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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_shared_Lowering_shared_h
#define jit_shared_Lowering_shared_h
// This file declares the structures that are used for attaching LIR to a
// MIRGraph.
#include "jit/LIR.h"
#include "jit/MIRGenerator.h"
namespace js {
namespace jit {
class MIRGenerator;
class MIRGraph;
class MDefinition;
class MInstruction;
class LOsiPoint;
class LIRGeneratorShared {
MIRGenerator* gen;
MIRGraph& graph;
LIRGraph& lirGraph_;
LBlock* current;
MResumePoint* lastResumePoint_;
LRecoverInfo* cachedRecoverInfo_;
LOsiPoint* osiPoint_;
LIRGeneratorShared(MIRGenerator* gen, MIRGraph& graph, LIRGraph& lirGraph)
: gen(gen),
osiPoint_(nullptr) {}
MIRGenerator* mir() { return gen; }
// Abort errors are caught at end of visitInstruction. It is possible for
// multiple errors to be detected before the end of visitInstruction. In
// this case, we only report the first back to the MIRGenerator.
bool errored() { return gen->getOffThreadStatus().isErr(); }
void abort(AbortReason r, const char* message, ...) MOZ_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4) {
if (errored()) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, message);
auto reason_ = gen->abortFmt(r, message, ap);
void abort(AbortReason r) {
if (errored()) {
auto reason_ = gen->abort(r);
static void ReorderCommutative(MDefinition** lhsp, MDefinition** rhsp,
MInstruction* ins);
static bool ShouldReorderCommutative(MDefinition* lhs, MDefinition* rhs,
MInstruction* ins);
// A backend can decide that an instruction should be emitted at its uses,
// rather than at its definition. To communicate this, set the
// instruction's virtual register set to 0. When using the instruction,
// its virtual register is temporarily reassigned. To know to clear it
// after constructing the use information, the worklist bit is temporarily
// unset.
// The backend can use the worklist bit to determine whether or not a
// definition should be created.
inline void emitAtUses(MInstruction* mir);
// The lowest-level calls to use, those that do not wrap another call to
// use(), must prefix grabbing virtual register IDs by these calls.
inline void ensureDefined(MDefinition* mir);
void visitEmittedAtUses(MInstruction* ins);
// These all create a use of a virtual register, with an optional
// allocation policy.
// Some of these use functions have atStart variants.
// - non-atStart variants will tell the register allocator that the input
// allocation must be different from any Temp or Definition also needed for
// this LInstruction.
// - atStart variants relax that restriction and allow the input to be in
// the same register as any output Definition (but not Temps) used by the
// LInstruction. Note that it doesn't *imply* this will actually happen,
// but gives a hint to the register allocator that it can do it.
// TL;DR: Use non-atStart variants only if you need the input value after
// writing to any definitions (excluding temps), during code generation of
// this LInstruction. Otherwise, use atStart variants, which will lower
// register pressure.
// There is an additional constraint. Consider a MIR node with two
// MDefinition* operands, op1 and op2. If the node reuses the register of op1
// for its output then op1 must be used as atStart. Then, if op1 and op2
// represent the same LIR node then op2 must be an atStart use too; otherwise
// op2 must be a non-atStart use. There is however not always a 1-1 mapping
// from MDefinition* to LNode*, so to determine whether two MDefinition* map
// to the same LNode*, ALWAYS go via the willHaveDifferentLIRNodes()
// predicate. Do not use pointer equality on the MIR nodes.
// Do not add other conditions when using willHaveDifferentLIRNodes(). The
// predicate is the source of truth about whether to use atStart or not, no
// other conditions may apply in contexts when it is appropriate to use it.
inline LUse use(MDefinition* mir, LUse policy);
inline LUse use(MDefinition* mir);
inline LUse useAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
inline LUse useRegister(MDefinition* mir);
inline LUse useRegisterAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
inline LUse useFixed(MDefinition* mir, Register reg);
inline LUse useFixed(MDefinition* mir, FloatRegister reg);
inline LUse useFixed(MDefinition* mir, AnyRegister reg);
inline LUse useFixedAtStart(MDefinition* mir, Register reg);
inline LUse useFixedAtStart(MDefinition* mir, AnyRegister reg);
inline LAllocation useOrConstant(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useOrConstantAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
// "Any" is architecture dependent, and will include registers and stack
// slots on X86, and only registers on ARM.
inline LAllocation useAny(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useAnyAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useAnyOrConstant(MDefinition* mir);
// "Storable" is architecture dependend, and will include registers and
// constants on X86 and only registers on ARM. This is a generic "things
// we can expect to write into memory in 1 instruction".
inline LAllocation useStorable(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useStorableAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useKeepalive(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useKeepaliveOrConstant(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useRegisterOrConstant(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useRegisterOrConstantAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useRegisterOrZeroAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useRegisterOrZero(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useRegisterOrNonDoubleConstant(MDefinition* mir);
// These methods accept either an Int32 or IntPtr value. A constant is used if
// the value fits in an int32.
inline LAllocation useRegisterOrInt32Constant(MDefinition* mir);
inline LAllocation useAnyOrInt32Constant(MDefinition* mir);
// Like useRegisterOrInt32Constant, but uses a constant only if
// |int32val * Scalar::byteSize(type) + offsetAdjustment| doesn't overflow
// int32.
LAllocation useRegisterOrIndexConstant(MDefinition* mir, Scalar::Type type,
int32_t offsetAdjustment = 0);
inline LUse useRegisterForTypedLoad(MDefinition* mir, MIRType type);
#ifdef JS_NUNBOX32
inline LUse useType(MDefinition* mir, LUse::Policy policy);
inline LUse usePayload(MDefinition* mir, LUse::Policy policy);
inline LUse usePayloadAtStart(MDefinition* mir, LUse::Policy policy);
inline LUse usePayloadInRegisterAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
// Adds a box input to an instruction, setting operand |n| to the type and
// |n+1| to the payload. Does not modify the operands, instead expecting a
// policy to already be set.
inline void fillBoxUses(LInstruction* lir, size_t n, MDefinition* mir);
// Test whether mir1 and mir2 may give rise to different LIR nodes even if
// mir1 == mir2; use it to guide the selection of the use directive for one of
// the nodes in the context of a reused input. See comments above about why
// it's important to use this predicate and not pointer equality.
// This predicate may be called before or after the application of a use
// directive to the first of the nodes, but it is meaningless to call it after
// the application of a directive to the second node.
inline bool willHaveDifferentLIRNodes(MDefinition* mir1, MDefinition* mir2);
// These create temporary register requests.
inline LDefinition temp(LDefinition::Type type = LDefinition::GENERAL,
LDefinition::Policy policy = LDefinition::REGISTER);
inline LInt64Definition tempInt64(
LDefinition::Policy policy = LDefinition::REGISTER);
inline LDefinition tempFloat32();
inline LDefinition tempDouble();
inline LDefinition tempSimd128();
inline LDefinition tempCopy(MDefinition* input, uint32_t reusedInput);
// Note that the fixed register has a GENERAL type,
// unless the arg is of FloatRegister type
inline LDefinition tempFixed(Register reg);
inline LDefinition tempFixed(FloatRegister reg);
inline LInt64Definition tempInt64Fixed(Register64 reg);
template <size_t Ops, size_t Temps>
inline void defineFixed(LInstructionHelper<1, Ops, Temps>* lir,
MDefinition* mir, const LAllocation& output);
template <size_t Temps>
inline void defineBox(
details::LInstructionFixedDefsTempsHelper<BOX_PIECES, Temps>* lir,
MDefinition* mir, LDefinition::Policy policy = LDefinition::REGISTER);
template <size_t Ops, size_t Temps>
inline void defineInt64(LInstructionHelper<INT64_PIECES, Ops, Temps>* lir,
MDefinition* mir,
LDefinition::Policy policy = LDefinition::REGISTER);
template <size_t Ops, size_t Temps>
inline void defineInt64Fixed(
LInstructionHelper<INT64_PIECES, Ops, Temps>* lir, MDefinition* mir,
const LInt64Allocation& output);
inline void defineReturn(LInstruction* lir, MDefinition* mir);
template <size_t X>
inline void define(details::LInstructionFixedDefsTempsHelper<1, X>* lir,
MDefinition* mir,
LDefinition::Policy policy = LDefinition::REGISTER);
template <size_t X>
inline void define(details::LInstructionFixedDefsTempsHelper<1, X>* lir,
MDefinition* mir, const LDefinition& def);
template <size_t Ops, size_t Temps>
inline void defineReuseInput(LInstructionHelper<1, Ops, Temps>* lir,
MDefinition* mir, uint32_t operand);
template <size_t Ops, size_t Temps>
inline void defineBoxReuseInput(
LInstructionHelper<BOX_PIECES, Ops, Temps>* lir, MDefinition* mir,
uint32_t operand);
template <size_t Ops, size_t Temps>
inline void defineInt64ReuseInput(
LInstructionHelper<INT64_PIECES, Ops, Temps>* lir, MDefinition* mir,
uint32_t operand);
// Returns a box allocation for a Value-typed instruction.
inline LBoxAllocation useBox(MDefinition* mir,
LUse::Policy policy = LUse::REGISTER,
bool useAtStart = false);
// Returns a box allocation. The use is either typed, a Value, or
// a constant (if useConstant is true).
inline LBoxAllocation useBoxOrTypedOrConstant(MDefinition* mir,
bool useConstant,
bool useAtStart = false);
inline LBoxAllocation useBoxOrTyped(MDefinition* mir,
bool useAtStart = false);
// Returns an int64 allocation for an Int64-typed instruction.
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64(MDefinition* mir, LUse::Policy policy,
bool useAtStart);
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64(MDefinition* mir, bool useAtStart = false);
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64AtStart(MDefinition* mir);
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64OrConstant(MDefinition* mir,
bool useAtStart = false);
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64Register(MDefinition* mir,
bool useAtStart = false);
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64RegisterOrConstant(MDefinition* mir,
bool useAtStart = false);
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64Fixed(MDefinition* mir, Register64 regs,
bool useAtStart = false);
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64FixedAtStart(MDefinition* mir,
Register64 regs);
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64RegisterAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64RegisterOrConstantAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
inline LInt64Allocation useInt64OrConstantAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
// Rather than defining a new virtual register, sets |ins| to have the same
// virtual register as |as|.
inline void redefine(MDefinition* ins, MDefinition* as);
template <typename LClass, typename... Args>
inline LClass* allocateVariadic(uint32_t numOperands, Args&&... args);
TempAllocator& alloc() const { return graph.alloc(); }
uint32_t getVirtualRegister() {
uint32_t vreg = lirGraph_.getVirtualRegister();
// If we run out of virtual registers, mark code generation as having
// failed and return a dummy vreg. Include a + 1 here for NUNBOX32
// platforms that expect Value vregs to be adjacent.
if (vreg + 1 >= MAX_VIRTUAL_REGISTERS) {
abort(AbortReason::Alloc, "max virtual registers");
return 1;
return vreg;
template <typename T>
void annotate(T* ins);
template <typename T>
void add(T* ins, MInstruction* mir = nullptr);
void lowerTypedPhiInput(MPhi* phi, uint32_t inputPosition, LBlock* block,
size_t lirIndex);
void definePhiOneRegister(MPhi* phi, size_t lirIndex);
#ifdef JS_NUNBOX32
void definePhiTwoRegisters(MPhi* phi, size_t lirIndex);
void defineTypedPhi(MPhi* phi, size_t lirIndex) {
// One register containing the payload.
definePhiOneRegister(phi, lirIndex);
void defineUntypedPhi(MPhi* phi, size_t lirIndex) {
#ifdef JS_NUNBOX32
// Two registers: one for the type, one for the payload.
definePhiTwoRegisters(phi, lirIndex);
// One register containing the full Value.
definePhiOneRegister(phi, lirIndex);
LOsiPoint* popOsiPoint() {
LOsiPoint* tmp = osiPoint_;
osiPoint_ = nullptr;
return tmp;
LRecoverInfo* getRecoverInfo(MResumePoint* rp);
LSnapshot* buildSnapshot(MResumePoint* rp, BailoutKind kind);
bool assignPostSnapshot(MInstruction* mir, LInstruction* ins);
// Marks this instruction as fallible, meaning that before it performs
// effects (if any), it may check pre-conditions and bailout if they do not
// hold. This function informs the register allocator that it will need to
// capture appropriate state.
void assignSnapshot(LInstruction* ins, BailoutKind kind);
// Marks this instruction as needing to call into either the VM or GC. This
// function may build a snapshot that captures the result of its own
// instruction, and as such, should generally be called after define*().
void assignSafepoint(LInstruction* ins, MInstruction* mir,
BailoutKind kind = BailoutKind::DuringVMCall);
// Marks this instruction as needing a wasm safepoint.
void assignWasmSafepoint(LInstruction* ins);
inline void lowerConstantDouble(double d, MInstruction* mir);
inline void lowerConstantFloat32(float f, MInstruction* mir);
bool canSpecializeWasmCompareAndSelect(MCompare::CompareType compTy,
MIRType insTy);
void lowerWasmCompareAndSelect(MWasmSelect* ins, MDefinition* lhs,
MDefinition* rhs, MCompare::CompareType compTy,
JSOp jsop);
// Whether to generate typed reads for element accesses with hole checks.
static bool allowTypedElementHoleCheck() { return false; }
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_shared_Lowering_shared_h */