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// Test that IMAP over a SOCKS proxy works.
var { NetworkTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { PromiseTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { MessageGenerator } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var server, daemon, incomingServer;
const PORT = 143;
add_setup(async function () {
// Disable new mail notifications
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.biff.play_sound", false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.biff.show_alert", false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.biff.show_tray_icon", false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.biff.animate_dock_icon", false);
daemon = new ImapDaemon();
server = makeServer(daemon, "");
let messages = [];
const messageGenerator = new MessageGenerator();
messages = messages.concat(messageGenerator.makeMessage());
const dataUri =
"data:text/plain;base64," + btoa(messages[0].toMessageString())
const imapMsg = new ImapMessage(dataUri.spec, daemon.inbox.uidnext++, []);
NetworkTestUtils.configureProxy("imap.tinderbox.invalid", PORT, server.port);
// Set up the basic accounts and folders
incomingServer = createLocalIMAPServer(PORT, "imap.tinderbox.invalid");
const identity = MailServices.accounts.createIdentity();
const imapAccount = MailServices.accounts.createAccount();
imapAccount.defaultIdentity = identity;
imapAccount.incomingServer = incomingServer;
add_task(async function downloadEmail() {
const inboxFolder = incomingServer.rootFolder.getChildNamed("INBOX");
// Check that we haven't got any messages in the folder, if we have its a test
// setup issue.
Assert.equal(inboxFolder.getTotalMessages(false), 0);
// Now get the mail
const asyncUrlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
inboxFolder.getNewMessages(null, asyncUrlListener);
await asyncUrlListener.promise;
// We downloaded a message, so it works!
Assert.equal(inboxFolder.getTotalMessages(false), 1);
add_task(async function cleanUp() {