleGenericShapeCommand HLine(const StyleByTo &by_to,
const LengthPercentage &x) {
StyleGenericShapeCommand result;
::new (&result.h_line.by_to) (StyleByTo)(by_to);
::new (&result.h_line.x) (LengthPercentage)(x);
result.tag = Tag::HLine;
return result;
bool IsHLine() const {
return tag == Tag::HLine;
const StyleHLine_Body& AsHLine() const {
return h_line;
static StyleGenericShapeCommand VLine(const StyleByTo &by_to,
const LengthPercentage &y) {
StyleGenericShapeCommand result;
::new (&result.v_line.by_to) (StyleByTo)(by_to);
::new (&result.v_line.y) (LengthPercentage)(y);
result.tag = Tag::VLine;
return result;
bool IsVLine() const {
return tag == Tag::VLine;
const StyleVLine_Body& AsVLine() const {
return v_line;
static StyleGenericShapeCommand CubicCurve(const StyleByTo &by_to,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &point,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &control1,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &control2) {
StyleGenericShapeCommand result;
::new (&result.cubic_curve.by_to) (StyleByTo)(by_to);
::new (&result.cubic_curve.point) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(point);
::new (&result.cubic_curve.control1) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(control1);
::new (&result.cubic_curve.control2) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(control2);
result.tag = Tag::CubicCurve;
return result;
bool IsCubicCurve() const {
return tag == Tag::CubicCurve;
const StyleCubicCurve_Body& AsCubicCurve() const {
return cubic_curve;
static StyleGenericShapeCommand QuadCurve(const StyleByTo &by_to,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &point,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &control1) {
StyleGenericShapeCommand result;
::new (&result.quad_curve.by_to) (StyleByTo)(by_to);
::new (&result.quad_curve.point) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(point);
::new (&result.quad_curve.control1) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(control1);
result.tag = Tag::QuadCurve;
return result;
bool IsQuadCurve() const {
return tag == Tag::QuadCurve;
const StyleQuadCurve_Body& AsQuadCurve() const {
return quad_curve;
static StyleGenericShapeCommand SmoothCubic(const StyleByTo &by_to,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &point,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &control2) {
StyleGenericShapeCommand result;
::new (&result.smooth_cubic.by_to) (StyleByTo)(by_to);
::new (&result.smooth_cubic.point) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(point);
::new (&result.smooth_cubic.control2) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(control2);
result.tag = Tag::SmoothCubic;
return result;
bool IsSmoothCubic() const {
return tag == Tag::SmoothCubic;
const StyleSmoothCubic_Body& AsSmoothCubic() const {
return smooth_cubic;
static StyleGenericShapeCommand SmoothQuad(const StyleByTo &by_to,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &point) {
StyleGenericShapeCommand result;
::new (&result.smooth_quad.by_to) (StyleByTo)(by_to);
::new (&result.smooth_quad.point) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(point);
result.tag = Tag::SmoothQuad;
return result;
bool IsSmoothQuad() const {
return tag == Tag::SmoothQuad;
const StyleSmoothQuad_Body& AsSmoothQuad() const {
return smooth_quad;
static StyleGenericShapeCommand Arc(const StyleByTo &by_to,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &point,
const StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage> &radii,
const StyleArcSweep &arc_sweep,
const StyleArcSize &arc_size,
const Angle &rotate) {
StyleGenericShapeCommand result;
::new (&result.arc.by_to) (StyleByTo)(by_to);
::new (&result.arc.point) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(point);
::new (&result.arc.radii) (StyleCoordinatePair<LengthPercentage>)(radii);
::new (&result.arc.arc_sweep) (StyleArcSweep)(arc_sweep);
::new (&result.arc.arc_size) (StyleArcSize)(arc_size);
::new (&result.arc.rotate) (Angle)(rotate);
result.tag = Tag::Arc;
return result;
bool IsArc() const {
return tag == Tag::Arc;
const StyleArc_Body& AsArc() const {
return arc;
static StyleGenericShapeCommand Close() {
StyleGenericShapeCommand result;
result.tag = Tag::Close;
return result;
bool IsClose() const {
return tag == Tag::Close;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericShapeCommand& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Move: return move == other.move;
case Tag::Line: return line == other.line;
case Tag::HLine: return h_line == other.h_line;
case Tag::VLine: return v_line == other.v_line;
case Tag::CubicCurve: return cubic_curve == other.cubic_curve;
case Tag::QuadCurve: return quad_curve == other.quad_curve;
case Tag::SmoothCubic: return smooth_cubic == other.smooth_cubic;
case Tag::SmoothQuad: return smooth_quad == other.smooth_quad;
case Tag::Arc: return arc == other.arc;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericShapeCommand& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericShapeCommand() {
~StyleGenericShapeCommand() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Move: move.~StyleMove_Body(); break;
case Tag::Line: line.~StyleLine_Body(); break;
case Tag::HLine: h_line.~StyleHLine_Body(); break;
case Tag::VLine: v_line.~StyleVLine_Body(); break;
case Tag::CubicCurve: cubic_curve.~StyleCubicCurve_Body(); break;
case Tag::QuadCurve: quad_curve.~StyleQuadCurve_Body(); break;
case Tag::SmoothCubic: smooth_cubic.~StyleSmoothCubic_Body(); break;
case Tag::SmoothQuad: smooth_quad.~StyleSmoothQuad_Body(); break;
case Tag::Arc: arc.~StyleArc_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericShapeCommand(const StyleGenericShapeCommand& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Move: ::new (&move) (StyleMove_Body)(other.move); break;
case Tag::Line: ::new (&line) (StyleLine_Body)(other.line); break;
case Tag::HLine: ::new (&h_line) (StyleHLine_Body)(other.h_line); break;
case Tag::VLine: ::new (&v_line) (StyleVLine_Body)(other.v_line); break;
case Tag::CubicCurve: ::new (&cubic_curve) (StyleCubicCurve_Body)(other.cubic_curve); break;
case Tag::QuadCurve: ::new (&quad_curve) (StyleQuadCurve_Body)(other.quad_curve); break;
case Tag::SmoothCubic: ::new (&smooth_cubic) (StyleSmoothCubic_Body)(other.smooth_cubic); break;
case Tag::SmoothQuad: ::new (&smooth_quad) (StyleSmoothQuad_Body)(other.smooth_quad); break;
case Tag::Arc: ::new (&arc) (StyleArc_Body)(other.arc); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericShapeCommand& operator=(const StyleGenericShapeCommand& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericShapeCommand(other);
return *this;
bool IsCubicType() const { return IsCubicCurve() || IsSmoothCubic(); }
bool IsQuadraticType() const { return IsQuadCurve() || IsSmoothQuad(); }
/// The SVG path command.
/// The fields of these commands are self-explanatory, so we skip the documents.
/// Note: the index of the control points, e.g. control1, control2, are mapping to the control
/// points of the Bézier curve in the spec.
using StylePathCommand = StyleGenericShapeCommand<StyleCSSFloat, StyleCSSFloat>;
/// Structure to allow Arc-managing some fixed-sized data and a variably-sized
/// slice in a single allocation.
template<typename H, typename T>
struct StyleHeaderSlice {
/// The fixed-sized data.
H header;
/// The length of the slice at our end.
uintptr_t len;
/// The dynamically-sized data.
T data[0];
StyleHeaderSlice() = delete;
StyleHeaderSlice(const StyleHeaderSlice&) = delete;
inline ~StyleHeaderSlice();
inline bool operator==(const StyleHeaderSlice& other) const;
inline bool operator!=(const StyleHeaderSlice& other) const;
inline Span<const T> AsSpan() const;
inline size_t Length() const { return len; }
inline bool IsEmpty() const { return len == 0; }
/// The object allocated by an Arc<T>
/// See for the derive-{eq,neq}=false. But we don't
/// use those anyways so we can just disable them.
template<typename T>
struct StyleArcInner {
StyleAtomicUsize count;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
uintptr_t alloc_size
T data;
// Increase the reference count.
inline void IncrementRef();
// Release the reference count, and return whether the result must be freed or not.
[[nodiscard]] inline bool DecrementRef();
/// An atomically reference counted shared pointer
/// See the documentation for [`Arc`] in the standard library. Unlike the
/// standard library `Arc`, this `Arc` does not support weak reference counting.
/// See the discussion in for the
/// usage of PhantomData.
template<typename T>
struct StyleArc {
StyleArcInner<T> *p;
StyleArc() = delete;
inline StyleArc(const StyleArc& Other);
inline void Release();
explicit StyleArc(decltype(p) aP) : p(aP) {
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(p, "Arc shouldn't be null");
inline ~StyleArc();
inline StyleArc& operator=(const StyleArc&);
inline StyleArc& operator=(StyleArc&&);
const T* operator->() const {
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(p, "Arc shouldn't be null");
return &p->data;
const T& operator*() const {
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(p, "Arc shouldn't be null");
return p->data;
bool operator==(const StyleArc& other) const {
return p == other.p || *(*this) == *other;
bool operator!=(const StyleArc& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
/// This is functionally equivalent to Arc<(H, [T])>
/// When you create an `Arc` containing a dynamically sized type like a slice, the `Arc` is
/// represented on the stack as a "fat pointer", where the length of the slice is stored alongside
/// the `Arc`'s pointer. In some situations you may wish to have a thin pointer instead, perhaps
/// for FFI compatibility or space efficiency. `ThinArc` solves this by storing the length in the
/// allocation itself, via `HeaderSlice`.
template<typename H, typename T>
using StyleThinArc = StyleArc<StyleHeaderSlice<H, T>>;
/// A wrapper type for a refcounted slice using ThinArc.
template<typename T>
struct StyleArcSlice {
StyleThinArc<uint64_t, T> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleArcSlice& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleArcSlice& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline StyleArcSlice();
inline explicit StyleArcSlice(const StyleForgottenArcSlicePtr<T>& aPtr);
inline Span<const T> AsSpan() const;
inline size_t Length() const;
inline bool IsEmpty() const;
/// The SVG path data.
struct StyleSVGPathData {
StyleArcSlice<StylePathCommand> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSVGPathData& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSVGPathData& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
/// The path function.
struct StylePath {
/// The filling rule for the svg path.
StyleFillRule fill;
/// The svg path data.
StyleSVGPathData path;
bool operator==(const StylePath& other) const {
return fill == other.fill &&
path == other.path;
bool operator!=(const StylePath& other) const {
return fill != other.fill ||
path != other.path;
/// The shape function defined in css-shape-2.
/// shape() = shape(<fill-rule>? from <coordinate-pair>, <shape-command>#)
template<typename Angle, typename LengthPercentage>
struct StyleShape {
/// The filling rule for this shape.
StyleFillRule fill;
/// The shape command data. Note that the starting point will be the first command in this
/// slice.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericShapeCommand<Angle, LengthPercentage>> commands;
bool operator==(const StyleShape& other) const {
return fill == other.fill &&
commands == other.commands;
bool operator!=(const StyleShape& other) const {
return fill != other.fill ||
commands != other.commands;
/// path() function or shape() function.
template<typename Angle, typename LengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Defines a path with SVG path syntax.
/// Defines a shape function, which is identical to path() but it uses the CSS syntax.
struct StylePath_Body {
StylePath _0;
bool operator==(const StylePath_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePath_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleShape_Body {
StyleShape<Angle, LengthPercentage> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleShape_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleShape_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StylePath_Body path;
StyleShape_Body shape;
static StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction Path(const StylePath &_0) {
StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction result;
::new (&result.path._0) (StylePath)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Path;
return result;
bool IsPath() const {
return tag == Tag::Path;
const StylePath& AsPath() const {
return path._0;
static StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction Shape(const StyleShape<Angle, LengthPercentage> &_0) {
StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction result;
::new (&result.shape._0) (StyleShape<Angle, LengthPercentage>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Shape;
return result;
bool IsShape() const {
return tag == Tag::Shape;
const StyleShape<Angle, LengthPercentage>& AsShape() const {
return shape._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Path: return path == other.path;
case Tag::Shape: return shape == other.shape;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction() {
~StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Path: path.~StylePath_Body(); break;
case Tag::Shape: shape.~StyleShape_Body(); break;
StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction(const StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Path: ::new (&path) (StylePath_Body)(other.path); break;
case Tag::Shape: ::new (&shape) (StyleShape_Body)(other.shape); break;
StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction& operator=(const StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction(other);
return *this;
/// The <basic-shape>.
template<typename Angle, typename Position, typename LengthPercentage, typename NonNegativeLengthPercentage, typename BasicShapeRect>
struct StyleGenericBasicShape {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// The <basic-shape-rect>.
/// Defines a circle with a center and a radius.
/// Defines an ellipse with a center and x-axis/y-axis radii.
/// Defines a polygon with pair arguments.
/// Defines a path() or shape().
struct StyleRect_Body {
BasicShapeRect _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRect_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRect_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleCircle_Body {
StyleCircle<Position, NonNegativeLengthPercentage> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleCircle_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleCircle_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleEllipse_Body {
StyleEllipse<Position, NonNegativeLengthPercentage> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleEllipse_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleEllipse_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StylePolygon_Body {
StyleGenericPolygon<LengthPercentage> _0;
bool operator==(const StylePolygon_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePolygon_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StylePathOrShape_Body {
StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction<Angle, LengthPercentage> _0;
bool operator==(const StylePathOrShape_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePathOrShape_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleRect_Body rect;
StyleCircle_Body circle;
StyleEllipse_Body ellipse;
StylePolygon_Body polygon;
StylePathOrShape_Body path_or_shape;
static StyleGenericBasicShape Rect(const BasicShapeRect &_0) {
StyleGenericBasicShape result;
::new (&result.rect._0) (BasicShapeRect)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Rect;
return result;
bool IsRect() const {
return tag == Tag::Rect;
const BasicShapeRect& AsRect() const {
return rect._0;
static StyleGenericBasicShape Circle(const StyleCircle<Position, NonNegativeLengthPercentage> &_0) {
StyleGenericBasicShape result;
::new (& (StyleCircle<Position, NonNegativeLengthPercentage>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Circle;
return result;
bool IsCircle() const {
return tag == Tag::Circle;
const StyleCircle<Position, NonNegativeLengthPercentage>& AsCircle() const {
return circle._0;
static StyleGenericBasicShape Ellipse(const StyleEllipse<Position, NonNegativeLengthPercentage> &_0) {
StyleGenericBasicShape result;
::new (&result.ellipse._0) (StyleEllipse<Position, NonNegativeLengthPercentage>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Ellipse;
return result;
bool IsEllipse() const {
return tag == Tag::Ellipse;
const StyleEllipse<Position, NonNegativeLengthPercentage>& AsEllipse() const {
return ellipse._0;
static StyleGenericBasicShape Polygon(const StyleGenericPolygon<LengthPercentage> &_0) {
StyleGenericBasicShape result;
::new (&result.polygon._0) (StyleGenericPolygon<LengthPercentage>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Polygon;
return result;
bool IsPolygon() const {
return tag == Tag::Polygon;
const StyleGenericPolygon<LengthPercentage>& AsPolygon() const {
return polygon._0;
static StyleGenericBasicShape PathOrShape(const StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction<Angle, LengthPercentage> &_0) {
StyleGenericBasicShape result;
::new (&result.path_or_shape._0) (StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction<Angle, LengthPercentage>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::PathOrShape;
return result;
bool IsPathOrShape() const {
return tag == Tag::PathOrShape;
const StyleGenericPathOrShapeFunction<Angle, LengthPercentage>& AsPathOrShape() const {
return path_or_shape._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericBasicShape& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Rect: return rect == other.rect;
case Tag::Circle: return circle ==;
case Tag::Ellipse: return ellipse == other.ellipse;
case Tag::Polygon: return polygon == other.polygon;
case Tag::PathOrShape: return path_or_shape == other.path_or_shape;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericBasicShape& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericBasicShape() {
~StyleGenericBasicShape() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Rect: rect.~StyleRect_Body(); break;
case Tag::Circle: circle.~StyleCircle_Body(); break;
case Tag::Ellipse: ellipse.~StyleEllipse_Body(); break;
case Tag::Polygon: polygon.~StylePolygon_Body(); break;
case Tag::PathOrShape: path_or_shape.~StylePathOrShape_Body(); break;
StyleGenericBasicShape(const StyleGenericBasicShape& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Rect: ::new (&rect) (StyleRect_Body)(other.rect); break;
case Tag::Circle: ::new (&circle) (StyleCircle_Body)(; break;
case Tag::Ellipse: ::new (&ellipse) (StyleEllipse_Body)(other.ellipse); break;
case Tag::Polygon: ::new (&polygon) (StylePolygon_Body)(other.polygon); break;
case Tag::PathOrShape: ::new (&path_or_shape) (StylePathOrShape_Body)(other.path_or_shape); break;
StyleGenericBasicShape& operator=(const StyleGenericBasicShape& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericBasicShape(other);
return *this;
/// A computed basic shape.
using StyleBasicShape = StyleGenericBasicShape<StyleAngle, StylePosition, StyleLengthPercentage, StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage, StyleInsetRect>;
/// The `ray()` function, `ray( [ <angle> && <size> && contain? && [at <position>]? ] )`
template<typename Angle, typename Position>
struct StyleGenericRayFunction {
/// The bearing angle with `0deg` pointing up and positive angles
/// representing clockwise rotation.
Angle angle;
/// Decide the path length used when `offset-distance` is expressed
/// as a percentage.
StyleRaySize size;
/// Clamp `offset-distance` so that the box is entirely contained
/// within the path.
bool contain;
/// The "at <position>" part. If omitted, we use auto to represent it.
StyleGenericPositionOrAuto<Position> position;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericRayFunction& other) const {
return angle == other.angle &&
size == other.size &&
contain == other.contain &&
position == other.position;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericRayFunction& other) const {
return angle != other.angle ||
size != other.size ||
contain != other.contain ||
position != other.position;
/// The computed value of ray() function.
using StyleRayFunction = StyleGenericRayFunction<StyleAngle, StylePosition>;
/// A struct that basically replaces a Box<str>, but with a defined layout,
/// suitable for FFI.
struct StyleOwnedStr {
StyleOwnedSlice<uint8_t> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleOwnedStr& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleOwnedStr& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline nsDependentCSubstring AsString() const;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Extra data that the backend may need to resolve url values.
/// If the usize's lowest bit is 0, then this is a strong reference to a
/// structs::URLExtraData object.
/// Otherwise, shifting the usize's bits the right by one gives the
/// UserAgentStyleSheetID value corresponding to the style sheet whose
/// URLExtraData this is, which is stored in URLExtraData_sShared. We don't
/// hold a strong reference to that object from here, but we rely on that
/// array's objects being held alive until shutdown.
/// We use this packed representation rather than an enum so that
/// `from_ptr_ref` can work.
struct StyleUrlExtraData {
uintptr_t _0;
bool operator==(const StyleUrlExtraData& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleUrlExtraData& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
StyleUrlExtraData() = delete;
// Could be implemented if wanted.
StyleUrlExtraData(const StyleUrlExtraData&) = delete;
StyleUrlExtraData& operator=(const StyleUrlExtraData&) = delete;
inline bool IsShared() const;
inline ~StyleUrlExtraData();
inline const URLExtraData& get() const;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Various bits of mutable state that are kept for image loads.
struct StyleLoadDataFlags {
uint8_t bits;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!bits;
constexpr StyleLoadDataFlags operator~() const {
return StyleLoadDataFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(~bits) };
constexpr StyleLoadDataFlags operator|(const StyleLoadDataFlags& other) const {
return StyleLoadDataFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits | other.bits) };
StyleLoadDataFlags& operator|=(const StyleLoadDataFlags& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleLoadDataFlags operator&(const StyleLoadDataFlags& other) const {
return StyleLoadDataFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits & other.bits) };
StyleLoadDataFlags& operator&=(const StyleLoadDataFlags& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleLoadDataFlags operator^(const StyleLoadDataFlags& other) const {
return StyleLoadDataFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits ^ other.bits) };
StyleLoadDataFlags& operator^=(const StyleLoadDataFlags& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleLoadDataFlags& other) const {
return bits == other.bits;
bool operator!=(const StyleLoadDataFlags& other) const {
return bits != other.bits;
static const StyleLoadDataFlags TRIED_TO_RESOLVE_URI;
static const StyleLoadDataFlags TRIED_TO_RESOLVE_IMAGE;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Whether we tried to resolve the uri at least once.
constexpr inline const StyleLoadDataFlags StyleLoadDataFlags::TRIED_TO_RESOLVE_URI = StyleLoadDataFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Whether we tried to resolve the image at least once.
constexpr inline const StyleLoadDataFlags StyleLoadDataFlags::TRIED_TO_RESOLVE_IMAGE = StyleLoadDataFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The load data for a given URL. This is mutable from C++, and shouldn't be
/// accessed from rust for anything.
struct StyleLoadData {
/// A strong reference to the imgRequestProxy, if any, that should be
/// released on drop.
/// These are raw pointers because they are not safe to reference-count off
/// the main thread.
imgRequestProxy *resolved_image;
/// A strong reference to the resolved URI of this image.
nsIURI *resolved_uri;
/// A few flags that are set when resolving the image or such.
StyleLoadDataFlags flags;
bool operator==(const StyleLoadData& other) const {
return resolved_image == other.resolved_image &&
resolved_uri == other.resolved_uri &&
flags == other.flags;
bool operator!=(const StyleLoadData& other) const {
return resolved_image != other.resolved_image ||
resolved_uri != other.resolved_uri ||
flags != other.flags;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The data for a load, or a lazy-loaded, static member that will be stored in
/// LOAD_DATA_TABLE, keyed by the memory location of this object, which is
/// always in the heap because it's inside the CssUrlData object.
/// This type is meant not to be used from C++ so we don't derive helper
/// methods.
struct StyleLoadDataSource {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// An owned copy of the load data.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// A lazily-resolved copy of it.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
struct StyleOwned_Body {
StyleLoadData _0;
bool operator==(const StyleOwned_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleOwned_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
StyleOwned_Body owned;
bool operator==(const StyleLoadDataSource& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
case Tag::Owned: return owned == other.owned;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleLoadDataSource& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleLoadDataSource() {
~StyleLoadDataSource() {
switch (tag) {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
case Tag::Owned: owned.~StyleOwned_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleLoadDataSource(const StyleLoadDataSource& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
case Tag::Owned: ::new (&owned) (StyleOwned_Body)(other.owned); break;
default: break;
StyleLoadDataSource& operator=(const StyleLoadDataSource& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleLoadDataSource(other);
return *this;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Data shared between CssUrls.
struct StyleCssUrlData {
/// The URL in unresolved string form.
StyleOwnedStr serialization;
/// The URL extra data.
StyleUrlExtraData extra_data;
/// The CORS mode that will be used for the load.
StyleCorsMode cors_mode;
/// Data to trigger a load from Gecko. This is mutable in C++.
/// TODO(emilio): Maybe we can eagerly resolve URLs and make this immutable?
StyleLoadDataSource load_data;
// Implemented in nsStyleStruct.cpp
bool operator==(const StyleCssUrlData& other) const;
bool operator!=(const StyleCssUrlData& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// A CSS url() value for gecko.
struct StyleCssUrl {
StyleArc<StyleCssUrlData> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleCssUrl& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleCssUrl& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline nsDependentCSubstring SpecifiedSerialization() const;
inline const URLExtraData& ExtraData() const;
inline StyleLoadData& LoadData() const;
inline nsIURI* GetURI() const;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// A specified non-image `url()` value.
using StyleSpecifiedUrl = StyleCssUrl;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
/// A specified url() value for servo.
using StyleSpecifiedUrl = StyleCssUrl;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The computed value of a CSS non-image `url()`.
/// The only difference between specified and computed URLs is the
/// serialization.
struct StyleComputedUrl {
StyleSpecifiedUrl _0;
bool operator==(const StyleComputedUrl& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleComputedUrl& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
// Forwarded from CssUrl.
inline nsDependentCSubstring SpecifiedSerialization() const;
inline const URLExtraData& ExtraData() const;
inline nsIURI* GetURI() const;
inline StyleLoadData& LoadData() const;
inline bool IsLocalRef() const;
inline bool HasRef() const;
inline StyleCorsMode CorsMode() const;
already_AddRefed<nsIURI> ResolveLocalRef(nsIURI* aBase) const;
already_AddRefed<nsIURI> ResolveLocalRef(const nsIContent* aContent) const;
// Only relevant for images.
inline bool IsImageResolved() const;
inline imgRequestProxy* GetImage() const;
void ResolveImage(dom::Document&, const StyleComputedUrl* aOldImage);
/// The <offset-path> value.
/// <offset-path> = <ray()> | <url> | <basic-shape>
template<typename Shapes, typename RayFunction, typename U>
struct StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// ray() function, which defines a path in the polar coordinate system.
/// Use Box<> to make sure the size of offset-path is not too large.
/// A URL reference to an SVG shape element. If the URL does not reference a shape element,
/// this behaves as path("m 0 0") instead.
/// The <basic-shape> value.
struct StyleRay_Body {
RayFunction _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRay_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRay_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleUrl_Body {
U _0;
bool operator==(const StyleUrl_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleUrl_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleShape_Body {
Shapes _0;
bool operator==(const StyleShape_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleShape_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleRay_Body ray;
StyleUrl_Body url;
StyleShape_Body shape;
static StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction Ray(const RayFunction &_0) {
StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction result;
::new (&result.ray._0) (RayFunction)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Ray;
return result;
bool IsRay() const {
return tag == Tag::Ray;
const RayFunction& AsRay() const {
return ray._0;
static StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction Url(const U &_0) {
StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction result;
::new (&result.url._0) (U)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Url;
return result;
bool IsUrl() const {
return tag == Tag::Url;
const U& AsUrl() const {
return url._0;
static StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction Shape(const Shapes &_0) {
StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction result;
::new (&result.shape._0) (Shapes)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Shape;
return result;
bool IsShape() const {
return tag == Tag::Shape;
const Shapes& AsShape() const {
return shape._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Ray: return ray == other.ray;
case Tag::Url: return url == other.url;
case Tag::Shape: return shape == other.shape;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction() {
~StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Ray: ray.~StyleRay_Body(); break;
case Tag::Url: url.~StyleUrl_Body(); break;
case Tag::Shape: shape.~StyleShape_Body(); break;
StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction(const StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Ray: ::new (&ray) (StyleRay_Body)(other.ray); break;
case Tag::Url: ::new (&url) (StyleUrl_Body)(other.url); break;
case Tag::Shape: ::new (&shape) (StyleShape_Body)(other.shape); break;
StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction& operator=(const StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction(other);
return *this;
/// The computed value of <offset-path>.
using StyleOffsetPathFunction = StyleGenericOffsetPathFunction<StyleBasicShape, StyleRayFunction, StyleComputedUrl>;
/// The offset-path property.
/// offset-path: none | <offset-path> || <coord-box>
template<typename Function>
struct StyleGenericOffsetPath {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// <offset-path> || <coord-box>.
/// Only <coord-box>. This represents that <offset-path> is omitted, so we use the default
/// value, inset(0 round X), where X is the value of border-radius on the element that
/// establishes the containing block for this element.
/// None value.
struct StyleOffsetPath_Body {
/// <offset-path> part.
StyleBox<Function> path;
/// <coord-box> part.
StyleCoordBox coord_box;
bool operator==(const StyleOffsetPath_Body& other) const {
return path == other.path &&
coord_box == other.coord_box;
bool operator!=(const StyleOffsetPath_Body& other) const {
return path != other.path ||
coord_box != other.coord_box;
struct StyleCoordBox_Body {
StyleCoordBox _0;
bool operator==(const StyleCoordBox_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleCoordBox_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleOffsetPath_Body offset_path;
StyleCoordBox_Body coord_box;
static StyleGenericOffsetPath OffsetPath(const StyleBox<Function> &path,
const StyleCoordBox &coord_box) {
StyleGenericOffsetPath result;
::new (&result.offset_path.path) (StyleBox<Function>)(path);
::new (&result.offset_path.coord_box) (StyleCoordBox)(coord_box);
result.tag = Tag::OffsetPath;
return result;
bool IsOffsetPath() const {
return tag == Tag::OffsetPath;
const StyleOffsetPath_Body& AsOffsetPath() const {
return offset_path;
static StyleGenericOffsetPath CoordBox(const StyleCoordBox &_0) {
StyleGenericOffsetPath result;
::new (&result.coord_box._0) (StyleCoordBox)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::CoordBox;
return result;
bool IsCoordBox() const {
return tag == Tag::CoordBox;
const StyleCoordBox& AsCoordBox() const {
return coord_box._0;
static StyleGenericOffsetPath None() {
StyleGenericOffsetPath result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericOffsetPath& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::OffsetPath: return offset_path == other.offset_path;
case Tag::CoordBox: return coord_box == other.coord_box;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericOffsetPath& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericOffsetPath() {
~StyleGenericOffsetPath() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::OffsetPath: offset_path.~StyleOffsetPath_Body(); break;
case Tag::CoordBox: coord_box.~StyleCoordBox_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericOffsetPath(const StyleGenericOffsetPath& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::OffsetPath: ::new (&offset_path) (StyleOffsetPath_Body)(other.offset_path); break;
case Tag::CoordBox: ::new (&coord_box) (StyleCoordBox_Body)(other.coord_box); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericOffsetPath& operator=(const StyleGenericOffsetPath& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericOffsetPath(other);
return *this;
// Return true if the <offset-path> is ray().
bool IsRay() const {
return IsOffsetPath() && AsOffsetPath().path->IsRay();
const StyleRayFunction& AsRay() const {
return AsOffsetPath().path->AsRay();
// Return true if the <offset-path> is url().
bool IsUrl() const {
return IsOffsetPath() && AsOffsetPath().path->IsUrl();
const StyleComputedUrl& AsUrl() const {
return AsOffsetPath().path->AsUrl();
// Return true if the <basic-shape> is path().
bool IsPath() const {
if (!IsOffsetPath()) {
return false;
const auto& path = AsOffsetPath().path;
if (!path->IsShape()) {
return false;
const auto& shape = path->AsShape();
return shape.IsPathOrShape() && shape.AsPathOrShape().IsPath();
const StyleSVGPathData& AsSVGPathData() const {
return AsOffsetPath().path->AsShape().AsPathOrShape().AsPath().path;
// Return true if this is "<basic-shape> || <coord-box>".
bool IsBasicShapeOrCoordBox() const {
return IsCoordBox() || (IsOffsetPath() && AsOffsetPath().path->IsShape());
/// The computed value of `offset-path`.
using StyleOffsetPath = StyleGenericOffsetPath<StyleOffsetPathFunction>;
/// A computed offset-rotate.
struct StyleOffsetRotate {
/// If auto is false, this is a fixed angle which indicates a
/// constant clockwise rotation transformation applied to it by this
/// specified rotation angle. Otherwise, the angle will be added to
/// the angle of the direction in layout.
bool auto_;
/// The angle value.
StyleAngle angle;
bool operator==(const StyleOffsetRotate& other) const {
return auto_ == other.auto_ &&
angle == other.angle;
bool operator!=(const StyleOffsetRotate& other) const {
return auto_ != other.auto_ ||
angle != other.angle;
/// The computed value of an `auto | <position>`
using StylePositionOrAuto = StyleGenericPositionOrAuto<StylePosition>;
/// The offset-position property, which specifies the offset starting position that is used by the
/// <offset-path> functions if they don’t specify their own starting position.
template<typename H, typename V>
struct StyleGenericOffsetPosition {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// The element does not have an offset starting position.
/// The offset starting position is the top-left corner of the box.
/// The offset starting position is the result of using the <position> to position a 0x0 object
/// area within the box’s containing block.
struct StylePosition_Body {
StyleGenericPosition<H, V> _0;
bool operator==(const StylePosition_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePosition_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StylePosition_Body position;
static StyleGenericOffsetPosition Normal() {
StyleGenericOffsetPosition result;
result.tag = Tag::Normal;
return result;
bool IsNormal() const {
return tag == Tag::Normal;
static StyleGenericOffsetPosition Auto() {
StyleGenericOffsetPosition result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StyleGenericOffsetPosition Position(const StyleGenericPosition<H, V> &_0) {
StyleGenericOffsetPosition result;
::new (&result.position._0) (StyleGenericPosition<H, V>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Position;
return result;
bool IsPosition() const {
return tag == Tag::Position;
const StyleGenericPosition<H, V>& AsPosition() const {
return position._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericOffsetPosition& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Position: return position == other.position;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericOffsetPosition& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericOffsetPosition() {
~StyleGenericOffsetPosition() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Position: position.~StylePosition_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericOffsetPosition(const StyleGenericOffsetPosition& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Position: ::new (&position) (StylePosition_Body)(other.position); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericOffsetPosition& operator=(const StyleGenericOffsetPosition& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericOffsetPosition(other);
return *this;
/// The computed value of `offset-position`.
using StyleOffsetPosition = StyleGenericOffsetPosition<StyleLengthPercentage, StyleLengthPercentage>;
struct StyleShouldTransitionResult {
bool should_animate;
bool old_transition_value_matches;
bool operator==(const StyleShouldTransitionResult& other) const {
return should_animate == other.should_animate &&
old_transition_value_matches == other.old_transition_value_matches;
bool operator!=(const StyleShouldTransitionResult& other) const {
return should_animate != other.should_animate ||
old_transition_value_matches != other.old_transition_value_matches;
#if defined(XP_UNIX)
/// Platform-specific handle to a thread.
using StylePlatformThreadHandle = pthread_t;
#if defined(XP_WIN)
/// Platform-specific handle to a thread.
using StylePlatformThreadHandle = void*;
/// The computed representation of the above so Gecko can read them easily.
/// This one is needed because cbindgen doesn't know how to generate
/// specified::Number.
struct StyleComputedFontWeightRange {
float _0;
float _1;
bool operator==(const StyleComputedFontWeightRange& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StyleComputedFontWeightRange& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
/// Generic template for font property type classes that use a fixed-point
/// internal representation with `FRACTION_BITS` for the fractional part.
/// Values are constructed from and exposed as floating-point, but stored
/// internally as fixed point, so there will be a quantization effect on
/// fractional values, depending on the number of fractional bits used.
/// Using (16-bit) fixed-point types rather than floats for these style
/// attributes reduces the memory footprint of gfxFontEntry and gfxFontStyle; it
/// will also tend to reduce the number of distinct font instances that get
/// created, particularly when styles are animated or set to arbitrary values
/// (e.g. by sliders in the UI), which should reduce pressure on graphics
/// resources and improve cache hit rates.
template<typename T, uint16_t FRACTION_BITS>
struct StyleFixedPoint {
/// The actual representation.
T value;
bool operator==(const StyleFixedPoint& other) const {
return value == other.value;
bool operator!=(const StyleFixedPoint& other) const {
return value != other.value;
bool operator<(const StyleFixedPoint& other) const {
return value < other.value;
bool operator<=(const StyleFixedPoint& other) const {
return value <= other.value;
bool operator>(const StyleFixedPoint& other) const {
return value > other.value;
bool operator>=(const StyleFixedPoint& other) const {
return value >= other.value;
/// This is an alias which is useful mostly as a cbindgen / C++ inference
/// workaround.
using StyleFontStretchFixedPoint = StyleFixedPoint<uint16_t, StyleFONT_STRETCH_FRACTION_BITS>;
/// A value for the font-stretch property per:
struct StyleFontStretch {
StyleFontStretchFixedPoint _0;
bool operator==(const StyleFontStretch& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleFontStretch& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
bool operator<(const StyleFontStretch& other) const {
return _0 < other._0;
bool operator<=(const StyleFontStretch& other) const {
return _0 <= other._0;
bool operator>(const StyleFontStretch& other) const {
return _0 > other._0;
bool operator>=(const StyleFontStretch& other) const {
return _0 >= other._0;
bool IsNormal() const { return *this == NORMAL; }
static const uint16_t FRACTION_BITS;
static const uint16_t HALF;
static const StyleFontStretch ULTRA_CONDENSED;
static const StyleFontStretch EXTRA_CONDENSED;
static const StyleFontStretch CONDENSED;
static const StyleFontStretch SEMI_CONDENSED;
static const StyleFontStretch NORMAL;
static const StyleFontStretch SEMI_EXPANDED;
static const StyleFontStretch EXPANDED;
static const StyleFontStretch EXTRA_EXPANDED;
static const StyleFontStretch ULTRA_EXPANDED;
/// The fraction bits, as an easy-to-access-constant.
constexpr inline const uint16_t StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS = StyleFONT_STRETCH_FRACTION_BITS;
/// 0.5 in our floating point representation.
constexpr inline const uint16_t StyleFontStretch::HALF = (1 << (StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS - 1));
/// The `ultra-condensed` keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStretch StyleFontStretch::ULTRA_CONDENSED = StyleFontStretch{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStretchFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (50 << StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The `extra-condensed` keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStretch StyleFontStretch::EXTRA_CONDENSED = StyleFontStretch{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStretchFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ ((62 << StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS) + StyleFontStretch::HALF) } };
/// The `condensed` keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStretch StyleFontStretch::CONDENSED = StyleFontStretch{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStretchFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (75 << StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The `semi-condensed` keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStretch StyleFontStretch::SEMI_CONDENSED = StyleFontStretch{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStretchFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ ((87 << StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS) + StyleFontStretch::HALF) } };
/// The `normal` keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStretch StyleFontStretch::NORMAL = StyleFontStretch{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStretchFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (100 << StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The `semi-expanded` keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStretch StyleFontStretch::SEMI_EXPANDED = StyleFontStretch{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStretchFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ ((112 << StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS) + StyleFontStretch::HALF) } };
/// The `expanded` keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStretch StyleFontStretch::EXPANDED = StyleFontStretch{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStretchFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (125 << StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The `extra-expanded` keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStretch StyleFontStretch::EXTRA_EXPANDED = StyleFontStretch{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStretchFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (150 << StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The `ultra-expanded` keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStretch StyleFontStretch::ULTRA_EXPANDED = StyleFontStretch{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStretchFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (200 << StyleFontStretch::FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The computed representation of the above, so that Gecko can read them
/// easily.
struct StyleComputedFontStretchRange {
StyleFontStretch _0;
StyleFontStretch _1;
bool operator==(const StyleComputedFontStretchRange& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StyleComputedFontStretchRange& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
/// The computed representation of the above, with angles in degrees, so that
/// Gecko can read them easily.
union StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct Oblique_Body {
Tag tag;
float _0;
float _1;
bool operator==(const Oblique_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const Oblique_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct {
Tag tag;
Oblique_Body oblique;
static StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor Normal() {
StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor result;
result.tag = Tag::Normal;
return result;
bool IsNormal() const {
return tag == Tag::Normal;
static StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor Italic() {
StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor result;
result.tag = Tag::Italic;
return result;
bool IsItalic() const {
return tag == Tag::Italic;
static StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor Oblique(const float &_0,
const float &_1) {
StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor result;
::new (&result.oblique._0) (float)(_0);
::new (&result.oblique._1) (float)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Oblique;
return result;
bool IsOblique() const {
return tag == Tag::Oblique;
const Oblique_Body& AsOblique() const {
return oblique;
bool operator==(const StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Oblique: return oblique == other.oblique;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor() {
~StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Oblique: oblique.~Oblique_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor(const StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Oblique: ::new (&oblique) (Oblique_Body)(other.oblique); break;
default: break;
StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor& operator=(const StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor(other);
return *this;
/// font-language-override can only have a single 1-4 ASCII character
/// OpenType "language system" tag, so we should be able to compute
/// it and store it as a 32-bit integer
struct StyleFontLanguageOverride {
uint32_t _0;
bool operator==(const StyleFontLanguageOverride& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleFontLanguageOverride& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
/// One contiguous range of code points.
/// Can not be empty. Can represent a single code point when start == end.
struct StyleUnicodeRange {
/// Inclusive start of the range. In [0, end].
uint32_t start;
/// Inclusive end of the range. In [0, 0x10FFFF].
uint32_t end;
bool operator==(const StyleUnicodeRange& other) const {
return start == other.start &&
end == other.end;
bool operator!=(const StyleUnicodeRange& other) const {
return start != other.start ||
end != other.end;
/// Flags for the @font-face tech() function, indicating font technologies
/// required by the resource.
struct StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags {
uint16_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags operator~() const {
return StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags operator|(const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& other) const {
return StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& operator|=(const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags operator&(const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& other) const {
return StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& operator&=(const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags operator^(const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& other) const {
return StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& operator^=(const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline static StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags Empty() {
return StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{0};
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags FEATURES_OPENTYPE;
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags FEATURES_AAT;
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags FEATURES_GRAPHITE;
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags COLOR_COLRV0;
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags COLOR_COLRV1;
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags COLOR_SVG;
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags COLOR_SBIX;
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags COLOR_CBDT;
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags VARIATIONS;
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags PALETTES;
static const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags INCREMENTAL;
/// Font requires OpenType feature support.
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::FEATURES_OPENTYPE = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Font requires Apple Advanced Typography support.
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::FEATURES_AAT = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 1) };
/// Font requires Graphite shaping support.
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::FEATURES_GRAPHITE = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 2) };
/// Font requires COLRv0 rendering support (simple list of colored layers).
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::COLOR_COLRV0 = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 3) };
/// Font requires COLRv1 rendering support (graph of paint operations).
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::COLOR_COLRV1 = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 4) };
/// Font requires SVG glyph rendering support.
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::COLOR_SVG = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 5) };
/// Font has bitmap glyphs in 'sbix' format.
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::COLOR_SBIX = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 6) };
/// Font has bitmap glyphs in 'CBDT' format.
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::COLOR_CBDT = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 7) };
/// Font requires OpenType Variations support.
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::VARIATIONS = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 8) };
/// Font requires CPAL palette selection support.
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::PALETTES = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 9) };
/// Font requires support for incremental downloading.
constexpr inline const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags::INCREMENTAL = StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 10) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// A POD representation for Gecko. All pointers here are non-owned and as such
/// can't outlive the rule they came from, but we can't enforce that via C++.
/// All the strings are of course utf8.
union StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct Url_Body {
Tag tag;
const StyleCssUrl *_0;
bool operator==(const Url_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Url_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Local_Body {
Tag tag;
nsAtom *_0;
bool operator==(const Local_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Local_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct FormatHintKeyword_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleFontFaceSourceFormatKeyword _0;
bool operator==(const FormatHintKeyword_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const FormatHintKeyword_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct FormatHintString_Body {
Tag tag;
uintptr_t length;
const uint8_t *utf8_bytes;
bool operator==(const FormatHintString_Body& other) const {
return length == other.length &&
utf8_bytes == other.utf8_bytes;
bool operator!=(const FormatHintString_Body& other) const {
return length != other.length ||
utf8_bytes != other.utf8_bytes;
struct TechFlags_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags _0;
bool operator==(const TechFlags_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const TechFlags_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
Url_Body url;
Local_Body local;
FormatHintKeyword_Body format_hint_keyword;
FormatHintString_Body format_hint_string;
TechFlags_Body tech_flags;
static StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent Url(const StyleCssUrl *const &_0) {
StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent result;
::new (&result.url._0) (const StyleCssUrl*)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Url;
return result;
bool IsUrl() const {
return tag == Tag::Url;
const StyleCssUrl*const & AsUrl() const {
return url._0;
static StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent Local(nsAtom *const &_0) {
StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent result;
::new (&result.local._0) (nsAtom*)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Local;
return result;
bool IsLocal() const {
return tag == Tag::Local;
nsAtom*const & AsLocal() const {
return local._0;
static StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent FormatHintKeyword(const StyleFontFaceSourceFormatKeyword &_0) {
StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent result;
::new (&result.format_hint_keyword._0) (StyleFontFaceSourceFormatKeyword)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::FormatHintKeyword;
return result;
bool IsFormatHintKeyword() const {
return tag == Tag::FormatHintKeyword;
const StyleFontFaceSourceFormatKeyword& AsFormatHintKeyword() const {
return format_hint_keyword._0;
static StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent FormatHintString(const uintptr_t &length,
const uint8_t *const &utf8_bytes) {
StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent result;
::new (&result.format_hint_string.length) (uintptr_t)(length);
::new (&result.format_hint_string.utf8_bytes) (const uint8_t*)(utf8_bytes);
result.tag = Tag::FormatHintString;
return result;
bool IsFormatHintString() const {
return tag == Tag::FormatHintString;
const FormatHintString_Body& AsFormatHintString() const {
return format_hint_string;
static StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent TechFlags(const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags &_0) {
StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent result;
::new (&result.tech_flags._0) (StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::TechFlags;
return result;
bool IsTechFlags() const {
return tag == Tag::TechFlags;
const StyleFontFaceSourceTechFlags& AsTechFlags() const {
return tech_flags._0;
bool operator==(const StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: return url == other.url;
case Tag::Local: return local == other.local;
case Tag::FormatHintKeyword: return format_hint_keyword == other.format_hint_keyword;
case Tag::FormatHintString: return format_hint_string == other.format_hint_string;
case Tag::TechFlags: return tech_flags == other.tech_flags;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent() {
~StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: url.~Url_Body(); break;
case Tag::Local: local.~Local_Body(); break;
case Tag::FormatHintKeyword: format_hint_keyword.~FormatHintKeyword_Body(); break;
case Tag::FormatHintString: format_hint_string.~FormatHintString_Body(); break;
case Tag::TechFlags: tech_flags.~TechFlags_Body(); break;
StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent(const StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: ::new (&url) (Url_Body)(other.url); break;
case Tag::Local: ::new (&local) (Local_Body)(other.local); break;
case Tag::FormatHintKeyword: ::new (&format_hint_keyword) (FormatHintKeyword_Body)(other.format_hint_keyword); break;
case Tag::FormatHintString: ::new (&format_hint_string) (FormatHintString_Body)(other.format_hint_string); break;
case Tag::TechFlags: ::new (&tech_flags) (TechFlags_Body)(other.tech_flags); break;
StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent& operator=(const StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent(other);
return *this;
struct StyleAdditiveSymbol {
int32_t weight;
nsString symbol;
bool operator==(const StyleAdditiveSymbol& other) const {
return weight == other.weight &&
symbol == other.symbol;
bool operator!=(const StyleAdditiveSymbol& other) const {
return weight != other.weight ||
symbol != other.symbol;
struct StyleCounterSpeakAs {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StyleIdent_Body {
nsAtom *_0;
bool operator==(const StyleIdent_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleIdent_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleIdent_Body ident;
static StyleCounterSpeakAs None() {
StyleCounterSpeakAs result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleCounterSpeakAs Auto() {
StyleCounterSpeakAs result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StyleCounterSpeakAs Bullets() {
StyleCounterSpeakAs result;
result.tag = Tag::Bullets;
return result;
bool IsBullets() const {
return tag == Tag::Bullets;
static StyleCounterSpeakAs Numbers() {
StyleCounterSpeakAs result;
result.tag = Tag::Numbers;
return result;
bool IsNumbers() const {
return tag == Tag::Numbers;
static StyleCounterSpeakAs Words() {
StyleCounterSpeakAs result;
result.tag = Tag::Words;
return result;
bool IsWords() const {
return tag == Tag::Words;
static StyleCounterSpeakAs Ident(nsAtom *const &_0) {
StyleCounterSpeakAs result;
::new (&result.ident._0) (nsAtom*)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Ident;
return result;
bool IsIdent() const {
return tag == Tag::Ident;
nsAtom*const & AsIdent() const {
return ident._0;
bool operator==(const StyleCounterSpeakAs& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Ident: return ident == other.ident;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleCounterSpeakAs& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleCounterSpeakAs() {
~StyleCounterSpeakAs() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Ident: ident.~StyleIdent_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleCounterSpeakAs(const StyleCounterSpeakAs& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Ident: ::new (&ident) (StyleIdent_Body)(other.ident); break;
default: break;
StyleCounterSpeakAs& operator=(const StyleCounterSpeakAs& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleCounterSpeakAs(other);
return *this;
/// Bit-flags for pseudo-class. This should only be used for querying if a
/// page-rule applies.
struct StylePagePseudoClassFlags {
uint8_t bits;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!bits;
constexpr StylePagePseudoClassFlags operator~() const {
return StylePagePseudoClassFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(~bits) };
constexpr StylePagePseudoClassFlags operator|(const StylePagePseudoClassFlags& other) const {
return StylePagePseudoClassFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits | other.bits) };
StylePagePseudoClassFlags& operator|=(const StylePagePseudoClassFlags& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StylePagePseudoClassFlags operator&(const StylePagePseudoClassFlags& other) const {
return StylePagePseudoClassFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits & other.bits) };
StylePagePseudoClassFlags& operator&=(const StylePagePseudoClassFlags& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StylePagePseudoClassFlags operator^(const StylePagePseudoClassFlags& other) const {
return StylePagePseudoClassFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits ^ other.bits) };
StylePagePseudoClassFlags& operator^=(const StylePagePseudoClassFlags& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StylePagePseudoClassFlags& other) const {
return bits == other.bits;
bool operator!=(const StylePagePseudoClassFlags& other) const {
return bits != other.bits;
static const StylePagePseudoClassFlags NONE;
static const StylePagePseudoClassFlags FIRST;
static const StylePagePseudoClassFlags BLANK;
static const StylePagePseudoClassFlags LEFT;
static const StylePagePseudoClassFlags RIGHT;
/// No pseudo-classes
constexpr inline const StylePagePseudoClassFlags StylePagePseudoClassFlags::NONE = StylePagePseudoClassFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)0 };
/// Flag for PagePseudoClass::First
constexpr inline const StylePagePseudoClassFlags StylePagePseudoClassFlags::FIRST = StylePagePseudoClassFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Flag for PagePseudoClass::Blank
constexpr inline const StylePagePseudoClassFlags StylePagePseudoClassFlags::BLANK = StylePagePseudoClassFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// Flag for PagePseudoClass::Left
constexpr inline const StylePagePseudoClassFlags StylePagePseudoClassFlags::LEFT = StylePagePseudoClassFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// Flag for PagePseudoClass::Right
constexpr inline const StylePagePseudoClassFlags StylePagePseudoClassFlags::RIGHT = StylePagePseudoClassFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 3) };
/// The mode to use when parsing values.
struct StyleParsingMode {
uint8_t bits;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!bits;
constexpr StyleParsingMode operator~() const {
return StyleParsingMode { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(~bits) };
constexpr StyleParsingMode operator|(const StyleParsingMode& other) const {
return StyleParsingMode { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits | other.bits) };
StyleParsingMode& operator|=(const StyleParsingMode& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleParsingMode operator&(const StyleParsingMode& other) const {
return StyleParsingMode { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits & other.bits) };
StyleParsingMode& operator&=(const StyleParsingMode& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleParsingMode operator^(const StyleParsingMode& other) const {
return StyleParsingMode { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits ^ other.bits) };
StyleParsingMode& operator^=(const StyleParsingMode& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleParsingMode& other) const {
return bits == other.bits;
bool operator!=(const StyleParsingMode& other) const {
return bits != other.bits;
static const StyleParsingMode DEFAULT;
static const StyleParsingMode ALLOW_UNITLESS_LENGTH;
static const StyleParsingMode ALLOW_ALL_NUMERIC_VALUES;
static const StyleParsingMode DISALLOW_FONT_RELATIVE;
/// In CSS; lengths must have units, except for zero values, where the unit can be omitted.
constexpr inline const StyleParsingMode StyleParsingMode::DEFAULT = StyleParsingMode{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)0 };
/// In SVG; a coordinate or length value without a unit identifier (e.g., "25") is assumed
/// to be in user units (px).
constexpr inline const StyleParsingMode StyleParsingMode::ALLOW_UNITLESS_LENGTH = StyleParsingMode{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)1 };
/// In SVG; out-of-range values are not treated as an error in parsing.
constexpr inline const StyleParsingMode StyleParsingMode::ALLOW_ALL_NUMERIC_VALUES = StyleParsingMode{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// In CSS Properties and Values, the initial value must be computationally
/// independent.
constexpr inline const StyleParsingMode StyleParsingMode::DISALLOW_FONT_RELATIVE = StyleParsingMode{ /* .bits = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
using StyleValueType = StyleCSSFloat;
/// a single entry in a piecewise linear function.
struct StylePiecewiseLinearFunctionEntry {
StyleValueType x;
StyleValueType y;
bool operator==(const StylePiecewiseLinearFunctionEntry& other) const {
return x == other.x &&
y == other.y;
bool operator!=(const StylePiecewiseLinearFunctionEntry& other) const {
return x != other.x ||
y != other.y;
/// Representation of a piecewise linear function, a series of linear functions.
struct StylePiecewiseLinearFunction {
StyleArcSlice<StylePiecewiseLinearFunctionEntry> entries;
bool operator==(const StylePiecewiseLinearFunction& other) const {
return entries == other.entries;
bool operator!=(const StylePiecewiseLinearFunction& other) const {
return entries != other.entries;
/// A generic easing function.
template<typename Integer, typename Number, typename LinearStops>
struct StyleTimingFunction {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `linear | ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out`
/// `cubic-bezier(<number>, <number>, <number>, <number>)`
/// `step-start | step-end | steps(<integer>, [ <step-position> ]?)`
/// `<step-position> = jump-start | jump-end | jump-none | jump-both | start | end`
/// linear([<linear-stop>]#)
/// <linear-stop> = <output> && <linear-stop-length>?
/// <linear-stop-length> = <percentage>{1, 2}
struct StyleKeyword_Body {
StyleTimingKeyword _0;
bool operator==(const StyleKeyword_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleKeyword_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleCubicBezier_Body {
Number x1;
Number y1;
Number x2;
Number y2;
bool operator==(const StyleCubicBezier_Body& other) const {
return x1 == other.x1 &&
y1 == other.y1 &&
x2 == other.x2 &&
y2 == other.y2;
bool operator!=(const StyleCubicBezier_Body& other) const {
return x1 != other.x1 ||
y1 != other.y1 ||
x2 != other.x2 ||
y2 != other.y2;
struct StyleSteps_Body {
Integer _0;
StyleStepPosition _1;
bool operator==(const StyleSteps_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StyleSteps_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct StyleLinearFunction_Body {
LinearStops _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLinearFunction_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLinearFunction_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleKeyword_Body keyword;
StyleCubicBezier_Body cubic_bezier;
StyleSteps_Body steps;
StyleLinearFunction_Body linear_function;
static StyleTimingFunction Keyword(const StyleTimingKeyword &_0) {
StyleTimingFunction result;
::new (&result.keyword._0) (StyleTimingKeyword)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Keyword;
return result;
bool IsKeyword() const {
return tag == Tag::Keyword;
const StyleTimingKeyword& AsKeyword() const {
return keyword._0;
static StyleTimingFunction CubicBezier(const Number &x1,
const Number &y1,
const Number &x2,
const Number &y2) {
StyleTimingFunction result;
::new (&result.cubic_bezier.x1) (Number)(x1);
::new (&result.cubic_bezier.y1) (Number)(y1);
::new (&result.cubic_bezier.x2) (Number)(x2);
::new (&result.cubic_bezier.y2) (Number)(y2);
result.tag = Tag::CubicBezier;
return result;
bool IsCubicBezier() const {
return tag == Tag::CubicBezier;
const StyleCubicBezier_Body& AsCubicBezier() const {
return cubic_bezier;
static StyleTimingFunction Steps(const Integer &_0,
const StyleStepPosition &_1) {
StyleTimingFunction result;
::new (&result.steps._0) (Integer)(_0);
::new (&result.steps._1) (StyleStepPosition)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Steps;
return result;
bool IsSteps() const {
return tag == Tag::Steps;
const StyleSteps_Body& AsSteps() const {
return steps;
static StyleTimingFunction LinearFunction(const LinearStops &_0) {
StyleTimingFunction result;
::new (&result.linear_function._0) (LinearStops)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::LinearFunction;
return result;
bool IsLinearFunction() const {
return tag == Tag::LinearFunction;
const LinearStops& AsLinearFunction() const {
return linear_function._0;
bool operator==(const StyleTimingFunction& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Keyword: return keyword == other.keyword;
case Tag::CubicBezier: return cubic_bezier == other.cubic_bezier;
case Tag::Steps: return steps == other.steps;
case Tag::LinearFunction: return linear_function == other.linear_function;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleTimingFunction& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleTimingFunction() {
~StyleTimingFunction() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Keyword: keyword.~StyleKeyword_Body(); break;
case Tag::CubicBezier: cubic_bezier.~StyleCubicBezier_Body(); break;
case Tag::Steps: steps.~StyleSteps_Body(); break;
case Tag::LinearFunction: linear_function.~StyleLinearFunction_Body(); break;
StyleTimingFunction(const StyleTimingFunction& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Keyword: ::new (&keyword) (StyleKeyword_Body)(other.keyword); break;
case Tag::CubicBezier: ::new (&cubic_bezier) (StyleCubicBezier_Body)(other.cubic_bezier); break;
case Tag::Steps: ::new (&steps) (StyleSteps_Body)(other.steps); break;
case Tag::LinearFunction: ::new (&linear_function) (StyleLinearFunction_Body)(other.linear_function); break;
StyleTimingFunction& operator=(const StyleTimingFunction& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleTimingFunction(other);
return *this;
bool IsLinearKeyword() const { return IsKeyword() && AsKeyword() == StyleTimingKeyword::Linear; }
static StyleTimingFunction LinearKeyword() { return Keyword(StyleTimingKeyword::Linear); }
inline double At(double, bool aBeforeFlag) const;
inline void AppendToString(nsACString&) const;
inline static double GetPortion(const Maybe<StyleTimingFunction>&, double, bool aBeforeFlag);
/// A computed timing function.
using StyleComputedTimingFunction = StyleTimingFunction<StyleInteger, StyleNumber, StylePiecewiseLinearFunction>;
/// The kind of restyle we need to do for a given element.
struct StyleRestyleHint {
uint16_t bits;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!bits;
constexpr StyleRestyleHint operator~() const {
return StyleRestyleHint { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(~bits) };
constexpr StyleRestyleHint operator|(const StyleRestyleHint& other) const {
return StyleRestyleHint { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits | other.bits) };
StyleRestyleHint& operator|=(const StyleRestyleHint& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleRestyleHint operator&(const StyleRestyleHint& other) const {
return StyleRestyleHint { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits & other.bits) };
StyleRestyleHint& operator&=(const StyleRestyleHint& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleRestyleHint operator^(const StyleRestyleHint& other) const {
return StyleRestyleHint { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits ^ other.bits) };
StyleRestyleHint& operator^=(const StyleRestyleHint& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleRestyleHint& other) const {
return bits == other.bits;
bool operator!=(const StyleRestyleHint& other) const {
return bits != other.bits;
static inline StyleRestyleHint RestyleSubtree();
static inline StyleRestyleHint RecascadeSubtree();
static inline StyleRestyleHint ForAnimations();
// Returns true if this change hint is guaranteed to at least recascade all
// elements in the subtree of the element it is applied to.
inline bool DefinitelyRecascadesAllSubtree() const;
static const StyleRestyleHint RESTYLE_SELF;
static const StyleRestyleHint RESTYLE_PSEUDOS;
static const StyleRestyleHint RESTYLE_SELF_IF_PSEUDO;
static const StyleRestyleHint RESTYLE_DESCENDANTS;
static const StyleRestyleHint RECASCADE_SELF;
static const StyleRestyleHint RECASCADE_DESCENDANTS;
static const StyleRestyleHint RESTYLE_CSS_TRANSITIONS;
static const StyleRestyleHint RESTYLE_CSS_ANIMATIONS;
static const StyleRestyleHint RESTYLE_STYLE_ATTRIBUTE;
static const StyleRestyleHint RESTYLE_SMIL;
/// Do a selector match of the element.
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RESTYLE_SELF = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Do a selector match of the element's pseudo-elements. Always to be combined with
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RESTYLE_PSEUDOS = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 1) };
/// Do a selector match if the element is a pseudo-element.
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RESTYLE_SELF_IF_PSEUDO = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 2) };
/// Do a selector match of the element's descendants.
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RESTYLE_DESCENDANTS = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 3) };
/// Recascade the current element.
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RECASCADE_SELF = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 4) };
/// Recascade the current element if it inherits any reset style.
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RECASCADE_SELF_IF_INHERIT_RESET_STYLE = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 5) };
/// Recascade all descendant elements.
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RECASCADE_DESCENDANTS = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 6) };
/// Replace the style data coming from CSS transitions without updating
/// any other style data. This hint is only processed in animation-only
/// traversal which is prior to normal traversal.
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RESTYLE_CSS_TRANSITIONS = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 7) };
/// Replace the style data coming from CSS animations without updating
/// any other style data. This hint is only processed in animation-only
/// traversal which is prior to normal traversal.
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RESTYLE_CSS_ANIMATIONS = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 8) };
/// Don't re-run selector-matching on the element, only the style
/// attribute has changed, and this change didn't have any other
/// dependencies.
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RESTYLE_STYLE_ATTRIBUTE = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 9) };
/// Replace the style data coming from SMIL animations without updating
/// any other style data. This hint is only processed in animation-only
/// traversal which is prior to normal traversal.
constexpr inline const StyleRestyleHint StyleRestyleHint::RESTYLE_SMIL = StyleRestyleHint{ /* .bits = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 10) };
/// The 3 components that make up a color. (Does not include the alpha component)
struct StyleColorComponents {
float _0;
float _1;
float _2;
bool operator==(const StyleColorComponents& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1 &&
_2 == other._2;
bool operator!=(const StyleColorComponents& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1 ||
_2 != other._2;
/// Flags used when serializing colors.
struct StyleColorFlags {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleColorFlags operator~() const {
return StyleColorFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleColorFlags operator|(const StyleColorFlags& other) const {
return StyleColorFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleColorFlags& operator|=(const StyleColorFlags& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleColorFlags operator&(const StyleColorFlags& other) const {
return StyleColorFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleColorFlags& operator&=(const StyleColorFlags& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleColorFlags operator^(const StyleColorFlags& other) const {
return StyleColorFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleColorFlags& operator^=(const StyleColorFlags& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleColorFlags& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleColorFlags& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleColorFlags C0_IS_NONE;
static const StyleColorFlags C1_IS_NONE;
static const StyleColorFlags C2_IS_NONE;
static const StyleColorFlags ALPHA_IS_NONE;
static const StyleColorFlags IS_LEGACY_SRGB;
/// Whether the 1st color component is `none`.
constexpr inline const StyleColorFlags StyleColorFlags::C0_IS_NONE = StyleColorFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Whether the 2nd color component is `none`.
constexpr inline const StyleColorFlags StyleColorFlags::C1_IS_NONE = StyleColorFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// Whether the 3rd color component is `none`.
constexpr inline const StyleColorFlags StyleColorFlags::C2_IS_NONE = StyleColorFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// Whether the alpha component is `none`.
constexpr inline const StyleColorFlags StyleColorFlags::ALPHA_IS_NONE = StyleColorFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 3) };
/// Marks that this color is in the legacy color format. This flag is
/// only valid for the `Srgb` color space.
constexpr inline const StyleColorFlags StyleColorFlags::IS_LEGACY_SRGB = StyleColorFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 4) };
/// An absolutely specified color, using either rgb(), rgba(), lab(), lch(),
/// oklab(), oklch() or color().
struct StyleAbsoluteColor {
/// The 3 components that make up colors in any color space.
StyleColorComponents components;
/// The alpha component of the color.
float alpha;
/// The current color space that the components represent.
StyleColorSpace color_space;
/// Extra flags used durring serialization of this color.
StyleColorFlags flags;
bool operator==(const StyleAbsoluteColor& other) const {
return components == other.components &&
alpha == other.alpha &&
color_space == other.color_space &&
flags == other.flags;
bool operator!=(const StyleAbsoluteColor& other) const {
return components != other.components ||
alpha != other.alpha ||
color_space != other.color_space ||
flags != other.flags;
* Create a new AbsoluteColor in the sRGB color space in legacy color syntax.
static inline StyleAbsoluteColor SrgbLegacy(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
static inline StyleAbsoluteColor FromColor(nscolor);
* Convert this color into the given color space.
StyleAbsoluteColor ToColorSpace(StyleColorSpace aColorSpace) const;
* Convert this color to an nscolor. The color will be converted to sRGB first
* if required.
nscolor ToColor() const;
static const StyleAbsoluteColor TRANSPARENT_BLACK;
static const StyleAbsoluteColor BLACK;
static const StyleAbsoluteColor WHITE;
/// A fully transparent color in the legacy syntax.
constexpr inline const StyleAbsoluteColor StyleAbsoluteColor::TRANSPARENT_BLACK = StyleAbsoluteColor{ /* .components = */ StyleColorComponents{ /* ._0 = */ 0.0, /* ._1 = */ 0.0, /* ._2 = */ 0.0 }, /* .alpha = */ 0.0, /* .color_space = */ StyleColorSpace::Srgb, /* .flags = */ StyleColorFlags::IS_LEGACY_SRGB };
/// An opaque black color in the legacy syntax.
constexpr inline const StyleAbsoluteColor StyleAbsoluteColor::BLACK = StyleAbsoluteColor{ /* .components = */ StyleColorComponents{ /* ._0 = */ 0.0, /* ._1 = */ 0.0, /* ._2 = */ 0.0 }, /* .alpha = */ 1.0, /* .color_space = */ StyleColorSpace::Srgb, /* .flags = */ StyleColorFlags::IS_LEGACY_SRGB };
/// An opaque white color in the legacy syntax.
constexpr inline const StyleAbsoluteColor StyleAbsoluteColor::WHITE = StyleAbsoluteColor{ /* .components = */ StyleColorComponents{ /* ._0 = */ 1.0, /* ._1 = */ 1.0, /* ._2 = */ 1.0 }, /* .alpha = */ 1.0, /* .color_space = */ StyleColorSpace::Srgb, /* .flags = */ StyleColorFlags::IS_LEGACY_SRGB };
struct StyleColorInterpolationMethod {
/// The color-space the interpolation should be done in.
StyleColorSpace space;
/// The hue interpolation method.
StyleHueInterpolationMethod hue;
bool operator==(const StyleColorInterpolationMethod& other) const {
return space == &&
hue == other.hue;
bool operator!=(const StyleColorInterpolationMethod& other) const {
return space != ||
hue != other.hue;
/// Flags used to modify the calculation of a color mix result.
struct StyleColorMixFlags {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleColorMixFlags operator~() const {
return StyleColorMixFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleColorMixFlags operator|(const StyleColorMixFlags& other) const {
return StyleColorMixFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleColorMixFlags& operator|=(const StyleColorMixFlags& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleColorMixFlags operator&(const StyleColorMixFlags& other) const {
return StyleColorMixFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleColorMixFlags& operator&=(const StyleColorMixFlags& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleColorMixFlags operator^(const StyleColorMixFlags& other) const {
return StyleColorMixFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleColorMixFlags& operator^=(const StyleColorMixFlags& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleColorMixFlags& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleColorMixFlags& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleColorMixFlags NORMALIZE_WEIGHTS;
static const StyleColorMixFlags RESULT_IN_MODERN_SYNTAX;
/// Normalize the weights of the mix.
constexpr inline const StyleColorMixFlags StyleColorMixFlags::NORMALIZE_WEIGHTS = StyleColorMixFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// The result should always be converted to the modern color syntax.
constexpr inline const StyleColorMixFlags StyleColorMixFlags::RESULT_IN_MODERN_SYNTAX = StyleColorMixFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// A restricted version of the css `color-mix()` function, which only supports
/// percentages.
template<typename Color, typename Percentage>
struct StyleGenericColorMix {
StyleColorInterpolationMethod interpolation;
Color left;
Percentage left_percentage;
Color right;
Percentage right_percentage;
StyleColorMixFlags flags;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericColorMix& other) const {
return interpolation == other.interpolation &&
left == other.left &&
left_percentage == other.left_percentage &&
right == other.right &&
right_percentage == other.right_percentage &&
flags == other.flags;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericColorMix& other) const {
return interpolation != other.interpolation ||
left != other.left ||
left_percentage != other.left_percentage ||
right != other.right ||
right_percentage != other.right_percentage ||
flags != other.flags;
/// This struct represents a combined color from a numeric color and
/// the current foreground color (currentcolor keyword).
template<typename Percentage>
struct StyleGenericColor {
enum class Tag {
/// The actual numeric color.
/// The `CurrentColor` keyword.
/// The color-mix() function.
struct StyleAbsolute_Body {
StyleAbsoluteColor _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAbsolute_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAbsolute_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleColorMix_Body {
StyleBox<StyleGenericColorMix<StyleGenericColor, Percentage>> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleColorMix_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleColorMix_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleAbsolute_Body absolute;
StyleColorMix_Body color_mix;
static StyleGenericColor Absolute(const StyleAbsoluteColor &_0) {
StyleGenericColor result;
::new (&result.absolute._0) (StyleAbsoluteColor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Absolute;
return result;
bool IsAbsolute() const {
return tag == Tag::Absolute;
const StyleAbsoluteColor& AsAbsolute() const {
return absolute._0;
static StyleGenericColor CurrentColor() {
StyleGenericColor result;
result.tag = Tag::CurrentColor;
return result;
bool IsCurrentColor() const {
return tag == Tag::CurrentColor;
static StyleGenericColor ColorMix(const StyleBox<StyleGenericColorMix<StyleGenericColor, Percentage>> &_0) {
StyleGenericColor result;
::new (&result.color_mix._0) (StyleBox<StyleGenericColorMix<StyleGenericColor, Percentage>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::ColorMix;
return result;
bool IsColorMix() const {
return tag == Tag::ColorMix;
const StyleBox<StyleGenericColorMix<StyleGenericColor, Percentage>>& AsColorMix() const {
return color_mix._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericColor& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Absolute: return absolute == other.absolute;
case Tag::ColorMix: return color_mix == other.color_mix;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericColor& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericColor() {
~StyleGenericColor() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Absolute: absolute.~StyleAbsolute_Body(); break;
case Tag::ColorMix: color_mix.~StyleColorMix_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericColor(const StyleGenericColor& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Absolute: ::new (&absolute) (StyleAbsolute_Body)(other.absolute); break;
case Tag::ColorMix: ::new (&color_mix) (StyleColorMix_Body)(other.color_mix); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericColor& operator=(const StyleGenericColor& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericColor(other);
return *this;
static inline StyleGenericColor FromColor(nscolor);
static inline StyleGenericColor Transparent();
static inline StyleGenericColor Black();
static inline StyleGenericColor White();
bool MaybeTransparent() const;
* Compute the final color, taking into account the foreground color.
StyleAbsoluteColor ResolveColor(const StyleAbsoluteColor&) const;
* Compute the final color, taking into account the foreground color from the
* frame's ComputedStyle.
nscolor CalcColor(const nsIFrame*) const;
* Compute the final color, taking into account the foreground color from the
* style.
nscolor CalcColor(const ComputedStyle&) const;
* Compute the final color, making the argument the foreground color.
nscolor CalcColor(nscolor) const;
nscolor CalcColor(const StyleAbsoluteColor&) const;
/// An animated value for `<color>`.
using StyleColor = StyleGenericColor<StylePercentage>;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The value of an IntersectionObserver's rootMargin property.
/// Only bare px or percentage values are allowed. Other length units and
/// calc() values are not allowed.
using StyleIntersectionObserverRootMargin = StyleRect<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// A wrapper of Number, but the value >= 0.
using StyleNonNegativeNumber = StyleNonNegative<StyleCSSFloat>;
/// A wrapper of values between zero and one.
template<typename T>
using StyleZeroToOne = T;
/// A wrapper of Number, but the value between 0 and 1
using StyleZeroToOneNumber = StyleZeroToOne<StyleCSSFloat>;
/// A wrapper of Length, whose value must be >= 0.
using StyleNonNegativeLength = StyleNonNegative<StyleLength>;
/// A generic value for the `drop-shadow()` filter and the `text-shadow` property.
/// Contrary to the canonical order from the spec, the color is serialised
/// first, like in Gecko and Webkit.
template<typename Color, typename SizeLength, typename ShapeLength>
struct StyleGenericSimpleShadow {
/// Color.
Color color;
/// Horizontal radius.
SizeLength horizontal;
/// Vertical radius.
SizeLength vertical;
/// Blur radius.
ShapeLength blur;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericSimpleShadow& other) const {
return color == other.color &&
horizontal == other.horizontal &&
vertical == other.vertical &&
blur == other.blur;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericSimpleShadow& other) const {
return color != other.color ||
horizontal != other.horizontal ||
vertical != other.vertical ||
blur != other.blur;
/// A computed value for the `drop-shadow()` filter.
using StyleSimpleShadow = StyleGenericSimpleShadow<StyleColor, StyleLength, StyleNonNegativeLength>;
/// A generic value for a single `filter`.
template<typename Angle, typename NonNegativeFactor, typename ZeroToOneFactor, typename Length, typename Shadow, typename U>
struct StyleGenericFilter {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `blur(<length>)`
/// `brightness(<factor>)`
/// `contrast(<factor>)`
/// `grayscale(<factor>)`
/// `hue-rotate(<angle>)`
/// `invert(<factor>)`
/// `opacity(<factor>)`
/// `saturate(<factor>)`
/// `sepia(<factor>)`
/// `drop-shadow(...)`
/// `<url>`
struct StyleBlur_Body {
Length _0;
bool operator==(const StyleBlur_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleBlur_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleBrightness_Body {
NonNegativeFactor _0;
bool operator==(const StyleBrightness_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleBrightness_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleContrast_Body {
NonNegativeFactor _0;
bool operator==(const StyleContrast_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleContrast_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleGrayscale_Body {
ZeroToOneFactor _0;
bool operator==(const StyleGrayscale_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleGrayscale_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleHueRotate_Body {
Angle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleHueRotate_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleHueRotate_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleInvert_Body {
ZeroToOneFactor _0;
bool operator==(const StyleInvert_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleInvert_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleOpacity_Body {
ZeroToOneFactor _0;
bool operator==(const StyleOpacity_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleOpacity_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleSaturate_Body {
NonNegativeFactor _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSaturate_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSaturate_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleSepia_Body {
ZeroToOneFactor _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSepia_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSepia_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleDropShadow_Body {
Shadow _0;
bool operator==(const StyleDropShadow_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleDropShadow_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleUrl_Body {
U _0;
bool operator==(const StyleUrl_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleUrl_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleBlur_Body blur;
StyleBrightness_Body brightness;
StyleContrast_Body contrast;
StyleGrayscale_Body grayscale;
StyleHueRotate_Body hue_rotate;
StyleInvert_Body invert;
StyleOpacity_Body opacity;
StyleSaturate_Body saturate;
StyleSepia_Body sepia;
StyleDropShadow_Body drop_shadow;
StyleUrl_Body url;
static StyleGenericFilter Blur(const Length &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.blur._0) (Length)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Blur;
return result;
bool IsBlur() const {
return tag == Tag::Blur;
const Length& AsBlur() const {
return blur._0;
static StyleGenericFilter Brightness(const NonNegativeFactor &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.brightness._0) (NonNegativeFactor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Brightness;
return result;
bool IsBrightness() const {
return tag == Tag::Brightness;
const NonNegativeFactor& AsBrightness() const {
return brightness._0;
static StyleGenericFilter Contrast(const NonNegativeFactor &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.contrast._0) (NonNegativeFactor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Contrast;
return result;
bool IsContrast() const {
return tag == Tag::Contrast;
const NonNegativeFactor& AsContrast() const {
return contrast._0;
static StyleGenericFilter Grayscale(const ZeroToOneFactor &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.grayscale._0) (ZeroToOneFactor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Grayscale;
return result;
bool IsGrayscale() const {
return tag == Tag::Grayscale;
const ZeroToOneFactor& AsGrayscale() const {
return grayscale._0;
static StyleGenericFilter HueRotate(const Angle &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.hue_rotate._0) (Angle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::HueRotate;
return result;
bool IsHueRotate() const {
return tag == Tag::HueRotate;
const Angle& AsHueRotate() const {
return hue_rotate._0;
static StyleGenericFilter Invert(const ZeroToOneFactor &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.invert._0) (ZeroToOneFactor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Invert;
return result;
bool IsInvert() const {
return tag == Tag::Invert;
const ZeroToOneFactor& AsInvert() const {
return invert._0;
static StyleGenericFilter Opacity(const ZeroToOneFactor &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.opacity._0) (ZeroToOneFactor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Opacity;
return result;
bool IsOpacity() const {
return tag == Tag::Opacity;
const ZeroToOneFactor& AsOpacity() const {
return opacity._0;
static StyleGenericFilter Saturate(const NonNegativeFactor &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.saturate._0) (NonNegativeFactor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Saturate;
return result;
bool IsSaturate() const {
return tag == Tag::Saturate;
const NonNegativeFactor& AsSaturate() const {
return saturate._0;
static StyleGenericFilter Sepia(const ZeroToOneFactor &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.sepia._0) (ZeroToOneFactor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Sepia;
return result;
bool IsSepia() const {
return tag == Tag::Sepia;
const ZeroToOneFactor& AsSepia() const {
return sepia._0;
static StyleGenericFilter DropShadow(const Shadow &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.drop_shadow._0) (Shadow)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::DropShadow;
return result;
bool IsDropShadow() const {
return tag == Tag::DropShadow;
const Shadow& AsDropShadow() const {
return drop_shadow._0;
static StyleGenericFilter Url(const U &_0) {
StyleGenericFilter result;
::new (&result.url._0) (U)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Url;
return result;
bool IsUrl() const {
return tag == Tag::Url;
const U& AsUrl() const {
return url._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericFilter& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Blur: return blur == other.blur;
case Tag::Brightness: return brightness == other.brightness;
case Tag::Contrast: return contrast == other.contrast;
case Tag::Grayscale: return grayscale == other.grayscale;
case Tag::HueRotate: return hue_rotate == other.hue_rotate;
case Tag::Invert: return invert == other.invert;
case Tag::Opacity: return opacity == other.opacity;
case Tag::Saturate: return saturate == other.saturate;
case Tag::Sepia: return sepia == other.sepia;
case Tag::DropShadow: return drop_shadow == other.drop_shadow;
case Tag::Url: return url == other.url;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericFilter& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericFilter() {
~StyleGenericFilter() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Blur: blur.~StyleBlur_Body(); break;
case Tag::Brightness: brightness.~StyleBrightness_Body(); break;
case Tag::Contrast: contrast.~StyleContrast_Body(); break;
case Tag::Grayscale: grayscale.~StyleGrayscale_Body(); break;
case Tag::HueRotate: hue_rotate.~StyleHueRotate_Body(); break;
case Tag::Invert: invert.~StyleInvert_Body(); break;
case Tag::Opacity: opacity.~StyleOpacity_Body(); break;
case Tag::Saturate: saturate.~StyleSaturate_Body(); break;
case Tag::Sepia: sepia.~StyleSepia_Body(); break;
case Tag::DropShadow: drop_shadow.~StyleDropShadow_Body(); break;
case Tag::Url: url.~StyleUrl_Body(); break;
StyleGenericFilter(const StyleGenericFilter& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Blur: ::new (&blur) (StyleBlur_Body)(other.blur); break;
case Tag::Brightness: ::new (&brightness) (StyleBrightness_Body)(other.brightness); break;
case Tag::Contrast: ::new (&contrast) (StyleContrast_Body)(other.contrast); break;
case Tag::Grayscale: ::new (&grayscale) (StyleGrayscale_Body)(other.grayscale); break;
case Tag::HueRotate: ::new (&hue_rotate) (StyleHueRotate_Body)(other.hue_rotate); break;
case Tag::Invert: ::new (&invert) (StyleInvert_Body)(other.invert); break;
case Tag::Opacity: ::new (&opacity) (StyleOpacity_Body)(other.opacity); break;
case Tag::Saturate: ::new (&saturate) (StyleSaturate_Body)(other.saturate); break;
case Tag::Sepia: ::new (&sepia) (StyleSepia_Body)(other.sepia); break;
case Tag::DropShadow: ::new (&drop_shadow) (StyleDropShadow_Body)(other.drop_shadow); break;
case Tag::Url: ::new (&url) (StyleUrl_Body)(other.url); break;
StyleGenericFilter& operator=(const StyleGenericFilter& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericFilter(other);
return *this;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// A computed value for a single `filter`.
using StyleFilter = StyleGenericFilter<StyleAngle, StyleNonNegativeNumber, StyleZeroToOneNumber, StyleNonNegativeLength, StyleSimpleShadow, StyleComputedUrl>;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
/// A computed value for a single `filter`.
using StyleFilter = StyleGenericFilter<StyleAngle, StyleNonNegativeNumber, StyleZeroToOneNumber, StyleNonNegativeLength, StyleImpossible, StyleImpossible>;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// A handle to a Gecko atom. This is a type that can represent either:
/// * A strong reference to a dynamic atom (an `nsAtom` pointer), in which case
/// the `usize` just holds the pointer value.
/// * An index from `gGkAtoms` to the `nsStaticAtom` object (shifted to the left one bit, and with
/// the lower bit set to `1` to differentiate it from the above), so `(index << 1 | 1)`.
struct StyleAtom {
StyleNonZeroUsize _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAtom& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAtom& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
StyleAtom(size_t) = delete;
StyleAtom() = delete;
inline bool IsStatic() const;
inline nsAtom* AsAtom() const;
inline void AddRef();
inline void Release();
inline explicit StyleAtom(already_AddRefed<nsAtom>);
inline explicit StyleAtom(nsStaticAtom*);
inline StyleAtom(const StyleAtom& aOther);
inline StyleAtom& operator=(const StyleAtom&);
inline ~StyleAtom();
/// The name of a font family of choice.
struct StyleFamilyName {
/// Name of the font family.
StyleAtom name;
/// Syntax of the font family.
StyleFontFamilyNameSyntax syntax;
bool operator==(const StyleFamilyName& other) const {
return name == &&
syntax == other.syntax;
bool operator!=(const StyleFamilyName& other) const {
return name != ||
syntax != other.syntax;
/// A set of faces that vary in weight, width or slope.
union StyleSingleFontFamily {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// The name of a font family of choice.
/// Generic family name.
struct FamilyName_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleFamilyName _0;
bool operator==(const FamilyName_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const FamilyName_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Generic_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleGenericFontFamily _0;
bool operator==(const Generic_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Generic_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
FamilyName_Body family_name;
Generic_Body generic;
static StyleSingleFontFamily FamilyName(const StyleFamilyName &_0) {
StyleSingleFontFamily result;
::new (&result.family_name._0) (StyleFamilyName)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::FamilyName;
return result;
bool IsFamilyName() const {
return tag == Tag::FamilyName;
const StyleFamilyName& AsFamilyName() const {
return family_name._0;
StyleFamilyName& AsFamilyName() {
return family_name._0;
static StyleSingleFontFamily Generic(const StyleGenericFontFamily &_0) {
StyleSingleFontFamily result;
::new (&result.generic._0) (StyleGenericFontFamily)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Generic;
return result;
bool IsGeneric() const {
return tag == Tag::Generic;
const StyleGenericFontFamily& AsGeneric() const {
return generic._0;
StyleGenericFontFamily& AsGeneric() {
return generic._0;
bool operator==(const StyleSingleFontFamily& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::FamilyName: return family_name == other.family_name;
case Tag::Generic: return generic == other.generic;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleSingleFontFamily& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleSingleFontFamily() {
~StyleSingleFontFamily() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::FamilyName: family_name.~FamilyName_Body(); break;
case Tag::Generic: generic.~Generic_Body(); break;
StyleSingleFontFamily(const StyleSingleFontFamily& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::FamilyName: ::new (&family_name) (FamilyName_Body)(other.family_name); break;
case Tag::Generic: ::new (&generic) (Generic_Body)(other.generic); break;
StyleSingleFontFamily& operator=(const StyleSingleFontFamily& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleSingleFontFamily(other);
return *this;
static StyleSingleFontFamily Parse(const nsACString& aName);
void AppendToString(nsACString& aFamily, bool aIncludeQuotes = true) const;
bool IsNamedFamily(const nsAString&) const;
/// A list of font families.
struct StyleFontFamilyList {
/// The actual list of font families specified.
StyleArcSlice<StyleSingleFontFamily> list;
bool operator==(const StyleFontFamilyList& other) const {
return list == other.list;
bool operator!=(const StyleFontFamilyList& other) const {
return list != other.list;
static StyleFontFamilyList WithOneUnquotedFamily(const nsACString&);
// Constructs a font family list with a list of names.
static StyleFontFamilyList WithNames(nsTArray<StyleSingleFontFamily>&&);
/// This is an alias which is useful mostly as a cbindgen / C++ inference
/// workaround.
using StyleFontStyleFixedPoint = StyleFixedPoint<int16_t, StyleFONT_STYLE_FRACTION_BITS>;
/// The computed value of `font-style`.
/// - Define out of range values min value (-128.0) as meaning 'normal'
/// - Define max value (127.99609375) as 'italic'
/// - Other values represent 'oblique <angle>'
/// - Note that 'oblique 0deg' is distinct from 'normal' (should it be?)
struct StyleFontStyle {
StyleFontStyleFixedPoint _0;
bool operator==(const StyleFontStyle& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleFontStyle& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
bool operator<(const StyleFontStyle& other) const {
return _0 < other._0;
bool operator<=(const StyleFontStyle& other) const {
return _0 <= other._0;
bool operator>(const StyleFontStyle& other) const {
return _0 > other._0;
bool operator>=(const StyleFontStyle& other) const {
return _0 >= other._0;
bool IsNormal() const { return *this == NORMAL; }
inline bool IsItalic() const;
inline bool IsOblique() const;
inline float ObliqueAngle() const; // Only for use when IsOblique() is true
inline float SlantAngle() const; // Returns angle for any font-style, including
// normal/italic as well as explicit oblique
static const StyleFontStyle NORMAL;
static const StyleFontStyle ITALIC;
static const int16_t DEFAULT_OBLIQUE_DEGREES;
static const StyleFontStyle OBLIQUE;
/// The normal keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStyle StyleFontStyle::NORMAL = StyleFontStyle{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStyleFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (100 << StyleFONT_STYLE_FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The italic keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStyle StyleFontStyle::ITALIC = StyleFontStyle{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStyleFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (101 << StyleFONT_STYLE_FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The default angle for `font-style: oblique`.
constexpr inline const int16_t StyleFontStyle::DEFAULT_OBLIQUE_DEGREES = 14;
/// The `oblique` keyword with the default degrees.
constexpr inline const StyleFontStyle StyleFontStyle::OBLIQUE = StyleFontStyle{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontStyleFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (StyleFontStyle::DEFAULT_OBLIQUE_DEGREES << StyleFONT_STYLE_FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// This is an alias which is useful mostly as a cbindgen / C++ inference
/// workaround.
using StyleFontWeightFixedPoint = StyleFixedPoint<uint16_t, StyleFONT_WEIGHT_FRACTION_BITS>;
/// A value for the font-weight property per:
struct StyleFontWeight {
StyleFontWeightFixedPoint _0;
bool operator==(const StyleFontWeight& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleFontWeight& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
bool operator<(const StyleFontWeight& other) const {
return _0 < other._0;
bool operator<=(const StyleFontWeight& other) const {
return _0 <= other._0;
bool operator>(const StyleFontWeight& other) const {
return _0 > other._0;
bool operator>=(const StyleFontWeight& other) const {
return _0 >= other._0;
bool IsNormal() const { return *this == NORMAL; }
inline bool IsBold() const;
static const StyleFontWeight NORMAL;
static const StyleFontWeight BOLD;
static const StyleFontWeight BOLD_THRESHOLD;
/// The `normal` keyword.
constexpr inline const StyleFontWeight StyleFontWeight::NORMAL = StyleFontWeight{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontWeightFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (400 << StyleFONT_WEIGHT_FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The `bold` value.
constexpr inline const StyleFontWeight StyleFontWeight::BOLD = StyleFontWeight{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontWeightFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (700 << StyleFONT_WEIGHT_FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The threshold from which we consider a font bold.
constexpr inline const StyleFontWeight StyleFontWeight::BOLD_THRESHOLD = StyleFontWeight{ /* ._0 = */ StyleFontWeightFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (600 << StyleFONT_WEIGHT_FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// Specifies a prioritized list of font family names or generic family names.
struct StyleFontFamily {
/// The actual list of family names.
StyleFontFamilyList families;
/// Whether this font-family came from a specified system-font.
bool is_system_font;
/// Whether this is the initial font-family that might react to language
/// changes.
bool is_initial;
bool operator==(const StyleFontFamily& other) const {
return families == other.families &&
is_system_font == other.is_system_font &&
is_initial == other.is_initial;
bool operator!=(const StyleFontFamily& other) const {
return families != other.families ||
is_system_font != other.is_system_font ||
is_initial != other.is_initial;
struct StylePropDef {
StyleAtom name;
nsCString syntax;
bool inherits;
bool has_initial_value;
nsCString initial_value;
bool from_js;
bool operator==(const StylePropDef& other) const {
return name == &&
syntax == other.syntax &&
inherits == other.inherits &&
has_initial_value == other.has_initial_value &&
initial_value == other.initial_value &&
from_js == other.from_js;
bool operator!=(const StylePropDef& other) const {
return name != ||
syntax != other.syntax ||
inherits != other.inherits ||
has_initial_value != other.has_initial_value ||
initial_value != other.initial_value ||
from_js != other.from_js;
struct StyleSelectorWarningData {
/// Index to the selector generating the warning.
uintptr_t index;
/// Kind of the warning.
StyleSelectorWarningKind kind;
bool operator==(const StyleSelectorWarningData& other) const {
return index == other.index &&
kind == other.kind;
bool operator!=(const StyleSelectorWarningData& other) const {
return index != other.index ||
kind != other.kind;
struct StyleCSSToken {
nsCString text;
nsCString token_type;
bool has_unit;
nsCString unit;
bool has_number;
float number;
bool has_value;
nsCString value;
uint32_t line;
uint32_t column;
bool operator==(const StyleCSSToken& other) const {
return text == other.text &&
token_type == other.token_type &&
has_unit == other.has_unit &&
unit == other.unit &&
has_number == other.has_number &&
number == other.number &&
has_value == other.has_value &&
value == other.value &&
line == other.line &&
column == other.column;
bool operator!=(const StyleCSSToken& other) const {
return text != other.text ||
token_type != other.token_type ||
has_unit != other.has_unit ||
unit != other.unit ||
has_number != other.has_number ||
number != other.number ||
has_value != other.has_value ||
value != other.value ||
line != other.line ||
column != other.column;
/// The <timeline-name> or <keyframes-name>.
/// The definition of these two names are the same, so we use the same type for them.
/// We use a single atom for these. Empty atom represents `none` animation.
using StyleTimelineOrKeyframesName = StyleAtom;
/// The typedef of <timeline-name>.
using StyleTimelineName = StyleTimelineOrKeyframesName;
/// The scroll() notation.
struct StyleScrollFunction {
/// The scroll container element whose scroll position drives the progress of the timeline.
StyleScroller scroller;
/// The axis of scrolling that drives the progress of the timeline.
StyleScrollAxis axis;
bool operator==(const StyleScrollFunction& other) const {
return scroller == other.scroller &&
axis == other.axis;
bool operator!=(const StyleScrollFunction& other) const {
return scroller != other.scroller ||
axis != other.axis;
/// A `<length-percentage> | auto` value.
template<typename LengthPercent>
struct StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StyleLengthPercentage_Body {
LengthPercent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLengthPercentage_Body length_percentage;
static StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto LengthPercentage(const LengthPercent &_0) {
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto result;
::new (&result.length_percentage._0) (LengthPercent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::LengthPercentage;
return result;
bool IsLengthPercentage() const {
return tag == Tag::LengthPercentage;
const LengthPercent& AsLengthPercentage() const {
return length_percentage._0;
static StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto Auto() {
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: return length_percentage == other.length_percentage;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto() {
~StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: length_percentage.~StyleLengthPercentage_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto(const StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: ::new (&length_percentage) (StyleLengthPercentage_Body)(other.length_percentage); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto& operator=(const StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto(other);
return *this;
inline bool ConvertsToLength() const;
inline nscoord ToLength() const;
inline bool ConvertsToPercentage() const;
inline float ToPercentage() const;
inline bool HasPercent() const;
inline bool HasLengthAndPercentage() const;
// Just some convenient aliases for LengthOrAuto, to avoid confusing naming.
inline bool IsLength() const;
inline const StyleLength& AsLength() const;
static inline StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto Zero();
/// A generic value for the `[ [ auto | <length-percentage> ]{1,2} ]`.
template<typename LengthPercent>
struct StyleGenericViewTimelineInset {
/// The start inset in the relevant axis.
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<LengthPercent> start;
/// The end inset.
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<LengthPercent> end;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericViewTimelineInset& other) const {
return start == other.start &&
end == other.end;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericViewTimelineInset& other) const {
return start != other.start ||
end != other.end;
inline StyleGenericViewTimelineInset();
/// The view() notation.
template<typename LengthPercent>
struct StyleGenericViewFunction {
/// The axis of scrolling that drives the progress of the timeline.
StyleScrollAxis axis;
/// An adjustment of the view progress visibility range.
StyleGenericViewTimelineInset<LengthPercent> inset;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericViewFunction& other) const {
return axis == other.axis &&
inset == other.inset;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericViewFunction& other) const {
return axis != other.axis ||
inset != other.inset;
/// A value for the <single-animation-timeline>.
template<typename LengthPercent>
struct StyleGenericAnimationTimeline {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Use default timeline. The animation’s timeline is a DocumentTimeline.
/// The scroll-timeline name or view-timeline-name.
/// The scroll() notation.
/// The view() notation.
struct StyleTimeline_Body {
StyleTimelineName _0;
bool operator==(const StyleTimeline_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTimeline_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleScroll_Body {
StyleScrollFunction _0;
bool operator==(const StyleScroll_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleScroll_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleView_Body {
StyleGenericViewFunction<LengthPercent> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleView_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleView_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleTimeline_Body timeline;
StyleScroll_Body scroll;
StyleView_Body view;
static StyleGenericAnimationTimeline Auto() {
StyleGenericAnimationTimeline result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StyleGenericAnimationTimeline Timeline(const StyleTimelineName &_0) {
StyleGenericAnimationTimeline result;
::new (&result.timeline._0) (StyleTimelineName)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Timeline;
return result;
bool IsTimeline() const {
return tag == Tag::Timeline;
const StyleTimelineName& AsTimeline() const {
return timeline._0;
static StyleGenericAnimationTimeline Scroll(const StyleScrollFunction &_0) {
StyleGenericAnimationTimeline result;
::new (&result.scroll._0) (StyleScrollFunction)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Scroll;
return result;
bool IsScroll() const {
return tag == Tag::Scroll;
const StyleScrollFunction& AsScroll() const {
return scroll._0;
static StyleGenericAnimationTimeline View(const StyleGenericViewFunction<LengthPercent> &_0) {
StyleGenericAnimationTimeline result;
::new (&result.view._0) (StyleGenericViewFunction<LengthPercent>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::View;
return result;
bool IsView() const {
return tag == Tag::View;
const StyleGenericViewFunction<LengthPercent>& AsView() const {
return view._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericAnimationTimeline& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Timeline: return timeline == other.timeline;
case Tag::Scroll: return scroll == other.scroll;
case Tag::View: return view == other.view;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericAnimationTimeline& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericAnimationTimeline() {
~StyleGenericAnimationTimeline() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Timeline: timeline.~StyleTimeline_Body(); break;
case Tag::Scroll: scroll.~StyleScroll_Body(); break;
case Tag::View: view.~StyleView_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericAnimationTimeline(const StyleGenericAnimationTimeline& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Timeline: ::new (&timeline) (StyleTimeline_Body)(other.timeline); break;
case Tag::Scroll: ::new (&scroll) (StyleScroll_Body)(other.scroll); break;
case Tag::View: ::new (&view) (StyleView_Body)(other.view); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericAnimationTimeline& operator=(const StyleGenericAnimationTimeline& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericAnimationTimeline(other);
return *this;
/// A computed value for the `animation-timeline` property.
using StyleAnimationTimeline = StyleGenericAnimationTimeline<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// A computed value for the `animation-iteration-count` property.
struct StyleAnimationIterationCount {
float _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAnimationIterationCount& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAnimationIterationCount& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
/// An App Unit, the fundamental unit of length in Servo. Usually
/// 1/60th of a pixel (see `AU_PER_PX`)
/// Please ensure that the values are between `MIN_AU` and `MAX_AU`.
/// It is safe to construct invalid `Au` values, but it may lead to
/// panics and overflows.
using StyleAu = int32_t;
/// Specified value of `-moz-force-broken-image-icon`
using StyleBoolInteger = bool;
struct StyleOutlineStyle {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// auto
/// <border-style>
struct StyleBorderStyle_Body {
StyleBorderStyle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleBorderStyle_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleBorderStyle_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleBorderStyle_Body border_style;
static StyleOutlineStyle Auto() {
StyleOutlineStyle result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StyleOutlineStyle BorderStyle(const StyleBorderStyle &_0) {
StyleOutlineStyle result;
::new (&result.border_style._0) (StyleBorderStyle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::BorderStyle;
return result;
bool IsBorderStyle() const {
return tag == Tag::BorderStyle;
const StyleBorderStyle& AsBorderStyle() const {
return border_style._0;
bool operator==(const StyleOutlineStyle& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::BorderStyle: return border_style == other.border_style;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleOutlineStyle& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleOutlineStyle() {
~StyleOutlineStyle() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::BorderStyle: border_style.~StyleBorderStyle_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleOutlineStyle(const StyleOutlineStyle& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::BorderStyle: ::new (&border_style) (StyleBorderStyle_Body)(other.border_style); break;
default: break;
StyleOutlineStyle& operator=(const StyleOutlineStyle& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleOutlineStyle(other);
return *this;
/// A generic value for the `font-size-adjust` property.
template<typename Factor>
union StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct ExHeight_Body {
Tag tag;
Factor _0;
bool operator==(const ExHeight_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const ExHeight_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct CapHeight_Body {
Tag tag;
Factor _0;
bool operator==(const CapHeight_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const CapHeight_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct ChWidth_Body {
Tag tag;
Factor _0;
bool operator==(const ChWidth_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const ChWidth_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct IcWidth_Body {
Tag tag;
Factor _0;
bool operator==(const IcWidth_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const IcWidth_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct IcHeight_Body {
Tag tag;
Factor _0;
bool operator==(const IcHeight_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const IcHeight_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
ExHeight_Body ex_height;
CapHeight_Body cap_height;
ChWidth_Body ch_width;
IcWidth_Body ic_width;
IcHeight_Body ic_height;
static StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust None() {
StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust ExHeight(const Factor &_0) {
StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust result;
::new (&result.ex_height._0) (Factor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::ExHeight;
return result;
bool IsExHeight() const {
return tag == Tag::ExHeight;
const Factor& AsExHeight() const {
return ex_height._0;
static StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust CapHeight(const Factor &_0) {
StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust result;
::new (&result.cap_height._0) (Factor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::CapHeight;
return result;
bool IsCapHeight() const {
return tag == Tag::CapHeight;
const Factor& AsCapHeight() const {
return cap_height._0;
static StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust ChWidth(const Factor &_0) {
StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust result;
::new (&result.ch_width._0) (Factor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::ChWidth;
return result;
bool IsChWidth() const {
return tag == Tag::ChWidth;
const Factor& AsChWidth() const {
return ch_width._0;
static StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust IcWidth(const Factor &_0) {
StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust result;
::new (&result.ic_width._0) (Factor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::IcWidth;
return result;
bool IsIcWidth() const {
return tag == Tag::IcWidth;
const Factor& AsIcWidth() const {
return ic_width._0;
static StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust IcHeight(const Factor &_0) {
StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust result;
::new (&result.ic_height._0) (Factor)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::IcHeight;
return result;
bool IsIcHeight() const {
return tag == Tag::IcHeight;
const Factor& AsIcHeight() const {
return ic_height._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::ExHeight: return ex_height == other.ex_height;
case Tag::CapHeight: return cap_height == other.cap_height;
case Tag::ChWidth: return ch_width == other.ch_width;
case Tag::IcWidth: return ic_width == other.ic_width;
case Tag::IcHeight: return ic_height == other.ic_height;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust() {
~StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::ExHeight: ex_height.~ExHeight_Body(); break;
case Tag::CapHeight: cap_height.~CapHeight_Body(); break;
case Tag::ChWidth: ch_width.~ChWidth_Body(); break;
case Tag::IcWidth: ic_width.~IcWidth_Body(); break;
case Tag::IcHeight: ic_height.~IcHeight_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust(const StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::ExHeight: ::new (&ex_height) (ExHeight_Body)(other.ex_height); break;
case Tag::CapHeight: ::new (&cap_height) (CapHeight_Body)(other.cap_height); break;
case Tag::ChWidth: ::new (&ch_width) (ChWidth_Body)(other.ch_width); break;
case Tag::IcWidth: ::new (&ic_width) (IcWidth_Body)(other.ic_width); break;
case Tag::IcHeight: ::new (&ic_height) (IcHeight_Body)(other.ic_height); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust& operator=(const StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust(other);
return *this;
/// Preserve the readability of text when font fallback occurs.
using StyleFontSizeAdjust = StyleGenericFontSizeAdjust<StyleNonNegativeNumber>;
/// Allows authors to choose a palette from those supported by a color font
/// (and potentially @font-palette-values overrides).
struct StyleFontPalette {
StyleAtom _0;
bool operator==(const StyleFontPalette& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleFontPalette& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline static StyleFontPalette Normal() {
return StyleFontPalette{StyleAtom(nsGkAtoms::normal->ToAddRefed())};
/// Misc information about a given computed style.
/// All flags are currently inherited for text, pseudo elements, and
/// anonymous boxes, see StyleBuilder::for_inheritance and its callsites.
/// If we ever want to add some flags that shouldn't inherit for them,
/// we might want to add a function to handle this.
struct StyleComputedValueFlags {
uint32_t bits;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!bits;
constexpr StyleComputedValueFlags operator~() const {
return StyleComputedValueFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(~bits) };
constexpr StyleComputedValueFlags operator|(const StyleComputedValueFlags& other) const {
return StyleComputedValueFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits | other.bits) };
StyleComputedValueFlags& operator|=(const StyleComputedValueFlags& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleComputedValueFlags operator&(const StyleComputedValueFlags& other) const {
return StyleComputedValueFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits & other.bits) };
StyleComputedValueFlags& operator&=(const StyleComputedValueFlags& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleComputedValueFlags operator^(const StyleComputedValueFlags& other) const {
return StyleComputedValueFlags { static_cast<decltype(bits)>(this->bits ^ other.bits) };
StyleComputedValueFlags& operator^=(const StyleComputedValueFlags& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleComputedValueFlags& other) const {
return bits == other.bits;
bool operator!=(const StyleComputedValueFlags& other) const {
return bits != other.bits;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags HAS_TEXT_DECORATION_LINES;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags SHOULD_SUPPRESS_LINEBREAK;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags IS_TEXT_COMBINED;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags IS_RELEVANT_LINK_VISITED;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags IS_IN_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_SUBTREE;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags SELF_OR_ANCESTOR_HAS_CONTAIN_STYLE;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags DISPLAY_DEPENDS_ON_INHERITED_STYLE;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags CONTENT_DEPENDS_ON_INHERITED_STYLE;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags INHERITS_RESET_STYLE;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags DEPENDS_ON_SELF_FONT_METRICS;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags DEPENDS_ON_INHERITED_FONT_METRICS;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags CAN_BE_FRAGMENTED;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags IS_ROOT_ELEMENT_STYLE;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags IS_IN_OPACITY_ZERO_SUBTREE;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_BORDER_BACKGROUND;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_FONT_FAMILY;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_LETTER_SPACING;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_WORD_SPACING;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags USES_VIEWPORT_UNITS;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags USES_VIEWPORT_UNITS_ON_CONTAINER_QUERIES;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags SELF_OR_ANCESTOR_HAS_SIZE_CONTAINER_TYPE;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags CONSIDERED_RELATIVE_SELECTOR;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags ANCHORS_RELATIVE_SELECTOR;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags USES_CONTAINER_UNITS;
static const StyleComputedValueFlags HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_TEXT_COLOR;
/// Whether the style or any of the ancestors has a text-decoration-line
/// property that should get propagated to descendants.
/// text-decoration-line is a reset property, but gets propagated in the
/// frame/box tree.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::HAS_TEXT_DECORATION_LINES = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Whether line break inside should be suppressed.
/// If this flag is set, the line should not be broken inside,
/// which means inlines act as if nowrap is set, <br> element is
/// suppressed, and blocks are inlinized.
/// This bit is propagated to all children of line participants.
/// It is currently used by ruby to make its content unbreakable.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::SHOULD_SUPPRESS_LINEBREAK = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 1) };
/// A flag used to mark text that that has text-combine-upright.
/// This is used from Gecko's layout engine.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::IS_TEXT_COMBINED = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 2) };
/// A flag used to mark styles under a relevant link that is also
/// visited.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::IS_RELEVANT_LINK_VISITED = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 3) };
/// A flag used to mark styles which are a pseudo-element or under one.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::IS_IN_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_SUBTREE = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 4) };
/// A flag used to mark styles which have contain:style or under one.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::SELF_OR_ANCESTOR_HAS_CONTAIN_STYLE = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 5) };
/// Whether this style's `display` property depends on our parent style.
/// This is important because it may affect our optimizations to avoid
/// computing the style of pseudo-elements, given whether the
/// pseudo-element is generated depends on the `display` value.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::DISPLAY_DEPENDS_ON_INHERITED_STYLE = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 6) };
/// Whether this style's `content` depends on our parent style.
/// Important because of the same reason.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::CONTENT_DEPENDS_ON_INHERITED_STYLE = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 7) };
/// Whether the child explicitly inherits any reset property.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::INHERITS_RESET_STYLE = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 8) };
/// Whether any value on our style is font-metric-dependent on our
/// primary font.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::DEPENDS_ON_SELF_FONT_METRICS = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 9) };
/// Whether any value on our style is font-metric-dependent on the
/// primary font of our parent.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::DEPENDS_ON_INHERITED_FONT_METRICS = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 10) };
/// Whether the style or any of the ancestors has a multicol style.
/// Only used in Servo.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::CAN_BE_FRAGMENTED = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 11) };
/// Whether this style is the style of the document element.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::IS_ROOT_ELEMENT_STYLE = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 12) };
/// Whether this element is inside an `opacity: 0` subtree.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::IS_IN_OPACITY_ZERO_SUBTREE = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 13) };
/// Whether there are author-specified rules for border-* properties
/// (except border-image-*), background-color, or background-image.
/// TODO(emilio): Maybe do include border-image, see:
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_BORDER_BACKGROUND = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 14) };
/// Whether there are author-specified rules for `font-family`.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_FONT_FAMILY = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 16) };
/// Whether there are author-specified rules for `font-synthesis-weight`.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_FONT_SYNTHESIS_WEIGHT = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 17) };
/// Whether there are author-specified rules for `font-synthesis-style`.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_FONT_SYNTHESIS_STYLE = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 18) };
/// Whether there are author-specified rules for `letter-spacing`.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_LETTER_SPACING = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 19) };
/// Whether there are author-specified rules for `word-spacing`.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_WORD_SPACING = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 20) };
/// Whether the style depends on viewport units.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::USES_VIEWPORT_UNITS = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 21) };
/// Whether the style depends on viewport units on container queries.
/// This needs to be a separate flag from `USES_VIEWPORT_UNITS` because
/// it causes us to re-match the style (rather than re-cascascading it,
/// which is enough for other uses of viewport units).
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::USES_VIEWPORT_UNITS_ON_CONTAINER_QUERIES = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 22) };
/// A flag used to mark styles which have `container-type` of `size` or
/// `inline-size`, or under one.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::SELF_OR_ANCESTOR_HAS_SIZE_CONTAINER_TYPE = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 23) };
/// Whether the style evaluated any relative selector.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::CONSIDERED_RELATIVE_SELECTOR = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 24) };
/// Whether the style evaluated the matched element to be an anchor of
/// a relative selector.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::ANCHORS_RELATIVE_SELECTOR = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 25) };
/// Whether the style uses container query units, in which case the style depends on the
/// container's size and we can't reuse it across cousins (without double-checking the
/// container at least).
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::USES_CONTAINER_UNITS = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 26) };
/// Whether there are author-specific rules for text `color`.
constexpr inline const StyleComputedValueFlags StyleComputedValueFlags::HAS_AUTHOR_SPECIFIED_TEXT_COLOR = StyleComputedValueFlags{ /* .bits = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 27) };
struct StyleDisplay {
uint16_t _0;
bool operator==(const StyleDisplay& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleDisplay& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline StyleDisplayOutside Outside() const;
inline StyleDisplayInside Inside() const;
inline bool IsListItem() const;
inline bool IsInlineFlow() const;
inline bool IsInlineInside() const;
inline bool IsInlineOutside() const;
inline bool IsBlockOutside() const;
inline bool IsRuby() const;
inline bool IsInternalRuby() const;
inline bool IsInternalTable() const;
inline bool IsInternalTableExceptCell() const;
static const uint16_t LIST_ITEM_MASK;
static const uint16_t OUTSIDE_MASK;
static const uint16_t INSIDE_MASK;
static const uint16_t OUTSIDE_SHIFT;
static const StyleDisplay None;
static const StyleDisplay Contents;
static const StyleDisplay Inline;
static const StyleDisplay InlineBlock;
static const StyleDisplay Block;
static const StyleDisplay FlowRoot;
static const StyleDisplay Flex;
static const StyleDisplay InlineFlex;
static const StyleDisplay Grid;
static const StyleDisplay InlineGrid;
static const StyleDisplay Table;
static const StyleDisplay InlineTable;
static const StyleDisplay TableCaption;
static const StyleDisplay Ruby;
static const StyleDisplay WebkitBox;
static const StyleDisplay WebkitInlineBox;
static const StyleDisplay TableRowGroup;
static const StyleDisplay TableHeaderGroup;
static const StyleDisplay TableFooterGroup;
static const StyleDisplay TableColumn;
static const StyleDisplay TableColumnGroup;
static const StyleDisplay TableRow;
static const StyleDisplay TableCell;
static const StyleDisplay RubyBase;
static const StyleDisplay RubyBaseContainer;
static const StyleDisplay RubyText;
static const StyleDisplay RubyTextContainer;
constexpr inline const uint16_t StyleDisplay::LIST_ITEM_MASK = 32768;
constexpr inline const uint16_t StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_MASK = 32512;
constexpr inline const uint16_t StyleDisplay::INSIDE_MASK = 255;
constexpr inline const uint16_t StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT = 8;
/// ::new() inlined so cbindgen can use it
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::None = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::None << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::None) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::Contents = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::None << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Contents) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::Inline = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Inline << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Flow) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::InlineBlock = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Inline << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::FlowRoot) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::Block = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Block << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Flow) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::FlowRoot = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Block << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::FlowRoot) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::Flex = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Block << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Flex) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::InlineFlex = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Inline << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Flex) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::Grid = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Block << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Grid) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::InlineGrid = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Inline << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Grid) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::Table = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Block << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Table) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::InlineTable = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Inline << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Table) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::TableCaption = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::TableCaption << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Flow) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::Ruby = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Inline << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::Ruby) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::WebkitBox = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Block << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::WebkitBox) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::WebkitInlineBox = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::Inline << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::WebkitBox) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::TableRowGroup = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::TableRowGroup) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::TableHeaderGroup = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::TableHeaderGroup) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::TableFooterGroup = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::TableFooterGroup) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::TableColumn = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::TableColumn) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::TableColumnGroup = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::TableColumnGroup) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::TableRow = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::TableRow) };
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::TableCell = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::TableCell) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Internal ruby boxes.
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::RubyBase = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalRuby << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::RubyBase) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::RubyBaseContainer = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalRuby << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::RubyBaseContainer) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::RubyText = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalRuby << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::RubyText) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
constexpr inline const StyleDisplay StyleDisplay::RubyTextContainer = StyleDisplay{ /* ._0 = */ (((uint16_t)StyleDisplayOutside::InternalRuby << StyleDisplay::OUTSIDE_SHIFT) | (uint16_t)StyleDisplayInside::RubyTextContainer) };
struct StyleScrollSnapAlign {
StyleScrollSnapAlignKeyword block;
StyleScrollSnapAlignKeyword inline_;
bool operator==(const StyleScrollSnapAlign& other) const {
return block == other.block &&
inline_ == other.inline_;
bool operator!=(const StyleScrollSnapAlign& other) const {
return block != other.block ||
inline_ != other.inline_;
struct StyleScrollSnapType {
StyleScrollSnapAxis axis;
StyleScrollSnapStrictness strictness;
bool operator==(const StyleScrollSnapType& other) const {
return axis == other.axis &&
strictness == other.strictness;
bool operator!=(const StyleScrollSnapType& other) const {
return axis != other.axis ||
strictness != other.strictness;
/// The typedef of <keyframes-name>.
using StyleKeyframesName = StyleTimelineOrKeyframesName;
/// A value for the `animation-name` property.
struct StyleAnimationName {
StyleKeyframesName _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAnimationName& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAnimationName& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
StyleAnimationName() : _0(nsGkAtoms::_empty) {}
/// A value for the scroll-timeline-name or view-timeline-name.
using StyleScrollTimelineName = StyleAnimationName;
/// A computed value for the `view-timeline-inset` property.
using StyleViewTimelineInset = StyleGenericViewTimelineInset<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// A computed value for the `letter-spacing` property.
using StyleLetterSpacing = StyleLength;
/// A computed type for `<length-percentage> | auto`.
using StyleLengthPercentageOrAuto = StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// A generic value for the `line-height` property.
template<typename N, typename L>
struct StyleGenericLineHeight {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `normal`
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// `-moz-block-height`
/// `<number>`
/// `<length-percentage>`
struct StyleNumber_Body {
N _0;
bool operator==(const StyleNumber_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleNumber_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleLength_Body {
L _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleNumber_Body number;
StyleLength_Body length;
static StyleGenericLineHeight Normal() {
StyleGenericLineHeight result;
result.tag = Tag::Normal;
return result;
bool IsNormal() const {
return tag == Tag::Normal;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
static StyleGenericLineHeight MozBlockHeight() {
StyleGenericLineHeight result;
result.tag = Tag::MozBlockHeight;
return result;
bool IsMozBlockHeight() const {
return tag == Tag::MozBlockHeight;
static StyleGenericLineHeight Number(const N &_0) {
StyleGenericLineHeight result;
::new (&result.number._0) (N)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Number;
return result;
bool IsNumber() const {
return tag == Tag::Number;
const N& AsNumber() const {
return number._0;
static StyleGenericLineHeight Length(const L &_0) {
StyleGenericLineHeight result;
::new (&result.length._0) (L)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Length;
return result;
bool IsLength() const {
return tag == Tag::Length;
const L& AsLength() const {
return length._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericLineHeight& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: return number == other.number;
case Tag::Length: return length == other.length;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericLineHeight& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericLineHeight() {
~StyleGenericLineHeight() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: number.~StyleNumber_Body(); break;
case Tag::Length: length.~StyleLength_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericLineHeight(const StyleGenericLineHeight& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: ::new (&number) (StyleNumber_Body)(other.number); break;
case Tag::Length: ::new (&length) (StyleLength_Body)(other.length); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericLineHeight& operator=(const StyleGenericLineHeight& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericLineHeight(other);
return *this;
/// A computed value for the `line-height` property.
using StyleLineHeight = StyleGenericLineHeight<StyleNonNegativeNumber, StyleNonNegativeLength>;
/// A wrapper of LengthPercentageOrAuto, whose value must be >= 0.
using StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentageOrAuto = StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage>;
/// A generic `<length-percentage>` | normal` value.
template<typename LengthPercent>
struct StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StyleLengthPercentage_Body {
LengthPercent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLengthPercentage_Body length_percentage;
static StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal LengthPercentage(const LengthPercent &_0) {
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal result;
::new (&result.length_percentage._0) (LengthPercent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::LengthPercentage;
return result;
bool IsLengthPercentage() const {
return tag == Tag::LengthPercentage;
const LengthPercent& AsLengthPercentage() const {
return length_percentage._0;
static StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal Normal() {
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal result;
result.tag = Tag::Normal;
return result;
bool IsNormal() const {
return tag == Tag::Normal;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: return length_percentage == other.length_percentage;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal() {
~StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: length_percentage.~StyleLengthPercentage_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal(const StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: ::new (&length_percentage) (StyleLengthPercentage_Body)(other.length_percentage); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal& operator=(const StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal(other);
return *this;
/// Either a computed NonNegativeLengthPercentage or the `normal` keyword.
using StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentageOrNormal = StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrNormal<StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage>;
/// Either a computed `<length>` or the `auto` keyword.
using StyleLengthOrAuto = StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<StyleLength>;
/// Either a non-negative `<length>` or the `auto` keyword.
using StyleNonNegativeLengthOrAuto = StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<StyleNonNegativeLength>;
/// Implements type for text-decoration-thickness
/// which takes the grammar of auto | from-font | <length> | <percentage>
template<typename L>
struct StyleGenericTextDecorationLength {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StyleLengthPercentage_Body {
L _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLengthPercentage_Body length_percentage;
static StyleGenericTextDecorationLength LengthPercentage(const L &_0) {
StyleGenericTextDecorationLength result;
::new (&result.length_percentage._0) (L)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::LengthPercentage;
return result;
bool IsLengthPercentage() const {
return tag == Tag::LengthPercentage;
const L& AsLengthPercentage() const {
return length_percentage._0;
static StyleGenericTextDecorationLength Auto() {
StyleGenericTextDecorationLength result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StyleGenericTextDecorationLength FromFont() {
StyleGenericTextDecorationLength result;
result.tag = Tag::FromFont;
return result;
bool IsFromFont() const {
return tag == Tag::FromFont;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTextDecorationLength& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: return length_percentage == other.length_percentage;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTextDecorationLength& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericTextDecorationLength() {
~StyleGenericTextDecorationLength() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: length_percentage.~StyleLengthPercentage_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericTextDecorationLength(const StyleGenericTextDecorationLength& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: ::new (&length_percentage) (StyleLengthPercentage_Body)(other.length_percentage); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericTextDecorationLength& operator=(const StyleGenericTextDecorationLength& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericTextDecorationLength(other);
return *this;
/// Implements type for `text-decoration-thickness` property.
using StyleTextDecorationLength = StyleGenericTextDecorationLength<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// A computed `<time>` value.
struct StyleTime {
StyleCSSFloat seconds;
bool operator==(const StyleTime& other) const {
return seconds == other.seconds;
bool operator!=(const StyleTime& other) const {
return seconds != other.seconds;
float ToSeconds() const { return seconds; }
float ToMilliseconds() const { return seconds * 1000.0f; }
/// A generic value for the `width`, `height`, `min-width`, or `min-height` property.
/// Unlike `max-width` or `max-height` properties, a Size can be `auto`,
/// and cannot be `none`.
/// Note that it only accepts non-negative values.
template<typename LengthPercent>
struct StyleGenericSize {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StyleLengthPercentage_Body {
LengthPercent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleFitContentFunction_Body {
LengthPercent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleFitContentFunction_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleFitContentFunction_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLengthPercentage_Body length_percentage;
StyleFitContentFunction_Body fit_content_function;
static StyleGenericSize LengthPercentage(const LengthPercent &_0) {
StyleGenericSize result;
::new (&result.length_percentage._0) (LengthPercent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::LengthPercentage;
return result;
bool IsLengthPercentage() const {
return tag == Tag::LengthPercentage;
const LengthPercent& AsLengthPercentage() const {
return length_percentage._0;
static StyleGenericSize Auto() {
StyleGenericSize result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StyleGenericSize MaxContent() {
StyleGenericSize result;
result.tag = Tag::MaxContent;
return result;
bool IsMaxContent() const {
return tag == Tag::MaxContent;
static StyleGenericSize MinContent() {
StyleGenericSize result;
result.tag = Tag::MinContent;
return result;
bool IsMinContent() const {
return tag == Tag::MinContent;
static StyleGenericSize FitContent() {
StyleGenericSize result;
result.tag = Tag::FitContent;
return result;
bool IsFitContent() const {
return tag == Tag::FitContent;
static StyleGenericSize MozAvailable() {
StyleGenericSize result;
result.tag = Tag::MozAvailable;
return result;
bool IsMozAvailable() const {
return tag == Tag::MozAvailable;
static StyleGenericSize FitContentFunction(const LengthPercent &_0) {
StyleGenericSize result;
::new (&result.fit_content_function._0) (LengthPercent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::FitContentFunction;
return result;
bool IsFitContentFunction() const {
return tag == Tag::FitContentFunction;
const LengthPercent& AsFitContentFunction() const {
return fit_content_function._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericSize& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: return length_percentage == other.length_percentage;
case Tag::FitContentFunction: return fit_content_function == other.fit_content_function;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericSize& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericSize() {
~StyleGenericSize() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: length_percentage.~StyleLengthPercentage_Body(); break;
case Tag::FitContentFunction: fit_content_function.~StyleFitContentFunction_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSize(const StyleGenericSize& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: ::new (&length_percentage) (StyleLengthPercentage_Body)(other.length_percentage); break;
case Tag::FitContentFunction: ::new (&fit_content_function) (StyleFitContentFunction_Body)(other.fit_content_function); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSize& operator=(const StyleGenericSize& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericSize(other);
return *this;
inline bool ConvertsToLength() const;
inline nscoord ToLength() const;
inline bool ConvertsToPercentage() const;
inline float ToPercentage() const;
inline bool HasPercent() const;
inline bool HasLengthAndPercentage() const;
inline bool BehavesLikeInitialValueOnBlockAxis() const;
/// A computed value for `min-width`, `min-height`, `width` or `height` property.
using StyleSize = StyleGenericSize<StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage>;
/// A generic value for the `max-width` or `max-height` property.
template<typename LengthPercent>
struct StyleGenericMaxSize {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StyleLengthPercentage_Body {
LengthPercent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleFitContentFunction_Body {
LengthPercent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleFitContentFunction_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleFitContentFunction_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLengthPercentage_Body length_percentage;
StyleFitContentFunction_Body fit_content_function;
static StyleGenericMaxSize LengthPercentage(const LengthPercent &_0) {
StyleGenericMaxSize result;
::new (&result.length_percentage._0) (LengthPercent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::LengthPercentage;
return result;
bool IsLengthPercentage() const {
return tag == Tag::LengthPercentage;
const LengthPercent& AsLengthPercentage() const {
return length_percentage._0;
static StyleGenericMaxSize None() {
StyleGenericMaxSize result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericMaxSize MaxContent() {
StyleGenericMaxSize result;
result.tag = Tag::MaxContent;
return result;
bool IsMaxContent() const {
return tag == Tag::MaxContent;
static StyleGenericMaxSize MinContent() {
StyleGenericMaxSize result;
result.tag = Tag::MinContent;
return result;
bool IsMinContent() const {
return tag == Tag::MinContent;
static StyleGenericMaxSize FitContent() {
StyleGenericMaxSize result;
result.tag = Tag::FitContent;
return result;
bool IsFitContent() const {
return tag == Tag::FitContent;
static StyleGenericMaxSize MozAvailable() {
StyleGenericMaxSize result;
result.tag = Tag::MozAvailable;
return result;
bool IsMozAvailable() const {
return tag == Tag::MozAvailable;
static StyleGenericMaxSize FitContentFunction(const LengthPercent &_0) {
StyleGenericMaxSize result;
::new (&result.fit_content_function._0) (LengthPercent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::FitContentFunction;
return result;
bool IsFitContentFunction() const {
return tag == Tag::FitContentFunction;
const LengthPercent& AsFitContentFunction() const {
return fit_content_function._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericMaxSize& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: return length_percentage == other.length_percentage;
case Tag::FitContentFunction: return fit_content_function == other.fit_content_function;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericMaxSize& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericMaxSize() {
~StyleGenericMaxSize() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: length_percentage.~StyleLengthPercentage_Body(); break;
case Tag::FitContentFunction: fit_content_function.~StyleFitContentFunction_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericMaxSize(const StyleGenericMaxSize& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: ::new (&length_percentage) (StyleLengthPercentage_Body)(other.length_percentage); break;
case Tag::FitContentFunction: ::new (&fit_content_function) (StyleFitContentFunction_Body)(other.fit_content_function); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericMaxSize& operator=(const StyleGenericMaxSize& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericMaxSize(other);
return *this;
inline bool ConvertsToLength() const;
inline nscoord ToLength() const;
inline bool ConvertsToPercentage() const;
inline float ToPercentage() const;
inline bool HasPercent() const;
inline bool HasLengthAndPercentage() const;
inline bool BehavesLikeInitialValueOnBlockAxis() const;
/// A computed value for `max-width` or `min-height` property.
using StyleMaxSize = StyleGenericMaxSize<StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage>;
/// A generic value for the `flex-basis` property.
template<typename S>
struct StyleGenericFlexBasis {
enum class Tag {
/// `content`
/// `<width>`
struct StyleSize_Body {
S _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSize_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSize_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleSize_Body size;
static StyleGenericFlexBasis Content() {
StyleGenericFlexBasis result;
result.tag = Tag::Content;
return result;
bool IsContent() const {
return tag == Tag::Content;
static StyleGenericFlexBasis Size(const S &_0) {
StyleGenericFlexBasis result;
::new (&result.size._0) (S)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Size;
return result;
bool IsSize() const {
return tag == Tag::Size;
const S& AsSize() const {
return size._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericFlexBasis& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Size: return size == other.size;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericFlexBasis& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericFlexBasis() {
~StyleGenericFlexBasis() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Size: size.~StyleSize_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericFlexBasis(const StyleGenericFlexBasis& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Size: ::new (&size) (StyleSize_Body)(other.size); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericFlexBasis& operator=(const StyleGenericFlexBasis& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericFlexBasis(other);
return *this;
inline bool IsAuto() const;
/// A computed value for the `flex-basis` property.
using StyleFlexBasis = StyleGenericFlexBasis<StyleSize>;
/// A generic value for the `background-size` property.
template<typename LengthPercent>
struct StyleGenericBackgroundSize {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `<width> <height>`
/// `cover`
/// `contain`
struct StyleExplicitSize_Body {
/// Explicit width.
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<LengthPercent> width;
/// Explicit height.
StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<LengthPercent> height;
bool operator==(const StyleExplicitSize_Body& other) const {
return width == other.width &&
height == other.height;
bool operator!=(const StyleExplicitSize_Body& other) const {
return width != other.width ||
height != other.height;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleExplicitSize_Body explicit_size;
static StyleGenericBackgroundSize ExplicitSize(const StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<LengthPercent> &width,
const StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<LengthPercent> &height) {
StyleGenericBackgroundSize result;
::new (&result.explicit_size.width) (StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<LengthPercent>)(width);
::new (&result.explicit_size.height) (StyleGenericLengthPercentageOrAuto<LengthPercent>)(height);
result.tag = Tag::ExplicitSize;
return result;
bool IsExplicitSize() const {
return tag == Tag::ExplicitSize;
const StyleExplicitSize_Body& AsExplicitSize() const {
return explicit_size;
static StyleGenericBackgroundSize Cover() {
StyleGenericBackgroundSize result;
result.tag = Tag::Cover;
return result;
bool IsCover() const {
return tag == Tag::Cover;
static StyleGenericBackgroundSize Contain() {
StyleGenericBackgroundSize result;
result.tag = Tag::Contain;
return result;
bool IsContain() const {
return tag == Tag::Contain;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericBackgroundSize& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::ExplicitSize: return explicit_size == other.explicit_size;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericBackgroundSize& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericBackgroundSize() {
~StyleGenericBackgroundSize() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::ExplicitSize: explicit_size.~StyleExplicitSize_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericBackgroundSize(const StyleGenericBackgroundSize& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::ExplicitSize: ::new (&explicit_size) (StyleExplicitSize_Body)(other.explicit_size); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericBackgroundSize& operator=(const StyleGenericBackgroundSize& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericBackgroundSize(other);
return *this;
bool IsInitialValue() const;
/// A computed value for the `background-size` property.
using StyleBackgroundSize = StyleGenericBackgroundSize<StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage>;
struct StyleNumberOrPercentage {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StylePercentage_Body {
StylePercentage _0;
bool operator==(const StylePercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleNumber_Body {
StyleNumber _0;
bool operator==(const StyleNumber_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleNumber_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StylePercentage_Body percentage;
StyleNumber_Body number;
static StyleNumberOrPercentage Percentage(const StylePercentage &_0) {
StyleNumberOrPercentage result;
::new (&result.percentage._0) (StylePercentage)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Percentage;
return result;
bool IsPercentage() const {
return tag == Tag::Percentage;
const StylePercentage& AsPercentage() const {
return percentage._0;
static StyleNumberOrPercentage Number(const StyleNumber &_0) {
StyleNumberOrPercentage result;
::new (&result.number._0) (StyleNumber)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Number;
return result;
bool IsNumber() const {
return tag == Tag::Number;
const StyleNumber& AsNumber() const {
return number._0;
bool operator==(const StyleNumberOrPercentage& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Percentage: return percentage == other.percentage;
case Tag::Number: return number == other.number;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleNumberOrPercentage& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleNumberOrPercentage() {
~StyleNumberOrPercentage() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Percentage: percentage.~StylePercentage_Body(); break;
case Tag::Number: number.~StyleNumber_Body(); break;
StyleNumberOrPercentage(const StyleNumberOrPercentage& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Percentage: ::new (&percentage) (StylePercentage_Body)(other.percentage); break;
case Tag::Number: ::new (&number) (StyleNumber_Body)(other.number); break;
StyleNumberOrPercentage& operator=(const StyleNumberOrPercentage& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleNumberOrPercentage(other);
return *this;
/// A non-negative <number-percentage>.
using StyleNonNegativeNumberOrPercentage = StyleNonNegative<StyleNumberOrPercentage>;
/// A generic value for the `border-image-slice` property.
template<typename NumberOrPercentage>
struct StyleGenericBorderImageSlice {
/// The offsets.
StyleRect<NumberOrPercentage> offsets;
/// Whether to fill the middle part.
bool fill;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericBorderImageSlice& other) const {
return offsets == other.offsets &&
fill == other.fill;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericBorderImageSlice& other) const {
return offsets != other.offsets ||
fill != other.fill;
/// A computed value for the `border-image-slice` property.
using StyleBorderImageSlice = StyleGenericBorderImageSlice<StyleNonNegativeNumberOrPercentage>;
/// A generic value for the `border-spacing` property.
template<typename L>
using StyleBorderSpacing = StyleSize2D<L>;
/// A computed value for the `border-radius` property.
using StyleBorderRadius = StyleGenericBorderRadius<StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage>;
struct StyleCustomIdent {
StyleAtom _0;
bool operator==(const StyleCustomIdent& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleCustomIdent& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline nsAtom* AsAtom() const;
/// Various flags to represent the color-scheme property in an efficient
/// way.
struct StyleColorSchemeFlags {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleColorSchemeFlags operator~() const {
return StyleColorSchemeFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleColorSchemeFlags operator|(const StyleColorSchemeFlags& other) const {
return StyleColorSchemeFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleColorSchemeFlags& operator|=(const StyleColorSchemeFlags& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleColorSchemeFlags operator&(const StyleColorSchemeFlags& other) const {
return StyleColorSchemeFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleColorSchemeFlags& operator&=(const StyleColorSchemeFlags& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleColorSchemeFlags operator^(const StyleColorSchemeFlags& other) const {
return StyleColorSchemeFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleColorSchemeFlags& operator^=(const StyleColorSchemeFlags& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleColorSchemeFlags& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleColorSchemeFlags& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleColorSchemeFlags LIGHT;
static const StyleColorSchemeFlags DARK;
static const StyleColorSchemeFlags ONLY;
/// Whether the author specified `light`.
constexpr inline const StyleColorSchemeFlags StyleColorSchemeFlags::LIGHT = StyleColorSchemeFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Whether the author specified `dark`.
constexpr inline const StyleColorSchemeFlags StyleColorSchemeFlags::DARK = StyleColorSchemeFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// Whether the author specified `only`.
constexpr inline const StyleColorSchemeFlags StyleColorSchemeFlags::ONLY = StyleColorSchemeFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
struct StyleColorScheme {
StyleArcSlice<StyleCustomIdent> idents;
StyleColorSchemeFlags bits;
bool operator==(const StyleColorScheme& other) const {
return idents == other.idents &&
bits == other.bits;
bool operator!=(const StyleColorScheme& other) const {
return idents != other.idents ||
bits != other.bits;
/// A generic `<length>` | `<number>` value for the `tab-size` property.
template<typename L, typename N>
struct StyleGenericLengthOrNumber {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A number.
/// NOTE: Numbers need to be before lengths, in order to parse them
/// first, since `0` should be a number, not the `0px` length.
/// A length.
struct StyleNumber_Body {
N _0;
bool operator==(const StyleNumber_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleNumber_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleLength_Body {
L _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleNumber_Body number;
StyleLength_Body length;
static StyleGenericLengthOrNumber Number(const N &_0) {
StyleGenericLengthOrNumber result;
::new (&result.number._0) (N)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Number;
return result;
bool IsNumber() const {
return tag == Tag::Number;
const N& AsNumber() const {
return number._0;
static StyleGenericLengthOrNumber Length(const L &_0) {
StyleGenericLengthOrNumber result;
::new (&result.length._0) (L)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Length;
return result;
bool IsLength() const {
return tag == Tag::Length;
const L& AsLength() const {
return length._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericLengthOrNumber& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: return number == other.number;
case Tag::Length: return length == other.length;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericLengthOrNumber& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericLengthOrNumber() {
~StyleGenericLengthOrNumber() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: number.~StyleNumber_Body(); break;
case Tag::Length: length.~StyleLength_Body(); break;
StyleGenericLengthOrNumber(const StyleGenericLengthOrNumber& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: ::new (&number) (StyleNumber_Body)(other.number); break;
case Tag::Length: ::new (&length) (StyleLength_Body)(other.length); break;
StyleGenericLengthOrNumber& operator=(const StyleGenericLengthOrNumber& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericLengthOrNumber(other);
return *this;
/// Either a non-negative `<length>` or a `<number>`.
using StyleNonNegativeLengthOrNumber = StyleGenericLengthOrNumber<StyleNonNegativeLength, StyleNonNegativeNumber>;
/// A specified rectangle made of four `<length-or-number>` values.
using StyleNonNegativeLengthOrNumberRect = StyleRect<StyleNonNegativeLengthOrNumber>;
/// A generic value for the `perspective` property.
template<typename NonNegativeLength>
struct StyleGenericPerspective {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A non-negative length.
/// The keyword `none`.
struct StyleLength_Body {
NonNegativeLength _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLength_Body length;
static StyleGenericPerspective Length(const NonNegativeLength &_0) {
StyleGenericPerspective result;
::new (&result.length._0) (NonNegativeLength)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Length;
return result;
bool IsLength() const {
return tag == Tag::Length;
const NonNegativeLength& AsLength() const {
return length._0;
static StyleGenericPerspective None() {
StyleGenericPerspective result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericPerspective& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: return length == other.length;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericPerspective& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericPerspective() {
~StyleGenericPerspective() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: length.~StyleLength_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericPerspective(const StyleGenericPerspective& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: ::new (&length) (StyleLength_Body)(other.length); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericPerspective& operator=(const StyleGenericPerspective& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericPerspective(other);
return *this;
/// A computed value for the `perspective` property.
using StylePerspective = StyleGenericPerspective<StyleNonNegativeLength>;
/// A generic value for the `z-index` property.
template<typename I>
struct StyleGenericZIndex {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// An integer value.
/// The keyword `auto`.
struct StyleInteger_Body {
I _0;
bool operator==(const StyleInteger_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleInteger_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleInteger_Body integer;
static StyleGenericZIndex Integer(const I &_0) {
StyleGenericZIndex result;
::new (&result.integer._0) (I)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Integer;
return result;
bool IsInteger() const {
return tag == Tag::Integer;
const I& AsInteger() const {
return integer._0;
static StyleGenericZIndex Auto() {
StyleGenericZIndex result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericZIndex& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Integer: return integer == other.integer;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericZIndex& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericZIndex() {
~StyleGenericZIndex() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Integer: integer.~StyleInteger_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericZIndex(const StyleGenericZIndex& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Integer: ::new (&integer) (StyleInteger_Body)(other.integer); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericZIndex& operator=(const StyleGenericZIndex& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericZIndex(other);
return *this;
/// A computed value for the `z-index` property.
using StyleZIndex = StyleGenericZIndex<StyleInteger>;
/// A generic transform origin.
template<typename H, typename V, typename Depth>
struct StyleGenericTransformOrigin {
/// The horizontal origin.
H horizontal;
/// The vertical origin.
V vertical;
/// The depth.
Depth depth;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTransformOrigin& other) const {
return horizontal == other.horizontal &&
vertical == other.vertical &&
depth == other.depth;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTransformOrigin& other) const {
return horizontal != other.horizontal ||
vertical != other.vertical ||
depth != other.depth;
inline bool HasPercent() const;
/// The computed value of a CSS `<transform-origin>`
using StyleTransformOrigin = StyleGenericTransformOrigin<StyleLengthPercentage, StyleLengthPercentage, StyleLength>;
/// Note that we only implement -webkit-line-clamp as a single, longhand
/// property for now, but the spec defines line-clamp as a shorthand for
/// separate max-lines, block-ellipsis, and continue properties.
template<typename I>
using StyleGenericLineClamp = I;
/// A computed value for the `line-clamp` property.
using StyleLineClamp = StyleGenericLineClamp<StyleInteger>;
struct StyleContain {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleContain operator~() const {
return StyleContain { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleContain operator|(const StyleContain& other) const {
return StyleContain { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleContain& operator|=(const StyleContain& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleContain operator&(const StyleContain& other) const {
return StyleContain { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleContain& operator&=(const StyleContain& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleContain operator^(const StyleContain& other) const {
return StyleContain { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleContain& operator^=(const StyleContain& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleContain& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleContain& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleContain NONE;
static const StyleContain INLINE_SIZE;
static const StyleContain BLOCK_SIZE;
static const StyleContain LAYOUT;
static const StyleContain STYLE;
static const StyleContain PAINT;
static const StyleContain SIZE;
static const StyleContain CONTENT;
static const StyleContain STRICT;
/// `none` variant, just for convenience.
constexpr inline const StyleContain StyleContain::NONE = StyleContain{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)0 };
/// `inline-size` variant, turns on single-axis inline size containment
constexpr inline const StyleContain StyleContain::INLINE_SIZE = StyleContain{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// `block-size` variant, turns on single-axis block size containment, internal only
constexpr inline const StyleContain StyleContain::BLOCK_SIZE = StyleContain{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// `layout` variant, turns on layout containment
constexpr inline const StyleContain StyleContain::LAYOUT = StyleContain{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// `style` variant, turns on style containment
constexpr inline const StyleContain StyleContain::STYLE = StyleContain{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 3) };
/// `paint` variant, turns on paint containment
constexpr inline const StyleContain StyleContain::PAINT = StyleContain{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 4) };
/// 'size' variant, turns on size containment
constexpr inline const StyleContain StyleContain::SIZE = StyleContain{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(((1 << 5) | (StyleContain::INLINE_SIZE)._0) | (StyleContain::BLOCK_SIZE)._0) };
/// `content` variant, turns on layout and paint containment
constexpr inline const StyleContain StyleContain::CONTENT = StyleContain{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)((((1 << 6) | (StyleContain::LAYOUT)._0) | (StyleContain::STYLE)._0) | (StyleContain::PAINT)._0) };
/// `strict` variant, turns on all types of containment
constexpr inline const StyleContain StyleContain::STRICT = StyleContain{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(((((1 << 7) | (StyleContain::LAYOUT)._0) | (StyleContain::STYLE)._0) | (StyleContain::PAINT)._0) | (StyleContain::SIZE)._0) };
using StyleContainerName = StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>;
template<typename L>
struct StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// The keyword `none`.
/// The keywords 'auto none',
/// A non-negative length.
/// "auto <Length>"
struct StyleLength_Body {
L _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleAutoLength_Body {
L _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAutoLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAutoLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLength_Body length;
StyleAutoLength_Body auto_length;
static StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize None() {
StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize AutoNone() {
StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize result;
result.tag = Tag::AutoNone;
return result;
bool IsAutoNone() const {
return tag == Tag::AutoNone;
static StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize Length(const L &_0) {
StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize result;
::new (&result.length._0) (L)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Length;
return result;
bool IsLength() const {
return tag == Tag::Length;
const L& AsLength() const {
return length._0;
static StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize AutoLength(const L &_0) {
StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize result;
::new (&result.auto_length._0) (L)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::AutoLength;
return result;
bool IsAutoLength() const {
return tag == Tag::AutoLength;
const L& AsAutoLength() const {
return auto_length._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: return length == other.length;
case Tag::AutoLength: return auto_length == other.auto_length;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize() {
~StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: length.~StyleLength_Body(); break;
case Tag::AutoLength: auto_length.~StyleAutoLength_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize(const StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Length: ::new (&length) (StyleLength_Body)(other.length); break;
case Tag::AutoLength: ::new (&auto_length) (StyleAutoLength_Body)(other.auto_length); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize& operator=(const StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize(other);
return *this;
bool HasAuto() const { return IsAutoLength() || IsAutoNone(); }
/// A computed value for the `contain-intrinsic-size` property.
using StyleContainIntrinsicSize = StyleGenericContainIntrinsicSize<StyleNonNegativeLength>;
/// Values for the `touch-action` property.
struct StyleTouchAction {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleTouchAction operator~() const {
return StyleTouchAction { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleTouchAction operator|(const StyleTouchAction& other) const {
return StyleTouchAction { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleTouchAction& operator|=(const StyleTouchAction& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleTouchAction operator&(const StyleTouchAction& other) const {
return StyleTouchAction { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleTouchAction& operator&=(const StyleTouchAction& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleTouchAction operator^(const StyleTouchAction& other) const {
return StyleTouchAction { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleTouchAction& operator^=(const StyleTouchAction& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleTouchAction& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTouchAction& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleTouchAction NONE;
static const StyleTouchAction AUTO;
static const StyleTouchAction PAN_X;
static const StyleTouchAction PAN_Y;
static const StyleTouchAction MANIPULATION;
static const StyleTouchAction PINCH_ZOOM;
/// `none` variant
constexpr inline const StyleTouchAction StyleTouchAction::NONE = StyleTouchAction{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// `auto` variant
constexpr inline const StyleTouchAction StyleTouchAction::AUTO = StyleTouchAction{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// `pan-x` variant
constexpr inline const StyleTouchAction StyleTouchAction::PAN_X = StyleTouchAction{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// `pan-y` variant
constexpr inline const StyleTouchAction StyleTouchAction::PAN_Y = StyleTouchAction{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 3) };
/// `manipulation` variant
constexpr inline const StyleTouchAction StyleTouchAction::MANIPULATION = StyleTouchAction{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 4) };
/// `pinch-zoom` variant
constexpr inline const StyleTouchAction StyleTouchAction::PINCH_ZOOM = StyleTouchAction{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 5) };
/// The change bits that we care about.
struct StyleWillChangeBits {
uint16_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleWillChangeBits operator~() const {
return StyleWillChangeBits { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleWillChangeBits operator|(const StyleWillChangeBits& other) const {
return StyleWillChangeBits { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleWillChangeBits& operator|=(const StyleWillChangeBits& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleWillChangeBits operator&(const StyleWillChangeBits& other) const {
return StyleWillChangeBits { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleWillChangeBits& operator&=(const StyleWillChangeBits& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleWillChangeBits operator^(const StyleWillChangeBits& other) const {
return StyleWillChangeBits { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleWillChangeBits& operator^=(const StyleWillChangeBits& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleWillChangeBits& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleWillChangeBits& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleWillChangeBits STACKING_CONTEXT_UNCONDITIONAL;
static const StyleWillChangeBits TRANSFORM;
static const StyleWillChangeBits SCROLL;
static const StyleWillChangeBits CONTAIN;
static const StyleWillChangeBits OPACITY;
static const StyleWillChangeBits PERSPECTIVE;
static const StyleWillChangeBits Z_INDEX;
static const StyleWillChangeBits FIXPOS_CB_NON_SVG;
static const StyleWillChangeBits POSITION;
/// Whether a property which can create a stacking context **on any
/// box** will change.
constexpr inline const StyleWillChangeBits StyleWillChangeBits::STACKING_CONTEXT_UNCONDITIONAL = StyleWillChangeBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Whether `transform` or related properties will change.
constexpr inline const StyleWillChangeBits StyleWillChangeBits::TRANSFORM = StyleWillChangeBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 1) };
/// Whether `scroll-position` will change.
constexpr inline const StyleWillChangeBits StyleWillChangeBits::SCROLL = StyleWillChangeBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 2) };
/// Whether `contain` will change.
constexpr inline const StyleWillChangeBits StyleWillChangeBits::CONTAIN = StyleWillChangeBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 3) };
/// Whether `opacity` will change.
constexpr inline const StyleWillChangeBits StyleWillChangeBits::OPACITY = StyleWillChangeBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 4) };
/// Whether `perspective` will change.
constexpr inline const StyleWillChangeBits StyleWillChangeBits::PERSPECTIVE = StyleWillChangeBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 5) };
/// Whether `z-index` will change.
constexpr inline const StyleWillChangeBits StyleWillChangeBits::Z_INDEX = StyleWillChangeBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 6) };
/// Whether any property which creates a containing block for non-svg
/// text frames will change.
constexpr inline const StyleWillChangeBits StyleWillChangeBits::FIXPOS_CB_NON_SVG = StyleWillChangeBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 7) };
/// Whether the position property will change.
constexpr inline const StyleWillChangeBits StyleWillChangeBits::POSITION = StyleWillChangeBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint16_t)(1 << 8) };
/// Provides a rendering hint to the user agent, stating what kinds of changes
/// the author expects to perform on the element.
/// `auto` is represented by an empty `features` list.
struct StyleWillChange {
/// The features that are supposed to change.
/// TODO(emilio): Consider using ArcSlice since we just clone them from the
/// specified value? That'd save an allocation, which could be worth it.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent> features;
/// A bitfield with the kind of change that the value will create, based
/// on the above field.
StyleWillChangeBits bits;
bool operator==(const StyleWillChange& other) const {
return features == other.features &&
bits == other.bits;
bool operator!=(const StyleWillChange& other) const {
return features != other.features ||
bits != other.bits;
/// Specified keyword values for the text-decoration-line property.
struct StyleTextDecorationLine {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleTextDecorationLine operator~() const {
return StyleTextDecorationLine { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleTextDecorationLine operator|(const StyleTextDecorationLine& other) const {
return StyleTextDecorationLine { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleTextDecorationLine& operator|=(const StyleTextDecorationLine& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleTextDecorationLine operator&(const StyleTextDecorationLine& other) const {
return StyleTextDecorationLine { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleTextDecorationLine& operator&=(const StyleTextDecorationLine& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleTextDecorationLine operator^(const StyleTextDecorationLine& other) const {
return StyleTextDecorationLine { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleTextDecorationLine& operator^=(const StyleTextDecorationLine& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleTextDecorationLine& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTextDecorationLine& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleTextDecorationLine NONE;
static const StyleTextDecorationLine UNDERLINE;
static const StyleTextDecorationLine OVERLINE;
static const StyleTextDecorationLine LINE_THROUGH;
static const StyleTextDecorationLine BLINK;
static const StyleTextDecorationLine COLOR_OVERRIDE;
/// No text decoration line is specified.
constexpr inline const StyleTextDecorationLine StyleTextDecorationLine::NONE = StyleTextDecorationLine{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)0 };
/// underline
constexpr inline const StyleTextDecorationLine StyleTextDecorationLine::UNDERLINE = StyleTextDecorationLine{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// overline
constexpr inline const StyleTextDecorationLine StyleTextDecorationLine::OVERLINE = StyleTextDecorationLine{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// line-through
constexpr inline const StyleTextDecorationLine StyleTextDecorationLine::LINE_THROUGH = StyleTextDecorationLine{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// blink
constexpr inline const StyleTextDecorationLine StyleTextDecorationLine::BLINK = StyleTextDecorationLine{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 3) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Only set by presentation attributes
/// Setting this will mean that text-decorations use the color
/// specified by `color` in quirks mode.
/// For example, this gives <a href=foo><font color="red">text</font></a>
/// a red text decoration
constexpr inline const StyleTextDecorationLine StyleTextDecorationLine::COLOR_OVERRIDE = StyleTextDecorationLine{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)16 };
/// Controls how the Masonry layout algorithm works
/// specifying exactly how auto-placed items get flowed in the masonry axis.
struct StyleMasonryAutoFlow {
/// Specify how to pick a auto-placement track.
StyleMasonryPlacement placement;
/// Specify how to pick an item to place.
StyleMasonryItemOrder order;
bool operator==(const StyleMasonryAutoFlow& other) const {
return placement == other.placement &&
order == other.order;
bool operator!=(const StyleMasonryAutoFlow& other) const {
return placement != other.placement ||
order != other.order;
/// Specified keyword values for the text-underline-position property.
/// (Non-exclusive, but not all combinations are allowed: the spec grammar gives
/// `auto | [ from-font | under ] || [ left | right ]`.)
struct StyleTextUnderlinePosition {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleTextUnderlinePosition operator~() const {
return StyleTextUnderlinePosition { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleTextUnderlinePosition operator|(const StyleTextUnderlinePosition& other) const {
return StyleTextUnderlinePosition { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleTextUnderlinePosition& operator|=(const StyleTextUnderlinePosition& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleTextUnderlinePosition operator&(const StyleTextUnderlinePosition& other) const {
return StyleTextUnderlinePosition { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleTextUnderlinePosition& operator&=(const StyleTextUnderlinePosition& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleTextUnderlinePosition operator^(const StyleTextUnderlinePosition& other) const {
return StyleTextUnderlinePosition { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleTextUnderlinePosition& operator^=(const StyleTextUnderlinePosition& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleTextUnderlinePosition& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTextUnderlinePosition& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline bool IsAuto() const;
inline bool IsFromFont() const;
inline bool IsUnder() const;
inline bool IsLeft() const;
inline bool IsRight() const;
static const StyleTextUnderlinePosition AUTO;
static const StyleTextUnderlinePosition FROM_FONT;
static const StyleTextUnderlinePosition UNDER;
static const StyleTextUnderlinePosition LEFT;
static const StyleTextUnderlinePosition RIGHT;
/// Use automatic positioning below the alphabetic baseline.
constexpr inline const StyleTextUnderlinePosition StyleTextUnderlinePosition::AUTO = StyleTextUnderlinePosition{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)0 };
/// Use underline position from the first available font.
constexpr inline const StyleTextUnderlinePosition StyleTextUnderlinePosition::FROM_FONT = StyleTextUnderlinePosition{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Below the glyph box.
constexpr inline const StyleTextUnderlinePosition StyleTextUnderlinePosition::UNDER = StyleTextUnderlinePosition{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// In vertical mode, place to the left of the text.
constexpr inline const StyleTextUnderlinePosition StyleTextUnderlinePosition::LEFT = StyleTextUnderlinePosition{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// In vertical mode, place to the right of the text.
constexpr inline const StyleTextUnderlinePosition StyleTextUnderlinePosition::RIGHT = StyleTextUnderlinePosition{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 3) };
/// Specified keyword values for non-case transforms in the text-transform property. (Non-exclusive.)
struct StyleTextTransformOther {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleTextTransformOther operator~() const {
return StyleTextTransformOther { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleTextTransformOther operator|(const StyleTextTransformOther& other) const {
return StyleTextTransformOther { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleTextTransformOther& operator|=(const StyleTextTransformOther& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleTextTransformOther operator&(const StyleTextTransformOther& other) const {
return StyleTextTransformOther { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleTextTransformOther& operator&=(const StyleTextTransformOther& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleTextTransformOther operator^(const StyleTextTransformOther& other) const {
return StyleTextTransformOther { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleTextTransformOther& operator^=(const StyleTextTransformOther& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleTextTransformOther& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTextTransformOther& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleTextTransformOther FULL_WIDTH;
static const StyleTextTransformOther FULL_SIZE_KANA;
/// full-width
constexpr inline const StyleTextTransformOther StyleTextTransformOther::FULL_WIDTH = StyleTextTransformOther{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// full-size-kana
constexpr inline const StyleTextTransformOther StyleTextTransformOther::FULL_SIZE_KANA = StyleTextTransformOther{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// Specified value of the text-transform property, stored in two parts:
/// the case-related transforms (mutually exclusive, only one may be in effect), and others (non-exclusive).
struct StyleTextTransform {
/// Case transform, if any.
StyleTextTransformCase case_;
/// Non-case transforms.
StyleTextTransformOther other_;
bool operator==(const StyleTextTransform& other) const {
return case_ == other.case_ &&
other_ == other.other_;
bool operator!=(const StyleTextTransform& other) const {
return case_ != other.case_ ||
other_ != other.other_;
static inline StyleTextTransform None();
inline bool IsNone() const;
/// A generic value for the `text-overflow` property.
struct StyleTextOverflowSide {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Clip inline content.
/// Render ellipsis to represent clipped inline content.
/// Render a given string to represent clipped inline content.
struct StyleString_Body {
StyleOwnedStr _0;
bool operator==(const StyleString_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleString_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleString_Body string;
static StyleTextOverflowSide Clip() {
StyleTextOverflowSide result;
result.tag = Tag::Clip;
return result;
bool IsClip() const {
return tag == Tag::Clip;
static StyleTextOverflowSide Ellipsis() {
StyleTextOverflowSide result;
result.tag = Tag::Ellipsis;
return result;
bool IsEllipsis() const {
return tag == Tag::Ellipsis;
static StyleTextOverflowSide String(const StyleOwnedStr &_0) {
StyleTextOverflowSide result;
::new (&result.string._0) (StyleOwnedStr)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::String;
return result;
bool IsString() const {
return tag == Tag::String;
const StyleOwnedStr& AsString() const {
return string._0;
bool operator==(const StyleTextOverflowSide& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: return string == other.string;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleTextOverflowSide& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleTextOverflowSide() {
~StyleTextOverflowSide() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: string.~StyleString_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleTextOverflowSide(const StyleTextOverflowSide& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: ::new (&string) (StyleString_Body)(other.string); break;
default: break;
StyleTextOverflowSide& operator=(const StyleTextOverflowSide& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleTextOverflowSide(other);
return *this;
/// text-overflow.
/// When the specified value only has one side, that's the "second"
/// side, and the sides are logical, so "second" means "end". The
/// start side is Clip in that case.
/// When the specified value has two sides, those are our "first"
/// and "second" sides, and they are physical sides ("left" and
/// "right").
struct StyleTextOverflow {
/// First side
StyleTextOverflowSide first;
/// Second side
StyleTextOverflowSide second;
/// True if the specified value only has one side.
bool sides_are_logical;
bool operator==(const StyleTextOverflow& other) const {
return first == other.first &&
second == other.second &&
sides_are_logical == other.sides_are_logical;
bool operator!=(const StyleTextOverflow& other) const {
return first != other.first ||
second != other.second ||
sides_are_logical != other.sides_are_logical;
: first(StyleTextOverflowSide::Clip()),
sides_are_logical(true) {}
/// Implements type for text-indent
/// which takes the grammar of [<length-percentage>] && hanging? && each-line?
template<typename LengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericTextIndent {
/// The amount of indent to be applied to the inline-start of the first line.
LengthPercentage length;
/// Apply indent to non-first lines instead of first.
bool hanging;
/// Apply to each line after a hard break, not only first in block.
bool each_line;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTextIndent& other) const {
return length == other.length &&
hanging == other.hanging &&
each_line == other.each_line;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTextIndent& other) const {
return length != other.length ||
hanging != other.hanging ||
each_line != other.each_line;
: length(StyleLengthPercentage::Zero()),
each_line(false) {}
/// The computed value of `text-indent`.
using StyleTextIndent = StyleGenericTextIndent<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// A generic value for `scrollbar-color` property.
template<typename Color>
struct StyleGenericScrollbarColor {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `auto`
/// `<color>{2}`
struct StyleColors_Body {
/// First `<color>`, for color of the scrollbar thumb.
Color thumb;
/// Second `<color>`, for color of the scrollbar track.
Color track;
bool operator==(const StyleColors_Body& other) const {
return thumb == other.thumb &&
track == other.track;
bool operator!=(const StyleColors_Body& other) const {
return thumb != other.thumb ||
track != other.track;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleColors_Body colors;
static StyleGenericScrollbarColor Auto() {
StyleGenericScrollbarColor result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StyleGenericScrollbarColor Colors(const Color &thumb,
const Color &track) {
StyleGenericScrollbarColor result;
::new (&result.colors.thumb) (Color)(thumb);
::new (&result.colors.track) (Color)(track);
result.tag = Tag::Colors;
return result;
bool IsColors() const {
return tag == Tag::Colors;
const StyleColors_Body& AsColors() const {
return colors;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericScrollbarColor& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Colors: return colors == other.colors;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericScrollbarColor& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericScrollbarColor() {
~StyleGenericScrollbarColor() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Colors: colors.~StyleColors_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericScrollbarColor(const StyleGenericScrollbarColor& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Colors: ::new (&colors) (StyleColors_Body)(other.colors); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericScrollbarColor& operator=(const StyleGenericScrollbarColor& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericScrollbarColor(other);
return *this;
/// A computed value for `scrollbar-color` property.
using StyleScrollbarColor = StyleGenericScrollbarColor<StyleColor>;
/// Either `<color>` or `auto`.
template<typename C>
struct StyleGenericColorOrAuto {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A `<color>`.
/// `auto`
struct StyleColor_Body {
C _0;
bool operator==(const StyleColor_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleColor_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleColor_Body color;
static StyleGenericColorOrAuto Color(const C &_0) {
StyleGenericColorOrAuto result;
::new (&result.color._0) (C)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Color;
return result;
bool IsColor() const {
return tag == Tag::Color;
const C& AsColor() const {
return color._0;
static StyleGenericColorOrAuto Auto() {
StyleGenericColorOrAuto result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericColorOrAuto& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Color: return color == other.color;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericColorOrAuto& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericColorOrAuto() {
~StyleGenericColorOrAuto() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Color: color.~StyleColor_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericColorOrAuto(const StyleGenericColorOrAuto& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Color: ::new (&color) (StyleColor_Body)(other.color); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericColorOrAuto& operator=(const StyleGenericColorOrAuto& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericColorOrAuto(other);
return *this;
/// Caret color is effectively a ColorOrAuto, but resolves `auto` to
/// currentColor.
template<typename C>
using StyleGenericCaretColor = StyleGenericColorOrAuto<C>;
/// caret-color
using StyleCaretColor = StyleGenericCaretColor<StyleColor>;
/// auto | <color>
using StyleColorOrAuto = StyleGenericColorOrAuto<StyleColor>;
/// A generic value for the `vertical-align` property.
template<typename LengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericVerticalAlign {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// One of the vertical-align keywords.
/// `<length-percentage>`
struct StyleKeyword_Body {
StyleVerticalAlignKeyword _0;
bool operator==(const StyleKeyword_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleKeyword_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleLength_Body {
LengthPercentage _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLength_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleKeyword_Body keyword;
StyleLength_Body length;
static StyleGenericVerticalAlign Keyword(const StyleVerticalAlignKeyword &_0) {
StyleGenericVerticalAlign result;
::new (&result.keyword._0) (StyleVerticalAlignKeyword)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Keyword;
return result;
bool IsKeyword() const {
return tag == Tag::Keyword;
const StyleVerticalAlignKeyword& AsKeyword() const {
return keyword._0;
static StyleGenericVerticalAlign Length(const LengthPercentage &_0) {
StyleGenericVerticalAlign result;
::new (&result.length._0) (LengthPercentage)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Length;
return result;
bool IsLength() const {
return tag == Tag::Length;
const LengthPercentage& AsLength() const {
return length._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericVerticalAlign& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Keyword: return keyword == other.keyword;
case Tag::Length: return length == other.length;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericVerticalAlign& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericVerticalAlign() {
~StyleGenericVerticalAlign() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Keyword: keyword.~StyleKeyword_Body(); break;
case Tag::Length: length.~StyleLength_Body(); break;
StyleGenericVerticalAlign(const StyleGenericVerticalAlign& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Keyword: ::new (&keyword) (StyleKeyword_Body)(other.keyword); break;
case Tag::Length: ::new (&length) (StyleLength_Body)(other.length); break;
StyleGenericVerticalAlign& operator=(const StyleGenericVerticalAlign& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericVerticalAlign(other);
return *this;
/// A computed value for the `vertical-align` property.
using StyleVerticalAlign = StyleGenericVerticalAlign<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// The computed value of `ShapeRadius`.
using StyleShapeRadius = StyleGenericShapeRadius<StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage>;
/// The computed value of `ShapeCommand`.
using StyleShapeCommand = StyleGenericShapeCommand<StyleAngle, StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// The inner pointer of an ArcSlice<T>, to be sent via FFI.
/// The type of the pointer is a bit of a lie, we just want to preserve the type
/// but these pointers cannot be constructed outside of this crate, so we're
/// good.
template<typename T>
struct StyleForgottenArcSlicePtr {
T *_0;
bool operator==(const StyleForgottenArcSlicePtr& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleForgottenArcSlicePtr& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
/// The context properties we understand.
struct StyleContextPropertyBits {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleContextPropertyBits operator~() const {
return StyleContextPropertyBits { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleContextPropertyBits operator|(const StyleContextPropertyBits& other) const {
return StyleContextPropertyBits { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleContextPropertyBits& operator|=(const StyleContextPropertyBits& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleContextPropertyBits operator&(const StyleContextPropertyBits& other) const {
return StyleContextPropertyBits { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleContextPropertyBits& operator&=(const StyleContextPropertyBits& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleContextPropertyBits operator^(const StyleContextPropertyBits& other) const {
return StyleContextPropertyBits { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleContextPropertyBits& operator^=(const StyleContextPropertyBits& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleContextPropertyBits& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleContextPropertyBits& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleContextPropertyBits FILL;
static const StyleContextPropertyBits STROKE;
static const StyleContextPropertyBits FILL_OPACITY;
static const StyleContextPropertyBits STROKE_OPACITY;
/// `fill`
constexpr inline const StyleContextPropertyBits StyleContextPropertyBits::FILL = StyleContextPropertyBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// `stroke`
constexpr inline const StyleContextPropertyBits StyleContextPropertyBits::STROKE = StyleContextPropertyBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// `fill-opacity`
constexpr inline const StyleContextPropertyBits StyleContextPropertyBits::FILL_OPACITY = StyleContextPropertyBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// `stroke-opacity`
constexpr inline const StyleContextPropertyBits StyleContextPropertyBits::STROKE_OPACITY = StyleContextPropertyBits{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 3) };
/// Specified MozContextProperties value.
struct StyleMozContextProperties {
StyleArcSlice<StyleCustomIdent> idents;
StyleContextPropertyBits bits;
bool operator==(const StyleMozContextProperties& other) const {
return idents == other.idents &&
bits == other.bits;
bool operator!=(const StyleMozContextProperties& other) const {
return idents != other.idents ||
bits != other.bits;
/// A quote pair.
struct StyleQuotePair {
/// The opening quote.
StyleOwnedStr opening;
/// The closing quote.
StyleOwnedStr closing;
bool operator==(const StyleQuotePair& other) const {
return opening == other.opening &&
closing == other.closing;
bool operator!=(const StyleQuotePair& other) const {
return opening != other.opening ||
closing != other.closing;
/// List of quote pairs for the specified/computed value of `quotes` property.
using StyleQuoteList = StyleArcSlice<StyleQuotePair>;
/// Specified and computed `quotes` property: `auto`, `none`, or a list
/// of characters.
struct StyleQuotes {
enum class Tag {
/// list of quote pairs
/// auto (use lang-dependent quote marks)
struct StyleQuoteList_Body {
StyleQuoteList _0;
bool operator==(const StyleQuoteList_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleQuoteList_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleQuoteList_Body quote_list;
static StyleQuotes QuoteList(const StyleQuoteList &_0) {
StyleQuotes result;
::new (&result.quote_list._0) (StyleQuoteList)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::QuoteList;
return result;
bool IsQuoteList() const {
return tag == Tag::QuoteList;
const StyleQuoteList& AsQuoteList() const {
return quote_list._0;
static StyleQuotes Auto() {
StyleQuotes result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
bool operator==(const StyleQuotes& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::QuoteList: return quote_list == other.quote_list;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleQuotes& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleQuotes() {
~StyleQuotes() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::QuoteList: quote_list.~StyleQuoteList_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleQuotes(const StyleQuotes& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::QuoteList: ::new (&quote_list) (StyleQuoteList_Body)(other.quote_list); break;
default: break;
StyleQuotes& operator=(const StyleQuotes& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleQuotes(other);
return *this;
/// A generic value for a single `box-shadow`.
template<typename Color, typename SizeLength, typename BlurShapeLength, typename ShapeLength>
struct StyleGenericBoxShadow {
/// The base shadow.
StyleGenericSimpleShadow<Color, SizeLength, BlurShapeLength> base;
/// The spread radius.
ShapeLength spread;
/// Whether this is an inset box shadow.
bool inset;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericBoxShadow& other) const {
return base == other.base &&
spread == other.spread &&
inset == other.inset;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericBoxShadow& other) const {
return base != other.base ||
spread != other.spread ||
inset != other.inset;
/// A computed value for a single shadow of the `box-shadow` property.
using StyleBoxShadow = StyleGenericBoxShadow<StyleColor, StyleLength, StyleNonNegativeLength, StyleLength>;
/// A generic value for a single side of a `border-image-width` property.
template<typename LP, typename N>
struct StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `<number>`
/// NOTE: Numbers need to be before length-percentagess, in order to parse
/// them first, since `0` should be a number, not the `0px` length.
/// `<length-or-percentage>`
/// `auto`
struct StyleNumber_Body {
N _0;
bool operator==(const StyleNumber_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleNumber_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleLengthPercentage_Body {
LP _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleNumber_Body number;
StyleLengthPercentage_Body length_percentage;
static StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth Number(const N &_0) {
StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth result;
::new (&result.number._0) (N)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Number;
return result;
bool IsNumber() const {
return tag == Tag::Number;
const N& AsNumber() const {
return number._0;
static StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth LengthPercentage(const LP &_0) {
StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth result;
::new (&result.length_percentage._0) (LP)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::LengthPercentage;
return result;
bool IsLengthPercentage() const {
return tag == Tag::LengthPercentage;
const LP& AsLengthPercentage() const {
return length_percentage._0;
static StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth Auto() {
StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: return number == other.number;
case Tag::LengthPercentage: return length_percentage == other.length_percentage;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth() {
~StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: number.~StyleNumber_Body(); break;
case Tag::LengthPercentage: length_percentage.~StyleLengthPercentage_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth(const StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: ::new (&number) (StyleNumber_Body)(other.number); break;
case Tag::LengthPercentage: ::new (&length_percentage) (StyleLengthPercentage_Body)(other.length_percentage); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth& operator=(const StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth(other);
return *this;
/// A computed value for a single side of a `border-image-width` property.
using StyleBorderImageSideWidth = StyleGenericBorderImageSideWidth<StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage, StyleNonNegativeNumber>;
/// A computed value for the `border-image-width` property.
using StyleBorderImageWidth = StyleRect<StyleBorderImageSideWidth>;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The computed value of a CSS image `url()`.
using StyleComputedImageUrl = StyleComputedUrl;
/// An image url or none, used for example in list-style-image
template<typename U>
struct StyleGenericUrlOrNone {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `none`
/// A URL.
struct StyleUrl_Body {
U _0;
bool operator==(const StyleUrl_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleUrl_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleUrl_Body url;
static StyleGenericUrlOrNone None() {
StyleGenericUrlOrNone result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericUrlOrNone Url(const U &_0) {
StyleGenericUrlOrNone result;
::new (&result.url._0) (U)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Url;
return result;
bool IsUrl() const {
return tag == Tag::Url;
const U& AsUrl() const {
return url._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericUrlOrNone& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: return url == other.url;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericUrlOrNone& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericUrlOrNone() {
~StyleGenericUrlOrNone() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: url.~StyleUrl_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericUrlOrNone(const StyleGenericUrlOrNone& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: ::new (&url) (StyleUrl_Body)(other.url); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericUrlOrNone& operator=(const StyleGenericUrlOrNone& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericUrlOrNone(other);
return *this;
/// Computed <url> | <none>
using StyleUrlOrNone = StyleGenericUrlOrNone<StyleComputedUrl>;
/// A computed gradient line direction.
struct StyleLineDirection {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// An angle.
/// A horizontal direction.
/// A vertical direction.
/// A corner.
struct StyleAngle_Body {
StyleAngle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAngle_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAngle_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleHorizontal_Body {
StyleHorizontalPositionKeyword _0;
bool operator==(const StyleHorizontal_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleHorizontal_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleVertical_Body {
StyleVerticalPositionKeyword _0;
bool operator==(const StyleVertical_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleVertical_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleCorner_Body {
StyleHorizontalPositionKeyword _0;
StyleVerticalPositionKeyword _1;
bool operator==(const StyleCorner_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StyleCorner_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleAngle_Body angle;
StyleHorizontal_Body horizontal;
StyleVertical_Body vertical;
StyleCorner_Body corner;
static StyleLineDirection Angle(const StyleAngle &_0) {
StyleLineDirection result;
::new (&result.angle._0) (StyleAngle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Angle;
return result;
bool IsAngle() const {
return tag == Tag::Angle;
const StyleAngle& AsAngle() const {
return angle._0;
static StyleLineDirection Horizontal(const StyleHorizontalPositionKeyword &_0) {
StyleLineDirection result;
::new (&result.horizontal._0) (StyleHorizontalPositionKeyword)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Horizontal;
return result;
bool IsHorizontal() const {
return tag == Tag::Horizontal;
const StyleHorizontalPositionKeyword& AsHorizontal() const {
return horizontal._0;
static StyleLineDirection Vertical(const StyleVerticalPositionKeyword &_0) {
StyleLineDirection result;
::new (&result.vertical._0) (StyleVerticalPositionKeyword)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Vertical;
return result;
bool IsVertical() const {
return tag == Tag::Vertical;
const StyleVerticalPositionKeyword& AsVertical() const {
return vertical._0;
static StyleLineDirection Corner(const StyleHorizontalPositionKeyword &_0,
const StyleVerticalPositionKeyword &_1) {
StyleLineDirection result;
::new (&result.corner._0) (StyleHorizontalPositionKeyword)(_0);
::new (&result.corner._1) (StyleVerticalPositionKeyword)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Corner;
return result;
bool IsCorner() const {
return tag == Tag::Corner;
const StyleCorner_Body& AsCorner() const {
return corner;
bool operator==(const StyleLineDirection& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Angle: return angle == other.angle;
case Tag::Horizontal: return horizontal == other.horizontal;
case Tag::Vertical: return vertical == other.vertical;
case Tag::Corner: return corner == other.corner;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleLineDirection& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleLineDirection() {
~StyleLineDirection() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Angle: angle.~StyleAngle_Body(); break;
case Tag::Horizontal: horizontal.~StyleHorizontal_Body(); break;
case Tag::Vertical: vertical.~StyleVertical_Body(); break;
case Tag::Corner: corner.~StyleCorner_Body(); break;
StyleLineDirection(const StyleLineDirection& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Angle: ::new (&angle) (StyleAngle_Body)(other.angle); break;
case Tag::Horizontal: ::new (&horizontal) (StyleHorizontal_Body)(other.horizontal); break;
case Tag::Vertical: ::new (&vertical) (StyleVertical_Body)(other.vertical); break;
case Tag::Corner: ::new (&corner) (StyleCorner_Body)(other.corner); break;
StyleLineDirection& operator=(const StyleLineDirection& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleLineDirection(other);
return *this;
struct StyleAngleOrPercentage {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StylePercentage_Body {
StylePercentage _0;
bool operator==(const StylePercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleAngle_Body {
StyleAngle _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAngle_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAngle_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StylePercentage_Body percentage;
StyleAngle_Body angle;
static StyleAngleOrPercentage Percentage(const StylePercentage &_0) {
StyleAngleOrPercentage result;
::new (&result.percentage._0) (StylePercentage)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Percentage;
return result;
bool IsPercentage() const {
return tag == Tag::Percentage;
const StylePercentage& AsPercentage() const {
return percentage._0;
static StyleAngleOrPercentage Angle(const StyleAngle &_0) {
StyleAngleOrPercentage result;
::new (&result.angle._0) (StyleAngle)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Angle;
return result;
bool IsAngle() const {
return tag == Tag::Angle;
const StyleAngle& AsAngle() const {
return angle._0;
bool operator==(const StyleAngleOrPercentage& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Percentage: return percentage == other.percentage;
case Tag::Angle: return angle == other.angle;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleAngleOrPercentage& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleAngleOrPercentage() {
~StyleAngleOrPercentage() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Percentage: percentage.~StylePercentage_Body(); break;
case Tag::Angle: angle.~StyleAngle_Body(); break;
StyleAngleOrPercentage(const StyleAngleOrPercentage& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Percentage: ::new (&percentage) (StylePercentage_Body)(other.percentage); break;
case Tag::Angle: ::new (&angle) (StyleAngle_Body)(other.angle); break;
StyleAngleOrPercentage& operator=(const StyleAngleOrPercentage& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleAngleOrPercentage(other);
return *this;
/// A gradient item.
template<typename Color, typename T>
struct StyleGenericGradientItem {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A simple color stop, without position.
/// A complex color stop, with a position.
/// An interpolation hint.
struct StyleSimpleColorStop_Body {
Color _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSimpleColorStop_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSimpleColorStop_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleComplexColorStop_Body {
/// The color for the stop.
Color color;
/// The position for the stop.
T position;
bool operator==(const StyleComplexColorStop_Body& other) const {
return color == other.color &&
position == other.position;
bool operator!=(const StyleComplexColorStop_Body& other) const {
return color != other.color ||
position != other.position;
struct StyleInterpolationHint_Body {
T _0;
bool operator==(const StyleInterpolationHint_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleInterpolationHint_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleSimpleColorStop_Body simple_color_stop;
StyleComplexColorStop_Body complex_color_stop;
StyleInterpolationHint_Body interpolation_hint;
static StyleGenericGradientItem SimpleColorStop(const Color &_0) {
StyleGenericGradientItem result;
::new (&result.simple_color_stop._0) (Color)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::SimpleColorStop;
return result;
bool IsSimpleColorStop() const {
return tag == Tag::SimpleColorStop;
const Color& AsSimpleColorStop() const {
return simple_color_stop._0;
static StyleGenericGradientItem ComplexColorStop(const Color &color,
const T &position) {
StyleGenericGradientItem result;
::new (&result.complex_color_stop.color) (Color)(color);
::new (&result.complex_color_stop.position) (T)(position);
result.tag = Tag::ComplexColorStop;
return result;
bool IsComplexColorStop() const {
return tag == Tag::ComplexColorStop;
const StyleComplexColorStop_Body& AsComplexColorStop() const {
return complex_color_stop;
static StyleGenericGradientItem InterpolationHint(const T &_0) {
StyleGenericGradientItem result;
::new (&result.interpolation_hint._0) (T)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::InterpolationHint;
return result;
bool IsInterpolationHint() const {
return tag == Tag::InterpolationHint;
const T& AsInterpolationHint() const {
return interpolation_hint._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericGradientItem& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::SimpleColorStop: return simple_color_stop == other.simple_color_stop;
case Tag::ComplexColorStop: return complex_color_stop == other.complex_color_stop;
case Tag::InterpolationHint: return interpolation_hint == other.interpolation_hint;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericGradientItem& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericGradientItem() {
~StyleGenericGradientItem() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::SimpleColorStop: simple_color_stop.~StyleSimpleColorStop_Body(); break;
case Tag::ComplexColorStop: complex_color_stop.~StyleComplexColorStop_Body(); break;
case Tag::InterpolationHint: interpolation_hint.~StyleInterpolationHint_Body(); break;
StyleGenericGradientItem(const StyleGenericGradientItem& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::SimpleColorStop: ::new (&simple_color_stop) (StyleSimpleColorStop_Body)(other.simple_color_stop); break;
case Tag::ComplexColorStop: ::new (&complex_color_stop) (StyleComplexColorStop_Body)(other.complex_color_stop); break;
case Tag::InterpolationHint: ::new (&interpolation_hint) (StyleInterpolationHint_Body)(other.interpolation_hint); break;
StyleGenericGradientItem& operator=(const StyleGenericGradientItem& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericGradientItem(other);
return *this;
/// State flags stored on each variant of a Gradient.
struct StyleGradientFlags {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleGradientFlags operator~() const {
return StyleGradientFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleGradientFlags operator|(const StyleGradientFlags& other) const {
return StyleGradientFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleGradientFlags& operator|=(const StyleGradientFlags& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleGradientFlags operator&(const StyleGradientFlags& other) const {
return StyleGradientFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleGradientFlags& operator&=(const StyleGradientFlags& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleGradientFlags operator^(const StyleGradientFlags& other) const {
return StyleGradientFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleGradientFlags& operator^=(const StyleGradientFlags& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleGradientFlags& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleGradientFlags& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleGradientFlags REPEATING;
/// Set if this is a repeating gradient.
constexpr inline const StyleGradientFlags StyleGradientFlags::REPEATING = StyleGradientFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Set if the color interpolation method matches the default for the items.
constexpr inline const StyleGradientFlags StyleGradientFlags::HAS_DEFAULT_COLOR_INTERPOLATION_METHOD = StyleGradientFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// A circle shape.
template<typename NonNegativeLength>
struct StyleGenericCircle {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A circle radius.
/// A circle extent.
struct StyleRadius_Body {
NonNegativeLength _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRadius_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRadius_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleExtent_Body {
StyleShapeExtent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleExtent_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleExtent_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleRadius_Body radius;
StyleExtent_Body extent;
static StyleGenericCircle Radius(const NonNegativeLength &_0) {
StyleGenericCircle result;
::new (&result.radius._0) (NonNegativeLength)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Radius;
return result;
bool IsRadius() const {
return tag == Tag::Radius;
const NonNegativeLength& AsRadius() const {
return radius._0;
static StyleGenericCircle Extent(const StyleShapeExtent &_0) {
StyleGenericCircle result;
::new (&result.extent._0) (StyleShapeExtent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Extent;
return result;
bool IsExtent() const {
return tag == Tag::Extent;
const StyleShapeExtent& AsExtent() const {
return extent._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericCircle& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Radius: return radius == other.radius;
case Tag::Extent: return extent == other.extent;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericCircle& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericCircle() {
~StyleGenericCircle() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Radius: radius.~StyleRadius_Body(); break;
case Tag::Extent: extent.~StyleExtent_Body(); break;
StyleGenericCircle(const StyleGenericCircle& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Radius: ::new (&radius) (StyleRadius_Body)(other.radius); break;
case Tag::Extent: ::new (&extent) (StyleExtent_Body)(other.extent); break;
StyleGenericCircle& operator=(const StyleGenericCircle& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericCircle(other);
return *this;
/// An ellipse shape.
template<typename NonNegativeLengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericEllipse {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// An ellipse pair of radii.
/// An ellipse extent.
struct StyleRadii_Body {
NonNegativeLengthPercentage _0;
NonNegativeLengthPercentage _1;
bool operator==(const StyleRadii_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StyleRadii_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct StyleExtent_Body {
StyleShapeExtent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleExtent_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleExtent_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleRadii_Body radii;
StyleExtent_Body extent;
static StyleGenericEllipse Radii(const NonNegativeLengthPercentage &_0,
const NonNegativeLengthPercentage &_1) {
StyleGenericEllipse result;
::new (&result.radii._0) (NonNegativeLengthPercentage)(_0);
::new (&result.radii._1) (NonNegativeLengthPercentage)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Radii;
return result;
bool IsRadii() const {
return tag == Tag::Radii;
const StyleRadii_Body& AsRadii() const {
return radii;
static StyleGenericEllipse Extent(const StyleShapeExtent &_0) {
StyleGenericEllipse result;
::new (&result.extent._0) (StyleShapeExtent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Extent;
return result;
bool IsExtent() const {
return tag == Tag::Extent;
const StyleShapeExtent& AsExtent() const {
return extent._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericEllipse& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Radii: return radii == other.radii;
case Tag::Extent: return extent == other.extent;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericEllipse& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericEllipse() {
~StyleGenericEllipse() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Radii: radii.~StyleRadii_Body(); break;
case Tag::Extent: extent.~StyleExtent_Body(); break;
StyleGenericEllipse(const StyleGenericEllipse& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Radii: ::new (&radii) (StyleRadii_Body)(other.radii); break;
case Tag::Extent: ::new (&extent) (StyleExtent_Body)(other.extent); break;
StyleGenericEllipse& operator=(const StyleGenericEllipse& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericEllipse(other);
return *this;
/// A radial gradient's ending shape.
template<typename NonNegativeLength, typename NonNegativeLengthPercentage>
struct StyleGenericEndingShape {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A circular gradient.
/// An elliptic gradient.
struct StyleCircle_Body {
StyleGenericCircle<NonNegativeLength> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleCircle_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleCircle_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleEllipse_Body {
StyleGenericEllipse<NonNegativeLengthPercentage> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleEllipse_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleEllipse_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleCircle_Body circle;
StyleEllipse_Body ellipse;
static StyleGenericEndingShape Circle(const StyleGenericCircle<NonNegativeLength> &_0) {
StyleGenericEndingShape result;
::new (& (StyleGenericCircle<NonNegativeLength>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Circle;
return result;
bool IsCircle() const {
return tag == Tag::Circle;
const StyleGenericCircle<NonNegativeLength>& AsCircle() const {
return circle._0;
static StyleGenericEndingShape Ellipse(const StyleGenericEllipse<NonNegativeLengthPercentage> &_0) {
StyleGenericEndingShape result;
::new (&result.ellipse._0) (StyleGenericEllipse<NonNegativeLengthPercentage>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Ellipse;
return result;
bool IsEllipse() const {
return tag == Tag::Ellipse;
const StyleGenericEllipse<NonNegativeLengthPercentage>& AsEllipse() const {
return ellipse._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericEndingShape& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Circle: return circle ==;
case Tag::Ellipse: return ellipse == other.ellipse;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericEndingShape& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericEndingShape() {
~StyleGenericEndingShape() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Circle: circle.~StyleCircle_Body(); break;
case Tag::Ellipse: ellipse.~StyleEllipse_Body(); break;
StyleGenericEndingShape(const StyleGenericEndingShape& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Circle: ::new (&circle) (StyleCircle_Body)(; break;
case Tag::Ellipse: ::new (&ellipse) (StyleEllipse_Body)(other.ellipse); break;
StyleGenericEndingShape& operator=(const StyleGenericEndingShape& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericEndingShape(other);
return *this;
/// A CSS gradient.
template<typename LineDirection, typename LengthPercentage, typename NonNegativeLength, typename NonNegativeLengthPercentage, typename Position, typename Angle, typename AngleOrPercentage, typename Color>
struct StyleGenericGradient {
enum class Tag {
/// A linear gradient.
/// A radial gradient.
/// A conic gradient.
struct StyleLinear_Body {
/// Line direction
LineDirection direction;
/// Method to use for color interpolation.
StyleColorInterpolationMethod color_interpolation_method;
/// The color stops and interpolation hints.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericGradientItem<Color, LengthPercentage>> items;
/// State flags for the gradient.
StyleGradientFlags flags;
/// Compatibility mode.
StyleGradientCompatMode compat_mode;
bool operator==(const StyleLinear_Body& other) const {
return direction == other.direction &&
color_interpolation_method == other.color_interpolation_method &&
items == other.items &&
flags == other.flags &&
compat_mode == other.compat_mode;
bool operator!=(const StyleLinear_Body& other) const {
return direction != other.direction ||
color_interpolation_method != other.color_interpolation_method ||
items != other.items ||
flags != other.flags ||
compat_mode != other.compat_mode;
struct StyleRadial_Body {
/// Shape of gradient
StyleGenericEndingShape<NonNegativeLength, NonNegativeLengthPercentage> shape;
/// Center of gradient
Position position;
/// Method to use for color interpolation.
StyleColorInterpolationMethod color_interpolation_method;
/// The color stops and interpolation hints.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericGradientItem<Color, LengthPercentage>> items;
/// State flags for the gradient.
StyleGradientFlags flags;
/// Compatibility mode.
StyleGradientCompatMode compat_mode;
bool operator==(const StyleRadial_Body& other) const {
return shape == other.shape &&
position == other.position &&
color_interpolation_method == other.color_interpolation_method &&
items == other.items &&
flags == other.flags &&
compat_mode == other.compat_mode;
bool operator!=(const StyleRadial_Body& other) const {
return shape != other.shape ||
position != other.position ||
color_interpolation_method != other.color_interpolation_method ||
items != other.items ||
flags != other.flags ||
compat_mode != other.compat_mode;
struct StyleConic_Body {
/// Start angle of gradient
Angle angle;
/// Center of gradient
Position position;
/// Method to use for color interpolation.
StyleColorInterpolationMethod color_interpolation_method;
/// The color stops and interpolation hints.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericGradientItem<Color, AngleOrPercentage>> items;
/// State flags for the gradient.
StyleGradientFlags flags;
bool operator==(const StyleConic_Body& other) const {
return angle == other.angle &&
position == other.position &&
color_interpolation_method == other.color_interpolation_method &&
items == other.items &&
flags == other.flags;
bool operator!=(const StyleConic_Body& other) const {
return angle != other.angle ||
position != other.position ||
color_interpolation_method != other.color_interpolation_method ||
items != other.items ||
flags != other.flags;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLinear_Body linear;
StyleRadial_Body radial;
StyleConic_Body conic;
static StyleGenericGradient Linear(const LineDirection &direction,
const StyleColorInterpolationMethod &color_interpolation_method,
const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericGradientItem<Color, LengthPercentage>> &items,
const StyleGradientFlags &flags,
const StyleGradientCompatMode &compat_mode) {
StyleGenericGradient result;
::new (&result.linear.direction) (LineDirection)(direction);
::new (&result.linear.color_interpolation_method) (StyleColorInterpolationMethod)(color_interpolation_method);
::new (&result.linear.items) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericGradientItem<Color, LengthPercentage>>)(items);
::new (&result.linear.flags) (StyleGradientFlags)(flags);
::new (&result.linear.compat_mode) (StyleGradientCompatMode)(compat_mode);
result.tag = Tag::Linear;
return result;
bool IsLinear() const {
return tag == Tag::Linear;
const StyleLinear_Body& AsLinear() const {
return linear;
static StyleGenericGradient Radial(const StyleGenericEndingShape<NonNegativeLength, NonNegativeLengthPercentage> &shape,
const Position &position,
const StyleColorInterpolationMethod &color_interpolation_method,
const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericGradientItem<Color, LengthPercentage>> &items,
const StyleGradientFlags &flags,
const StyleGradientCompatMode &compat_mode) {
StyleGenericGradient result;
::new (&result.radial.shape) (StyleGenericEndingShape<NonNegativeLength, NonNegativeLengthPercentage>)(shape);
::new (&result.radial.position) (Position)(position);
::new (&result.radial.color_interpolation_method) (StyleColorInterpolationMethod)(color_interpolation_method);
::new (&result.radial.items) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericGradientItem<Color, LengthPercentage>>)(items);
::new (&result.radial.flags) (StyleGradientFlags)(flags);
::new (&result.radial.compat_mode) (StyleGradientCompatMode)(compat_mode);
result.tag = Tag::Radial;
return result;
bool IsRadial() const {
return tag == Tag::Radial;
const StyleRadial_Body& AsRadial() const {
return radial;
static StyleGenericGradient Conic(const Angle &angle,
const Position &position,
const StyleColorInterpolationMethod &color_interpolation_method,
const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericGradientItem<Color, AngleOrPercentage>> &items,
const StyleGradientFlags &flags) {
StyleGenericGradient result;
::new (&result.conic.angle) (Angle)(angle);
::new (&result.conic.position) (Position)(position);
::new (&result.conic.color_interpolation_method) (StyleColorInterpolationMethod)(color_interpolation_method);
::new (&result.conic.items) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericGradientItem<Color, AngleOrPercentage>>)(items);
::new (&result.conic.flags) (StyleGradientFlags)(flags);
result.tag = Tag::Conic;
return result;
bool IsConic() const {
return tag == Tag::Conic;
const StyleConic_Body& AsConic() const {
return conic;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericGradient& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Linear: return linear == other.linear;
case Tag::Radial: return radial == other.radial;
case Tag::Conic: return conic == other.conic;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericGradient& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericGradient() {
~StyleGenericGradient() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Linear: linear.~StyleLinear_Body(); break;
case Tag::Radial: radial.~StyleRadial_Body(); break;
case Tag::Conic: conic.~StyleConic_Body(); break;
StyleGenericGradient(const StyleGenericGradient& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Linear: ::new (&linear) (StyleLinear_Body)(other.linear); break;
case Tag::Radial: ::new (&radial) (StyleRadial_Body)(other.radial); break;
case Tag::Conic: ::new (&conic) (StyleConic_Body)(other.conic); break;
StyleGenericGradient& operator=(const StyleGenericGradient& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericGradient(other);
return *this;
inline bool Repeating() const;
bool IsOpaque() const;
// Return the color interpolation method of the gradient.
inline const StyleColorInterpolationMethod& ColorInterpolationMethod() const;
/// Computed values for a CSS gradient.
using StyleGradient = StyleGenericGradient<StyleLineDirection, StyleLengthPercentage, StyleNonNegativeLength, StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage, StylePosition, StyleAngle, StyleAngleOrPercentage, StyleColor>;
/// A range of rows or columns. Using this instead of std::ops::Range for FFI
/// purposes.
struct StyleUnsignedRange {
/// The start of the range.
uint32_t start;
/// The end of the range.
uint32_t end;
bool operator==(const StyleUnsignedRange& other) const {
return start == other.start &&
end == other.end;
bool operator!=(const StyleUnsignedRange& other) const {
return start != other.start ||
end != other.end;
/// Not associated with any particular grid item, but can be referenced from the
/// grid-placement properties.
struct StyleNamedArea {
/// Name of the `named area`
StyleAtom name;
/// Rows of the `named area`
StyleUnsignedRange rows;
/// Columns of the `named area`
StyleUnsignedRange columns;
bool operator==(const StyleNamedArea& other) const {
return name == &&
rows == other.rows &&
columns == other.columns;
bool operator!=(const StyleNamedArea& other) const {
return name != ||
rows != other.rows ||
columns != other.columns;
struct StyleTemplateAreas {
/// `named area` containing for each template area
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleNamedArea> areas;
/// The simplified CSS strings for serialization purpose.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleOwnedStr> strings;
/// The number of columns of the grid.
uint32_t width;
bool operator==(const StyleTemplateAreas& other) const {
return areas == other.areas &&
strings == other.strings &&
width == other.width;
bool operator!=(const StyleTemplateAreas& other) const {
return areas != other.areas ||
strings != other.strings ||
width != other.width;
/// Arc type for `Arc<TemplateAreas>`
using StyleTemplateAreasArc = StyleArc<StyleTemplateAreas>;
/// This property specifies named grid areas.
/// The syntax of this property also provides a visualization of the structure
/// of the grid, making the overall layout of the grid container easier to
/// understand.
struct StyleGridTemplateAreas {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// The `none` value.
/// The actual value.
struct StyleAreas_Body {
StyleTemplateAreasArc _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAreas_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAreas_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleAreas_Body areas;
static StyleGridTemplateAreas None() {
StyleGridTemplateAreas result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGridTemplateAreas Areas(const StyleTemplateAreasArc &_0) {
StyleGridTemplateAreas result;
::new (&result.areas._0) (StyleTemplateAreasArc)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Areas;
return result;
bool IsAreas() const {
return tag == Tag::Areas;
const StyleTemplateAreasArc& AsAreas() const {
return areas._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGridTemplateAreas& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Areas: return areas == other.areas;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGridTemplateAreas& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGridTemplateAreas() {
~StyleGridTemplateAreas() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Areas: areas.~StyleAreas_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGridTemplateAreas(const StyleGridTemplateAreas& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Areas: ::new (&areas) (StyleAreas_Body)(other.areas); break;
default: break;
StyleGridTemplateAreas& operator=(const StyleGridTemplateAreas& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGridTemplateAreas(other);
return *this;
/// A `<grid-line>` type.
template<typename Integer>
struct StyleGenericGridLine {
/// A custom identifier for named lines, or the empty atom otherwise.
StyleCustomIdent ident;
/// Denotes the nth grid line from grid item's placement.
/// This is clamped by MIN_GRID_LINE and MAX_GRID_LINE.
/// NOTE(emilio): If we ever allow animating these we need to either do
/// something more complicated for the clamping, or do this clamping at
/// used-value time.
Integer line_num;
/// Flag to check whether it's a `span` keyword.
bool is_span;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericGridLine& other) const {
return ident == other.ident &&
line_num == other.line_num &&
is_span == other.is_span;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericGridLine& other) const {
return ident != other.ident ||
line_num != other.line_num ||
is_span != other.is_span;
// Returns the `auto` value.
inline StyleGenericGridLine();
inline bool IsAuto() const;
// The line name, or nsGkAtoms::_empty if not present.
inline nsAtom* LineName() const;
/// The computed value of a `<grid-line>`.
using StyleGridLine = StyleGenericGridLine<StyleInteger>;
/// A track breadth for explicit grid track sizing. It's generic solely to
/// avoid re-implementing it for the computed type.
template<typename L>
struct StyleGenericTrackBreadth {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// The generic type is almost always a non-negative `<length-percentage>`
/// A flex fraction specified in `fr` units.
/// `auto`
/// `min-content`
/// `max-content`
struct StyleBreadth_Body {
L _0;
bool operator==(const StyleBreadth_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleBreadth_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleFr_Body {
StyleCSSFloat _0;
bool operator==(const StyleFr_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleFr_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleBreadth_Body breadth;
StyleFr_Body fr;
static StyleGenericTrackBreadth Breadth(const L &_0) {
StyleGenericTrackBreadth result;
::new (&result.breadth._0) (L)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Breadth;
return result;
bool IsBreadth() const {
return tag == Tag::Breadth;
const L& AsBreadth() const {
return breadth._0;
static StyleGenericTrackBreadth Fr(const StyleCSSFloat &_0) {
StyleGenericTrackBreadth result;
::new (& (StyleCSSFloat)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Fr;
return result;
bool IsFr() const {
return tag == Tag::Fr;
const StyleCSSFloat& AsFr() const {
return fr._0;
static StyleGenericTrackBreadth Auto() {
StyleGenericTrackBreadth result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StyleGenericTrackBreadth MinContent() {
StyleGenericTrackBreadth result;
result.tag = Tag::MinContent;
return result;
bool IsMinContent() const {
return tag == Tag::MinContent;
static StyleGenericTrackBreadth MaxContent() {
StyleGenericTrackBreadth result;
result.tag = Tag::MaxContent;
return result;
bool IsMaxContent() const {
return tag == Tag::MaxContent;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTrackBreadth& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Breadth: return breadth == other.breadth;
case Tag::Fr: return fr ==;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTrackBreadth& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericTrackBreadth() {
~StyleGenericTrackBreadth() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Breadth: breadth.~StyleBreadth_Body(); break;
case Tag::Fr: fr.~StyleFr_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericTrackBreadth(const StyleGenericTrackBreadth& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Breadth: ::new (&breadth) (StyleBreadth_Body)(other.breadth); break;
case Tag::Fr: ::new (&fr) (StyleFr_Body)(; break;
default: break;
StyleGenericTrackBreadth& operator=(const StyleGenericTrackBreadth& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericTrackBreadth(other);
return *this;
inline bool HasPercent() const;
/// A `<track-size>` type for explicit grid track sizing. Like `<track-breadth>`, this is
/// generic only to avoid code bloat. It only takes `<length-percentage>`
template<typename L>
struct StyleGenericTrackSize {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A flexible `<track-breadth>`
/// A `minmax` function for a range over an inflexible `<track-breadth>`
/// and a flexible `<track-breadth>`
/// A `fit-content` function.
/// This stores a TrackBreadth<L> for convenience, but it can only be a
/// LengthPercentage.
struct StyleBreadth_Body {
StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleBreadth_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleBreadth_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleMinmax_Body {
StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L> _0;
StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L> _1;
bool operator==(const StyleMinmax_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StyleMinmax_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct StyleFitContent_Body {
StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleFitContent_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleFitContent_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleBreadth_Body breadth;
StyleMinmax_Body minmax;
StyleFitContent_Body fit_content;
static StyleGenericTrackSize Breadth(const StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L> &_0) {
StyleGenericTrackSize result;
::new (&result.breadth._0) (StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Breadth;
return result;
bool IsBreadth() const {
return tag == Tag::Breadth;
const StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L>& AsBreadth() const {
return breadth._0;
static StyleGenericTrackSize Minmax(const StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L> &_0,
const StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L> &_1) {
StyleGenericTrackSize result;
::new (&result.minmax._0) (StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L>)(_0);
::new (&result.minmax._1) (StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L>)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Minmax;
return result;
bool IsMinmax() const {
return tag == Tag::Minmax;
const StyleMinmax_Body& AsMinmax() const {
return minmax;
static StyleGenericTrackSize FitContent(const StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L> &_0) {
StyleGenericTrackSize result;
::new (&result.fit_content._0) (StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::FitContent;
return result;
bool IsFitContent() const {
return tag == Tag::FitContent;
const StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L>& AsFitContent() const {
return fit_content._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTrackSize& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Breadth: return breadth == other.breadth;
case Tag::Minmax: return minmax == other.minmax;
case Tag::FitContent: return fit_content == other.fit_content;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTrackSize& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericTrackSize() {
~StyleGenericTrackSize() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Breadth: breadth.~StyleBreadth_Body(); break;
case Tag::Minmax: minmax.~StyleMinmax_Body(); break;
case Tag::FitContent: fit_content.~StyleFitContent_Body(); break;
StyleGenericTrackSize(const StyleGenericTrackSize& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Breadth: ::new (&breadth) (StyleBreadth_Body)(other.breadth); break;
case Tag::Minmax: ::new (&minmax) (StyleMinmax_Body)(other.minmax); break;
case Tag::FitContent: ::new (&fit_content) (StyleFitContent_Body)(other.fit_content); break;
StyleGenericTrackSize& operator=(const StyleGenericTrackSize& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericTrackSize(other);
return *this;
// Implemented in nsGridContainerFrame.cpp
inline const StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L>& GetMin() const;
inline const StyleGenericTrackBreadth<L>& GetMax() const;
/// The computed value of a grid `<track-size>`
using StyleTrackSize = StyleGenericTrackSize<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// The computed value of a grid `<track-breadth>`
using StyleTrackBreadth = StyleGenericTrackBreadth<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// A `<track-size>+`.
/// We use the empty slice as `auto`, and always parse `auto` as an empty slice.
/// This means it's impossible to have a slice containing only one auto item.
template<typename T>
using StyleGenericImplicitGridTracks = StyleOwnedSlice<T>;
/// The computed value of a grid `<track-size>+`
using StyleImplicitGridTracks = StyleGenericImplicitGridTracks<StyleTrackSize>;
/// An SVG paint value without the fallback.
/// Whereas the spec only allows PaintServer to have a fallback, Gecko lets the
/// context properties have a fallback as well.
template<typename C, typename U>
struct StyleGenericSVGPaintKind {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `none`
/// `<color>`
/// `url(...)`
/// `context-fill`
/// `context-stroke`
struct StyleColor_Body {
C _0;
bool operator==(const StyleColor_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleColor_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StylePaintServer_Body {
U _0;
bool operator==(const StylePaintServer_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePaintServer_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleColor_Body color;
StylePaintServer_Body paint_server;
static StyleGenericSVGPaintKind None() {
StyleGenericSVGPaintKind result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericSVGPaintKind Color(const C &_0) {
StyleGenericSVGPaintKind result;
::new (&result.color._0) (C)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Color;
return result;
bool IsColor() const {
return tag == Tag::Color;
const C& AsColor() const {
return color._0;
static StyleGenericSVGPaintKind PaintServer(const U &_0) {
StyleGenericSVGPaintKind result;
::new (&result.paint_server._0) (U)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::PaintServer;
return result;
bool IsPaintServer() const {
return tag == Tag::PaintServer;
const U& AsPaintServer() const {
return paint_server._0;
static StyleGenericSVGPaintKind ContextFill() {
StyleGenericSVGPaintKind result;
result.tag = Tag::ContextFill;
return result;
bool IsContextFill() const {
return tag == Tag::ContextFill;
static StyleGenericSVGPaintKind ContextStroke() {
StyleGenericSVGPaintKind result;
result.tag = Tag::ContextStroke;
return result;
bool IsContextStroke() const {
return tag == Tag::ContextStroke;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericSVGPaintKind& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Color: return color == other.color;
case Tag::PaintServer: return paint_server == other.paint_server;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericSVGPaintKind& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericSVGPaintKind() {
~StyleGenericSVGPaintKind() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Color: color.~StyleColor_Body(); break;
case Tag::PaintServer: paint_server.~StylePaintServer_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSVGPaintKind(const StyleGenericSVGPaintKind& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Color: ::new (&color) (StyleColor_Body)(other.color); break;
case Tag::PaintServer: ::new (&paint_server) (StylePaintServer_Body)(other.paint_server); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSVGPaintKind& operator=(const StyleGenericSVGPaintKind& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericSVGPaintKind(other);
return *this;
/// The fallback of an SVG paint server value.
template<typename C>
struct StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// The `none` keyword.
/// A magic value that represents no fallback specified and serializes to
/// the empty string.
/// A color.
struct StyleColor_Body {
C _0;
bool operator==(const StyleColor_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleColor_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleColor_Body color;
static StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback None() {
StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback Unset() {
StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback result;
result.tag = Tag::Unset;
return result;
bool IsUnset() const {
return tag == Tag::Unset;
static StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback Color(const C &_0) {
StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback result;
::new (&result.color._0) (C)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Color;
return result;
bool IsColor() const {
return tag == Tag::Color;
const C& AsColor() const {
return color._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Color: return color == other.color;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback() {
~StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Color: color.~StyleColor_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback(const StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Color: ::new (&color) (StyleColor_Body)(other.color); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback& operator=(const StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback(other);
return *this;
/// An SVG paint value
template<typename Color, typename Url>
struct StyleGenericSVGPaint {
/// The paint source.
StyleGenericSVGPaintKind<Color, Url> kind;
/// The fallback color.
StyleGenericSVGPaintFallback<Color> fallback;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericSVGPaint& other) const {
return kind == other.kind &&
fallback == other.fallback;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericSVGPaint& other) const {
return kind != other.kind ||
fallback != other.fallback;
/// Computed SVG Paint value
using StyleSVGPaint = StyleGenericSVGPaint<StyleColor, StyleComputedUrl>;
/// Computed SVG Paint Kind value
using StyleSVGPaintKind = StyleGenericSVGPaintKind<StyleColor, StyleComputedUrl>;
/// The initial argument of the `repeat` function.
template<typename Integer>
struct StyleRepeatCount {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A positive integer. This is allowed only for `<track-repeat>` and `<fixed-repeat>`
/// An `<auto-fill>` keyword allowed only for `<auto-repeat>`
/// An `<auto-fit>` keyword allowed only for `<auto-repeat>`
struct StyleNumber_Body {
Integer _0;
bool operator==(const StyleNumber_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleNumber_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleNumber_Body number;
static StyleRepeatCount Number(const Integer &_0) {
StyleRepeatCount result;
::new (&result.number._0) (Integer)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Number;
return result;
bool IsNumber() const {
return tag == Tag::Number;
const Integer& AsNumber() const {
return number._0;
static StyleRepeatCount AutoFill() {
StyleRepeatCount result;
result.tag = Tag::AutoFill;
return result;
bool IsAutoFill() const {
return tag == Tag::AutoFill;
static StyleRepeatCount AutoFit() {
StyleRepeatCount result;
result.tag = Tag::AutoFit;
return result;
bool IsAutoFit() const {
return tag == Tag::AutoFit;
bool operator==(const StyleRepeatCount& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: return number == other.number;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleRepeatCount& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleRepeatCount() {
~StyleRepeatCount() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: number.~StyleNumber_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleRepeatCount(const StyleRepeatCount& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Number: ::new (&number) (StyleNumber_Body)(other.number); break;
default: break;
StyleRepeatCount& operator=(const StyleRepeatCount& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleRepeatCount(other);
return *this;
/// The structure containing `<line-names>` and `<track-size>` values.
template<typename L, typename I>
struct StyleGenericTrackRepeat {
/// The number of times for the value to be repeated (could also be `auto-fit` or `auto-fill`)
StyleRepeatCount<I> count;
/// `<line-names>` accompanying `<track_size>` values.
/// If there's no `<line-names>`, then it's represented by an empty vector.
/// For N `<track-size>` values, there will be N+1 `<line-names>`, and so this vector's
/// length is always one value more than that of the `<track-size>`.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>> line_names;
/// `<track-size>` values.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericTrackSize<L>> track_sizes;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTrackRepeat& other) const {
return count == other.count &&
line_names == other.line_names &&
track_sizes == other.track_sizes;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTrackRepeat& other) const {
return count != other.count ||
line_names != other.line_names ||
track_sizes != other.track_sizes;
/// Track list values. Can be <track-size> or <track-repeat>
template<typename LengthPercentage, typename Integer>
struct StyleGenericTrackListValue {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A <track-size> value.
/// A <track-repeat> value.
struct StyleTrackSize_Body {
StyleGenericTrackSize<LengthPercentage> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleTrackSize_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTrackSize_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleTrackRepeat_Body {
StyleGenericTrackRepeat<LengthPercentage, Integer> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleTrackRepeat_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTrackRepeat_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleTrackSize_Body track_size;
StyleTrackRepeat_Body track_repeat;
static StyleGenericTrackListValue TrackSize(const StyleGenericTrackSize<LengthPercentage> &_0) {
StyleGenericTrackListValue result;
::new (&result.track_size._0) (StyleGenericTrackSize<LengthPercentage>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::TrackSize;
return result;
bool IsTrackSize() const {
return tag == Tag::TrackSize;
const StyleGenericTrackSize<LengthPercentage>& AsTrackSize() const {
return track_size._0;
static StyleGenericTrackListValue TrackRepeat(const StyleGenericTrackRepeat<LengthPercentage, Integer> &_0) {
StyleGenericTrackListValue result;
::new (&result.track_repeat._0) (StyleGenericTrackRepeat<LengthPercentage, Integer>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::TrackRepeat;
return result;
bool IsTrackRepeat() const {
return tag == Tag::TrackRepeat;
const StyleGenericTrackRepeat<LengthPercentage, Integer>& AsTrackRepeat() const {
return track_repeat._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTrackListValue& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::TrackSize: return track_size == other.track_size;
case Tag::TrackRepeat: return track_repeat == other.track_repeat;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTrackListValue& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericTrackListValue() {
~StyleGenericTrackListValue() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::TrackSize: track_size.~StyleTrackSize_Body(); break;
case Tag::TrackRepeat: track_repeat.~StyleTrackRepeat_Body(); break;
StyleGenericTrackListValue(const StyleGenericTrackListValue& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::TrackSize: ::new (&track_size) (StyleTrackSize_Body)(other.track_size); break;
case Tag::TrackRepeat: ::new (&track_repeat) (StyleTrackRepeat_Body)(other.track_repeat); break;
StyleGenericTrackListValue& operator=(const StyleGenericTrackListValue& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericTrackListValue(other);
return *this;
/// A grid `<track-list>` type.
template<typename LengthPercentage, typename Integer>
struct StyleGenericTrackList {
/// The index in `values` where our `<auto-repeat>` value is, if in bounds.
uintptr_t auto_repeat_index;
/// A vector of `<track-size> | <track-repeat>` values.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericTrackListValue<LengthPercentage, Integer>> values;
/// `<line-names>` accompanying `<track-size> | <track-repeat>` values.
/// If there's no `<line-names>`, then it's represented by an empty vector.
/// For N values, there will be N+1 `<line-names>`, and so this vector's
/// length is always one value more than that of the `<track-size>`.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>> line_names;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericTrackList& other) const {
return auto_repeat_index == other.auto_repeat_index &&
values == other.values &&
line_names == other.line_names;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericTrackList& other) const {
return auto_repeat_index != other.auto_repeat_index ||
values != other.values ||
line_names != other.line_names;
/// The `<name-repeat>` for subgrids.
/// <name-repeat> = repeat( [ <integer [1,∞]> | auto-fill ], <line-names>+)
template<typename I>
struct StyleGenericNameRepeat {
/// The number of times for the value to be repeated (could also be `auto-fill`).
/// Note: `RepeatCount` accepts `auto-fit`, so we should reject it after parsing it.
StyleRepeatCount<I> count;
/// This represents `<line-names>+`. The length of the outer vector is at least one.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>> line_names;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericNameRepeat& other) const {
return count == other.count &&
line_names == other.line_names;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericNameRepeat& other) const {
return count != other.count ||
line_names != other.line_names;
/// A single value for `<line-names>` or `<name-repeat>`.
template<typename I>
struct StyleGenericLineNameListValue {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `<line-names>`.
/// `<name-repeat>`.
struct StyleLineNames_Body {
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLineNames_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLineNames_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleRepeat_Body {
StyleGenericNameRepeat<I> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRepeat_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRepeat_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLineNames_Body line_names;
StyleRepeat_Body repeat;
static StyleGenericLineNameListValue LineNames(const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent> &_0) {
StyleGenericLineNameListValue result;
::new (&result.line_names._0) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::LineNames;
return result;
bool IsLineNames() const {
return tag == Tag::LineNames;
const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>& AsLineNames() const {
return line_names._0;
static StyleGenericLineNameListValue Repeat(const StyleGenericNameRepeat<I> &_0) {
StyleGenericLineNameListValue result;
::new (&result.repeat._0) (StyleGenericNameRepeat<I>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Repeat;
return result;
bool IsRepeat() const {
return tag == Tag::Repeat;
const StyleGenericNameRepeat<I>& AsRepeat() const {
return repeat._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericLineNameListValue& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LineNames: return line_names == other.line_names;
case Tag::Repeat: return repeat == other.repeat;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericLineNameListValue& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericLineNameListValue() {
~StyleGenericLineNameListValue() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LineNames: line_names.~StyleLineNames_Body(); break;
case Tag::Repeat: repeat.~StyleRepeat_Body(); break;
StyleGenericLineNameListValue(const StyleGenericLineNameListValue& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LineNames: ::new (&line_names) (StyleLineNames_Body)(other.line_names); break;
case Tag::Repeat: ::new (&repeat) (StyleRepeat_Body)(other.repeat); break;
StyleGenericLineNameListValue& operator=(const StyleGenericLineNameListValue& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericLineNameListValue(other);
return *this;
/// The `<line-name-list>` for subgrids.
/// <line-name-list> = [ <line-names> | <name-repeat> ]+
/// <name-repeat> = repeat( [ <integer [1,∞]> | auto-fill ], <line-names>+)
template<typename I>
struct StyleGenericLineNameList {
/// The pre-computed length of line_names, without the length of repeat(auto-fill, ...).
uintptr_t expanded_line_names_length;
/// The line name list.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericLineNameListValue<I>> line_names;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericLineNameList& other) const {
return expanded_line_names_length == other.expanded_line_names_length &&
line_names == other.line_names;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericLineNameList& other) const {
return expanded_line_names_length != other.expanded_line_names_length ||
line_names != other.line_names;
/// Variants for `<grid-template-rows> | <grid-template-columns>`
template<typename L, typename I>
struct StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `none` value.
/// The grid `<track-list>`
/// A `subgrid <line-name-list>?`
/// TODO: Support animations for this after subgrid is addressed in [grid-2] spec.
/// `masonry` value.
struct StyleTrackList_Body {
StyleBox<StyleGenericTrackList<L, I>> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleTrackList_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTrackList_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleSubgrid_Body {
StyleBox<StyleGenericLineNameList<I>> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSubgrid_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSubgrid_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleTrackList_Body track_list;
StyleSubgrid_Body subgrid;
static StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent None() {
StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent TrackList(const StyleBox<StyleGenericTrackList<L, I>> &_0) {
StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent result;
::new (&result.track_list._0) (StyleBox<StyleGenericTrackList<L, I>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::TrackList;
return result;
bool IsTrackList() const {
return tag == Tag::TrackList;
const StyleBox<StyleGenericTrackList<L, I>>& AsTrackList() const {
return track_list._0;
static StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent Subgrid(const StyleBox<StyleGenericLineNameList<I>> &_0) {
StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent result;
::new (&result.subgrid._0) (StyleBox<StyleGenericLineNameList<I>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Subgrid;
return result;
bool IsSubgrid() const {
return tag == Tag::Subgrid;
const StyleBox<StyleGenericLineNameList<I>>& AsSubgrid() const {
return subgrid._0;
static StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent Masonry() {
StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent result;
result.tag = Tag::Masonry;
return result;
bool IsMasonry() const {
return tag == Tag::Masonry;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::TrackList: return track_list == other.track_list;
case Tag::Subgrid: return subgrid == other.subgrid;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent() {
~StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::TrackList: track_list.~StyleTrackList_Body(); break;
case Tag::Subgrid: subgrid.~StyleSubgrid_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent(const StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::TrackList: ::new (&track_list) (StyleTrackList_Body)(other.track_list); break;
case Tag::Subgrid: ::new (&subgrid) (StyleSubgrid_Body)(other.subgrid); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent& operator=(const StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent(other);
return *this;
inline Maybe<size_t> RepeatAutoIndex() const;
inline const StyleGenericTrackRepeat<L, I>* GetRepeatAutoValue() const;
inline bool HasRepeatAuto() const;
inline Span<const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>> LineNameLists(bool aIsSubgrid) const;
inline Span<const StyleGenericTrackListValue<L, I>> TrackListValues() const;
/// `<grid-template-rows> | <grid-template-columns>`
using StyleGridTemplateComponent = StyleGenericGridTemplateComponent<StyleLengthPercentage, StyleInteger>;
/// Computed value for the text-emphasis-style property
struct StyleTextEmphasisStyle {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// [ <fill> || <shape> ]
/// `none`
/// `<string>` (of which only the first grapheme cluster will be used).
struct StyleKeyword_Body {
StyleTextEmphasisFillMode fill;
StyleTextEmphasisShapeKeyword shape;
bool operator==(const StyleKeyword_Body& other) const {
return fill == other.fill &&
shape == other.shape;
bool operator!=(const StyleKeyword_Body& other) const {
return fill != other.fill ||
shape != other.shape;
struct StyleString_Body {
StyleOwnedStr _0;
bool operator==(const StyleString_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleString_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleKeyword_Body keyword;
StyleString_Body string;
static StyleTextEmphasisStyle Keyword(const StyleTextEmphasisFillMode &fill,
const StyleTextEmphasisShapeKeyword &shape) {
StyleTextEmphasisStyle result;
::new (&result.keyword.fill) (StyleTextEmphasisFillMode)(fill);
::new (&result.keyword.shape) (StyleTextEmphasisShapeKeyword)(shape);
result.tag = Tag::Keyword;
return result;
bool IsKeyword() const {
return tag == Tag::Keyword;
const StyleKeyword_Body& AsKeyword() const {
return keyword;
static StyleTextEmphasisStyle None() {
StyleTextEmphasisStyle result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleTextEmphasisStyle String(const StyleOwnedStr &_0) {
StyleTextEmphasisStyle result;
::new (&result.string._0) (StyleOwnedStr)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::String;
return result;
bool IsString() const {
return tag == Tag::String;
const StyleOwnedStr& AsString() const {
return string._0;
bool operator==(const StyleTextEmphasisStyle& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Keyword: return keyword == other.keyword;
case Tag::String: return string == other.string;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleTextEmphasisStyle& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleTextEmphasisStyle() {
~StyleTextEmphasisStyle() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Keyword: keyword.~StyleKeyword_Body(); break;
case Tag::String: string.~StyleString_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleTextEmphasisStyle(const StyleTextEmphasisStyle& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Keyword: ::new (&keyword) (StyleKeyword_Body)(other.keyword); break;
case Tag::String: ::new (&string) (StyleString_Body)(other.string); break;
default: break;
StyleTextEmphasisStyle& operator=(const StyleTextEmphasisStyle& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleTextEmphasisStyle(other);
return *this;
/// Values for text-emphasis-position:
struct StyleTextEmphasisPosition {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleTextEmphasisPosition operator~() const {
return StyleTextEmphasisPosition { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleTextEmphasisPosition operator|(const StyleTextEmphasisPosition& other) const {
return StyleTextEmphasisPosition { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleTextEmphasisPosition& operator|=(const StyleTextEmphasisPosition& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleTextEmphasisPosition operator&(const StyleTextEmphasisPosition& other) const {
return StyleTextEmphasisPosition { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleTextEmphasisPosition& operator&=(const StyleTextEmphasisPosition& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleTextEmphasisPosition operator^(const StyleTextEmphasisPosition& other) const {
return StyleTextEmphasisPosition { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleTextEmphasisPosition& operator^=(const StyleTextEmphasisPosition& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleTextEmphasisPosition& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleTextEmphasisPosition& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleTextEmphasisPosition OVER;
static const StyleTextEmphasisPosition UNDER;
static const StyleTextEmphasisPosition LEFT;
static const StyleTextEmphasisPosition RIGHT;
/// Draws marks to the right of the text in vertical writing mode.
constexpr inline const StyleTextEmphasisPosition StyleTextEmphasisPosition::OVER = StyleTextEmphasisPosition{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Draw marks under the text in horizontal writing mode.
constexpr inline const StyleTextEmphasisPosition StyleTextEmphasisPosition::UNDER = StyleTextEmphasisPosition{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// Draw marks to the left of the text in vertical writing mode.
constexpr inline const StyleTextEmphasisPosition StyleTextEmphasisPosition::LEFT = StyleTextEmphasisPosition{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// Draws marks to the right of the text in vertical writing mode.
constexpr inline const StyleTextEmphasisPosition StyleTextEmphasisPosition::RIGHT = StyleTextEmphasisPosition{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 3) };
/// Set of variant alternates
struct StyleVariantAlternates {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Enables display of stylistic alternates
/// Enables display with stylistic sets
/// Enables display of specific character variants
/// Enables display of swash glyphs
/// Enables replacement of default glyphs with ornaments
/// Enables display of alternate annotation forms
/// Enables display of historical forms
struct StyleStylistic_Body {
StyleCustomIdent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleStylistic_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleStylistic_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleStyleset_Body {
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleStyleset_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleStyleset_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleCharacterVariant_Body {
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleCharacterVariant_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleCharacterVariant_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleSwash_Body {
StyleCustomIdent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSwash_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSwash_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleOrnaments_Body {
StyleCustomIdent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleOrnaments_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleOrnaments_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleAnnotation_Body {
StyleCustomIdent _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAnnotation_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAnnotation_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleStylistic_Body stylistic;
StyleStyleset_Body styleset;
StyleCharacterVariant_Body character_variant;
StyleSwash_Body swash;
StyleOrnaments_Body ornaments;
StyleAnnotation_Body annotation;
static StyleVariantAlternates Stylistic(const StyleCustomIdent &_0) {
StyleVariantAlternates result;
::new (&result.stylistic._0) (StyleCustomIdent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Stylistic;
return result;
bool IsStylistic() const {
return tag == Tag::Stylistic;
const StyleCustomIdent& AsStylistic() const {
return stylistic._0;
static StyleVariantAlternates Styleset(const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent> &_0) {
StyleVariantAlternates result;
::new (&result.styleset._0) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Styleset;
return result;
bool IsStyleset() const {
return tag == Tag::Styleset;
const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>& AsStyleset() const {
return styleset._0;
static StyleVariantAlternates CharacterVariant(const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent> &_0) {
StyleVariantAlternates result;
::new (&result.character_variant._0) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::CharacterVariant;
return result;
bool IsCharacterVariant() const {
return tag == Tag::CharacterVariant;
const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleCustomIdent>& AsCharacterVariant() const {
return character_variant._0;
static StyleVariantAlternates Swash(const StyleCustomIdent &_0) {
StyleVariantAlternates result;
::new (&result.swash._0) (StyleCustomIdent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Swash;
return result;
bool IsSwash() const {
return tag == Tag::Swash;
const StyleCustomIdent& AsSwash() const {
return swash._0;
static StyleVariantAlternates Ornaments(const StyleCustomIdent &_0) {
StyleVariantAlternates result;
::new (&result.ornaments._0) (StyleCustomIdent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Ornaments;
return result;
bool IsOrnaments() const {
return tag == Tag::Ornaments;
const StyleCustomIdent& AsOrnaments() const {
return ornaments._0;
static StyleVariantAlternates Annotation(const StyleCustomIdent &_0) {
StyleVariantAlternates result;
::new (&result.annotation._0) (StyleCustomIdent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Annotation;
return result;
bool IsAnnotation() const {
return tag == Tag::Annotation;
const StyleCustomIdent& AsAnnotation() const {
return annotation._0;
static StyleVariantAlternates HistoricalForms() {
StyleVariantAlternates result;
result.tag = Tag::HistoricalForms;
return result;
bool IsHistoricalForms() const {
return tag == Tag::HistoricalForms;
bool operator==(const StyleVariantAlternates& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Stylistic: return stylistic == other.stylistic;
case Tag::Styleset: return styleset == other.styleset;
case Tag::CharacterVariant: return character_variant == other.character_variant;
case Tag::Swash: return swash == other.swash;
case Tag::Ornaments: return ornaments == other.ornaments;
case Tag::Annotation: return annotation == other.annotation;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleVariantAlternates& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleVariantAlternates() {
~StyleVariantAlternates() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Stylistic: stylistic.~StyleStylistic_Body(); break;
case Tag::Styleset: styleset.~StyleStyleset_Body(); break;
case Tag::CharacterVariant: character_variant.~StyleCharacterVariant_Body(); break;
case Tag::Swash: swash.~StyleSwash_Body(); break;
case Tag::Ornaments: ornaments.~StyleOrnaments_Body(); break;
case Tag::Annotation: annotation.~StyleAnnotation_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleVariantAlternates(const StyleVariantAlternates& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Stylistic: ::new (&stylistic) (StyleStylistic_Body)(other.stylistic); break;
case Tag::Styleset: ::new (&styleset) (StyleStyleset_Body)(other.styleset); break;
case Tag::CharacterVariant: ::new (&character_variant) (StyleCharacterVariant_Body)(other.character_variant); break;
case Tag::Swash: ::new (&swash) (StyleSwash_Body)(other.swash); break;
case Tag::Ornaments: ::new (&ornaments) (StyleOrnaments_Body)(other.ornaments); break;
case Tag::Annotation: ::new (&annotation) (StyleAnnotation_Body)(other.annotation); break;
default: break;
StyleVariantAlternates& operator=(const StyleVariantAlternates& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleVariantAlternates(other);
return *this;
/// List of Variant Alternates
using StyleFontVariantAlternates = StyleOwnedSlice<StyleVariantAlternates>;
/// The specified value is tree `PaintOrder` values packed into the
/// bitfields below, as a six-bit field, of 3 two-bit pairs
/// Each pair can be set to FILL, STROKE, or MARKERS
/// Lowest significant bit pairs are highest priority.
/// `normal` is the empty bitfield. The three pairs are
/// never zero in any case other than `normal`.
/// Higher priority values, i.e. the values specified first,
/// will be painted first (and may be covered by paintings of lower priority)
using StyleSVGPaintOrder = uint8_t;
/// A clip rect for clip and image-region
template<typename LengthOrAuto>
struct StyleGenericClipRect {
LengthOrAuto top;
LengthOrAuto right;
LengthOrAuto bottom;
LengthOrAuto left;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericClipRect& other) const {
return top == &&
right == other.right &&
bottom == other.bottom &&
left == other.left;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericClipRect& other) const {
return top != ||
right != other.right ||
bottom != other.bottom ||
left != other.left;
// Get the layout rect, replacing auto right / bottom values for aAutoSize.
inline nsRect ToLayoutRect(nscoord aAutoSize = NS_MAXSIZE) const;
/// rect(...) | auto
using StyleClipRect = StyleGenericClipRect<StyleLengthOrAuto>;
/// Either a clip-rect or `auto`.
template<typename R>
struct StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StyleRect_Body {
R _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRect_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRect_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleRect_Body rect;
static StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto Auto() {
StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto Rect(const R &_0) {
StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto result;
::new (&result.rect._0) (R)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Rect;
return result;
bool IsRect() const {
return tag == Tag::Rect;
const R& AsRect() const {
return rect._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Rect: return rect == other.rect;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto() {
~StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Rect: rect.~StyleRect_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto(const StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Rect: ::new (&rect) (StyleRect_Body)(other.rect); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto& operator=(const StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto(other);
return *this;
/// rect(...) | auto
using StyleClipRectOrAuto = StyleGenericClipRectOrAuto<StyleClipRect>;
/// A name / value pair for counters.
template<typename Integer>
struct StyleGenericCounterPair {
/// The name of the counter.
StyleCustomIdent name;
/// The value of the counter / increment / etc.
Integer value;
/// If true, then this represents `reversed(name)`.
/// NOTE: It can only be true on `counter-reset` values.
bool is_reversed;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericCounterPair& other) const {
return name == &&
value == other.value &&
is_reversed == other.is_reversed;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericCounterPair& other) const {
return name != ||
value != other.value ||
is_reversed != other.is_reversed;
/// A generic value for lists of counters.
/// Keyword `none` is represented by an empty vector.
template<typename I>
using StyleGenericCounters = StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCounterPair<I>>;
/// A generic value for the `counter-reset` property.
template<typename I>
using StyleGenericCounterReset = StyleGenericCounters<I>;
/// A computed value for the `counter-reset` property.
using StyleCounterReset = StyleGenericCounterReset<int32_t>;
/// A generic value for the `counter-set` property.
template<typename I>
using StyleGenericCounterSet = StyleGenericCounters<I>;
/// A computed value for the `counter-set` property.
using StyleCounterSet = StyleGenericCounterSet<int32_t>;
/// A generic value for the `counter-increment` property.
template<typename I>
using StyleGenericCounterIncrement = StyleGenericCounters<I>;
/// A computed value for the `counter-increment` property.
using StyleCounterIncrement = StyleGenericCounterIncrement<int32_t>;
struct StyleWritingMode {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleWritingMode operator~() const {
return StyleWritingMode { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleWritingMode operator|(const StyleWritingMode& other) const {
return StyleWritingMode { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleWritingMode& operator|=(const StyleWritingMode& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleWritingMode operator&(const StyleWritingMode& other) const {
return StyleWritingMode { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleWritingMode& operator&=(const StyleWritingMode& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleWritingMode operator^(const StyleWritingMode& other) const {
return StyleWritingMode { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleWritingMode& operator^=(const StyleWritingMode& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleWritingMode& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleWritingMode& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleWritingMode VERTICAL;
static const StyleWritingMode INLINE_REVERSED;
static const StyleWritingMode VERTICAL_LR;
static const StyleWritingMode LINE_INVERTED;
static const StyleWritingMode RTL;
static const StyleWritingMode VERTICAL_SIDEWAYS;
static const StyleWritingMode TEXT_SIDEWAYS;
static const StyleWritingMode UPRIGHT;
/// A vertical writing mode; writing-mode is vertical-rl,
/// vertical-lr, sideways-lr, or sideways-rl.
constexpr inline const StyleWritingMode StyleWritingMode::VERTICAL = StyleWritingMode{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// The inline flow direction is reversed against the physical
/// direction (i.e. right-to-left or bottom-to-top); writing-mode is
/// sideways-lr or direction is rtl (but not both).
/// (This bit can be derived from the others, but we store it for
/// convenience.)
constexpr inline const StyleWritingMode StyleWritingMode::INLINE_REVERSED = StyleWritingMode{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// A vertical writing mode whose block progression direction is left-
/// to-right; writing-mode is vertical-lr or sideways-lr.
/// Never set without VERTICAL.
constexpr inline const StyleWritingMode StyleWritingMode::VERTICAL_LR = StyleWritingMode{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// The line-over/line-under sides are inverted with respect to the
/// block-start/block-end edge; writing-mode is vertical-lr.
/// Never set without VERTICAL and VERTICAL_LR.
constexpr inline const StyleWritingMode StyleWritingMode::LINE_INVERTED = StyleWritingMode{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 3) };
/// direction is rtl.
constexpr inline const StyleWritingMode StyleWritingMode::RTL = StyleWritingMode{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 4) };
/// All text within a vertical writing mode is displayed sideways
/// and runs top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top; set in these cases:
/// * writing-mode: sideways-rl;
/// * writing-mode: sideways-lr;
/// Never set without VERTICAL.
constexpr inline const StyleWritingMode StyleWritingMode::VERTICAL_SIDEWAYS = StyleWritingMode{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 5) };
/// Similar to VERTICAL_SIDEWAYS, but is set via text-orientation;
/// set in these cases:
/// * writing-mode: vertical-rl; text-orientation: sideways;
/// * writing-mode: vertical-lr; text-orientation: sideways;
/// Never set without VERTICAL.
constexpr inline const StyleWritingMode StyleWritingMode::TEXT_SIDEWAYS = StyleWritingMode{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 6) };
/// Horizontal text within a vertical writing mode is displayed with each
/// glyph upright; set in these cases:
/// * writing-mode: vertical-rl; text-orientation: upright;
/// * writing-mode: vertical-lr: text-orientation: upright;
/// Never set without VERTICAL.
constexpr inline const StyleWritingMode StyleWritingMode::UPRIGHT = StyleWritingMode{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 7) };
/// A computed `<resolution>`.
struct StyleResolution {
StyleCSSFloat _0;
bool operator==(const StyleResolution& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleResolution& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
/// An optional value, much like `Option<T>`, but with a defined struct layout
/// to be able to use it from C++ as well.
/// Note that this is relatively inefficient, struct-layout-wise, as you have
/// one byte for the tag, but padding to the alignment of T. If you have
/// multiple optional values and care about struct compactness, you might be
/// better off "coalescing" the combinations into a parent enum. But that
/// shouldn't matter for most use cases.
template<typename T>
struct StyleOptional {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct StyleSome_Body {
T _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSome_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSome_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleSome_Body some;
static StyleOptional None() {
StyleOptional result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleOptional Some(const T &_0) {
StyleOptional result;
::new (&result.some._0) (T)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Some;
return result;
bool IsSome() const {
return tag == Tag::Some;
const T& AsSome() const {
return some._0;
bool operator==(const StyleOptional& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Some: return some == other.some;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleOptional& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleOptional() {
~StyleOptional() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Some: some.~StyleSome_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleOptional(const StyleOptional& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Some: ::new (&some) (StyleSome_Body)(other.some); break;
default: break;
StyleOptional& operator=(const StyleOptional& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleOptional(other);
return *this;
/// An image or a color. `cross-fade` takes either when blending
/// images together.
template<typename I, typename C>
struct StyleGenericCrossFadeImage {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A boxed image value. Boxing provides indirection so images can
/// be cross-fades and cross-fades can be images.
/// A color value.
struct StyleImage_Body {
I _0;
bool operator==(const StyleImage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleImage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleColor_Body {
C _0;
bool operator==(const StyleColor_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleColor_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleImage_Body image;
StyleColor_Body color;
static StyleGenericCrossFadeImage Image(const I &_0) {
StyleGenericCrossFadeImage result;
::new (&result.image._0) (I)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Image;
return result;
bool IsImage() const {
return tag == Tag::Image;
const I& AsImage() const {
return image._0;
static StyleGenericCrossFadeImage Color(const C &_0) {
StyleGenericCrossFadeImage result;
::new (&result.color._0) (C)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Color;
return result;
bool IsColor() const {
return tag == Tag::Color;
const C& AsColor() const {
return color._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericCrossFadeImage& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Image: return image == other.image;
case Tag::Color: return color == other.color;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericCrossFadeImage& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericCrossFadeImage() {
~StyleGenericCrossFadeImage() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Image: image.~StyleImage_Body(); break;
case Tag::Color: color.~StyleColor_Body(); break;
StyleGenericCrossFadeImage(const StyleGenericCrossFadeImage& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Image: ::new (&image) (StyleImage_Body)(other.image); break;
case Tag::Color: ::new (&color) (StyleColor_Body)(other.color); break;
StyleGenericCrossFadeImage& operator=(const StyleGenericCrossFadeImage& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericCrossFadeImage(other);
return *this;
/// An optional percent and a cross fade image.
template<typename Image, typename Color, typename Percentage>
struct StyleGenericCrossFadeElement {
/// The percent of the final image that `image` will be.
StyleOptional<Percentage> percent;
/// A color or image that will be blended when cross-fade is
/// evaluated.
StyleGenericCrossFadeImage<Image, Color> image;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericCrossFadeElement& other) const {
return percent == other.percent &&
image == other.image;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericCrossFadeElement& other) const {
return percent != other.percent ||
image != other.image;
template<typename Image, typename Color, typename Percentage>
struct StyleGenericCrossFade {
/// All of the image percent pairings passed as arguments to
/// cross-fade.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericCrossFadeElement<Image, Color, Percentage>> elements;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericCrossFade& other) const {
return elements == other.elements;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericCrossFade& other) const {
return elements != other.elements;
/// An optional percent and a cross fade image.
template<typename Image, typename Resolution>
struct StyleGenericImageSetItem {
/// `<image>`. `<string>` is converted to `Image::Url` at parse time.
Image image;
/// The `<resolution>`.
/// TODO: Skip serialization if it is 1x.
Resolution resolution;
/// The `type(<string>)`
/// (Optional) Specify the image's MIME type
StyleOwnedStr mime_type;
/// True if mime_type has been specified
bool has_mime_type;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericImageSetItem& other) const {
return image == other.image &&
resolution == other.resolution &&
mime_type == other.mime_type &&
has_mime_type == other.has_mime_type;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericImageSetItem& other) const {
return image != other.image ||
resolution != other.resolution ||
mime_type != other.mime_type ||
has_mime_type != other.has_mime_type;
template<typename Image, typename Resolution>
struct StyleGenericImageSet {
/// The index of the selected candidate. usize::MAX for specified values or invalid images.
uintptr_t selected_index;
/// All of the image and resolution pairs.
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericImageSetItem<Image, Resolution>> items;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericImageSet& other) const {
return selected_index == other.selected_index &&
items == other.items;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericImageSet& other) const {
return selected_index != other.selected_index ||
items != other.items;
/// An `<image> | none` value.
template<typename G, typename ImageUrl, typename Color, typename Percentage, typename Resolution>
struct StyleGenericImage {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `none` variant.
/// A `<url()>` image.
/// A `<gradient>` image. Gradients are rather large, and not nearly as
/// common as urls, so we box them here to keep the size of this enum sane.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// A `-moz-element(# <element-id>)`
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
/// A paint worklet image.
/// A `<cross-fade()>` image. Storing this directly inside of
/// GenericImage increases the size by 8 bytes so we box it here
/// and store images directly inside of cross-fade instead of
/// boxing them there.
/// An `image-set()` function.
struct StyleUrl_Body {
ImageUrl _0;
bool operator==(const StyleUrl_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleUrl_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleGradient_Body {
StyleBox<G> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleGradient_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleGradient_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
struct StyleElement_Body {
StyleAtom _0;
bool operator==(const StyleElement_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleElement_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
struct StylePaintWorklet_Body {
StylePaintWorklet _0;
bool operator==(const StylePaintWorklet_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePaintWorklet_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleCrossFade_Body {
StyleBox<StyleGenericCrossFade<StyleGenericImage, Color, Percentage>> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleCrossFade_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleCrossFade_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleImageSet_Body {
StyleBox<StyleGenericImageSet<StyleGenericImage, Resolution>> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleImageSet_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleImageSet_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleUrl_Body url;
StyleGradient_Body gradient;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
StyleElement_Body element;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
StylePaintWorklet_Body paint_worklet;
StyleCrossFade_Body cross_fade;
StyleImageSet_Body image_set;
static StyleGenericImage None() {
StyleGenericImage result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericImage Url(const ImageUrl &_0) {
StyleGenericImage result;
::new (&result.url._0) (ImageUrl)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Url;
return result;
bool IsUrl() const {
return tag == Tag::Url;
const ImageUrl& AsUrl() const {
return url._0;
static StyleGenericImage Gradient(const StyleBox<G> &_0) {
StyleGenericImage result;
::new (&result.gradient._0) (StyleBox<G>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Gradient;
return result;
bool IsGradient() const {
return tag == Tag::Gradient;
const StyleBox<G>& AsGradient() const {
return gradient._0;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
static StyleGenericImage Element(const StyleAtom &_0) {
StyleGenericImage result;
::new (&result.element._0) (StyleAtom)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Element;
return result;
bool IsElement() const {
return tag == Tag::Element;
const StyleAtom& AsElement() const {
return element._0;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
static StyleGenericImage PaintWorklet(const StylePaintWorklet &_0) {
StyleGenericImage result;
::new (&result.paint_worklet._0) (StylePaintWorklet)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::PaintWorklet;
return result;
bool IsPaintWorklet() const {
return tag == Tag::PaintWorklet;
const StylePaintWorklet& AsPaintWorklet() const {
return paint_worklet._0;
static StyleGenericImage CrossFade(const StyleBox<StyleGenericCrossFade<StyleGenericImage, Color, Percentage>> &_0) {
StyleGenericImage result;
::new (&result.cross_fade._0) (StyleBox<StyleGenericCrossFade<StyleGenericImage, Color, Percentage>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::CrossFade;
return result;
bool IsCrossFade() const {
return tag == Tag::CrossFade;
const StyleBox<StyleGenericCrossFade<StyleGenericImage, Color, Percentage>>& AsCrossFade() const {
return cross_fade._0;
static StyleGenericImage ImageSet(const StyleBox<StyleGenericImageSet<StyleGenericImage, Resolution>> &_0) {
StyleGenericImage result;
::new (&result.image_set._0) (StyleBox<StyleGenericImageSet<StyleGenericImage, Resolution>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::ImageSet;
return result;
bool IsImageSet() const {
return tag == Tag::ImageSet;
const StyleBox<StyleGenericImageSet<StyleGenericImage, Resolution>>& AsImageSet() const {
return image_set._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericImage& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: return url == other.url;
case Tag::Gradient: return gradient == other.gradient;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
case Tag::Element: return element == other.element;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
case Tag::PaintWorklet: return paint_worklet == other.paint_worklet;
case Tag::CrossFade: return cross_fade == other.cross_fade;
case Tag::ImageSet: return image_set == other.image_set;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericImage& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericImage() {
~StyleGenericImage() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: url.~StyleUrl_Body(); break;
case Tag::Gradient: gradient.~StyleGradient_Body(); break;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
case Tag::Element: element.~StyleElement_Body(); break;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
case Tag::PaintWorklet: paint_worklet.~StylePaintWorklet_Body(); break;
case Tag::CrossFade: cross_fade.~StyleCrossFade_Body(); break;
case Tag::ImageSet: image_set.~StyleImageSet_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericImage(const StyleGenericImage& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: ::new (&url) (StyleUrl_Body)(other.url); break;
case Tag::Gradient: ::new (&gradient) (StyleGradient_Body)(other.gradient); break;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
case Tag::Element: ::new (&element) (StyleElement_Body)(other.element); break;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
case Tag::PaintWorklet: ::new (&paint_worklet) (StylePaintWorklet_Body)(other.paint_worklet); break;
case Tag::CrossFade: ::new (&cross_fade) (StyleCrossFade_Body)(other.cross_fade); break;
case Tag::ImageSet: ::new (&image_set) (StyleImageSet_Body)(other.image_set); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericImage& operator=(const StyleGenericImage& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericImage(other);
return *this;
// Returns the intrinsic resolution of the image.
// The resolution is in dppx, and should be used to impact the intrinsic
// size of the image.
ImageResolution GetResolution(const ComputedStyle&) const;
// If this is an image-set(), the final image we've selected, otherwise it
// returns *this.
const StyleGenericImage& FinalImage() const;
// Whether this image may have an image request associated with it.
bool IsImageRequestType() const;
// Gets the image request URL.
const StyleComputedImageUrl* GetImageRequestURLValue() const;
// Gets the image data of this image if it has any image request.
imgRequestProxy* GetImageRequest() const;
// Returns true if this image is fully loaded, and its size is calculated.
// Always returns true if there's no image request involved and this image
// is not `none`.
bool IsComplete() const;
// Returns true if this image has an available size and hasn't errored.
// Always returns true if there's no image request involved and this image
// is not `none`.
bool IsSizeAvailable() const;
// Returns true if the item is definitely opaque --- i.e., paints every
// pixel within its bounds opaquely, and the bounds contains at least a pixel.
bool IsOpaque() const;
// Resolves the underlying image request if any.
void ResolveImage(dom::Document&, const StyleGenericImage* aOld);
// Returns whether this image has been resolved.
bool IsResolved() const;
/// Computed values for an image according to CSS-IMAGES.
using StyleImage = StyleGenericImage<StyleGradient, StyleComputedImageUrl, StyleColor, StylePercentage, StyleResolution>;
union StyleSymbol {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// <string>
/// <custom-ident>
struct String_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleOwnedStr _0;
bool operator==(const String_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const String_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Ident_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleCustomIdent _0;
bool operator==(const Ident_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Ident_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
String_Body string;
Ident_Body ident;
static StyleSymbol String(const StyleOwnedStr &_0) {
StyleSymbol result;
::new (&result.string._0) (StyleOwnedStr)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::String;
return result;
bool IsString() const {
return tag == Tag::String;
const StyleOwnedStr& AsString() const {
return string._0;
static StyleSymbol Ident(const StyleCustomIdent &_0) {
StyleSymbol result;
::new (&result.ident._0) (StyleCustomIdent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Ident;
return result;
bool IsIdent() const {
return tag == Tag::Ident;
const StyleCustomIdent& AsIdent() const {
return ident._0;
bool operator==(const StyleSymbol& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: return string == other.string;
case Tag::Ident: return ident == other.ident;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleSymbol& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleSymbol() {
~StyleSymbol() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: string.~String_Body(); break;
case Tag::Ident: ident.~Ident_Body(); break;
StyleSymbol(const StyleSymbol& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: ::new (&string) (String_Body)(other.string); break;
case Tag::Ident: ::new (&ident) (Ident_Body)(other.ident); break;
StyleSymbol& operator=(const StyleSymbol& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleSymbol(other);
return *this;
struct StyleSymbols {
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleSymbol> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSymbols& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSymbols& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
/// Note that 'none' is not a valid name.
union StyleCounterStyle {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `<counter-style-name>`
/// `symbols()`
struct Name_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleCustomIdent _0;
bool operator==(const Name_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Name_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Symbols_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleSymbolsType _0;
StyleSymbols _1;
bool operator==(const Symbols_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const Symbols_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct {
Tag tag;
Name_Body name;
Symbols_Body symbols;
static StyleCounterStyle Name(const StyleCustomIdent &_0) {
StyleCounterStyle result;
::new (& (StyleCustomIdent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Name;
return result;
bool IsName() const {
return tag == Tag::Name;
const StyleCustomIdent& AsName() const {
return name._0;
static StyleCounterStyle Symbols(const StyleSymbolsType &_0,
const StyleSymbols &_1) {
StyleCounterStyle result;
::new (&result.symbols._0) (StyleSymbolsType)(_0);
::new (&result.symbols._1) (StyleSymbols)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Symbols;
return result;
bool IsSymbols() const {
return tag == Tag::Symbols;
const Symbols_Body& AsSymbols() const {
return symbols;
bool operator==(const StyleCounterStyle& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Name: return name ==;
case Tag::Symbols: return symbols == other.symbols;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleCounterStyle& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleCounterStyle() {
~StyleCounterStyle() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Name: name.~Name_Body(); break;
case Tag::Symbols: symbols.~Symbols_Body(); break;
StyleCounterStyle(const StyleCounterStyle& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Name: ::new (&name) (Name_Body)(; break;
case Tag::Symbols: ::new (&symbols) (Symbols_Body)(other.symbols); break;
StyleCounterStyle& operator=(const StyleCounterStyle& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleCounterStyle(other);
return *this;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
using StyleCounterStyleType = StyleListStyleType;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
using StyleCounterStyleType = StyleCounterStyle;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// A CSS `<ident>` stored as an `Atom`.
using StyleAtomIdent = StyleAtom;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
/// A generic CSS `<ident>` stored as an `Atom`.
template<typename Set>
using StyleGenericAtomIdent = StyleAtom<Set>;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The namespace prefix type for Gecko, which is just an atom.
using StylePrefix = StyleAtomIdent;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_SERVO)
using StylePrefix = StyleGenericAtomIdent<StylePrefixStaticSet>;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// A Gecko namespace is just a wrapped atom.
using StyleNamespace = StyleAtom;
/// A CSS string stored as an `Atom`.
using StyleAtomString = StyleAtom;
/// An attr(...) rule
/// `[namespace? `|`]? ident`
struct StyleAttr {
/// Optional namespace prefix.
StylePrefix namespace_prefix;
/// Optional namespace URL.
StyleNamespace namespace_url;
/// Attribute name
StyleAtom attribute;
/// Fallback value
StyleAtomString fallback;
bool operator==(const StyleAttr& other) const {
return namespace_prefix == other.namespace_prefix &&
namespace_url == other.namespace_url &&
attribute == other.attribute &&
fallback == other.fallback;
bool operator!=(const StyleAttr& other) const {
return namespace_prefix != other.namespace_prefix ||
namespace_url != other.namespace_url ||
attribute != other.attribute ||
fallback != other.fallback;
/// Items for the `content` property.
template<typename I>
union StyleGenericContentItem {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Literal string content.
/// `counter(name, style)`.
/// `counters(name, separator, style)`.
/// `open-quote`.
/// `close-quote`.
/// `no-open-quote`.
/// `no-close-quote`.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// `-moz-alt-content`.
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// `-moz-label-content`.
/// This is needed to make `accesskey` work for XUL labels. It's basically
/// attr(value) otherwise.
/// `attr([namespace? `|`]? ident)`
/// image-set(url) | url(url)
struct String_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleOwnedStr _0;
bool operator==(const String_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const String_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Counter_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleCustomIdent _0;
StyleCounterStyleType _1;
bool operator==(const Counter_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const Counter_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct Counters_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleCustomIdent _0;
StyleOwnedStr _1;
StyleCounterStyleType _2;
bool operator==(const Counters_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1 &&
_2 == other._2;
bool operator!=(const Counters_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1 ||
_2 != other._2;
struct Attr_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleAttr _0;
bool operator==(const Attr_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Attr_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Image_Body {
Tag tag;
I _0;
bool operator==(const Image_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Image_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
String_Body string;
Counter_Body counter;
Counters_Body counters;
Attr_Body attr;
Image_Body image;
static StyleGenericContentItem String(const StyleOwnedStr &_0) {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
::new (&result.string._0) (StyleOwnedStr)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::String;
return result;
bool IsString() const {
return tag == Tag::String;
const StyleOwnedStr& AsString() const {
return string._0;
static StyleGenericContentItem Counter(const StyleCustomIdent &_0,
const StyleCounterStyleType &_1) {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
::new (&result.counter._0) (StyleCustomIdent)(_0);
::new (&result.counter._1) (StyleCounterStyleType)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Counter;
return result;
bool IsCounter() const {
return tag == Tag::Counter;
const Counter_Body& AsCounter() const {
return counter;
static StyleGenericContentItem Counters(const StyleCustomIdent &_0,
const StyleOwnedStr &_1,
const StyleCounterStyleType &_2) {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
::new (&result.counters._0) (StyleCustomIdent)(_0);
::new (&result.counters._1) (StyleOwnedStr)(_1);
::new (&result.counters._2) (StyleCounterStyleType)(_2);
result.tag = Tag::Counters;
return result;
bool IsCounters() const {
return tag == Tag::Counters;
const Counters_Body& AsCounters() const {
return counters;
static StyleGenericContentItem OpenQuote() {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
result.tag = Tag::OpenQuote;
return result;
bool IsOpenQuote() const {
return tag == Tag::OpenQuote;
static StyleGenericContentItem CloseQuote() {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
result.tag = Tag::CloseQuote;
return result;
bool IsCloseQuote() const {
return tag == Tag::CloseQuote;
static StyleGenericContentItem NoOpenQuote() {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
result.tag = Tag::NoOpenQuote;
return result;
bool IsNoOpenQuote() const {
return tag == Tag::NoOpenQuote;
static StyleGenericContentItem NoCloseQuote() {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
result.tag = Tag::NoCloseQuote;
return result;
bool IsNoCloseQuote() const {
return tag == Tag::NoCloseQuote;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
static StyleGenericContentItem MozAltContent() {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
result.tag = Tag::MozAltContent;
return result;
bool IsMozAltContent() const {
return tag == Tag::MozAltContent;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
static StyleGenericContentItem MozLabelContent() {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
result.tag = Tag::MozLabelContent;
return result;
bool IsMozLabelContent() const {
return tag == Tag::MozLabelContent;
static StyleGenericContentItem Attr(const StyleAttr &_0) {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
::new (&result.attr._0) (StyleAttr)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Attr;
return result;
bool IsAttr() const {
return tag == Tag::Attr;
const StyleAttr& AsAttr() const {
return attr._0;
static StyleGenericContentItem Image(const I &_0) {
StyleGenericContentItem result;
::new (&result.image._0) (I)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Image;
return result;
bool IsImage() const {
return tag == Tag::Image;
const I& AsImage() const {
return image._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericContentItem& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: return string == other.string;
case Tag::Counter: return counter == other.counter;
case Tag::Counters: return counters == other.counters;
case Tag::Attr: return attr == other.attr;
case Tag::Image: return image == other.image;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericContentItem& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericContentItem() {
~StyleGenericContentItem() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: string.~String_Body(); break;
case Tag::Counter: counter.~Counter_Body(); break;
case Tag::Counters: counters.~Counters_Body(); break;
case Tag::Attr: attr.~Attr_Body(); break;
case Tag::Image: image.~Image_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericContentItem(const StyleGenericContentItem& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: ::new (&string) (String_Body)(other.string); break;
case Tag::Counter: ::new (&counter) (Counter_Body)(other.counter); break;
case Tag::Counters: ::new (&counters) (Counters_Body)(other.counters); break;
case Tag::Attr: ::new (&attr) (Attr_Body)(other.attr); break;
case Tag::Image: ::new (&image) (Image_Body)(other.image); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericContentItem& operator=(const StyleGenericContentItem& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericContentItem(other);
return *this;
/// The specified value for the `content` property.
template<typename Image>
union StyleGenericContent {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `normal` reserved keyword.
/// `none` reserved keyword.
/// Content items.
struct Items_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericContentItem<Image>> _0;
bool operator==(const Items_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Items_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
Items_Body items;
static StyleGenericContent Normal() {
StyleGenericContent result;
result.tag = Tag::Normal;
return result;
bool IsNormal() const {
return tag == Tag::Normal;
static StyleGenericContent None() {
StyleGenericContent result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericContent Items(const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericContentItem<Image>> &_0) {
StyleGenericContent result;
::new (&result.items._0) (StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericContentItem<Image>>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Items;
return result;
bool IsItems() const {
return tag == Tag::Items;
const StyleOwnedSlice<StyleGenericContentItem<Image>>& AsItems() const {
return items._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericContent& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Items: return items == other.items;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericContent& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericContent() {
~StyleGenericContent() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Items: items.~Items_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericContent(const StyleGenericContent& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Items: ::new (&items) (Items_Body)(other.items); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericContent& operator=(const StyleGenericContent& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericContent(other);
return *this;
/// A computed value for the `content` property.
using StyleContent = StyleGenericContent<StyleImage>;
/// A computed content item.
using StyleContentItem = StyleGenericContentItem<StyleImage>;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Constants shared by multiple CSS Box Alignment properties
struct StyleAlignFlags {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleAlignFlags operator~() const {
return StyleAlignFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleAlignFlags operator|(const StyleAlignFlags& other) const {
return StyleAlignFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleAlignFlags& operator|=(const StyleAlignFlags& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleAlignFlags operator&(const StyleAlignFlags& other) const {
return StyleAlignFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleAlignFlags& operator&=(const StyleAlignFlags& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleAlignFlags operator^(const StyleAlignFlags& other) const {
return StyleAlignFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleAlignFlags& operator^=(const StyleAlignFlags& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleAlignFlags& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAlignFlags& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleAlignFlags AUTO;
static const StyleAlignFlags NORMAL;
static const StyleAlignFlags START;
static const StyleAlignFlags END;
static const StyleAlignFlags FLEX_START;
static const StyleAlignFlags FLEX_END;
static const StyleAlignFlags CENTER;
static const StyleAlignFlags LEFT;
static const StyleAlignFlags RIGHT;
static const StyleAlignFlags BASELINE;
static const StyleAlignFlags LAST_BASELINE;
static const StyleAlignFlags STRETCH;
static const StyleAlignFlags SELF_START;
static const StyleAlignFlags SELF_END;
static const StyleAlignFlags SPACE_BETWEEN;
static const StyleAlignFlags SPACE_AROUND;
static const StyleAlignFlags SPACE_EVENLY;
static const StyleAlignFlags LEGACY;
static const StyleAlignFlags SAFE;
static const StyleAlignFlags UNSAFE;
static const StyleAlignFlags FLAG_BITS;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// {align,justify}-{content,items,self}: 'auto'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::AUTO = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)0 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'normal'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::NORMAL = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)1 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'start'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::START = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)2 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'end'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::END = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)3 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'flex-start'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::FLEX_START = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)4 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'flex-end'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::FLEX_END = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)5 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'center'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::CENTER = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)6 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'left'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::LEFT = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)7 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'right'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::RIGHT = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)8 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'baseline'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::BASELINE = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)9 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'last-baseline'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::LAST_BASELINE = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)10 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'stretch'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::STRETCH = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)11 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'self-start'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::SELF_START = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)12 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'self-end'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::SELF_END = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)13 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'space-between'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::SPACE_BETWEEN = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)14 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'space-around'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::SPACE_AROUND = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)15 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'space-evenly'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::SPACE_EVENLY = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)16 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'legacy' (mutually exclusive w. SAFE & UNSAFE)
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::LEGACY = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 5) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'safe'
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::SAFE = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 6) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// 'unsafe' (mutually exclusive w. SAFE)
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::UNSAFE = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 7) };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Mask for the additional flags above.
constexpr inline const StyleAlignFlags StyleAlignFlags::FLAG_BITS = StyleAlignFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)224 };
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
using StyleSelfAlignment = StyleAlignFlags;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The specified value of the align-self property.
struct StyleAlignSelf {
StyleSelfAlignment _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAlignSelf& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAlignSelf& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The specified value of the justify-self property.
struct StyleJustifySelf {
StyleSelfAlignment _0;
bool operator==(const StyleJustifySelf& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleJustifySelf& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Value of the `align-items` property
struct StyleAlignItems {
StyleAlignFlags _0;
bool operator==(const StyleAlignItems& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleAlignItems& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Value of the `justify-items` property
struct StyleJustifyItems {
StyleAlignFlags _0;
bool operator==(const StyleJustifyItems& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleJustifyItems& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// The computed value for the `justify-items` property.
/// Need to carry around both the specified and computed value to handle the
/// special legacy keyword without destroying style sharing.
/// In particular, `justify-items` is a reset property, so we ought to be able
/// to share its computed representation across elements as long as they match
/// the same rules. Except that it's not true if the specified value for
/// `justify-items` is `legacy` and the computed value of the parent has the
/// `legacy` modifier.
/// So instead of computing `legacy` "normally" looking at get_parent_position(),
/// marking it as uncacheable, we carry the specified value around and handle
/// the special case in `StyleAdjuster` instead, only when the result of the
/// computation would vary.
/// Note that we also need to special-case this property in, in
/// order to properly handle changes to the legacy keyword... This all kinda
/// sucks :(.
/// See the discussion in
struct StyleComputedJustifyItems {
/// The specified value for the property. Can contain the bare `legacy`
/// keyword.
StyleJustifyItems specified;
/// The computed value for the property. Cannot contain the bare `legacy`
/// keyword, but note that it could contain it in combination with other
/// keywords like `left`, `right` or `center`.
StyleJustifyItems computed;
bool operator==(const StyleComputedJustifyItems& other) const {
return specified == other.specified &&
computed == other.computed;
bool operator!=(const StyleComputedJustifyItems& other) const {
return specified != other.specified ||
computed != other.computed;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Shared value for the `align-content` and `justify-content` properties.
struct StyleContentDistribution {
StyleAlignFlags primary;
bool operator==(const StyleContentDistribution& other) const {
return primary == other.primary;
bool operator!=(const StyleContentDistribution& other) const {
return primary != other.primary;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Value for the `align-content` property.
using StyleAlignContent = StyleContentDistribution;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Value for the `justify-content` property.
using StyleJustifyContent = StyleContentDistribution;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Value for the `align-tracks` property.
using StyleAlignTracks = StyleOwnedSlice<StyleAlignContent>;
#if defined(CBINDGEN_IS_GECKO)
/// Value for the `justify-tracks` property.
using StyleJustifyTracks = StyleOwnedSlice<StyleJustifyContent>;
union StyleShapeGeometryBox {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Depending on which kind of element this style value applied on, the
/// default value of the reference-box can be different. For an HTML
/// element, the default value of reference-box is border-box; for an SVG
/// element, the default value is fill-box. Since we can not determine the
/// default value at parsing time, we keep this value to make a decision on
/// it.
struct ShapeBox_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleShapeBox _0;
bool operator==(const ShapeBox_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const ShapeBox_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
ShapeBox_Body shape_box;
static StyleShapeGeometryBox ElementDependent() {
StyleShapeGeometryBox result;
result.tag = Tag::ElementDependent;
return result;
bool IsElementDependent() const {
return tag == Tag::ElementDependent;
static StyleShapeGeometryBox FillBox() {
StyleShapeGeometryBox result;
result.tag = Tag::FillBox;
return result;
bool IsFillBox() const {
return tag == Tag::FillBox;
static StyleShapeGeometryBox StrokeBox() {
StyleShapeGeometryBox result;
result.tag = Tag::StrokeBox;
return result;
bool IsStrokeBox() const {
return tag == Tag::StrokeBox;
static StyleShapeGeometryBox ViewBox() {
StyleShapeGeometryBox result;
result.tag = Tag::ViewBox;
return result;
bool IsViewBox() const {
return tag == Tag::ViewBox;
static StyleShapeGeometryBox ShapeBox(const StyleShapeBox &_0) {
StyleShapeGeometryBox result;
::new (&result.shape_box._0) (StyleShapeBox)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::ShapeBox;
return result;
bool IsShapeBox() const {
return tag == Tag::ShapeBox;
const StyleShapeBox& AsShapeBox() const {
return shape_box._0;
bool operator==(const StyleShapeGeometryBox& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::ShapeBox: return shape_box == other.shape_box;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleShapeGeometryBox& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleShapeGeometryBox() {
~StyleShapeGeometryBox() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::ShapeBox: shape_box.~ShapeBox_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleShapeGeometryBox(const StyleShapeGeometryBox& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::ShapeBox: ::new (&shape_box) (ShapeBox_Body)(other.shape_box); break;
default: break;
StyleShapeGeometryBox& operator=(const StyleShapeGeometryBox& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleShapeGeometryBox(other);
return *this;
/// A value for the `clip-path` property.
template<typename BasicShape, typename U>
union StyleGenericClipPath {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct Url_Body {
Tag tag;
U _0;
bool operator==(const Url_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Url_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Shape_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleBox<BasicShape> _0;
StyleShapeGeometryBox _1;
bool operator==(const Shape_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const Shape_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct Box_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleShapeGeometryBox _0;
bool operator==(const Box_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Box_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
Url_Body url;
Shape_Body shape;
Box_Body box;
static StyleGenericClipPath None() {
StyleGenericClipPath result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericClipPath Url(const U &_0) {
StyleGenericClipPath result;
::new (&result.url._0) (U)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Url;
return result;
bool IsUrl() const {
return tag == Tag::Url;
const U& AsUrl() const {
return url._0;
static StyleGenericClipPath Shape(const StyleBox<BasicShape> &_0,
const StyleShapeGeometryBox &_1) {
StyleGenericClipPath result;
::new (&result.shape._0) (StyleBox<BasicShape>)(_0);
::new (&result.shape._1) (StyleShapeGeometryBox)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Shape;
return result;
bool IsShape() const {
return tag == Tag::Shape;
const Shape_Body& AsShape() const {
return shape;
static StyleGenericClipPath Box(const StyleShapeGeometryBox &_0) {
StyleGenericClipPath result;
::new (& (StyleShapeGeometryBox)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Box;
return result;
bool IsBox() const {
return tag == Tag::Box;
const StyleShapeGeometryBox& AsBox() const {
return box._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericClipPath& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: return url == other.url;
case Tag::Shape: return shape == other.shape;
case Tag::Box: return box ==;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericClipPath& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericClipPath() {
~StyleGenericClipPath() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: url.~Url_Body(); break;
case Tag::Shape: shape.~Shape_Body(); break;
case Tag::Box: box.~Box_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericClipPath(const StyleGenericClipPath& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Url: ::new (&url) (Url_Body)(other.url); break;
case Tag::Shape: ::new (&shape) (Shape_Body)(other.shape); break;
case Tag::Box: ::new (&box) (Box_Body)(; break;
default: break;
StyleGenericClipPath& operator=(const StyleGenericClipPath& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericClipPath(other);
return *this;
/// A computed `clip-path` value.
using StyleClipPath = StyleGenericClipPath<StyleBasicShape, StyleComputedUrl>;
/// A value for the `shape-outside` property.
template<typename BasicShape, typename I>
union StyleGenericShapeOutside {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct Image_Body {
Tag tag;
I _0;
bool operator==(const Image_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Image_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Shape_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleBox<BasicShape> _0;
StyleShapeBox _1;
bool operator==(const Shape_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const Shape_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
struct Box_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleShapeBox _0;
bool operator==(const Box_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Box_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
Image_Body image;
Shape_Body shape;
Box_Body box;
static StyleGenericShapeOutside None() {
StyleGenericShapeOutside result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StyleGenericShapeOutside Image(const I &_0) {
StyleGenericShapeOutside result;
::new (&result.image._0) (I)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Image;
return result;
bool IsImage() const {
return tag == Tag::Image;
const I& AsImage() const {
return image._0;
static StyleGenericShapeOutside Shape(const StyleBox<BasicShape> &_0,
const StyleShapeBox &_1) {
StyleGenericShapeOutside result;
::new (&result.shape._0) (StyleBox<BasicShape>)(_0);
::new (&result.shape._1) (StyleShapeBox)(_1);
result.tag = Tag::Shape;
return result;
bool IsShape() const {
return tag == Tag::Shape;
const Shape_Body& AsShape() const {
return shape;
static StyleGenericShapeOutside Box(const StyleShapeBox &_0) {
StyleGenericShapeOutside result;
::new (& (StyleShapeBox)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Box;
return result;
bool IsBox() const {
return tag == Tag::Box;
const StyleShapeBox& AsBox() const {
return box._0;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericShapeOutside& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Image: return image == other.image;
case Tag::Shape: return shape == other.shape;
case Tag::Box: return box ==;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericShapeOutside& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericShapeOutside() {
~StyleGenericShapeOutside() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Image: image.~Image_Body(); break;
case Tag::Shape: shape.~Shape_Body(); break;
case Tag::Box: box.~Box_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericShapeOutside(const StyleGenericShapeOutside& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Image: ::new (&image) (Image_Body)(other.image); break;
case Tag::Shape: ::new (&shape) (Shape_Body)(other.shape); break;
case Tag::Box: ::new (&box) (Box_Body)(; break;
default: break;
StyleGenericShapeOutside& operator=(const StyleGenericShapeOutside& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericShapeOutside(other);
return *this;
/// A computed `shape-outside` value.
using StyleShapeOutside = StyleGenericShapeOutside<StyleBasicShape, StyleImage>;
/// Controls how the auto-placement algorithm works specifying exactly how auto-placed items
/// get flowed into the grid.
struct StyleGridAutoFlow {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleGridAutoFlow operator~() const {
return StyleGridAutoFlow { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleGridAutoFlow operator|(const StyleGridAutoFlow& other) const {
return StyleGridAutoFlow { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleGridAutoFlow& operator|=(const StyleGridAutoFlow& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleGridAutoFlow operator&(const StyleGridAutoFlow& other) const {
return StyleGridAutoFlow { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleGridAutoFlow& operator&=(const StyleGridAutoFlow& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleGridAutoFlow operator^(const StyleGridAutoFlow& other) const {
return StyleGridAutoFlow { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleGridAutoFlow& operator^=(const StyleGridAutoFlow& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleGridAutoFlow& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleGridAutoFlow& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleGridAutoFlow ROW;
static const StyleGridAutoFlow COLUMN;
static const StyleGridAutoFlow DENSE;
/// 'row' - mutually exclusive with 'column'
constexpr inline const StyleGridAutoFlow StyleGridAutoFlow::ROW = StyleGridAutoFlow{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// 'column' - mutually exclusive with 'row'
constexpr inline const StyleGridAutoFlow StyleGridAutoFlow::COLUMN = StyleGridAutoFlow{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// 'dense'
constexpr inline const StyleGridAutoFlow StyleGridAutoFlow::DENSE = StyleGridAutoFlow{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// A generic value for item of `image cursors`.
template<typename Image, typename Number>
struct StyleGenericCursorImage {
/// The url to parse images from.
Image image;
/// Whether the image has a hotspot or not.
bool has_hotspot;
/// The x coordinate.
Number hotspot_x;
/// The y coordinate.
Number hotspot_y;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericCursorImage& other) const {
return image == other.image &&
has_hotspot == other.has_hotspot &&
hotspot_x == other.hotspot_x &&
hotspot_y == other.hotspot_y;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericCursorImage& other) const {
return image != other.image ||
has_hotspot != other.has_hotspot ||
hotspot_x != other.hotspot_x ||
hotspot_y != other.hotspot_y;
/// A computed value for item of `image cursors`.
using StyleCursorImage = StyleGenericCursorImage<StyleImage, StyleNumber>;
/// A generic value for the `cursor` property.
template<typename Image>
struct StyleGenericCursor {
/// The parsed images for the cursor.
StyleOwnedSlice<Image> images;
/// The kind of the cursor [default | help | ...].
StyleCursorKind keyword;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericCursor& other) const {
return images == other.images &&
keyword == other.keyword;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericCursor& other) const {
return images != other.images ||
keyword != other.keyword;
/// A computed value for the `cursor` property.
using StyleCursor = StyleGenericCursor<StyleCursorImage>;
/// Generic value for stroke-dasharray.
template<typename L>
struct StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `[ <length> | <percentage> | <number> ]#`
/// `context-value`
struct StyleValues_Body {
StyleOwnedSlice<L> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleValues_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleValues_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleValues_Body values;
static StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray Values(const StyleOwnedSlice<L> &_0) {
StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray result;
::new (&result.values._0) (StyleOwnedSlice<L>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Values;
return result;
bool IsValues() const {
return tag == Tag::Values;
const StyleOwnedSlice<L>& AsValues() const {
return values._0;
static StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray ContextValue() {
StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray result;
result.tag = Tag::ContextValue;
return result;
bool IsContextValue() const {
return tag == Tag::ContextValue;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Values: return values == other.values;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray() {
~StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Values: values.~StyleValues_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray(const StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Values: ::new (&values) (StyleValues_Body)(other.values); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray& operator=(const StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray(other);
return *this;
/// [ <length> | <percentage> | <number> ]# | context-value
using StyleSVGStrokeDashArray = StyleGenericSVGStrokeDashArray<StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage>;
/// An SVG length value supports `context-value` in addition to length.
template<typename L>
struct StyleGenericSVGLength {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `<length> | <percentage> | <number>`
/// `context-value`
struct StyleLengthPercentage_Body {
L _0;
bool operator==(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleLengthPercentage_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleLengthPercentage_Body length_percentage;
static StyleGenericSVGLength LengthPercentage(const L &_0) {
StyleGenericSVGLength result;
::new (&result.length_percentage._0) (L)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::LengthPercentage;
return result;
bool IsLengthPercentage() const {
return tag == Tag::LengthPercentage;
const L& AsLengthPercentage() const {
return length_percentage._0;
static StyleGenericSVGLength ContextValue() {
StyleGenericSVGLength result;
result.tag = Tag::ContextValue;
return result;
bool IsContextValue() const {
return tag == Tag::ContextValue;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericSVGLength& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: return length_percentage == other.length_percentage;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericSVGLength& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericSVGLength() {
~StyleGenericSVGLength() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: length_percentage.~StyleLengthPercentage_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSVGLength(const StyleGenericSVGLength& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::LengthPercentage: ::new (&length_percentage) (StyleLengthPercentage_Body)(other.length_percentage); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSVGLength& operator=(const StyleGenericSVGLength& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericSVGLength(other);
return *this;
/// <length> | <percentage> | <number> | context-value
using StyleSVGLength = StyleGenericSVGLength<StyleLengthPercentage>;
/// A type used for opacity.
using StyleOpacity = StyleCSSFloat;
/// An SVG opacity value accepts `context-{fill,stroke}-opacity` in
/// addition to opacity value.
template<typename OpacityType>
struct StyleGenericSVGOpacity {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `<opacity-value>`
/// `context-fill-opacity`
/// `context-stroke-opacity`
struct StyleOpacity_Body {
OpacityType _0;
bool operator==(const StyleOpacity_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleOpacity_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleOpacity_Body opacity;
static StyleGenericSVGOpacity Opacity(const OpacityType &_0) {
StyleGenericSVGOpacity result;
::new (&result.opacity._0) (OpacityType)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Opacity;
return result;
bool IsOpacity() const {
return tag == Tag::Opacity;
const OpacityType& AsOpacity() const {
return opacity._0;
static StyleGenericSVGOpacity ContextFillOpacity() {
StyleGenericSVGOpacity result;
result.tag = Tag::ContextFillOpacity;
return result;
bool IsContextFillOpacity() const {
return tag == Tag::ContextFillOpacity;
static StyleGenericSVGOpacity ContextStrokeOpacity() {
StyleGenericSVGOpacity result;
result.tag = Tag::ContextStrokeOpacity;
return result;
bool IsContextStrokeOpacity() const {
return tag == Tag::ContextStrokeOpacity;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericSVGOpacity& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Opacity: return opacity == other.opacity;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericSVGOpacity& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleGenericSVGOpacity() {
~StyleGenericSVGOpacity() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Opacity: opacity.~StyleOpacity_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSVGOpacity(const StyleGenericSVGOpacity& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Opacity: ::new (&opacity) (StyleOpacity_Body)(other.opacity); break;
default: break;
StyleGenericSVGOpacity& operator=(const StyleGenericSVGOpacity& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleGenericSVGOpacity(other);
return *this;
/// <opacity-value> | context-fill-opacity | context-stroke-opacity
using StyleSVGOpacity = StyleGenericSVGOpacity<StyleOpacity>;
/// An non-negative wrapper of SVGLength.
using StyleSVGWidth = StyleGenericSVGLength<StyleNonNegativeLengthPercentage>;
/// The computed value of `text-align`.
using StyleTextAlign = StyleTextAlignKeyword;
/// A generic value for the `<ratio>` value.
template<typename N>
struct StyleRatio {
N _0;
N _1;
bool operator==(const StyleRatio& other) const {
return _0 == other._0 &&
_1 == other._1;
bool operator!=(const StyleRatio& other) const {
return _0 != other._0 ||
_1 != other._1;
inline AspectRatio ToLayoutRatio(UseBoxSizing aUseBoxSizing) const;
/// Ratio or None.
template<typename N>
struct StylePreferredRatio {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Without specified ratio
/// With specified ratio
struct StyleRatio_Body {
StyleRatio<N> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleRatio_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleRatio_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleRatio_Body ratio;
static StylePreferredRatio None() {
StylePreferredRatio result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static StylePreferredRatio Ratio(const StyleRatio<N> &_0) {
StylePreferredRatio result;
::new (&result.ratio._0) (StyleRatio<N>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Ratio;
return result;
bool IsRatio() const {
return tag == Tag::Ratio;
const StyleRatio<N>& AsRatio() const {
return ratio._0;
bool operator==(const StylePreferredRatio& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Ratio: return ratio == other.ratio;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StylePreferredRatio& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StylePreferredRatio() {
~StylePreferredRatio() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Ratio: ratio.~StyleRatio_Body(); break;
default: break;
StylePreferredRatio(const StylePreferredRatio& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Ratio: ::new (&ratio) (StyleRatio_Body)(other.ratio); break;
default: break;
StylePreferredRatio& operator=(const StylePreferredRatio& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StylePreferredRatio(other);
return *this;
/// A generic value for the `aspect-ratio` property, the value is `auto || <ratio>`.
template<typename N>
struct StyleGenericAspectRatio {
/// Specifiy auto or not.
bool auto_;
/// The preferred aspect-ratio value.
StylePreferredRatio<N> ratio;
bool operator==(const StyleGenericAspectRatio& other) const {
return auto_ == other.auto_ &&
ratio == other.ratio;
bool operator!=(const StyleGenericAspectRatio& other) const {
return auto_ != other.auto_ ||
ratio != other.ratio;
bool HasRatio() const { return ratio.IsRatio(); }
bool HasFiniteRatio() const { return static_cast<bool>(ToLayoutRatio()); }
bool BehavesAsAuto() const { return auto_ || !HasFiniteRatio(); }
inline AspectRatio ToLayoutRatio() const;
static StyleGenericAspectRatio Auto() {
return {true, StylePreferredRatio<N>::None()};
/// A computed value for the `aspect-ratio` property.
using StyleAspectRatio = StyleGenericAspectRatio<StyleNonNegativeNumber>;
/// Page name value.
struct StylePageName {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `auto` value.
/// Page name value
struct StylePageName_Body {
StyleCustomIdent _0;
bool operator==(const StylePageName_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePageName_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StylePageName_Body page_name;
static StylePageName Auto() {
StylePageName result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StylePageName PageName(const StyleCustomIdent &_0) {
StylePageName result;
::new (&result.page_name._0) (StyleCustomIdent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::PageName;
return result;
bool IsPageName() const {
return tag == Tag::PageName;
const StyleCustomIdent& AsPageName() const {
return page_name._0;
bool operator==(const StylePageName& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::PageName: return page_name == other.page_name;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StylePageName& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StylePageName() {
~StylePageName() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::PageName: page_name.~StylePageName_Body(); break;
default: break;
StylePageName(const StylePageName& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::PageName: ::new (&page_name) (StylePageName_Body)(other.page_name); break;
default: break;
StylePageName& operator=(const StylePageName& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StylePageName(other);
return *this;
/// Computed value of the @page size descriptor
/// The spec says that the computed value should be the same as the specified
/// value but with all absolute units, but it's not currently possibly observe
/// the computed value of page-size.
struct StylePageSize {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Specified size, paper size, or paper size and orientation.
/// `landscape` or `portrait` value, no specified size.
/// `auto` value
struct StyleSize_Body {
StyleSize2D<StyleNonNegativeLength> _0;
bool operator==(const StyleSize_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleSize_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct StyleOrientation_Body {
StylePageSizeOrientation _0;
bool operator==(const StyleOrientation_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleOrientation_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleSize_Body size;
StyleOrientation_Body orientation;
static StylePageSize Size(const StyleSize2D<StyleNonNegativeLength> &_0) {
StylePageSize result;
::new (&result.size._0) (StyleSize2D<StyleNonNegativeLength>)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Size;
return result;
bool IsSize() const {
return tag == Tag::Size;
const StyleSize2D<StyleNonNegativeLength>& AsSize() const {
return size._0;
static StylePageSize Orientation(const StylePageSizeOrientation &_0) {
StylePageSize result;
::new (&result.orientation._0) (StylePageSizeOrientation)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Orientation;
return result;
bool IsOrientation() const {
return tag == Tag::Orientation;
const StylePageSizeOrientation& AsOrientation() const {
return orientation._0;
static StylePageSize Auto() {
StylePageSize result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
bool operator==(const StylePageSize& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Size: return size == other.size;
case Tag::Orientation: return orientation == other.orientation;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StylePageSize& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StylePageSize() {
~StylePageSize() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Size: size.~StyleSize_Body(); break;
case Tag::Orientation: orientation.~StyleOrientation_Body(); break;
default: break;
StylePageSize(const StylePageSize& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Size: ::new (&size) (StyleSize_Body)(other.size); break;
case Tag::Orientation: ::new (&orientation) (StyleOrientation_Body)(other.orientation); break;
default: break;
StylePageSize& operator=(const StylePageSize& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StylePageSize(other);
return *this;
/// The svg d property type.
struct StyleDProperty {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Path value for path(<string>) or just a <string>.
/// None value.
struct StylePath_Body {
StyleSVGPathData _0;
bool operator==(const StylePath_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StylePath_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StylePath_Body path;
static StyleDProperty Path(const StyleSVGPathData &_0) {
StyleDProperty result;
::new (&result.path._0) (StyleSVGPathData)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Path;
return result;
bool IsPath() const {
return tag == Tag::Path;
const StyleSVGPathData& AsPath() const {
return path._0;
static StyleDProperty None() {
StyleDProperty result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
bool operator==(const StyleDProperty& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Path: return path == other.path;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleDProperty& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleDProperty() {
~StyleDProperty() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Path: path.~StylePath_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleDProperty(const StyleDProperty& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Path: ::new (&path) (StylePath_Body)(other.path); break;
default: break;
StyleDProperty& operator=(const StyleDProperty& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleDProperty(other);
return *this;
/// Values for scrollbar-gutter:
struct StyleScrollbarGutter {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StyleScrollbarGutter operator~() const {
return StyleScrollbarGutter { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StyleScrollbarGutter operator|(const StyleScrollbarGutter& other) const {
return StyleScrollbarGutter { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | other._0) };
StyleScrollbarGutter& operator|=(const StyleScrollbarGutter& other) {
*this = (*this | other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleScrollbarGutter operator&(const StyleScrollbarGutter& other) const {
return StyleScrollbarGutter { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & other._0) };
StyleScrollbarGutter& operator&=(const StyleScrollbarGutter& other) {
*this = (*this & other);
return *this;
constexpr StyleScrollbarGutter operator^(const StyleScrollbarGutter& other) const {
return StyleScrollbarGutter { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ other._0) };
StyleScrollbarGutter& operator^=(const StyleScrollbarGutter& other) {
*this = (*this ^ other);
return *this;
bool operator==(const StyleScrollbarGutter& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleScrollbarGutter& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
static const StyleScrollbarGutter AUTO;
static const StyleScrollbarGutter STABLE;
static const StyleScrollbarGutter BOTH_EDGES;
/// `auto` variant. Just for convenience if there is no flag set.
constexpr inline const StyleScrollbarGutter StyleScrollbarGutter::AUTO = StyleScrollbarGutter{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)0 };
/// `stable` variant.
constexpr inline const StyleScrollbarGutter StyleScrollbarGutter::STABLE = StyleScrollbarGutter{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// `both-edges` variant.
constexpr inline const StyleScrollbarGutter StyleScrollbarGutter::BOTH_EDGES = StyleScrollbarGutter{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// A value for the `hyphenate-character` property.
struct StyleHyphenateCharacter {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// `auto`
/// `<string>`
struct StyleString_Body {
StyleOwnedStr _0;
bool operator==(const StyleString_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleString_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
Tag tag;
union {
StyleString_Body string;
static StyleHyphenateCharacter Auto() {
StyleHyphenateCharacter result;
result.tag = Tag::Auto;
return result;
bool IsAuto() const {
return tag == Tag::Auto;
static StyleHyphenateCharacter String(const StyleOwnedStr &_0) {
StyleHyphenateCharacter result;
::new (&result.string._0) (StyleOwnedStr)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::String;
return result;
bool IsString() const {
return tag == Tag::String;
const StyleOwnedStr& AsString() const {
return string._0;
bool operator==(const StyleHyphenateCharacter& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: return string == other.string;
default: break;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleHyphenateCharacter& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleHyphenateCharacter() {
~StyleHyphenateCharacter() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: string.~StyleString_Body(); break;
default: break;
StyleHyphenateCharacter(const StyleHyphenateCharacter& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::String: ::new (&string) (StyleString_Body)(other.string); break;
default: break;
StyleHyphenateCharacter& operator=(const StyleHyphenateCharacter& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleHyphenateCharacter(other);
return *this;
/// This is an alias which is useful mostly as a cbindgen / C++ inference workaround.
using StyleZoomFixedPoint = StyleFixedPoint<uint16_t, StyleZOOM_FRACTION_BITS>;
/// The computed `zoom` property value. We store it as a 16-bit fixed point because we need to
/// store it efficiently in the ComputedStyle representation. The assumption being that zooms over
/// 1000 aren't quite useful.
struct StyleZoom {
StyleZoomFixedPoint _0;
bool operator==(const StyleZoom& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleZoom& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
inline float Zoom(float) const;
inline float Unzoom(float) const;
inline nscoord ZoomCoord(nscoord) const;
inline nscoord UnzoomCoord(nscoord) const;
inline nsSize Zoom(const nsSize&) const;
inline nsSize Unzoom(const nsSize&) const;
inline nsPoint Zoom(const nsPoint&) const;
inline nsPoint Unzoom(const nsPoint&) const;
inline nsRect Zoom(const nsRect&) const;
inline nsRect Unzoom(const nsRect&) const;
static const StyleZoom ONE;
static const StyleZoom DOCUMENT;
/// The value 1. This is by far the most common value.
constexpr inline const StyleZoom StyleZoom::ONE = StyleZoom{ /* ._0 = */ StyleZoomFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ (1 << StyleZOOM_FRACTION_BITS) } };
/// The `document` value. This can appear in the computed zoom property value, but not in the
/// `effective_zoom` field.
constexpr inline const StyleZoom StyleZoom::DOCUMENT = StyleZoom{ /* ._0 = */ StyleZoomFixedPoint{ /* .value = */ 0 } };
/// A longhand or shorthand property.
struct StyleNonCustomPropertyId {
uint16_t _0;
bool operator==(const StyleNonCustomPropertyId& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const StyleNonCustomPropertyId& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
/// A given transition property, that is either `All`, a longhand or shorthand
/// property, or an unsupported or custom property.
union StyleTransitionProperty {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// A non-custom property.
/// A custom property.
/// Unrecognized property which could be any non-transitionable, custom property, or
/// unknown property.
struct NonCustom_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleNonCustomPropertyId _0;
bool operator==(const NonCustom_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const NonCustom_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Custom_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleAtom _0;
bool operator==(const Custom_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Custom_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct Unsupported_Body {
Tag tag;
StyleCustomIdent _0;
bool operator==(const Unsupported_Body& other) const {
return _0 == other._0;
bool operator!=(const Unsupported_Body& other) const {
return _0 != other._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
NonCustom_Body non_custom;
Custom_Body custom;
Unsupported_Body unsupported;
static StyleTransitionProperty NonCustom(const StyleNonCustomPropertyId &_0) {
StyleTransitionProperty result;
::new (&result.non_custom._0) (StyleNonCustomPropertyId)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::NonCustom;
return result;
bool IsNonCustom() const {
return tag == Tag::NonCustom;
const StyleNonCustomPropertyId& AsNonCustom() const {
return non_custom._0;
static StyleTransitionProperty Custom(const StyleAtom &_0) {
StyleTransitionProperty result;
::new (&result.custom._0) (StyleAtom)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Custom;
return result;
bool IsCustom() const {
return tag == Tag::Custom;
const StyleAtom& AsCustom() const {
return custom._0;
static StyleTransitionProperty Unsupported(const StyleCustomIdent &_0) {
StyleTransitionProperty result;
::new (&result.unsupported._0) (StyleCustomIdent)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Unsupported;
return result;
bool IsUnsupported() const {
return tag == Tag::Unsupported;
const StyleCustomIdent& AsUnsupported() const {
return unsupported._0;
bool operator==(const StyleTransitionProperty& other) const {
if (tag != other.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::NonCustom: return non_custom == other.non_custom;
case Tag::Custom: return custom == other.custom;
case Tag::Unsupported: return unsupported == other.unsupported;
return true;
bool operator!=(const StyleTransitionProperty& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
StyleTransitionProperty() {
~StyleTransitionProperty() {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::NonCustom: non_custom.~NonCustom_Body(); break;
case Tag::Custom: custom.~Custom_Body(); break;
case Tag::Unsupported: unsupported.~Unsupported_Body(); break;
StyleTransitionProperty(const StyleTransitionProperty& other)
: tag(other.tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::NonCustom: ::new (&non_custom) (NonCustom_Body)(other.non_custom); break;
case Tag::Custom: ::new (&custom) (Custom_Body)(other.custom); break;
case Tag::Unsupported: ::new (&unsupported) (Unsupported_Body)(other.unsupported); break;
StyleTransitionProperty& operator=(const StyleTransitionProperty& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) StyleTransitionProperty(other);
return *this;
bool IsAll() const {
return IsNonCustom() &&
nsCSSPropertyID(AsNonCustom()._0) == eCSSProperty_all;
/// Number of pixels per inch
constexpr static const StyleCSSFloat StylePX_PER_IN = 96.;
/// Number of pixels per centimeter
constexpr static const StyleCSSFloat StylePX_PER_CM = (StylePX_PER_IN / 2.54);
/// Number of pixels per millimeter
constexpr static const StyleCSSFloat StylePX_PER_MM = (StylePX_PER_IN / 25.4);
/// Number of pixels per quarter
constexpr static const StyleCSSFloat StylePX_PER_Q = (StylePX_PER_MM / 4.);
/// Number of pixels per point
constexpr static const StyleCSSFloat StylePX_PER_PT = (StylePX_PER_IN / 72.);
/// Number of pixels per pica
constexpr static const StyleCSSFloat StylePX_PER_PC = (StylePX_PER_PT * 12.);
extern "C" {
size_t je_malloc_usable_size(const void*);
void Servo_Initialize(URLExtraData *dummy_url_data,
URLExtraData *dummy_chrome_url_data);
void Servo_Shutdown();
/// Traverses the subtree rooted at `root` for restyling.
/// Returns whether the root was restyled. Whether anything else was restyled or
/// not can be inferred from the dirty bits in the rest of the tree.
bool Servo_TraverseSubtree(const StyleRawGeckoElement *root,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots,
ServoTraversalFlags raw_flags);
/// Checks whether the rule tree has crossed its threshold for unused nodes, and
/// if so, frees them.
void Servo_MaybeGCRuleTree(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValues_Interpolate(const StyleAnimationValue *from,
const StyleAnimationValue *to,
double progress);
bool Servo_AnimationValues_IsInterpolable(const StyleAnimationValue *from,
const StyleAnimationValue *to);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValues_Add(const StyleAnimationValue *a,
const StyleAnimationValue *b);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValues_Accumulate(const StyleAnimationValue *a,
const StyleAnimationValue *b,
uint64_t count);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValues_GetZeroValue(const StyleAnimationValue *value_to_match);
double Servo_AnimationValues_ComputeDistance(const StyleAnimationValue *from,
const StyleAnimationValue *to);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_ComposeAnimationSegment(const AnimationPropertySegment *segment,
const StyleAnimationValue *underlying_value,
const StyleAnimationValue *last_value,
StyleIterationCompositeOperation iteration_composite,
double progress,
uint64_t current_iteration);
void Servo_AnimationCompose(StyleAnimationValueMap *value_map,
const RawServoAnimationValueTable *base_values,
const AnimatedPropertyID *css_property,
const AnimationPropertySegment *segment,
const AnimationPropertySegment *last_segment,
const ComputedTiming *computed_timing,
StyleIterationCompositeOperation iteration_composite);
void Servo_AnimationValue_Serialize(const StyleAnimationValue *value,
const AnimatedPropertyID *property,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
nsACString *buffer);
/// Debug: MOZ_DBG for AnimationValue.
void Servo_AnimationValue_Dump(const StyleAnimationValue *value,
nsACString *result);
nscolor Servo_AnimationValue_GetColor(const StyleAnimationValue *value,
nscolor foreground_color);
bool Servo_AnimationValue_IsCurrentColor(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
float Servo_AnimationValue_GetOpacity(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_Opacity(float opacity);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_Color(nsCSSPropertyID color_property,
nscolor color);
const StyleScale *Servo_AnimationValue_GetScale(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
const StyleTranslate *Servo_AnimationValue_GetTranslate(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
const StyleRotate *Servo_AnimationValue_GetRotate(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
const StyleTransform *Servo_AnimationValue_GetTransform(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
void Servo_AnimationValue_GetOffsetPath(const StyleAnimationValue *value,
StyleOffsetPath *output);
const StyleLengthPercentage *Servo_AnimationValue_GetOffsetDistance(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
const StyleOffsetRotate *Servo_AnimationValue_GetOffsetRotate(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
const StylePositionOrAuto *Servo_AnimationValue_GetOffsetAnchor(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
const StyleOffsetPosition *Servo_AnimationValue_GetOffsetPosition(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
bool Servo_AnimationValue_IsOffsetPathUrl(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_Rotate(const StyleRotate *r);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_Translate(const StyleTranslate *t);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_Scale(const StyleScale *s);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_Transform(const StyleTransform *transform);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_OffsetPath(const StyleOffsetPath *p);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_OffsetDistance(const StyleLengthPercentage *d);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_OffsetRotate(const StyleOffsetRotate *r);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_OffsetAnchor(const StylePositionOrAuto *p);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_OffsetPosition(const StyleOffsetPosition *p);
bool Servo_AnimationValue_DeepEqual(const StyleAnimationValue *this_,
const StyleAnimationValue *other);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedDeclarationBlock> Servo_AnimationValue_Uncompute(const StyleAnimationValue *value);
StyleAnimationValueMap *Servo_AnimationValueMap_Create();
void Servo_AnimationValueMap_Drop(StyleAnimationValueMap *value_map);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValueMap_GetValue(const StyleAnimationValueMap *value_map,
const AnimatedPropertyID *property_id);
StyleStrong<StyleComputedValues> Servo_StyleSet_GetBaseComputedValuesForElement(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_style_set,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const StyleComputedValues *computed_values,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots);
StyleShouldTransitionResult Servo_ComputedValues_ShouldTransition(const StyleComputedValues *old,
const StyleComputedValues *new_,
const AnimatedPropertyID *prop,
StyleTransitionBehavior behavior,
const StyleAnimationValue *old_transition_value,
RefPtr<StyleAnimationValue> *start,
RefPtr<StyleAnimationValue> *end);
bool Servo_ComputedValues_TransitionValueMatches(const StyleComputedValues *style,
const AnimatedPropertyID *prop,
const StyleAnimationValue *transition_value);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_ComputedValues_ExtractAnimationValue(const StyleComputedValues *computed_values,
const AnimatedPropertyID *property_id);
nsCSSPropertyID Servo_ResolveLogicalProperty(nsCSSPropertyID property_id,
const StyleComputedValues *style);
nsCSSPropertyID Servo_Property_LookupEnabledForAllContent(const nsACString *prop);
const uint8_t *Servo_Property_GetName(nsCSSPropertyID prop,
uint32_t *out_length);
bool Servo_Property_IsShorthand(const nsACString *prop_name, bool *found);
bool Servo_Property_IsInherited(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *per_doc_data,
const nsACString *prop_name);
bool Servo_Property_SupportsType(const nsACString *prop_name,
uint8_t ty,
bool *found);
void Servo_Property_GetCSSValuesForProperty(const nsACString *prop_name,
bool *found,
nsTArray<nsString> *result);
bool Servo_Property_IsAnimatable(const AnimatedPropertyID *prop);
bool Servo_Property_IsDiscreteAnimatable(nsCSSPropertyID property);
void Servo_Element_ClearData(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
uintptr_t Servo_Element_SizeOfExcludingThisAndCVs(StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_size_of,
StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_enclosing_size_of,
SeenPtrs *seen_ptrs,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
const StyleComputedValues *Servo_Element_GetMaybeOutOfDateStyle(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
const StyleComputedValues *Servo_Element_GetMaybeOutOfDatePseudoStyle(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
uintptr_t index);
bool Servo_Element_IsDisplayNone(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
bool Servo_Element_IsDisplayContents(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
bool Servo_Element_IsPrimaryStyleReusedViaRuleNode(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
StyleStrong<StyleStylesheetContents> Servo_StyleSheet_Empty(StyleSheetParsingMode mode);
/// Note: The load_data corresponds to this sheet, and is passed as the parent
/// load data for child sheet loads. It may be null for certain cases where we
/// know we won't have child loads.
StyleStrong<StyleStylesheetContents> Servo_StyleSheet_FromUTF8Bytes(StyleLoader *loader,
StyleDomStyleSheet *stylesheet,
StyleSheetLoadData *load_data,
const nsACString *bytes,
StyleSheetParsingMode mode,
URLExtraData *extra_data,
nsCompatibility quirks_mode,
StyleLoaderReusableStyleSheets *reusable_sheets,
const StyleUseCounters *use_counters,
StyleAllowImportRules allow_import_rules,
StyleSanitizationKind sanitization_kind,
nsAString *sanitized_output);
void Servo_StyleSheet_FromUTF8BytesAsync(StyleSheetLoadDataHolder *load_data,
URLExtraData *extra_data,
const nsACString *bytes,
StyleSheetParsingMode mode,
nsCompatibility quirks_mode,
bool should_record_use_counters,
StyleAllowImportRules allow_import_rules);
void Servo_ShutdownThreadPool();
void Servo_ThreadPool_GetThreadHandles(nsTArray<StylePlatformThreadHandle> *handles);
StyleStrong<StyleStylesheetContents> Servo_StyleSheet_FromSharedData(URLExtraData *extra_data,
const StyleLockedCssRules *shared_rules);
void Servo_StyleSet_AppendStyleSheet(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleDomStyleSheet *sheet);
StyleAuthorStyles *Servo_AuthorStyles_Create();
void Servo_AuthorStyles_Drop(StyleAuthorStyles *styles);
void Servo_AuthorStyles_AppendStyleSheet(StyleAuthorStyles *styles,
const StyleDomStyleSheet *sheet);
void Servo_AuthorStyles_InsertStyleSheetBefore(StyleAuthorStyles *styles,
const StyleDomStyleSheet *sheet,
const StyleDomStyleSheet *before_sheet);
void Servo_AuthorStyles_RemoveStyleSheet(StyleAuthorStyles *styles,
const StyleDomStyleSheet *sheet);
void Servo_AuthorStyles_ForceDirty(StyleAuthorStyles *styles);
bool Servo_AuthorStyles_IsDirty(const StyleAuthorStyles *styles);
void Servo_AuthorStyles_Flush(StyleAuthorStyles *styles,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *document_set);
void Servo_StyleSet_RemoveUniqueEntriesFromAuthorStylesCache(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *document_set);
uintptr_t Servo_DeclarationBlock_SizeOfIncludingThis(StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_size_of,
StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_enclosing_size_of,
const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations);
uintptr_t Servo_AuthorStyles_SizeOfIncludingThis(StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_size_of,
StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_enclosing_size_of,
const StyleAuthorStyles *styles);
MediumFeaturesChangedResult Servo_StyleSet_MediumFeaturesChanged(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *document_set,
nsTArray<StyleAuthorStyles*> *non_document_styles,
bool may_affect_default_style);
void Servo_StyleSet_InsertStyleSheetBefore(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleDomStyleSheet *sheet,
const StyleDomStyleSheet *before_sheet);
void Servo_StyleSet_RemoveStyleSheet(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleDomStyleSheet *sheet);
const StyleDomStyleSheet *Servo_StyleSet_GetSheetAt(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
StyleOrigin origin,
uintptr_t index);
uintptr_t Servo_StyleSet_GetSheetCount(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
StyleOrigin origin);
void Servo_StyleSet_FlushStyleSheets(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *doc_element,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots);
void Servo_StyleSet_NoteStyleSheetsChanged(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
OriginFlags changed_origins);
void Servo_StyleSet_SetAuthorStyleDisabled(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
bool author_style_disabled);
bool Servo_StyleSet_UsesFontMetrics(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
bool Servo_StyleSheet_HasRules(const StyleStylesheetContents *raw_contents);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedCssRules> Servo_StyleSheet_GetRules(const StyleStylesheetContents *sheet);
StyleStrong<StyleStylesheetContents> Servo_StyleSheet_Clone(const StyleStylesheetContents *contents,
const StyleDomStyleSheet *reference_sheet);
uintptr_t Servo_StyleSheet_SizeOfIncludingThis(StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_size_of,
StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_enclosing_size_of,
const StyleStylesheetContents *sheet);
StyleOrigin Servo_StyleSheet_GetOrigin(const StyleStylesheetContents *sheet);
void Servo_StyleSheet_GetSourceMapURL(const StyleStylesheetContents *contents,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_StyleSheet_GetSourceURL(const StyleStylesheetContents *contents,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_CssRules_ListTypes(const StyleLockedCssRules *rules,
nsTArray<uintptr_t> *result);
nsresult Servo_CssRules_InsertRule(const StyleLockedCssRules *rules,
const StyleStylesheetContents *contents,
const nsACString *rule,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t containing_rule_types,
const StyleCssRuleType *parse_relative_rule_type,
StyleLoader *loader,
StyleAllowImportRules allow_import_rules,
StyleDomStyleSheet *gecko_stylesheet,
StyleCssRuleType *rule_type);
nsresult Servo_CssRules_DeleteRule(const StyleLockedCssRules *rules,
uint32_t index);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedCssRules> Servo_StyleRule_EnsureRules(const StyleLockedStyleRule *rule,
bool read_only);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedDeclarationBlock> Servo_StyleRule_GetStyle(const StyleLockedStyleRule *rule);
void Servo_StyleRule_SetStyle(const StyleLockedStyleRule *rule,
const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations);
void Servo_StyleRule_GetSelectorText(const StyleLockedStyleRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_StyleRule_GetSelectorDataAtIndex(const nsTArray<const StyleLockedStyleRule*> *rules,
uint32_t index,
nsACString *text,
uint64_t *specificity);
uint32_t Servo_StyleRule_GetSelectorCount(const StyleLockedStyleRule *rule);
bool Servo_StyleRule_SelectorMatchesElement(const nsTArray<const StyleLockedStyleRule*> *rules,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
uint32_t index,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *host,
PseudoStyleType pseudo_type,
bool relevant_link_visited);
bool Servo_StyleRule_SetSelectorText(const StyleStylesheetContents *contents,
const StyleLockedStyleRule *rule,
const nsACString *text);
const StyleRawGeckoElement *Servo_SelectorList_Closest(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const StyleSelectorList *selectors);
bool Servo_SelectorList_Matches(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const StyleSelectorList *selectors);
const StyleRawGeckoElement *Servo_SelectorList_QueryFirst(const StyleRawGeckoNode *node,
const StyleSelectorList *selectors,
bool may_use_invalidation);
void Servo_SelectorList_QueryAll(const StyleRawGeckoNode *node,
const StyleSelectorList *selectors,
nsSimpleContentList *content_list,
bool may_use_invalidation);
void Servo_ImportRule_GetHref(const StyleLockedImportRule *rule,
nsAString *result);
void Servo_ImportRule_GetLayerName(const StyleLockedImportRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_ImportRule_GetSupportsText(const StyleLockedImportRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
const StyleDomStyleSheet *Servo_ImportRule_GetSheet(const StyleLockedImportRule *rule);
void Servo_ImportRule_SetSheet(const StyleLockedImportRule *rule,
StyleDomStyleSheet *sheet);
void Servo_Keyframe_GetKeyText(const StyleLockedKeyframe *keyframe,
nsACString *result);
bool Servo_Keyframe_SetKeyText(const StyleLockedKeyframe *keyframe,
const nsACString *text);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedDeclarationBlock> Servo_Keyframe_GetStyle(const StyleLockedKeyframe *keyframe);
void Servo_Keyframe_SetStyle(const StyleLockedKeyframe *keyframe,
const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations);
nsAtom *Servo_KeyframesRule_GetName(const StyleLockedKeyframesRule *rule);
void Servo_KeyframesRule_SetName(const StyleLockedKeyframesRule *rule,
nsAtom *name);
uint32_t Servo_KeyframesRule_GetCount(const StyleLockedKeyframesRule *rule);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedKeyframe> Servo_KeyframesRule_GetKeyframeAt(const StyleLockedKeyframesRule *rule,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t *line,
uint32_t *column);
uint32_t Servo_KeyframesRule_FindRule(const StyleLockedKeyframesRule *rule,
const nsACString *key);
bool Servo_KeyframesRule_AppendRule(const StyleLockedKeyframesRule *rule,
const StyleStylesheetContents *contents,
const nsACString *css);
void Servo_KeyframesRule_DeleteRule(const StyleLockedKeyframesRule *rule,
uint32_t index);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedMediaList> Servo_MediaRule_GetMedia(const StyleMediaRule *rule);
nsAtom *Servo_NamespaceRule_GetPrefix(const StyleNamespaceRule *rule);
nsAtom *Servo_NamespaceRule_GetURI(const StyleNamespaceRule *rule);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedDeclarationBlock> Servo_MarginRule_GetStyle(const StyleMarginRule *rule);
void Servo_MarginRule_GetName(const StyleMarginRule *rule, nsACString *out);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedDeclarationBlock> Servo_PageRule_GetStyle(const StyleLockedPageRule *rule);
void Servo_PageRule_SetStyle(const StyleLockedPageRule *rule,
const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations);
void Servo_PageRule_GetSelectorText(const StyleLockedPageRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
bool Servo_PageRule_SetSelectorText(const StyleStylesheetContents *contents,
const StyleLockedPageRule *rule,
const nsACString *text);
void Servo_PropertyRule_GetName(const StylePropertyRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_PropertyRule_GetSyntax(const StylePropertyRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
bool Servo_PropertyRule_GetInherits(const StylePropertyRule *rule);
bool Servo_PropertyRule_GetInitialValue(const StylePropertyRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_SupportsRule_GetConditionText(const StyleSupportsRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_ContainerRule_GetConditionText(const StyleContainerRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_ContainerRule_GetContainerQuery(const StyleContainerRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
const StyleRawGeckoElement *Servo_ContainerRule_QueryContainerFor(const StyleContainerRule *rule,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
void Servo_ContainerRule_GetContainerName(const StyleContainerRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_DocumentRule_GetConditionText(const StyleDocumentRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_FontFeatureValuesRule_GetFontFamily(const StyleFontFeatureValuesRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_FontFeatureValuesRule_GetValueText(const StyleFontFeatureValuesRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_FontPaletteValuesRule_GetName(const StyleFontPaletteValuesRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_FontPaletteValuesRule_GetFontFamily(const StyleFontPaletteValuesRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_FontPaletteValuesRule_GetBasePalette(const StyleFontPaletteValuesRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_FontPaletteValuesRule_GetOverrideColors(const StyleFontPaletteValuesRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedFontFaceRule> Servo_FontFaceRule_CreateEmpty();
StyleStrong<StyleLockedFontFaceRule> Servo_FontFaceRule_Clone(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule);
void Servo_FontFaceRule_GetSourceLocation(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
uint32_t *line,
uint32_t *column);
uint32_t Servo_FontFaceRule_Length(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule);
nsCSSFontDesc Servo_FontFaceRule_IndexGetter(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
uint32_t index);
void Servo_FontFaceRule_GetDeclCssText(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
bool Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontWeight(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
StyleComputedFontWeightRange *out);
bool Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontStretch(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
StyleComputedFontStretchRange *out);
bool Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontStyle(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor *out);
bool Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontDisplay(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
StyleFontDisplay *out);
bool Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontLanguageOverride(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
StyleFontLanguageOverride *out);
bool Servo_FontFaceRule_GetAscentOverride(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
StylePercentage *out);
bool Servo_FontFaceRule_GetDescentOverride(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
StylePercentage *out);
bool Servo_FontFaceRule_GetLineGapOverride(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
StylePercentage *out);
bool Servo_FontFaceRule_GetSizeAdjust(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
StylePercentage *out);
nsAtom *Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFamilyName(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule);
const StyleUnicodeRange *Servo_FontFaceRule_GetUnicodeRanges(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
uintptr_t *out_len);
void Servo_FontFaceRule_GetSources(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
nsTArray<StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent> *out);
void Servo_FontFaceRule_GetVariationSettings(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
nsTArray<gfxFontVariation> *variations);
void Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFeatureSettings(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
nsTArray<gfxFontFeature> *features);
void Servo_FontFaceRule_GetDescriptorCssText(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
nsCSSFontDesc desc,
nsACString *result);
bool Servo_FontFaceRule_SetDescriptor(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
nsCSSFontDesc desc,
const nsACString *value,
URLExtraData *data,
bool *out_changed);
void Servo_FontFaceRule_ResetDescriptor(const StyleLockedFontFaceRule *rule,
nsCSSFontDesc desc);
nsAtom *Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetName(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule);
bool Servo_CounterStyleRule_SetName(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule,
const nsACString *value);
uint32_t Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetGeneration(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule);
bool Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetPad(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule,
int32_t *width,
nsString *symbol);
bool Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetPrefix(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule,
nsString *out);
bool Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetSuffix(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule,
nsString *out);
bool Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetNegative(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule,
nsString *prefix,
nsString *suffix);
StyleIsOrdinalInRange Servo_CounterStyleRule_IsInRange(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule,
int32_t ordinal);
void Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetSymbols(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule,
StyleOwnedSlice<nsString> *symbols);
void Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetAdditiveSymbols(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule,
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleAdditiveSymbol> *symbols);
void Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetSpeakAs(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule,
StyleCounterSpeakAs *out);
StyleCounterSystem Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetSystem(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule);
nsAtom *Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetExtended(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule);
int32_t Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetFixedFirstValue(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule);
nsAtom *Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetFallback(const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *rule);
StyleStrong<StyleComputedValues> Servo_ComputedValues_GetForPageContent(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const nsAtom *page_name,
StylePagePseudoClassFlags pseudos);
StyleStrong<StyleComputedValues> Servo_ComputedValues_GetForAnonymousBox(const StyleComputedValues *parent_style_or_null,
PseudoStyleType pseudo,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
StyleStrong<StyleComputedValues> Servo_ResolvePseudoStyle(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
PseudoStyleType pseudo_type,
nsAtom *functional_pseudo_parameter,
bool is_probe,
const StyleComputedValues *inherited_style,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
StyleStrong<StyleComputedValues> Servo_ComputedValues_ResolveXULTreePseudoStyle(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
nsAtom *pseudo_tag,
const StyleComputedValues *inherited_style,
const nsTArray<RefPtr<nsAtom>> *input_word,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
void Servo_SetExplicitStyle(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const StyleComputedValues *style);
StyleStrong<StyleComputedValues> Servo_ComputedValues_Inherit(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
PseudoStyleType pseudo,
const StyleComputedValues *parent_style_context,
InheritTarget target);
bool Servo_ComputedValues_SpecifiesAnimationsOrTransitions(const StyleComputedValues *values);
void Servo_ComputedValues_GetStyleRuleList(const StyleComputedValues *values,
nsTArray<const StyleLockedStyleRule*> *rules);
bool Servo_ComputedValues_EqualForCachedAnonymousContentStyle(const StyleComputedValues *a,
const StyleComputedValues *b);
void Servo_ComputedValues_DumpMatchedRules(const StyleComputedValues *s);
uint16_t Servo_ComputedValues_BlockifiedDisplay(const StyleComputedValues *style,
bool is_root_element);
StylePerDocumentStyleData *Servo_StyleSet_Init(const StyleDocument *doc);
void Servo_StyleSet_Drop(StylePerDocumentStyleData *data);
void Servo_StyleSet_RebuildCachedData(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
void Servo_StyleSet_CompatModeChanged(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedDeclarationBlock> Servo_ParseProperty(const AnimatedPropertyID *property,
const nsACString *value,
URLExtraData *data,
StyleParsingMode parsing_mode,
nsCompatibility quirks_mode,
StyleLoader *loader,
StyleCssRuleType rule_type);
bool Servo_ParseEasing(const nsACString *easing,
StyleComputedTimingFunction *output);
void Servo_SerializeEasing(const StyleComputedTimingFunction *easing,
nsACString *output);
void Servo_GetProperties_Overriding_Animation(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const nsTArray<nsCSSPropertyID> *list,
nsCSSPropertyIDSet *set);
void Servo_MatrixTransform_Operate(StyleMatrixTransformOperator matrix_operator,
const StyleMatrix4x4Components *from,
const StyleMatrix4x4Components *to,
double progress,
StyleMatrix4x4Components *output);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedDeclarationBlock> Servo_ParseStyleAttribute(const nsACString *data,
URLExtraData *raw_extra_data,
nsCompatibility quirks_mode,
StyleLoader *loader,
StyleCssRuleType rule_type);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedDeclarationBlock> Servo_DeclarationBlock_CreateEmpty();
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_Clear(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedDeclarationBlock> Servo_DeclarationBlock_Clone(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations);
bool Servo_DeclarationBlock_Equals(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *a,
const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *b);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_GetCssText(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SerializeOneValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *decls,
const AnimatedPropertyID *property_id,
nsACString *buffer,
const StyleComputedValues *computed_values,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *data);
void Servo_SerializeFontValueForCanvas(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsACString *buffer);
uint32_t Servo_DeclarationBlock_Count(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations);
bool Servo_DeclarationBlock_GetNthProperty(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
uint32_t index,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_GetPropertyValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
const nsACString *property,
nsACString *value);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_GetPropertyValueById(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
nsACString *value);
bool Servo_DeclarationBlock_GetPropertyIsImportant(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
const nsACString *property);
bool Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetProperty(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
const nsACString *property,
const nsACString *value,
bool is_important,
URLExtraData *data,
StyleParsingMode parsing_mode,
nsCompatibility quirks_mode,
StyleLoader *loader,
StyleCssRuleType rule_type,
DeclarationBlockMutationClosure before_change_closure);
bool Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetPropertyToAnimationValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
const StyleAnimationValue *animation_value,
DeclarationBlockMutationClosure before_change_closure);
bool Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetPropertyById(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
const nsACString *value,
bool is_important,
URLExtraData *data,
StyleParsingMode parsing_mode,
nsCompatibility quirks_mode,
StyleLoader *loader,
StyleCssRuleType rule_type,
DeclarationBlockMutationClosure before_change_closure);
bool Servo_DeclarationBlock_RemoveProperty(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
const nsACString *property,
DeclarationBlockMutationClosure before_change_closure);
bool Servo_DeclarationBlock_RemovePropertyById(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
DeclarationBlockMutationClosure before_change_closure);
StyleStrong<StyleLockedMediaList> Servo_MediaList_Create();
StyleStrong<StyleLockedMediaList> Servo_MediaList_DeepClone(const StyleLockedMediaList *list);
bool Servo_MediaList_Matches(const StyleLockedMediaList *list,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
bool Servo_DeclarationBlock_HasCSSWideKeyword(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property);
void Servo_MediaList_GetText(const StyleLockedMediaList *list,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_MediaList_SetText(const StyleLockedMediaList *list,
const nsACString *text,
StyleCallerType caller_type);
bool Servo_MediaList_IsViewportDependent(const StyleLockedMediaList *list);
uint32_t Servo_MediaList_GetLength(const StyleLockedMediaList *list);
bool Servo_MediaList_GetMediumAt(const StyleLockedMediaList *list,
uint32_t index,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_MediaList_AppendMedium(const StyleLockedMediaList *list,
const nsACString *new_medium);
bool Servo_MediaList_DeleteMedium(const StyleLockedMediaList *list,
const nsACString *old_medium);
uintptr_t Servo_MediaList_SizeOfIncludingThis(StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_size_of,
StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_enclosing_size_of,
const StyleLockedMediaList *list);
bool Servo_DeclarationBlock_PropertyIsSet(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetIdentStringValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
nsAtom *value);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetKeywordValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
int32_t value);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetIntValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
int32_t value);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetMathDepthValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
int32_t value,
bool is_relative);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetCounterResetListItem(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
int32_t counter_value,
bool is_reversed);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetCounterSetListItem(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
int32_t counter_value);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetPixelValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
float value);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetLengthValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
float value,
nsCSSUnit unit);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetPathValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
const nsTArray<float> *path);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetPercentValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
float value);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetAutoValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetCurrentColor(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetColorValue(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
nsCSSPropertyID property,
nscolor value);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetFontFamily(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
const nsACString *value);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetBackgroundImage(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
const nsACString *value,
URLExtraData *raw_extra_data);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetTextDecorationColorOverride(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations);
void Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetAspectRatio(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
float width,
float height);
bool Servo_CSSSupports2(const nsACString *property, const nsACString *value);
bool Servo_CSSSupports(const nsACString *cond,
bool ua_origin,
bool chrome_sheet,
bool quirks);
bool Servo_CSSSupportsForImport(const nsACString *after_rule);
void Servo_NoteExplicitHints(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
StyleRestyleHint restyle_hint,
nsChangeHint change_hint);
uint32_t Servo_TakeChangeHint(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
bool *was_restyled);
StyleStrong<StyleComputedValues> Servo_ResolveStyle(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
StyleStrong<StyleComputedValues> Servo_ResolveStyleLazily(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
PseudoStyleType pseudo_type,
nsAtom *functional_pseudo_parameter,
StyleRuleInclusion rule_inclusion,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots,
uint64_t cache_generation,
bool can_use_cache,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
StyleStrong<StyleComputedValues> Servo_ReparentStyle(const StyleComputedValues *style_to_reparent,
const StyleComputedValues *parent_style,
const StyleComputedValues *layout_parent_style,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
void Servo_GetComputedKeyframeValues(const nsTArray<Keyframe> *keyframes,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
PseudoStyleType pseudo_type,
const StyleComputedValues *style,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
nsTArray<ComputedKeyframeValues> *computed_keyframes);
void Servo_GetAnimationValues(const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const StyleComputedValues *style,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
nsTArray<RefPtr<StyleAnimationValue>> *animation_values);
void Servo_AnimationValue_GetPropertyId(const StyleAnimationValue *value,
AnimatedPropertyID *property_id);
StyleStrong<StyleAnimationValue> Servo_AnimationValue_Compute(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations,
const StyleComputedValues *style,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
void Servo_AssertTreeIsClean(const StyleRawGeckoElement *root);
bool Servo_IsWorkerThread();
bool Servo_StyleSet_GetKeyframesForName(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const StyleComputedValues *style,
nsAtom *name,
const StyleComputedTimingFunction *inherited_timing_function,
nsTArray<Keyframe> *keyframes);
void Servo_StyleSet_GetFontFaceRules(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
nsTArray<nsFontFaceRuleContainer> *rules);
const StyleLockedCounterStyleRule *Servo_StyleSet_GetCounterStyleRule(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
nsAtom *name);
gfxFontFeatureValueSet *Servo_StyleSet_BuildFontFeatureValueSet(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
gfx::FontPaletteValueSet *Servo_StyleSet_BuildFontPaletteValueSet(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
StyleStrong<StyleComputedValues> Servo_StyleSet_ResolveForDeclarations(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleComputedValues *parent_style_context,
const StyleLockedDeclarationBlock *declarations);
void Servo_StyleSet_AddSizeOfExcludingThis(StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_size_of,
StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_enclosing_size_of,
ServoStyleSetSizes *sizes,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data);
void Servo_UACache_AddSizeOf(StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_size_of,
StyleGeckoMallocSizeOf malloc_enclosing_size_of,
ServoStyleSetSizes *sizes);
bool Servo_StyleSet_MightHaveAttributeDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
nsAtom *local_name);
bool Servo_StyleSet_MightHaveNthOfIDDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
nsAtom *old_id,
nsAtom *new_id);
bool Servo_StyleSet_MightHaveNthOfClassDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots);
bool Servo_StyleSet_MightHaveNthOfAttributeDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
nsAtom *local_name);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorIDDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
nsAtom *old_id,
nsAtom *new_id,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorClassDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorAttributeDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
nsAtom *local_name,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorStateDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
uint64_t state,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorCustomStateDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
nsAtom *state,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorEmptyDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorNthEdgeDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorNthDependencyFromSibling(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorForInsertion(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorForAppend(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoNode *first_node);
void Servo_StyleSet_MaybeInvalidateRelativeSelectorForRemoval(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const StyleRawGeckoNode *following_node);
bool Servo_StyleSet_HasStateDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
uint64_t state);
bool Servo_StyleSet_HasNthOfCustomStateDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
nsAtom *state);
bool Servo_StyleSet_HasNthOfStateDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
uint64_t state);
void Servo_StyleSet_RestyleSiblingsForNthOf(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
uint32_t flags);
bool Servo_StyleSet_HasDocumentStateDependency(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
uint64_t state);
void Servo_GetComputedValue(const StyleComputedValues *style,
nsCSSPropertyID prop,
nsACString *value);
void Servo_GetResolvedValue(const StyleComputedValues *style,
nsCSSPropertyID prop,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
nsACString *value);
bool Servo_GetCustomPropertyValue(const StyleComputedValues *computed_values,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_style_set,
const nsACString *name,
nsACString *value);
uint32_t Servo_GetCustomPropertiesCount(const StyleComputedValues *computed_values);
nsAtom *Servo_GetCustomPropertyNameAt(const StyleComputedValues *computed_values,
uint32_t index);
bool Servo_CssUrl_IsLocalRef(const StyleCssUrl *url);
void Servo_ProcessInvalidations(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *set,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
const ServoElementSnapshotTable *snapshots);
bool Servo_HasPendingRestyleAncestor(const StyleRawGeckoElement *element,
bool may_need_to_flush_layout);
StyleSelectorList *Servo_SelectorList_Parse(const nsACString *selector_list,
bool is_chrome);
void Servo_SelectorList_Drop(StyleSelectorList *list);
bool Servo_IsValidCSSColor(const nsACString *value);
bool Servo_ComputeColor(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
nscolor current_color,
const nsACString *value,
nscolor *result_color,
bool *was_current_color,
StyleLoader *loader);
bool Servo_ColorTo(const nsACString *from_color,
const nsACString *to_color_space,
nsACString *result_color,
nsTArray<float> *result_components,
bool *result_adjusted,
StyleLoader *loader);
StyleAbsoluteColor Servo_ResolveColor(const StyleColor *color,
const StyleAbsoluteColor *foreground);
float Servo_ResolveCalcLengthPercentage(const StyleCalcLengthPercentage *calc,
float basis);
StyleAbsoluteColor Servo_ConvertColorSpace(const StyleAbsoluteColor *color,
StyleColorSpace color_space);
bool Servo_IntersectionObserverRootMargin_Parse(const nsACString *value,
StyleIntersectionObserverRootMargin *result);
void Servo_IntersectionObserverRootMargin_ToString(const StyleIntersectionObserverRootMargin *root_margin,
nsACString *result);
bool Servo_ParseTransformIntoMatrix(const nsACString *value,
bool *contain_3d,
StyleMatrix4x4Components *result);
bool Servo_ParseFilters(const nsACString *value,
bool ignore_urls,
URLExtraData *data,
StyleOwnedSlice<StyleFilter> *out);
bool Servo_ParseFontShorthandForMatching(const nsACString *value,
URLExtraData *data,
StyleFontFamilyList *family,
StyleFontStyle *style,
StyleFontStretch *stretch,
StyleFontWeight *weight,
float *size,
bool *small_caps);
StyleSourceSizeList *Servo_SourceSizeList_Parse(const nsACString *value);
int32_t Servo_SourceSizeList_Evaluate(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *raw_data,
const StyleSourceSizeList *list);
void Servo_SourceSizeList_Drop(StyleSourceSizeList *list);
void Servo_InvalidateStyleForDocStateChanges(const StyleRawGeckoElement *root,
const StylePerDocumentStyleData *document_style,
const nsTArray<const StyleAuthorStyles*> *non_document_styles,
uint64_t states_changed);
uint64_t Servo_PseudoClass_GetStates(const nsACString *name);
StyleUseCounters *Servo_UseCounters_Create();
void Servo_UseCounters_Drop(StyleUseCounters *c);
void Servo_UseCounters_Merge(const StyleUseCounters *doc_counters,
const StyleUseCounters *sheet_counters);
bool Servo_IsPropertyIdRecordedInUseCounter(const StyleUseCounters *use_counters,
nsCSSPropertyID id);
bool Servo_IsUnknownPropertyRecordedInUseCounter(const StyleUseCounters *use_counters,
CountedUnknownProperty p);
bool Servo_IsCssPropertyRecordedInUseCounter(const StyleUseCounters *use_counters,
const nsACString *property,
bool *known_prop);
StyleSharedMemoryBuilder *Servo_SharedMemoryBuilder_Create(uint8_t *buffer,
uintptr_t len);
const StyleLockedCssRules *Servo_SharedMemoryBuilder_AddStylesheet(StyleSharedMemoryBuilder *builder,
const StyleStylesheetContents *contents,
nsACString *error_message);
uintptr_t Servo_SharedMemoryBuilder_GetLength(const StyleSharedMemoryBuilder *builder);
void Servo_SharedMemoryBuilder_Drop(StyleSharedMemoryBuilder *builder);
void *Servo_StyleArcSlice_EmptyPtr();
const StyleLoadData *Servo_LoadData_GetLazy(const StyleLoadDataSource *source);
void Servo_LengthPercentage_ToCss(const StyleLengthPercentage *lp,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_FontStyle_ToCss(const StyleFontStyle *s, nsACString *result);
void Servo_FontWeight_ToCss(const StyleFontWeight *w, nsACString *result);
void Servo_FontStretch_ToCss(const StyleFontStretch *s, nsACString *result);
bool Servo_FontStretch_SerializeKeyword(const StyleFontStretch *s,
nsACString *result);
bool Servo_CursorKind_Parse(const nsACString *cursor, StyleCursorKind *result);
const StyleFontFamily *Servo_FontFamily_Generic(StyleGenericFontFamily generic);
void Servo_FontFamily_ForSystemFont(const nsACString *name,
StyleFontFamily *out);
void Servo_FontFamilyList_WithNames(const nsTArray<StyleSingleFontFamily> *names,
StyleFontFamilyList *out);
void Servo_FamilyName_Serialize(const StyleFamilyName *name,
nsACString *result);
StyleGenericFontFamily Servo_GenericFontFamily_Parse(const nsACString *input);
bool Servo_ColorScheme_Parse(const nsACString *input, uint8_t *out);
void Servo_LayerBlockRule_GetName(const StyleLayerBlockRule *rule,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_ScopeRule_GetStart(const StyleScopeRule *rule, nsACString *result);
void Servo_ScopeRule_GetEnd(const StyleScopeRule *rule, nsACString *result);
uintptr_t Servo_LayerStatementRule_GetNameCount(const StyleLayerStatementRule *rule);
void Servo_LayerStatementRule_GetNameAt(const StyleLayerStatementRule *rule,
uintptr_t index,
nsACString *result);
void Servo_InvalidateForViewportUnits(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *document_style,
const StyleRawGeckoElement *root,
bool dynamic_only);
StyleAbsoluteColor Servo_InterpolateColor(StyleColorInterpolationMethod interpolation,
const StyleAbsoluteColor *left,
const StyleAbsoluteColor *right,
float progress);
double Servo_EasingFunctionAt(const StyleComputedTimingFunction *easing_function,
double progress,
StyleEasingBeforeFlag before_flag);
bool Servo_ParseLengthWithoutStyleContext(const nsACString *len,
float *out,
GeckoFontMetrics (*get_font_metrics)(void*),
void *getter_context);
bool Servo_SlowRgbToColorName(uint8_t r,
uint8_t g,
uint8_t b,
nsACString *result);
bool Servo_ColorNameToRgb(const nsACString *name, nscolor *out);
StyleRegisterCustomPropertyResult Servo_RegisterCustomProperty(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *per_doc_data,
URLExtraData *extra_data,
const nsACString *name,
const nsACString *syntax,
bool inherits,
const nsACString *initial_value);
void Servo_GetRegisteredCustomProperties(const StylePerDocumentStyleData *per_doc_data,
nsTArray<StylePropDef> *custom_properties);
void Servo_GetSelectorWarnings(const StyleLockedStyleRule *rule,
nsTArray<StyleSelectorWarningData> *warnings);
void Servo_GetRuleBodyText(const nsACString *initial_text, nsACString *ret_val);
void Servo_ReplaceBlockRuleBodyTextInStylesheetText(const nsACString *stylesheet_text,
uint32_t line,
uint32_t column,
const nsACString *new_body_text,
nsACString *ret_val);
StyleParserState *Servo_CSSParser_create(const nsACString *text);
void Servo_CSSParser_destroy(StyleParserState *state);
uint32_t Servo_CSSParser_GetCurrentLine(const StyleParserState *state);
uint32_t Servo_CSSParser_GetCurrentColumn(const StyleParserState *state);
bool Servo_CSSParser_NextToken(const nsACString *text,
StyleParserState *state,
StyleCSSToken *css_token);
} // extern "C"
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_ServoStyleConsts_h
#pragma pop_macro("STRICT")
#pragma pop_macro("TRANSPARENT")
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#include "mozilla/ServoStyleConstsInlines.h"