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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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* Test autosync date constraints
var { MessageGenerator } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { PromiseTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var gMsgImapInboxFolder;
// Adds some messages directly to a mailbox (eg new mail)
function addMessagesToServer(messages, mailbox) {
// Create the ImapMessages and store them on the mailbox
messages.forEach(function (message) {
const dataUri = "data:text/plain," + message.toMessageString();
mailbox.addMessage(new ImapMessage(dataUri, mailbox.uidnext++, []));
add_setup(function () {
Services.prefs.setIntPref("mail.server.server1.autosync_max_age_days", 4);
gMsgImapInboxFolder = IMAPPump.inbox.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMsgImapMailFolder);
// these hacks are required because we've created the inbox before
// running initial folder discovery, and adding the folder bails
// out before we set it as verified online, so we bail out, and
// then remove the INBOX folder since it's not verified.
gMsgImapInboxFolder.hierarchyDelimiter = "/";
gMsgImapInboxFolder.verifiedAsOnlineFolder = true;
// Add a couple of messages to the INBOX
// this is synchronous, afaik
const messageGenerator = new MessageGenerator();
// build up a diverse list of messages
let messages = [];
messages = messages.concat(
messageGenerator.makeMessage({ age: { days: 2, hours: 1 } })
messages = messages.concat(
messageGenerator.makeMessage({ age: { days: 8, hours: 1 } })
messages = messages.concat(
messageGenerator.makeMessage({ age: { days: 10, hours: 1 } })
addMessagesToServer(messages, IMAPPump.daemon.getMailbox("INBOX"));
add_task(async function downloadForOffline() {
// ...and download for offline use.
// This downloads all messages, ignoring the autosync age constraints.
const listener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
IMAPPump.inbox.downloadAllForOffline(listener, null);
await listener.promise;
add_task(function test_applyRetentionSettings() {
const enumerator = IMAPPump.inbox.msgDatabase.enumerateMessages();
if (enumerator) {
const now = new Date();
const dateInSeconds = now.getSeconds();
const cutOffDateInSeconds = dateInSeconds - 5 * 60 * 24;
for (const header of enumerator) {
if (header instanceof Ci.nsIMsgDBHdr) {
if (header.dateInSeconds < cutOffDateInSeconds) {
Assert.equal(header.getStringProperty("pendingRemoval"), "1");
} else {
Assert.equal(header.getStringProperty("pendingRemoval"), "");
add_task(function endTest() {